Dear God, pretty pretty pretty please...grant us this one wish.......

If the DNC ever decides to play it straight (pardon the pun) maybe Sanders would have a shot at promoting socialism on prime time but it ain't gonna happen if he doesn't have the votes.
The DNC would have a colossal shit if Bernie tried to put something together like this.
I would love it.
Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate

Team Bernie....all the way....and it knocks Hillary out!!
Why would Trump stoop to debate the opposition's #2 candidate? Being in second place is simply the first loser. If Bern can somehow figure out a way to beat the DNCs rigged nominating system, then he'd have to face Republican candidate Trump.

No matter which lefty it turns out to be, Trump will eviscerate his opponent. I'm hoping it's the Hildebeast because the thought of her bleeding on stage is simply delicious.
Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate

Team Bernie....all the way....and it knocks Hillary out!!
Why would Trump stoop to debate the opposition's #2 candidate? Being in second place is simply the first loser. If Bern can somehow figure out a way to beat the DNCs rigged nominating system, then he'd have to face Republican candidate Trump.

No matter which lefty it turns out to be, Trump will eviscerate his opponent. I'm hoping it's the Hildebeast because the thought of her bleeding on stage is simply delicious.
Yuk, you need a tampon.
Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate

Team Bernie....all the way....and it knocks Hillary out!!

Is your one wish that God lift the blinders from your eyes so that you can one day see the truth about the democrats and the left.......because you really, really need it....
If only the Democrats had nominated Bernie instead of Hillary you would have gotten your wish.
Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate

Team Bernie....all the way....and it knocks Hillary out!!
Why would Trump stoop to debate the opposition's #2 candidate? Being in second place is simply the first loser. If Bern can somehow figure out a way to beat the DNCs rigged nominating system, then he'd have to face Republican candidate Trump.

No matter which lefty it turns out to be, Trump will eviscerate his opponent. I'm hoping it's the Hildebeast because the thought of her bleeding on stage is simply delicious.
Yuk, you need a tampon.
Not as badly as you need that GED.
Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate

Team Bernie....all the way....and it knocks Hillary out!!

The only post I'll ever award you "winner". This would get huge ratings and make Hillary look bad. It would be Socialism vs Capitalism for all to see and make up their minds.
My mind was made up long ago, socialism has no place in America, and Bernie sucks like all socialists.
Fox News Should Give America What It Wants: A Primetime Sanders-Trump Debate

Team Bernie....all the way....and it knocks Hillary out!!'ve really had some excellent ideas lately. This is another.

What if Trump stepped in and agreed to take Hillarys place in a debate with Bernie on Fox....and both of them used it as a way to call her scared to debate??? It would be a devastating blow to her.

And both Trump and Bernie want Hillary out.

It won't happen. But it would be pure brilliance.
And Trump wouldn't know his ass ho from his arm pit after Bernie hit him with some wisdom and knowlege, the old fashion way,....through words of intelligence.

Sweet jeebus you're fucking stupid
Uh, since I'm not a lesbian and clearly your female....I don't fuck stupid, cause I don't do women, ie YOU, ass ho!!

What does that have to do with your ignorance? Are you huffing paint?

You'll have to excuse tigerred59. She can't help herself. Liberals are some of the most miserable, unhappy, angry people in the world. tigerred59 is no exception.
And you can't help yourself stalking me 24/7....clearly I got it like dat!!

Is that how you get off at night? Pretend anonymous men on forums are after you? Pathetic. LOL!
Sanders wouldn't know what hit him

And Trump wouldn't know his ass ho from his arm pit after Bernie hit him with some wisdom and knowlege, the old fashion way,....through words of intelligence.

Sweet jeebus you're fucking stupid
Uh, since I'm not a lesbian and clearly your female....I don't fuck stupid, cause I don't do women, ie YOU, ass ho!!

What does that have to do with your ignorance? Are you huffing paint?
Me, ignorant? Find a dime and call somebody that gives a fuck about you and your opinions, cause I don't!!

Yet you keep responding. SassyIrishLass is playing you like a fiddle.
And Trump wouldn't know his ass ho from his arm pit after Bernie hit him with some wisdom and knowlege, the old fashion way,....through words of intelligence.

Sweet jeebus you're fucking stupid
Uh, since I'm not a lesbian and clearly your female....I don't fuck stupid, cause I don't do women, ie YOU, ass ho!!

What does that have to do with your ignorance? Are you huffing paint?
Me, ignorant? Find a dime and call somebody that gives a fuck about you and your opinions, cause I don't!!

Yet you keep responding. SassyIrishLass is playing you like a fiddle.

Really? Everybody here gets
Sweet jeebus you're fucking stupid
Uh, since I'm not a lesbian and clearly your female....I don't fuck stupid, cause I don't do women, ie YOU, ass ho!!

What does that have to do with your ignorance? Are you huffing paint?

You'll have to excuse tigerred59. She can't help herself. Liberals are some of the most miserable, unhappy, angry people in the world. tigerred59 is no exception.
And you can't help yourself stalking me 24/7....clearly I got it like dat!!

Is that how you get off at night? Pretend anonymous men on forums are after you? Pathetic. LOL!

LOLOLOL....uh, trust me, the last place on earth anyone should be seeking male/female companionship, is on a political site; such as this, are you insane? I leave my computer sometimes so mad, I have to up my blood pressure intake for the night...... And just for the record, I have a man, been together for the last 35 years, happy and supportive.
Tiggered is always talking about economic illiteracy and she likes Sanders lol. That nigga is stupid as fuck

I could name a handful of countries in western Europe that has
1. Lower income inequality
2. Higher standards of living
3. Higher per capital gdp
4. A few of them have better educational systems
5. A hell of a lot less prisoners
6. Universal healthcare that cost half of what we pay!
7. Free college

Of course, you're the one talking without a clue of what you're attempting to discuss. The first hint of a seriously low level of economic, political and rational education is the idea that these european countries are based off of the same political and economic ideas of Hugo Chavez and Castro. So, I guess the corporate world doubling their productivity all while screwing the American worker is perfectly a'ok with you. Sad to behold someone so foolish.
Heh that could be amusing - Whiny you owe me rhetoric vs black and red number accounting.
Tiggered is always talking about economic illiteracy and she likes Sanders lol. That nigga is stupid as fuck

I could name a handful of countries in western Europe that has
1. Lower income inequality
2. Higher standards of living
3. Higher per capital gdp
4. A few of them have better educational systems
5. A hell of a lot less prisoners
6. Universal healthcare that cost half of what we pay!
7. Free college

Of course, you're the one talking without a clue of what you're attempting to discuss. The first hint of a seriously low level of economic, political and rational education is the idea that these european countries are based off of the same political and economic ideas of Hugo Chavez and Castro. So, I guess the corporate world doubling their productivity all while screwing the American worker is perfectly a'ok with you. Sad to behold someone so foolish.
How many strawmen did you just develop? Good gawd
Sanders wouldn't know what hit him

And Trump wouldn't know his ass ho from his arm pit after Bernie hit him with some wisdom and knowlege, the old fashion way,....through words of intelligence.

Sweet jeebus you're fucking stupid
Uh, since I'm not a lesbian and clearly your female....I don't fuck stupid, cause I don't do women, ie YOU, ass ho!!

What does that have to do with your ignorance? Are you huffing paint?

You'll have to excuse tigerred59. She can't help herself. Liberals are some of the most miserable, unhappy, angry people in the world. tigerred59 is no exception.

Dude you got it back wards........ The right wing nuts are the liars, miserable, disgusting people............. This thread is a good example of that. Look sassy no class post. Every single one of her post is nothing but her stinking stupid fart.
Trump never done a one on one debate with a political expert........ Sanders will kick trump ass. This will be good for Sanders....... Trump is running into a trap.
Trump never done a one on one debate with a political expert........ Sanders will kick trump ass. This will be good for Sanders....... Trump is running into a trap.
Trump is stupid if he thinks Bernie is this harmless old jew.....that guy will make his orange tan turn pure white simply out of humiliation.

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