Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
We already have "Liberalland,"

We call it "North Korea."

We already have conservativeland. We call it Somalia.

Since the country is run by warlords, i.e. Government, who decides who gets what and who lives or dies. Gotta say Somalia is more like Liberalland. Govt, i.e. the warlords, are the decision makers. Not the people.

In Conservativeland the people rule. Not the Govt, as it should be.

LOL I agree. Nosmo will be safe in Conservativeland. Hell. We don't dislike folks who don't believe as we do. In fact we welcome differences of opinioni.

Since we're all packing I think its safe to say he safe as hell. LOL
I never understood that argument. With more guns around, doesn't it stand to reason that there will be more chances to get shot? Think about it. If there's a fire, more gasoline sure cannot be a good thing!

Well Nosmo thats what I used to think as well. Until Texas passed their gun law.

In Texas everyone carries a gun and people were yelling about accidental shootings and death.

The only thing that happened in Texas was the crime rate went down.
Look how relatively NON VIOLENT all those white people are!

Hey baboon boi, did you know that picture was taken at a Democratic party function? Read the caption, or have one of your handlers read it to you, retard.

Hey, moron, have someone explain to YOU the ideological flip-flop that Republicans and Democrats had on Civil Rights. Yes, there were actually Republican whites registering black voters back in the day. But it was still white, CONSERVATIVES who were lynching people.

Come at me with something real next time, fool.
Warlords = Government now?

Holy shit folks, we've gone off the rails.

Since the Warlords are in fact the ruling body in Somalia I believe Warlords=Govt. Not a very good or caring group of guys but what the hey. Rulers=Govt none the less.

Of course you can believe as you wish.
The absence of government results in a warlord class. They fill the vacuum.

When Conservatives wipe away consumer protection, workplace safety regulations, environmental regulations, fair pay legislation and other rules keeping the power elite in check, do you suppose those with the economic power will suddenly have a Road to Damascus moment and realize that keeping the environment, their workers and their neighborhoods safe and clean is a good thing to do? Or will they go for the gusto and turn back the clock so someone like Charles Dickens and Andrew Carnegie would feel right at home?
Hey, moron, have someone explain to YOU the ideological flip-flop that Republicans and Democrats had on Civil Rights. Yes, there were actually Republican whites registering black voters back in the day. But it was still white, CONSERVATIVES who were lynching people.

Come at me with something real next time, fool.

Hey baboon boi, it never happened.

QUICK, which segregationists became Republicans?

Bull Connor? - nope, democrat all the way
Orval Faubus? - Nope, dummycrat again
Grand Kleagal Robert Byrd? - Nope, another dummycrat
George Wallace? - Wrong again
Ross Barnett? - Another fucknut dummycrat
Francis Cherry, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
Kent Courtney, Louisiana journalist.(Dummycrat)
Jimmie Davis, Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
Vail M. Delony, Louisiana state legislator from Lake Providence. (Dummycrat)
James Eastland, United States Senator, Mississippi (Democrat).
Allen J. Ellender, United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).
Clyde Fant, Mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana (Democrat).
Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
William Fulbright, United States Senator, Arkansas (Democrat).
John Sidney Garrett, State Representative, Louisiana (Democrat).
Peter Zack Geer, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
James H. Gray, Sr., Georgia Democratic state chairman.
Marvin Griffin, Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
Jack P.F. Gremillion, Attorney General of Louisiana (Democrat).
F. Edward Hebert, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat).
Lister Hill, United States Senator, Alabama (Democrat).
Fritz Hollings, United States Governor and Senator, South Carolina (Democrat).
Orville L. Hubbard, Mayor, Dearborn, Michigan.
Shelby M. Jackson, Superintendent of Public Education, Louisiana (Democrat).
James D. Johnson, Arkansas Supreme Court justice (Democrat).
Paul B. Johnson, Jr., Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).
J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).

The party of racism was - is - and always will be, the scumbag democrats.

Folks like you, the gutter slime that infects the nation.
Right. It was Conservatives marching in Alabama, right? Those "hang onto the old traditions" Conservatives, right?

You're a birther, you can't comment on racism, because you're in fact a racist.
The absence of government results in a warlord class. They fill the vacuum.

So you're saying that people must be ruled? That self-governance is impossible and only the rule by ones betters is available, so best we chose benevolent dictatorship?

When Conservatives wipe away consumer protection, workplace safety regulations, environmental regulations, fair pay legislation and other rules keeping the power elite in check,

Have you ever heard of Underwriters Laboratories? Would it shock you to find out that U/L is not a government agency? That it is 100% voluntary - yet no one buys electrical or electronic equipment that isn't U/L certified; EVEN THOUGH GOVERNMENT DOESN'T FORCE PEOPLE to buy only U/L.

How can that be? How can there be consumer protection without mommy and daddy government caring for us mindless children?

Further, would you care to contrast and compare the record of private groups like U/L, IEEE, ISO, et al to the FDA (salmonella, ecoli, fin-phen, etc.)?

do you suppose those with the economic power will suddenly have a Road to Damascus moment and realize that keeping the environment, their workers and their neighborhoods safe and clean is a good thing to do?

I suppose that people demand safe, and reliable products. I suppose that many of us are adults who don't need a daddy in Washington to decide what is best.

Or will they go for the gusto and turn back the clock so someone like Charles Dickens and Andrew Carnegie would feel right at home?

Where you prefer a society that Pol Pot would call home...
Dale Alford, United States Represenatative from Arkansas (Democrat).
Clarence C. Aycock, Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
Ross Barnett, Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).
Bill Beeny
Hale Boggs, U.S. representative of Louisiana (Democrat).
Albert Boutwell, Lieutenant Governor of Alabama (Democrat).
Bryant Bowles, white supremacist organizer in Florida.
Parey Branton, Louisiana state legislator (Democrat).
Overton Brooks, U.S. representative from northwestern Louisiana (Democrat)
C. Farris Bryant, Governor of Florida (Democrat).
Garland T. Byrd, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
Harry F. Byrd, Governor of Virginia (Democrat).
Robert Byrd, United States Senator, West Virginia (Democrat).
Howard "Bo" Callaway, United States Representative, Georgia (Republican).
Francis Cherry, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
Kent Courtney, Louisiana journalist.
Jimmie Davis, Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
Vail M. Delony, Louisiana state legislator from Lake Providence.
Wickliffe Draper
James Eastland, United States Senator, Mississippi (Democrat).
Allen J. Ellender, United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).
Clyde Fant, Mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana (Democrat).
Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
William Fulbright, United States Senator, Arkansas (Democrat).
John Sidney Garrett, State Representative, Louisiana (Democrat).
Peter Zack Geer, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
James H. Gray, Sr., Georgia Democratic state chairman.
Marvin Griffin, Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
Jack P.F. Gremillion, Attorney General of Louisiana (Democrat).
F. Edward Hebert, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat).
Jesse Helms, United States Senator, North Carolina (Democrat 1942-1970, Republican 1970-2008).
Lister Hill, United States Senator, Alabama (Democrat).
Fritz Hollings, United States Governor and Senator, South Carolina (Democrat).
Orville L. Hubbard, Mayor, Dearborn, Michigan.
Shelby M. Jackson, Superintendent of Public Education, Louisiana (Democrat).
James D. Johnson, Arkansas Supreme Court justice (Democrat).
Paul B. Johnson, Jr., Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).
J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).
Bob Jones, Sr., Evangelist.
B. Everett Jordan, United States Senator, North Carolina (Democrat).
Robert F. Kennon, Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
James J. Kilpatrick, Columnist from Virginia.
Russell B. Long, United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).
Speedy O. Long, United States Representative, Louisiana (Democrat).
Charlton Lyons, State Chairman, Louisiana Republican Party.
Lester Maddox, Governor of Georgia (Democrat, American Independent).
James D. Martin, United States Representative, Alabama (Republican).
John McClellan, United States Senator, Arkansas (Democrat).
John McKeithen, Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
Harold Montgomery, Louisiana state senator (Democrat).
Danny Roy Moore, Louisiana state senator (Democrat).
deLesseps Story Morrison (Democrat).
W. Lee O'Daniel, Governor of Texas (Democrat).
John H. Overton, U.S. senator from Louisiana (Democrat).
Otto Passman, U.S. representative from northeastern Louisiana (Democrat).
John Malcolm Patterson, Governor of Alabama (Democrat).
Dave L. Pearce, Louisiana Agricultural Commissioner (Democrat).
Leander Perez, Louisiana judge (Democrat).
Rubel Phillips, Mississippi lawyer (Republican).
Richard Poff, United States Representative, Virginia (Republican).
William M. Rainach, Louisiana state senator (Democrat).
John Rarick, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat, Independent, American Independent).
A. Willis Robertson, U.S. senator from Virginia (Democrat).
Richard B. Russell, U.S. senator from Georgia (Democrat).
Victor Schiro, mayor of New Orleans (Democrat).
George W. Shannon, Louisiana journalist.
Gerald L.K. Smith, evangelist from Louisiana and Arkansas (Demorat).
Howard W. Smith, United States Representative from Virginia (Democrat).
John Sparkman, U.S. senator from Alabama (Democrat).
John C. Stennis, United States Senator from Mississippi (Democrat).
Ford E. Stinson, Louisiana state representative (Democrat).
J. B. Stoner, Georgia political candidate (Democrat).
Herman Talmadge, U.S. senator from Georgia (Democrat).
A. Roswell Thompson, Louisiana political candidate (Democrat).
Strom Thurmond, Governor and U.S. senator from South Carolina (Democrat, States' Rights Democrat, Republican).
Ned Touchstone, Louisiana journalist and printer (Democrat).
Ernest Vandiver, Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
Joe D. Waggonner, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat).
George C. Wallace (Democrat, American Independent).
Albert W. Watson (Democrat, Republican).
John Bell Williams, Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).
Edwin E. Willis, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat).
Fielding L. Wright, Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).

Eight Republicans in that list.
Hey, moron, have someone explain to YOU the ideological flip-flop that Republicans and Democrats had on Civil Rights. Yes, there were actually Republican whites registering black voters back in the day. But it was still white, CONSERVATIVES who were lynching people.

Come at me with something real next time, fool.

Hey baboon boi, it never happened.

QUICK, which segregationists became Republicans?

Bull Connor? - nope, democrat all the way
Orval Faubus? - Nope, dummycrat again
Grand Kleagal Robert Byrd? - Nope, another dummycrat
George Wallace? - Wrong again
Ross Barnett? - Another fucknut dummycrat
Francis Cherry, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
Kent Courtney, Louisiana journalist.(Dummycrat)
Jimmie Davis, Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
Vail M. Delony, Louisiana state legislator from Lake Providence. (Dummycrat)
James Eastland, United States Senator, Mississippi (Democrat).
Allen J. Ellender, United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).
Clyde Fant, Mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana (Democrat).
Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
William Fulbright, United States Senator, Arkansas (Democrat).
John Sidney Garrett, State Representative, Louisiana (Democrat).
Peter Zack Geer, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
James H. Gray, Sr., Georgia Democratic state chairman.
Marvin Griffin, Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
Jack P.F. Gremillion, Attorney General of Louisiana (Democrat).
F. Edward Hebert, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat).
Lister Hill, United States Senator, Alabama (Democrat).
Fritz Hollings, United States Governor and Senator, South Carolina (Democrat).
Orville L. Hubbard, Mayor, Dearborn, Michigan.
Shelby M. Jackson, Superintendent of Public Education, Louisiana (Democrat).
James D. Johnson, Arkansas Supreme Court justice (Democrat).
Paul B. Johnson, Jr., Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).
J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).

The party of racism was - is - and always will be, the scumbag democrats.

Folks like you, the gutter slime that infects the nation.
Were the Segregationists, ideologically speaking, Conservatives or Liberals? Forget party affiliation, just concentrate of ideology. Was the whole notion of segregation something embraced by ideological Conservatives or Liberals?
Hey, moron, have someone explain to YOU the ideological flip-flop that Republicans and Democrats had on Civil Rights. Yes, there were actually Republican whites registering black voters back in the day. But it was still white, CONSERVATIVES who were lynching people.

Come at me with something real next time, fool.

Hey baboon boi, it never happened.

QUICK, which segregationists became Republicans?

Bull Connor? - nope, democrat all the way
Orval Faubus? - Nope, dummycrat again
Grand Kleagal Robert Byrd? - Nope, another dummycrat
George Wallace? - Wrong again
Ross Barnett? - Another fucknut dummycrat
Francis Cherry, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
Kent Courtney, Louisiana journalist.(Dummycrat)
Jimmie Davis, Governor of Louisiana (Democrat).
Vail M. Delony, Louisiana state legislator from Lake Providence. (Dummycrat)
James Eastland, United States Senator, Mississippi (Democrat).
Allen J. Ellender, United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).
Clyde Fant, Mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana (Democrat).
Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (Democrat).
William Fulbright, United States Senator, Arkansas (Democrat).
John Sidney Garrett, State Representative, Louisiana (Democrat).
Peter Zack Geer, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
James H. Gray, Sr., Georgia Democratic state chairman.
Marvin Griffin, Governor of Georgia (Democrat).
Jack P.F. Gremillion, Attorney General of Louisiana (Democrat).
F. Edward Hebert, U.S. representative from Louisiana (Democrat).
Lister Hill, United States Senator, Alabama (Democrat).
Fritz Hollings, United States Governor and Senator, South Carolina (Democrat).
Orville L. Hubbard, Mayor, Dearborn, Michigan.
Shelby M. Jackson, Superintendent of Public Education, Louisiana (Democrat).
James D. Johnson, Arkansas Supreme Court justice (Democrat).
Paul B. Johnson, Jr., Governor of Mississippi (Democrat).
J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., United States Senator, Louisiana (Democrat).

The party of racism was - is - and always will be, the scumbag democrats.

Folks like you, the gutter slime that infects the nation.
Were the Segregationists, ideologically speaking, Conservatives or Liberals? Forget party affiliation, just concentrate of ideology. Was the whole notion of segregation something embraced by ideological Conservatives or Liberals?

Exactly. Uncensored is showing just how little he understands about the nuances of politics. He's one of those very simple Americans who goes, "Republican-Conservative, Democrat-Liberal" and he has no idea how simplistic and wrong that it is.
The absence of government results in a warlord class. They fill the vacuum.

So you're saying that people must be ruled? That self-governance is impossible and only the rule by ones betters is available, so best we chose benevolent dictatorship?

When Conservatives wipe away consumer protection, workplace safety regulations, environmental regulations, fair pay legislation and other rules keeping the power elite in check,

Have you ever heard of Underwriters Laboratories? Would it shock you to find out that U/L is not a government agency? That it is 100% voluntary - yet no one buys electrical or electronic equipment that isn't U/L certified; EVEN THOUGH GOVERNMENT DOESN'T FORCE PEOPLE to buy only U/L.

How can that be? How can there be consumer protection without mommy and daddy government caring for us mindless children?

Further, would you care to contrast and compare the record of private groups like U/L, IEEE, ISO, et al to the FDA (salmonella, ecoli, fin-phen, etc.)?

do you suppose those with the economic power will suddenly have a Road to Damascus moment and realize that keeping the environment, their workers and their neighborhoods safe and clean is a good thing to do?

I suppose that people demand safe, and reliable products. I suppose that many of us are adults who don't need a daddy in Washington to decide what is best.

Or will they go for the gusto and turn back the clock so someone like Charles Dickens and Andrew Carnegie would feel right at home?

Where you prefer a society that Pol Pot would call home...
The vaunted Founding Fathers were not Anarchists. They believed in government. The absence of government provides the opportunity for warlords. Do you believe that if all forms of government disappeared within the hour someone, somewhere would not be conspiring to institute a form of government?

And without consumer protections, what types of toys would be marketed? Ones covered with lead-based paint and small enough to wedge themselves into a toddlers throat? What type of food would you be eating without safeguards? Mystery meat or lettuce picked from a field fertilized with septic tank remnants?

And before you go off and call this hyperbole, consider your Pol Pot meme.
The absence of government results in a warlord class. They fill the vacuum.

When Conservatives wipe away consumer protection, workplace safety regulations, environmental regulations, fair pay legislation and other rules keeping the power elite in check, do you suppose those with the economic power will suddenly have a Road to Damascus moment and realize that keeping the environment, their workers and their neighborhoods safe and clean is a good thing to do? Or will they go for the gusto and turn back the clock so someone like Charles Dickens and Andrew Carnegie would feel right at home?

Are you really convinced that conservatives will wipe away consumer protection? Or will they make it something more in fitting with a free society? Is it really necessary to anticipate and spell out on packaging every single thing that could be a negative in the use of that product to keep the manufacturer safe from litigation? Or is it enough to state that any use of the product other than for what it is intended can be harmful or dangerous? Isn't it sufficient to put out the information on proper food handling and safety and expect the people to be intelligent and literate enough to read and comprehend it? WASH produce before preparing. Wash your hands after handling raw poultry and meat, etc. Do not serve undercooked poultry or pork, etc. Any product used at a temperature less than necessary to kill harmful bacteria, etc. can harbor harmful organisms.

Conservatives are not opposed to necessary standards for food processing, contents, and handling that the consumer has no way to deermine for himself/herself. We are not opposed to spot inspections to reasonably protect the public. Such promote the general welfare.

But must we have a 20 second recital of all the possible side effects of a pharmaceutical advertised on television? Or shouldn't a blanket statement that this, as do most medications, has the potention for unpleasant, dangerous, or fatal side effects. Shouldn't a "Read the label carefully and consult your physician before taking" be sufficient as to what the government requires?

Should a gowernment have the power to dictate to parents they can't pack a sack lunch for their kid? I would rather they focus on parents who send their kids to school without breakfast or lunch money and make sure those children don't need to be removed from that home for their own safety or welfare.

Conservativism is a careful balance to secure the rights of the people which would include regulations to keep people from intentionally selling products and services with hidden dangers that the consumer has no way of knowing but not regulation that dictates what choices the people will otherwise have. There is a careful balance to be maintained in what promotes the general welfare vs taking away the opportunities, choices, and options of the people who govern themselves.
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The absence of government results in a warlord class. They fill the vacuum.

When Conservatives wipe away consumer protection, workplace safety regulations, environmental regulations, fair pay legislation and other rules keeping the power elite in check, do you suppose those with the economic power will suddenly have a Road to Damascus moment and realize that keeping the environment, their workers and their neighborhoods safe and clean is a good thing to do? Or will they go for the gusto and turn back the clock so someone like Charles Dickens and Andrew Carnegie would feel right at home?

Are you really convinced that conservatives will wipe away consumer protection? Or will they make it something more in fitting with a free society? Is it really necessary to anticipate and spell out on packaging every single thing that could be a negative in the use of that product to keep the manufacturer safe from litigation? Or is it enough to state that any use of the product other than for what it is intended can be harmful or dangerous? Isn't it sufficient to put out the information on proper food handling and safety and expect the people to be intelligent and literate enough to read and comprehend it? WASH produce before preparing. Wash your hands after handling raw poultry and meat, etc. Do not serve undercooked poultry or pork, etc. Any product used at a temperature less than necessary to kill harmful bacteria, etc. can harbor harmful organisms.

Conservatives are not opposed to necessary standards for food processing, contents, and handling that the consumer has no way to deermine for himself/herself. We are not opposed to spot inspections to reasonably protect the public. Such promote the general welfare.

But must we have a 20 second recital of all the possible side effects of a pharmaceutical advertised on television? Or shouldn't a blanket statement that this, as do most medications, has the potention for unpleasant, dangerous, or fatal side effects. Shouldn't a "Read the label carefully and consult your physician before taking" be sufficient as to what the government requires?

Should a gowernment have the power to dictate to parents they can't pack a sack lunch for their kid? I would rather they focus on parents who send their kids to school without breakfast or lunch money and make sure those children don't need to be removed from that home for their own safety or welfare.

Conservativism is a careful balance to secure the rights of the people which would include regulations to keep people from intentionally selling products and services with hidden dangers that the consumer has no way of knowing but not regulation that dictates what choices the people will otherwise have. There is a careful balance to be maintained in what promotes the general welfare vs taking away the opportunities, choices, and options of the people who govern themselves.
I think that Conservatives will follow the dictates of industry over science where consumer protection is concerned. If big pharmaceuticals want to advertise on TV (and is this even a good idea?), then big pharma will direct their lobbying groups to tell the congressmen that they are being paid to do as they are told and roll over. Where does that leave the consumer? Without adequate protection of law, the money calls the tune and if that tune is a funeral dirge, so be it.

Calling the erosion of consumer protection "freedom" and "opportunity" is not only cynical, but it dangerously erodes the meaning of "freedom" and "opportunity".

Trial lawyers have been holding the reins so long that they must have callouses two inches thick. Someone overdoses on a prescription medication or some pharmaceutical company tweaks the results of their studies and voilà! A potential lawsuit and another big settlement (to be divided 70/30 in favor of the lawyer). If proper safeguards were in place, perhaps none of that would be necessary. But trial lawyers pay for congressmen just like other companies. In the end, they all make out well. Only the citizen is harmed.

The way Conservatives mistrust government is exactly the way Liberals mistrust the moneyed elite and their powerful lobbying organizations. If Conservatives want to erode the effectiveness of government, do they realize they are ceding that power to faceless companies motivated only by keeping their stock prices high?
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To date, every liberal who has commented takes the whole premise seriously and thinks Fox wants to literally split the country. To date, not a single liberal has understood it was an intellectual exercise meant to be fun. You guys will find it a lot more enjoyable if you pull the stick out of your collective asses and get in the spirit of the game.
I beg your pardon? It's apparent that you have not read every post to date.

My apologies NK. I've been in this thread from the start and as of late, I've been rather busy at no, I have not read your posts. I have read the majority of posts from the hand wringing, paranoid folks like occupied and the wannabe shock comic conservaderp. Not two of liberalism's shining stars.

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