Dear Donny T, Please bring back shame and embarrassment to welfare.

I’m dying to see what Donny wants to see in true welfare reform.
My guess is, he won’t be championing the recipients or making them feel like they belong on or deserve the tit.
What’s the odds that LefTards will flip the phuck out when it all surfaces?
What evidence can you present that demonstrates Trump knows what the words "shame and embarrassment " mean?

Well, I mean, my guess would be that billionaires from Wharton would probably be able to accurately define basic English
I’m dying to see what Donny wants to see in true welfare reform.
My guess is, he won’t be championing the recipients or making them feel like they belong on or deserve the tit.
What’s the odds that LefTards will flip the phuck out when it all surfaces?
Since he's bringing shame and embarrassment to the entire country, perhaps he feels welfare is being covered.

Hold on a minute....your people, ShaQuita and DaShawn are kicking ass right now thanks to Donny...are they ashamed to do well...are they embarrassed...the value of a race card is fading huh?
Race isn't the only reason he brings shame to the country.

What’s shameful about prosperity?
Donny’s America is absolutely fucking killing it!
He added trillions to the deficit.
Gave tax cuts to billionaires.
Worked with the GOP to get millions off healthcare.
Watched the Dow drop 4%.
Yep, he's killing something.
I told you I wasn't interested in how many are the darkies you hate so much.

I asked for data which says how many of them are lazy cheats.

I can’t find the data you seek...
That's because you made it up.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

[cue doom music]

Bastard lazy Mexicans on food stamps! Film at 11!

No, no...your headlines are far better bud.
“Everybody on welfare are actually great decision makers, they’re ALL ambitious, positive contributors whom have simply fallen on hard times.”

You fuckin suckers....haha!
So you decided to chuck a straw man on top of the pile of your logical fallacies, eh? :lol:

Based on the position you’ve taken on many topics here, I have you profiled quite accurately I believe. Tell me if I’ve nailed it?
Are you a 49 year old 400lb gay, barely legal from Mexico...a ‘pro gamer’ on welfare, driving a Pinto and living in a converted garage?
There’s just no way anybody else takes the positions you have on topics here.
I mean, you are consistently anti American, anti decency, anti wealthy, anti Christianity, anti pride. Come on honest.

Shit, I just read my own post...I bet I’ve accurately described most LefTards here
I can’t find the data you seek...
That's because you made it up.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

[cue doom music]

Bastard lazy Mexicans on food stamps! Film at 11!

No, no...your headlines are far better bud.
“Everybody on welfare are actually great decision makers, they’re ALL ambitious, positive contributors whom have simply fallen on hard times.”

You fuckin suckers....haha!
So you decided to chuck a straw man on top of the pile of your logical fallacies, eh? :lol:

Based on the position you’ve taken on many topics here, I have you profiled quite accurately I believe. Tell me if I’ve nailed it?
Are you a 49 year old 400lb gay, barely legal from Mexico...a ‘pro gamer’ on welfare, driving a Pinto and living in a converted garage?
There’s just no way anybody else takes the positions you have on topics here.
I mean, you are consistently anti American, anti decency, anti wealthy, anti Christianity, anti pride. Come on honest.

Shit, I just read my own post...I bet I’ve accurately described most LefTards here

Damn, you are accurate.
I’m dying to see what Donny wants to see in true welfare reform.
My guess is, he won’t be championing the recipients or making them feel like they belong on or deserve the tit.
What’s the odds that LefTards will flip the phuck out when it all surfaces?
What evidence can you present that demonstrates Trump knows what the words "shame and embarrassment " mean?

Well, I mean, my guess would be that billionaires from Wharton would probably be able to accurately define basic English
He has yet to show any shame or embarrassment of his own. He has appointed cabinet secretaries who behave like Russian oligarchs, he harasses women and brags about it, he lies and makes up his own facts, he is an unrepentant braggart. And yet, no demonstration of shame.

And you want to shame the poor, as if it's easy being poor.

Birds of a feather flock together. You're a shameless bully. It's no wonder you would idolize another shameless bully.
Mexifornia far and away has the most taxpayer dependent filth. 12% of the nations population yet 33% of all welfare recipients to be exact.
Further, those Mexicratic blacks and wetbacks in red states fuck the averages all know this. Do you need links? Please advise.

Got a link there Francis ?

Do you need to see the same one I’ve showed you fools 40 times before...Really?

Oh you mean the made up stats from righty jack websites?
in California those state are true timmy....lots of welfare....

Cause you say so?
i lived there for 50
I don't mind helping people out, but the ones that are able to work and don't. Deserve nothing.

How many of those people are there?
I don't know, but I have helped quite a few, and actually. I've been helped, so I guess I'm hard so you don't need it.

Bullshit. Every word of that was bullshit.
Trump has really made you lose your mind. Lol, not that you had much to lose to begin with.
I’m dying to see what Donny wants to see in true welfare reform.
My guess is, he won’t be championing the recipients or making them feel like they belong on or deserve the tit.
What’s the odds that LefTards will flip the phuck out when it all surfaces?

I agree. Make them start pulling tickets out of their books at the register again. I'll wait for them. Instead they give them a card, complete with them American flag embossed so they can feel like the rest of us who pay our way

I’m dying to see what Donny wants to see in true welfare reform.
My guess is, he won’t be championing the recipients or making them feel like they belong on or deserve the tit.
What’s the odds that LefTards will flip the phuck out when it all surfaces?

I agree. Make them start pulling tickets out of their books at the register again. I'll wait for them. Instead they give them a card, complete with them American flag embossed so they can feel like the rest of us who pay our way


I agree...I remember when GOOD, prideful people would get up extra early or go shopping extra late or even drive one town over just to avoid the potential of running into someone they may know. Lowlifes these days take great pride in being funded by others...shameless bottom feeding pukes.

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