Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
I love all parts of the USA and even the dupes- only here do you have to listen to their brainwashed ignorance. And I blame greedy lying stupid mega rich Pubs and their bought off propagandists. THAT is what we have to change. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine (that's SOME argument against the hateful BS), AND a fairer tax system {end ridiculous CEO pay, ruin of our infrastructure, physical AND mental}....
Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

They will stay, when they realize that they will get to keep a lot more of the money they earn and can pay each week for a pension plan on their own. One that they can manage the way they see fit.

most have pretty good pension plans now.....all i have seen from the anti-union people here is they want to take that you think the cops will gladly go along with that?....or do you think they will have something to say about it?....ill go with the latter....

I live in the Pacific NW! Can we trade out Oregon for Massachusetts?

We can trade Portland, Chicago and Massachusetts for the rest of Oregon and Illinois. Hell, I'd even throw in Seattle.

That would be a fair deal, just as long as we build gigantic walls around the cities IMO :lol:

I'd want to keep the cockroaches out....

well there goes your spot in line Nick...
I've said this ever since the 2000 election. The nation as it currently is, is no longer governable. No matter who wins the presidency, the other side is going to resent them. So let's just go our separate ways and be done with it.

Remain calm, and change the channel. What we need is to bring back the actual filibuster, and more compromise and MOVEMENT. Fairness doctrine I tell you. It's the RW that's veered right, and on the faulty facts so many run on....see sig pp3- proven hateful BS the "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) Tea Party GOP runs on...
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Anyone familiar with the history of the Constitution know that liberal ideas were used, ideas from Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and others. Those familiar with the history of the Constitution also know that liberals refused to vote for ratification of that document until they were promised a Bill of Rights would be added. The Constitution was one of the outcomes of the Age of Reason and Enlightenment. The framers while of different political pursuasions created a Constiution that that was quite liberal for that period, and since 1789 the Constitution and the nation has become even more liberal.
We don't actually need to split the country. We just need to take away the neocon nutjobs keyboards.

What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

every one of them Nick? far Nick your not helping the image of your new are coming off looking just like the dictators you mentioned earlier....
Anyone familiar with the history of the Constitution know that liberal ideas were used, ideas from Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and others. Those familiar with the history of the Constitution also know that liberals refused to vote for ratification of that document until they were promised a Bill of Rights would be added. The Constitution was one of the outcomes of the Age of Reason and Enlightenment. The framers while of different political pursuasions created a Constiution that that was quite liberal for that period, and since 1789 the Constitution and the nation has become even more liberal.
Exactly. If Republicans were around back then, they'd have been Tories.
We don't actually need to split the country. We just need to take away the neocon nutjobs keyboards.

What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

every one of them Nick? far Nick your not helping the image of your new are coming off looking just like the dictators you mentioned earlier....

It's a classic conservative trope. Freedom is all important -- except when people veer away from the party line. Then you get calls of RINO, treason, arrest, and deportation. "You can believe anything you want, as long as it's what we believe."
We don't actually need to split the country. We just need to take away the neocon nutjobs keyboards.

What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

The Japanese were unjustly imprisoned....the Italians deserved it

why? Italian and my Dad fought for 3 years in well as all my Uncles....:eusa_eh:
What we need to do is jail every progressive on charges of treason and conspiracy...

Hey your dear leader FDR threw Japanese and Italians in camps so I'm sure you will understand.

The Japanese were unjustly imprisoned....the Italians deserved it

why? Italian and my Dad fought for 3 years in well as all my Uncles....:eusa_eh:

As did many Italians

The Italians and Germans who were interned were done so because they were openly disloyal and stated their aligience to their home country. Only the Japanese were interred just for being Japanese.
We get all the farmers, so there will be food in ours.

Where will you go to cash your foodstamps?

No, you get an inedible GMO, pesticide-soaked commodity and your farmers are owned by Monsanto. And when your whole crop growing in dead soil fails, so will your economy. The real farmers would definitely be on the progressive side.

Who do you think is growing your food now dummy??? progressives???


I have news for you dumbass - 90% of the rural communities - especially in the midwest vote republican (or non-left)....

The strong majority of progressives live in large cities - the majority of conservatives grow your food....

California feeds a lot of people a good amount....
You loudmouth hater/moron Rushbots don't even know what the Fairness Doctrine is- just means you'd hear the other side, not just the hater BS you get now...

I have a Masters in World History, and you know NOTHING, it appears. Worst party, and stupidest, most hateful voters in the modern WORLD...Pub dupes!! Change the channel, or eternaldamnation, haters. See sig last sentence. LOL

sure you do Frankie....your posts are just so.....intelligent....
If you have a strong first amendment, you don't need a second

Well when you set up Liberal Land, you can have whatever amendments you want in your Constitution.

And make it stick with NO opposition! *Wonderful*! Welcome to Utopia where Unicorns fly across Bright golden rainbows...and no one ever gets sick...all earn THE SAME...And are given all they ever wanted in life and didn't have to lift a finger but just want.

It's funny, because it's always the conservative staunchly religious ones who start talking about ridiculous utopias with magical unrealistic creatures and happenings.

Yeah. Think on that Jesus Freaks.
Well when you set up Liberal Land, you can have whatever amendments you want in your Constitution.

And make it stick with NO opposition! *Wonderful*! Welcome to Utopia where Unicorns fly across Bright golden rainbows...and no one ever gets sick...all earn THE SAME...And are given all they ever wanted in life and didn't have to lift a finger but just want.

It's funny, because it's always the conservative staunchly religious ones who start talking about ridiculous utopias with magical unrealistic creatures and happenings.

Yeah. Think on that Jesus Freaks.

I wonder who they'll blame then?
Every time I see something like this I wonder how conservatives think they can stay free in a country of their own design where those in the ruling class are unencumbered by taxation, regulation and accountability and the freely exploited working class is on its own and works for practically nothing. No social mobility, no access to medical care, crappy bible based education and no way on earth to get a fair hearing of grievances.

Every time i read something like this I wonder how anyone can say one thing and then contradict themselves in the next sentence.

Lower taxes increases social mobility. The Free market gives people access to medical care. And the principles of the Bible made this nation what it is today.
(Disclaimer: This is an adaptation of a divorce agreement that has been circulating around the internet for awhile.)

To All My Dearest Beloved Liberal, Leftist, Social Progressive, Regressive, Marxist, and Liberation Theologist Friends:

Since we are not going to get gasoline back to $1.50 per gallon and coffee to $2.00 per pound, it is time to divide up our common property and split the sheets so to speak. To wit I propose the following:


WHEREAS, we have stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the kids and for sake of future generations, but the whole of this latest election process has revealed that our relationship has clearly run its course, and

WHEREAS, our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all,

THEREFORE let's end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.

Here is the suggested model separation agreement:

1. Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by land mass apportioned according to numerical representation. You can have California, Oregon, and Washington State. We'll take all the rest.

2. We don't like redistributive taxes, so you can keep them.

3. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU.

4. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA, and the military.

5. We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with all the wind, solar, and bio-diesel.

6. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.

7. We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street.

8. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless homeboys, hippies, druggies, illegal aliens, unions, peaceniks, war protesters, and the OSW groups.

9. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks.

10. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood

11. You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us or hit back when we are threatened or attacked.

14. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness, and Shirley McLain. You can also have the U.N., but we will no longer be paying the bill.

13. We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.

14. We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks, and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Chevy Volt you can find.

15. You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any doctors to deliver it. We'll continue to believe that healthcare is more affordable and more excellent in a free market system.

16. We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", "God Bless America", and "The National Anthem."

17. You get "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya," or "We Are the World".

18. We'll practice trickledown economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot.

19. Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our constitution and our flag.

Please sign and pass it on if you will agree to this equitable distribution of property, values, and practices.

In the spirit of friendly parting, we will arrange for a community picnic in about 10 years to compare notes and see how each other are doing.


Your Conservative Friends

P.S.: Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, and Jane Fonda with you.

P.S.S..: And you won't have to "Press 1 for English" when you call our country.

I've seen this one and its' "Dear Conservatives" counterpart in e-mails. Funny stuff.
Every time I see something like this I wonder how conservatives think they can stay free in a country of their own design where those in the ruling class are unencumbered by taxation, regulation and accountability and the freely exploited working class is on its own and works for practically nothing. No social mobility, no access to medical care, crappy bible based education and no way on earth to get a fair hearing of grievances.

Every time i read something like this I wonder how anyone can say one thing and then contradict themselves in the next sentence.

Lower taxes increases social mobility. The Free market gives people access to medical care. And the principles of the Bible made this nation what it is today.

No one has ever accused the Occupy Wallstreet crew of being real bright ~shrug~ But they crap all over stuff real well.

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