Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
I beg your pardon? It's apparent that you have not read every post to date.

Yeah, he is mostly right but goofed a bit by including you with the clueless. You absolutely are not clueless. Actually I would like to keep you in Conservativeland to challenge us in our concepts so that we won't ever become too complacent or tunnel visioned. But I will understand if you prefer and choose Liberalland.
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

Agreed. Based on the relative non violence evidence in a much more conservative society of yesteryear, I think we can say you will be at no more and probably will be at much less personal danger from your fellow Americans in Conswervativeland than is your situation now. Just pick one of the Conservativeland towns that features lots of traditional families, churches, and schools and you'll be fine even if you and everybody else is packing heat. (I'm guessing that most won't even bother in most places in Conservativeland, but they will be allowed to.)

I will admit that under the libertarian/Classical liberal freedom in Conservativeland, it is possible some of our people will put together a Deadwood in its hellfire days complete with gun fights and rowdy saloons and brothels and such. You might want to steer clear of those places, but I'm pretty sure they'll be the exception rather than the rule.

I would like to think you'll find that Conservatives appreciate clean water, soil, air, and aesthetic beauty as much as anybody. I'm pretty sure we will embrace great music and theater and all the other cultural amentiies as much as liberals do as that all existed in America before there was modern day liberalism. But in case they do have a leg up on us there, you will certainly be allowed freedom to travel where you wish from Conservativeland. So as long as the folks in Liberalland will allow it, you can visit as much as you wish. That will be up to them and not us though.

But yes, I think we definitely would need a few folks like you around as our conscience. Otherwise it is too easy to overlook unintended consequences of policy and proaction that you might see and call to our attention before we inadvertently created unnecessary hardship for somebody.
Yes. In places where Conservative thought was dominant in "Yesteryear" times, things were totally not violent...

...unless you were black, and accused of a crime.


Look how relatively NON VIOLENT all those white people are!
Lordy I'll be glad when the children are put down for their naps so that the grown ups can have an adult conversation.
Yeah, he is mostly right but goofed a bit by including you with the clueless. You absolutely are not clueless. Actually I would like to keep you in Conservativeland to challenge us in our concepts so that we won't ever become too complacent or tunnel visioned. But I will understand if you prefer and choose Liberalland.
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

Agreed. Based on the relative non violence evidence in a much more conservative society of yesteryear, I think we can say you will be at no more and probably will be at much less personal danger from your fellow Americans in Conswervativeland than is your situation now. Just pick one of the Conservativeland towns that features lots of traditional families, churches, and schools and you'll be fine even if you and everybody else is packing heat. (I'm guessing that most won't even bother in most places in Conservativeland, but they will be allowed to.)

I will admit that under the libertarian/Classical liberal freedom in Conservativeland, it is possible some of our people will put together a Deadwood in its hellfire days complete with gun fights and rowdy saloons and brothels and such. You might want to steer clear of those places, but I'm pretty sure they'll be the exception rather than the rule.

I would like to think you'll find that Conservatives appreciate clean water, soil, air, and aesthetic beauty as much as anybody. I'm pretty sure we will embrace great music and theater and all the other cultural amentiies as much as liberals do as that all existed in America before there was modern day liberalism. But in case they do have a leg up on us there, you will certainly be allowed freedom to travel where you wish from Conservativeland. So as long as the folks in Liberalland will allow it, you can visit as much as you wish. That will be up to them and not us though.

But yes, I think we definitely would need a few folks like you around as our conscience. Otherwise it is too easy to overlook unintended consequences of policy and proaction that you might see and call to our attention before we inadvertently created unnecessary hardship for somebody.

I grew up in Conservativeland here in Pittsburgh during the 1950s and 60s. There was precious little clean air, water and soil then because steel mills were strung down the river valleys like dirty pearls. There was no EPA to mandate emissions be limited and non toxic. As a result, it took us years to clean up after that wild Capitalist party. And we're still paying a dear price for unregulated industries.

And there seems to be a more legitimate anger (in the sense that it could really manifest itself violently) among the denizens of Conservative land. They're the ones with the gun racks, the "Kill 'em all and let God sort it out" bumper sticklers and the neo-Nazi emblems festooned on their pickup trucks. Frankly, my dear, these folks scare the bejesus out of me. And there seem to be more of them proudly flaunting this attitude than the pale, skinny Anarchist types so often and wrongly associated with Liberals.

There are citizens of Conservativeland who want to do what they want with their land and actively defeat efforts like zoning ordinances. Often that means I might secure a few acres and build my dream house while the hick next door secures a few acres and puts a junk yard upon it. That not only ruins my property value, but often pollutes my ground water with the fluids leaking from those junk cars. Fair? Hell no it ain't fair! But it is what those dirty next door neighbors call "freedom".

And there are some deluded Conservatives who think that their fore bearers were responsible for enacting civil rights legislation and ending slavery. Hogwash! If those folks were around today and voted for the equality afforded by civil rights laws, they would be castigated as RINOs and drummed out of the party in the next election. Those Republicans were not Conservatives by any stretch of the imagination. Think about it: they voted against state's rights, personal property rights and the rights of business owners to refuse service to anyone they deemed unworthy. Just because there was a (D) behind their names, it doesn't mean that George Wallace and Lester Maddox and Strom Thurmond were patchouli soaked Liberals singing "If I had a hammer.." And just because there was an (R) behind their names, it doesn't mean that the Republicans who voted for the civil rights act were limited government Conservatives.

But I'm more than willing to be the conscience of Conservativeland, even if it means some day some Redneck ties a chain around my neck and drags me behind his diesel belching pickup truck. I'll die a martyr and be lionized by future generations of Conservative Americans. It always takes a few generations of Conservatives to pass before the realization we Liberals were right all along.
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Lordy I'll be glad when the children are put down for their naps so that the grown ups can have an adult conversation.

Look, you condescending fool. This entire thread was based on a bullshit proposition that your political ideology is so morally superior to ours that you deserve to be allowed to secede. Yes, that is what you're advocating, secession. Then you've spent page after page stupidly and blindly repeating the same condescending, bullshit arguments.

The Founders were not Liberals or Conservatives, because they didn't have the political spectrum quite so boiled down as we do now. But one thing is for certain: they would be appalled at the notion of corporations being treated equally to humans and given such a large stake in the electoral process. They would be appalled at your side's insistence to ignore climate change (because they were certainly all very much so into science).

They were also extremely Progressive in that they looked for not supernatural law, but natural law. They looked for things outside of the prism of the metaphyiscal realm. You've been shown time and again by Liberals in this thread to have flawed logic, and you're totally usurping the Founders for your twisted reasons.

You're also a history revisionist. You actually made the oh-so-cray-cray assertion that when we were in the olden times and Conservative thought was more prevalent, things were relatively non-violent. That's so untrue it's criminal of you to even imply that's the case.

So I gave you two very obvious examples of your flawed and bullshit logic. And you call me a child. You know who's acting like a child? You. You are.

My five-year-old is really good at ignoring facts when he wants what he wants. No matter how many times we tell him the truth of the matter, he can ignore it and go right on spouting the same fallacies that are TRUE in his head because he wants what he wants.

You think because I swear and I use very harsh ways of demonstrating your stupidity that I'm a child. But in fact, it comes down to me not wasting any more thought or civility on someone who clearly doesn't deserve it.

So I'll make you a deal. You quite hijacking the founders, you quit broken-record-styling the "CLASSICAL LIBERALISM" bullshit, and you quit making historically inaccurate assertions about what society was like back in the olden days, and I'll treat you like an adult.

Until then: Pfffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttttttt.
Again. . . .

Lordy I'll be glad when the children are put down for their naps so that the grown ups can have an adult conversation.
I beg your pardon? It's apparent that you have not read every post to date.

Yeah, he is mostly right but goofed a bit by including you with the clueless. You absolutely are not clueless. Actually I would like to keep you in Conservativeland to challenge us in our concepts so that we won't ever become too complacent or tunnel visioned. But I will understand if you prefer and choose Liberalland.
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

So there would be no Fajitas or Sweet/Sour pork in Conservistan? Interesting....about 90 percent of the people I see at the upscale Mexican restaurants in Tempe/Scottsdale are caucasian.

Conservistan sounds like a dreadful place to live.
Yeah, he is mostly right but goofed a bit by including you with the clueless. You absolutely are not clueless. Actually I would like to keep you in Conservativeland to challenge us in our concepts so that we won't ever become too complacent or tunnel visioned. But I will understand if you prefer and choose Liberalland.
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

So there would be no Fajitas or Sweet/Sour pork in Conservistan? Interesting....about 90 percent of the people I see at the upscale Mexican restaurants in Tempe/Scottsdale are caucasian.

Conservistan sounds like a dreadful place to live.

That's because Conservatives are dreadful people.
Yeah, he is mostly right but goofed a bit by including you with the clueless. You absolutely are not clueless. Actually I would like to keep you in Conservativeland to challenge us in our concepts so that we won't ever become too complacent or tunnel visioned. But I will understand if you prefer and choose Liberalland.
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

So there would be no Fajitas or Sweet/Sour pork in Conservistan? Interesting....about 90 percent of the people I see at the upscale Mexican restaurants in Tempe/Scottsdale are caucasian.

Conservistan sounds like a dreadful place to live.
Do Conservatives welcome immigrant groups and embrace their cultures? The cuisine in Conservative America would look, smell and taste mighty Anglo Saxon! Have you ever been to a Scottish restaurant? I'm Scottish myself and I can tell you, you don't want to suffer through a Glasgow smorgasbord!
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

So there would be no Fajitas or Sweet/Sour pork in Conservistan? Interesting....about 90 percent of the people I see at the upscale Mexican restaurants in Tempe/Scottsdale are caucasian.

Conservistan sounds like a dreadful place to live.

That's because Conservatives are dreadful people.

I'm sure they'll have something. It can't be called Fajitas though...that is a Spanglish term....

Skirt Steak....just doesn't sound as appealing does it?

Again. . . .

Lordy I'll be glad when the children are put down for their naps so that the grown ups can have an adult conversation.

Exactly. You have NOTHING to counter what I said because all of it is true.

So thanks for proving that I win, and you so very clearly lose, Queen of Condescension and Bullshit.
Nobody "wins" and nobody "loses". This is a discussion, not a sporting event. And I take exception to calling Foxy names like you have here. You are out of your element and should develop a more becoming comportment.
So there would be no Fajitas or Sweet/Sour pork in Conservistan? Interesting....about 90 percent of the people I see at the upscale Mexican restaurants in Tempe/Scottsdale are caucasian.

Conservistan sounds like a dreadful place to live.

That's because Conservatives are dreadful people.

I'm sure they'll have something. It can't be called Fajitas though...that is a Spanglish term....

Skirt Steak....just doesn't sound as appealing does it?


HAHAHAHA! I am very fortunate to live in one the place in the world other than Mexico with the best Mexican food.

LOL @ White girl picture face
Yup. I think Conservativeland will be alive and rockin in 10 years.

Liberalland will be bankrupt.

When you have all the freeloaders and the illegals welcomed into your country you'll wanna make sure they have everything they need to live on.

Utopia is expensive as hell..

We already have "Liberalland,"

We call it "North Korea."

We already have conservativeland. We call it Somalia.
Yeah, he is mostly right but goofed a bit by including you with the clueless. You absolutely are not clueless. Actually I would like to keep you in Conservativeland to challenge us in our concepts so that we won't ever become too complacent or tunnel visioned. But I will understand if you prefer and choose Liberalland.
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

Agreed. Based on the relative non violence evidence in a much more conservative society of yesteryear, I think we can say you will be at no more and probably will be at much less personal danger from your fellow Americans in Conswervativeland than is your situation now. Just pick one of the Conservativeland towns that features lots of traditional families, churches, and schools and you'll be fine even if you and everybody else is packing heat. (I'm guessing that most won't even bother in most places in Conservativeland, but they will be allowed to.)

I will admit that under the libertarian/Classical liberal freedom in Conservativeland, it is possible some of our people will put together a Deadwood in its hellfire days complete with gun fights and rowdy saloons and brothels and such. You might want to steer clear of those places, but I'm pretty sure they'll be the exception rather than the rule.

I would like to think you'll find that Conservatives appreciate clean water, soil, air, and aesthetic beauty as much as anybody. I'm pretty sure we will embrace great music and theater and all the other cultural amentiies as much as liberals do as that all existed in America before there was modern day liberalism. But in case they do have a leg up on us there, you will certainly be allowed freedom to travel where you wish from Conservativeland. So as long as the folks in Liberalland will allow it, you can visit as much as you wish. That will be up to them and not us though.

But yes, I think we definitely would need a few folks like you around as our conscience. Otherwise it is too easy to overlook unintended consequences of policy and proaction that you might see and call to our attention before we inadvertently created unnecessary hardship for somebody.

LOL I agree. Nosmo will be safe in Conservativeland. Hell. We don't dislike folks who don't believe as we do. In fact we welcome differences of opinioni.

Since we're all packing I think its safe to say he safe as hell. LOL
Ah! The Loyal Opposition! Can you guarantee my personal safety? I know that in Conservative America, damn near everyone will be packing heat! I don't need much. Just a safe warm house (Pimplebutt will do), an annual trip back to Liberal America so I can get some culture and great ethnic food, a reliable dog groomer for Daisy the Mutt and an annual stipend that will keep me comfortable in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed.

So there would be no Fajitas or Sweet/Sour pork in Conservistan? Interesting....about 90 percent of the people I see at the upscale Mexican restaurants in Tempe/Scottsdale are caucasian.

Conservistan sounds like a dreadful place to live.
Do Conservatives welcome immigrant groups and embrace their cultures? The cuisine in Conservative America would look, smell and taste mighty Anglo Saxon! Have you ever been to a Scottish restaurant? I'm Scottish myself and I can tell you, you don't want to suffer through a Glasgow smorgasbord!

I think Scottish cuisine was based upon a bet. Haggis - feh!
Yup. I think Conservativeland will be alive and rockin in 10 years.

Liberalland will be bankrupt.

When you have all the freeloaders and the illegals welcomed into your country you'll wanna make sure they have everything they need to live on.

Utopia is expensive as hell..

We already have "Liberalland,"

We call it "North Korea."

We already have conservativeland. We call it Somalia.

Since the country is run by warlords, i.e. Government, who decides who gets what and who lives or dies. Gotta say Somalia is more like Liberalland. Govt, i.e. the warlords, are the decision makers. Not the people.

In Conservativeland the people rule. Not the Govt, as it should be.
LOL I agree. Nosmo will be safe in Conservativeland. Hell. We don't dislike folks who don't believe as we do. In fact we welcome differences of opinioni.

Since we're all packing I think its safe to say he safe as hell. LOL
I never understood that argument. With more guns around, doesn't it stand to reason that there will be more chances to get shot? Think about it. If there's a fire, more gasoline sure cannot be a good thing!
Again. . . .

Lordy I'll be glad when the children are put down for their naps so that the grown ups can have an adult conversation.

Exactly. You have NOTHING to counter what I said because all of it is true.

So thanks for proving that I win, and you so very clearly lose, Queen of Condescension and Bullshit.
Nobody "wins" and nobody "loses". This is a discussion, not a sporting event. And I take exception to calling Foxy names like you have here. You are out of your element and should develop a more becoming comportment.

I'll tentatively come to his defense in this area; Foxy framed the debate. It's a sick topic to bring up on it's face; that because of political ideology, we should fracture the country. When called on it; the author of the OP continued to rationalize this farcical topic with repeated "don't you see the benefit" BS.

I don't diet very often. I watch my weight but I haven't been on a "diet" in about 10 years. My friends agonize over the virtue of a 20 ounce Diet Coke v. a 16.9 ounce Diet Coke. I asked them one day; "Why not just get your leg amputated; you'd lose a bunch of weight." Maybe it was just their toes now as I recall it. We had a good laugh about it but that was it. Had I kept pushing such a moronic suggestion, I could understand them calling me names even though these were my friends.

She deserves whatever responses she gets; praise and otherwise. However to suggest that this is any sort of workable remedy and to continue to suggest it now for upwards of 1000 posts...she's making her own bed.

Your point is acknowledged however.

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