Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Sure it will. In Liberal Land you'll be writing your own Constitution. You've never liked ours so we'll keep the old one, and we could care less what you put in yours. You guys can write your very own leaving out all the stuff you don't like in ours and writing in all the stuff you think should be in ours. It will be wonderful I'm sure. It is the first step to create the Utopia you always knew it would be if it wasn't for all the eeeeevul, greedy, destructive, selfish, hateful conservatives.

Liberals wrote our Constitution

Conservatives have tried to change it ever since

Oh yeah. There's another benefit for you guys in Liberal Land. You can rewrite the dictionary any way you like and attach whatever defintiions you want to anything with impunity. Until then, people like me will continue to point out your dishonest use of definitions, but once we are divorced it won't matter any more. You can say any darn thing you want in your own country and will likely be applauded for it. Another strong point in favor of hurrying up endorsement of the divorce agreement.

Sooner it happens the better.
Well when you set up Liberal Land, you can have whatever amendments you want in your Constitution.

Or they could all move to Canada


****ok, now I pissed them all off****


Didn't we already try that once? And Canada didn't want them?

No, its only fair to divvy up our assets with each side taking the stuff they like and part company amicably and wishing each other every blessing.

Well, if they don't want Fox News, they probably don't want the audience that buys the lies, either.
The red states would have to create their own founders and I wonder who they might be? Maybe Donald Trump to start? Would love to see the Constitution they might write, or would it be rule by divine right? Nice to think about.

No way. The Leftists have been denigrating the Founders and their view of life for decades now and have never appreciated or respected the original intent of the Constitution. I haven't found any Leftists in a long time now who can even articulate the orignal purpose of the Constitution.

It goes to Conservative Land where the people understand. respect. and will implement that intent.

You folks in Liberal Land will no doubt have a copy of it to use as a guide to frame your own Constitution that reflects your views. Ours mostly doesn't.

What of all those liberal college history professors that are brainwashing the youth of America, can they articulate the original purpose of the Constitution? How would they explain the original purpose, how would you? What was the orginal purpose of the Constitution?
Sure it will. In Liberal Land you'll be writing your own Constitution. You've never liked ours so we'll keep the old one, and we could care less what you put in yours. You guys can write your very own leaving out all the stuff you don't like in ours and writing in all the stuff you think should be in ours. It will be wonderful I'm sure. It is the first step to create the Utopia you always knew it would be if it wasn't for all the eeeeevul, greedy, destructive, selfish, hateful conservatives.

Liberals wrote our Constitution

Conservatives have tried to change it ever since

Oh yeah. There's another benefit for you guys in Liberal Land. You can rewrite the dictionary any way you like and attach whatever defintiions you want to anything with impunity. Until then, people like me will continue to point out your dishonest use of definitions, but once we are divorced it won't matter any more. You can say any darn thing you want in your own country and will likely be applauded for it. Another strong point in favor of hurrying up endorsement of the divorce agreement.

Let's look at what amendments to the Constitution conservatives have wanted to change..

Freedom of the press
Separation of church and state
Search and seizure laws
Miranda rights
Rights against cruel and unusual punishment
Rights to a speedy trial
Rights to elect your Senator
Filing divorce counter-suit in LIBZ v. CONZ

We have reviewed your proposal entitled "Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!" and on advice of our legal counsel we must say "screw you and your horse" and instead present the following proposals:

1. Your stated ownership of our nation's founding documents and national symbols is at odds with your past behavior and stated wish to live separately so CONZ will at once refrain from claims of ownership and instead disavow any relationship with the founding principals of our union.

2. Take your precious money and go elsewhere.

The LIBZ, hereafter called the "United States of America" or the "USA", does not need your financial support enough to warrant putting up with your incessant whining and political sabotage in future.

If the CONZ, hereafter called "the whiners", feel that they are unwilling or incapable of fulfilling their social responsibility then they are invited to vacate the premises, otherwise the whiners are to invited to stay, live up to their social obligations and contribute to the national household in a constructive, meaningful way whereafter the invitation to GTFO will be withdrawn permanently.

The USA considers the whiners to be our brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers and has no desire to see the whiners go but feel that a continued, intractable separation requires your permanent absence from the American household if you cannot bear proximity to the USA as a whole or contribute to the well being of the household.
Filing divorce counter-suit in LIBZ v. CONZ

We have reviewed your proposal entitled "Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!" and on advice of our legal counsel we must say "screw you and your horse" and instead present the following proposals:

1. Your stated ownership of our nation's founding documents and national symbols is at odds with your past behavior and stated wish to live separately so CONZ will at once refrain from claims of ownership and instead disavow any relationship with the founding principals of our union.

2. Take your precious money and go elsewhere.

The LIBZ, hereafter called the "United States of America" or the "USA", does not need your financial support enough to warrant putting up with your incessant whining and political sabotage in future.

If the CONZ, hereafter called "the whiners", feel that they are unwilling or incapable of fulfilling their social responsibility then they are invited to vacate the premises, otherwise the whiners are to invited to stay, live up to their social obligations and contribute to the national household in a constructive, meaningful way whereafter the invitation to GTFO will be withdrawn permanently.

The USA considers the whiners to be our brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers and has no desire to see the whiners go but feel that a continued, intractable separation requires your permanent absence from the American household if you cannot bear proximity to the USA as a whole or contribute to the well being of the household.

Epic FAIL.
So conservatives only want a country where everyone thinks the same, has the same ideas, and the same political views? And how are you going to keep all the greedy corporations if you get rid of Ted Turner, Oprah, and Washington State? Plus there is Nike and Apple in California and Oregon. Hope you guys love paying more for imported computers and shoes.

No, that is what the Dem's want.

well Dean sure as hell wants that.....just ask him....
I mostly agreed but did you ever see that Southpark episode where we realize that us liberals need you cons and you cons need us. If not for you, we'd be pussies and taken over by Russia. But if not for us, the rest of the world would think America was all evil and then they would all team up to destroy us.

great episode Bobo.....see we agree on something....
Filing divorce counter-suit in LIBZ v. CONZ

We have reviewed your proposal entitled "Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!" and on advice of our legal counsel we must say "screw you and your horse" and instead present the following proposals:

1. Your stated ownership of our nation's founding documents and national symbols is at odds with your past behavior and stated wish to live separately so CONZ will at once refrain from claims of ownership and instead disavow any relationship with the founding principals of our union.

2. Take your precious money and go elsewhere.

The LIBZ, hereafter called the "United States of America" or the "USA", does not need your financial support enough to warrant putting up with your incessant whining and political sabotage in future.

If the CONZ, hereafter called "the whiners", feel that they are unwilling or incapable of fulfilling their social responsibility then they are invited to vacate the premises, otherwise the whiners are to invited to stay, live up to their social obligations and contribute to the national household in a constructive, meaningful way whereafter the invitation to GTFO will be withdrawn permanently.

The USA considers the whiners to be our brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers and has no desire to see the whiners go but feel that a continued, intractable separation requires your permanent absence from the American household if you cannot bear proximity to the USA as a whole or contribute to the well being of the household.

Epic FAIL.

Maybe, my pearls of wisdom often fall on deaf, stupid ears around here.
Odd that libs think they would get the venture capitalists when they hate venture capitalists so much. How about, we get Bain, you get ACORN and the unions?

Of course we have unions. Why else do you think we have such a big strong middle class? And we tarriff anything you try to import in. Except tobacco of course.

In a year we'll have an illegal immigration problem. You guys sneaking in to get our good paying jobs. But you won't get away with it because we penalize illegal employers if they hire illegals.

But how will we tell you from us? We can't racially profile you because you look just like us. That's ok. Enjoy yourself while you are here. Like in Switzerland or Canada, you can't get a job if you aren't a citizen in our country. That drives wages down. Just look at what is happening in your country.

like you do now....right Bobo?....try that out prepared to be called a your own fellow Liberals....
Filing divorce counter-suit in LIBZ v. CONZ

We have reviewed your proposal entitled "Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!" and on advice of our legal counsel we must say "screw you and your horse" and instead present the following proposals:

1. Your stated ownership of our nation's founding documents and national symbols is at odds with your past behavior and stated wish to live separately so CONZ will at once refrain from claims of ownership and instead disavow any relationship with the founding principals of our union.

2. Take your precious money and go elsewhere.

The LIBZ, hereafter called the "United States of America" or the "USA", does not need your financial support enough to warrant putting up with your incessant whining and political sabotage in future.

If the CONZ, hereafter called "the whiners", feel that they are unwilling or incapable of fulfilling their social responsibility then they are invited to vacate the premises, otherwise the whiners are to invited to stay, live up to their social obligations and contribute to the national household in a constructive, meaningful way whereafter the invitation to GTFO will be withdrawn permanently.

The USA considers the whiners to be our brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers and has no desire to see the whiners go but feel that a continued, intractable separation requires your permanent absence from the American household if you cannot bear proximity to the USA as a whole or contribute to the well being of the household.

Epic FAIL.

Maybe, my pearls of wisdom often fall on deaf, stupid ears around here.

Pearls of Wisdom?

Really Gracie?

Cow Cookies to be not stepped in.
I've said this ever since the 2000 election. The nation as it currently is, is no longer governable. No matter who wins the presidency, the other side is going to resent them. So let's just go our separate ways and be done with it.
I think Libs should keep N.Y. State.
I think Calif. should be split, the North to Cons and the South to libs. That way they can still take care of the illegals. :)

then you would have to split it down the middle.....coastal area is much more liberal than central on in........
A great example of what this divorce would look like is California vs Texas.

One is nearly bankrupt, filled with hippies and gangs and crime and deficits. Riots in the streets. Economy struggling.

The other is thriving economically, and citizens protect themselves and rarely depend on the government.

i dont think so Buc....outside of ghetto areas California is pretty safe....they always seem to place 4-6 cites in the top 50 safest Cities list...the City i live in was just named no 7 on a safe cities with over 200,000 population list......what your saying.....i dont see it....
I've said this ever since the 2000 election. The nation as it currently is, is no longer governable. No matter who wins the presidency, the other side is going to resent them. So let's just go our separate ways and be done with it.

How does the new CSA go about separating this very public liberal from his private property in a red state? See the moral hazard here? The conservatives will certainly be concerned about the enemy within, where does that leave me? Thrown off my patch and loaded on a cattle car to LA? Jail? Death camps? Where does it end when the formerly forbidden morality laws start separating the goats from the sheep?

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