Death of a friend/colleague.

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
Just this past week I saw a meme on FB about how your employer will have your job opening posted before your obituary if you died.

Then I found out this morning that a friend/colleague passed away a few nights ago. We worked in the same field and used to golf together. I had known her since 2014. She was in her mid-40s.

She has been sick since late 2020, was put into medically induced comma and put on a vent for a while to keep her alive in 2020. We all thought she would never wake up, but she did and was doing ok. She would never talk about what was wrong with her but was in and out of the hospital since 2020.

She worked a hybrid telework/in person schedule which is probably the only reason she was able to keep working. And sadly she truly had no choice but to keep working till the end as her insurance was tied to her job.

Just reminded me how many more things in our life are more important than our job/career.
Just this past week I saw a meme on FB about how your employer will have your job opening posted before your obituary if you died.

Then I found out this morning that a friend/colleague passed away a few nights ago. We worked in the same field and used to golf together. I had known her since 2014. She was in her mid-40s.

She has been sick since late 2020, was put into medically induced comma and put on a vent for a while to keep her alive in 2020. We all thought she would never wake up, but she did and was doing ok. She would never talk about what was wrong with her but was in and out of the hospital since 2020.

She worked a hybrid telework/in person schedule which is probably the only reason she was able to keep working. And sadly she truly had no choice but to keep working till the end as her insurance was tied to her job.

Just reminded me how many more things in our life are more important than our job/career.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

It's times like this that we stop and wonder just what life is all about.

Now onto the election and paying bills.

Wow, that epiphany didn't last long, did it?
Just this past week I saw a meme on FB about how your employer will have your job opening posted before your obituary if you died.

Then I found out this morning that a friend/colleague passed away a few nights ago. We worked in the same field and used to golf together. I had known her since 2014. She was in her mid-40s.

She has been sick since late 2020, was put into medically induced comma and put on a vent for a while to keep her alive in 2020. We all thought she would never wake up, but she did and was doing ok. She would never talk about what was wrong with her but was in and out of the hospital since 2020.

She worked a hybrid telework/in person schedule which is probably the only reason she was able to keep working. And sadly she truly had no choice but to keep working till the end as her insurance was tied to her job.

Just reminded me how many more things in our life are more important than our job/career.

If it's any consolation, every one of us sumbitches are gonna die too.

Nobody gets out of here alive.
Just this past week I saw a meme on FB about how your employer will have your job opening posted before your obituary if you died.

Then I found out this morning that a friend/colleague passed away a few nights ago. We worked in the same field and used to golf together. I had known her since 2014. She was in her mid-40s.

She has been sick since late 2020, was put into medically induced comma and put on a vent for a while to keep her alive in 2020. We all thought she would never wake up, but she did and was doing ok. She would never talk about what was wrong with her but was in and out of the hospital since 2020.

She worked a hybrid telework/in person schedule which is probably the only reason she was able to keep working. And sadly she truly had no choice but to keep working till the end as her insurance was tied to her job.

Just reminded me how many more things in our life are more important than our job/career.
Actually, your story reminds me how important my job is.

As far as the employer having your seat filled before your obituary, what do you expect? Let me ask you how much did you cry when you heard this woman died? Did you take days off work? I doubt it. Hell, my mother died and I tried to not let it inconvenience my co workers. And I felt really bad when my aunt died a month later. Now I'm asking for MORE berevement days?

I love telling this story. When I was in 1st grade I remember my cat died. I was going to use this to get sympathy at school. I came in and told my teacher. She said, "class, pay attention please, I want to announce that sealy's cat died this weekend. Now, open your books to page 5.......

In other words, no sympathy. Maybe a moment of silence. After that, life moves on.

I heard people can't grasp the world without them in it. It's hard to wrap our brains around. Like after us? Life before we were born? Life will continue after I'm gone?

Now on the flip side is my dad. 8 years and he's still not over my mom being gone. Move on bro. Get over it. But you can't tell him that.
Just this past week I saw a meme on FB about how your employer will have your job opening posted before your obituary if you died.

Then I found out this morning that a friend/colleague passed away a few nights ago. We worked in the same field and used to golf together. I had known her since 2014. She was in her mid-40s.

She has been sick since late 2020, was put into medically induced comma and put on a vent for a while to keep her alive in 2020. We all thought she would never wake up, but she did and was doing ok. She would never talk about what was wrong with her but was in and out of the hospital since 2020.

She worked a hybrid telework/in person schedule which is probably the only reasounn she was able to keep working. And sadly she truly had no choice but to keep working till the end as her insurance was tied to her job.

Just reminded me how many more things in our life are more important than our job/career.
I learned of a former friend/co-worker who died unexpectedly at 49. He was a great guy and a great engineer who was a key fixture on the team. I always enjoyed talking with him he always had an interesting perspective no matter if the subject was technical, sports, politics or whatever. We don't know how many days we have and we take all too much for granted.
That's really too bad, sorry to hear that. I remember as a clueless 18 year old landing in Hawaii and one of the old timer sergeants, a Vietnam veteran, was telling me why he was a "lifer" and that he had a special needs child and all of his medical needs were cared for by the V.A., something he thought he could not get as a civilian. Up to that point I never gave a thought to medical care, and that opened my eyes for the first time. Imagine having to work while sick because your medical coverage depends on it.
Actually, your story reminds me how important my job is.

I am sorry to hear that.

As far as the employer having your seat filled before your obituary, what do you expect? Let me ask you how much did you cry when you heard this woman died? Did you take days off work?

It is exactly what I expect from an employer, they do not give a fuck, we are all just a warm body to them. We should in turn feel the same way about them, they are merely a means to an end, nothing more.

I did not cry at all, not really a crier. I did not cry when my father died, but I did when my cat died. But I was far closer to my cat than my father. I will take off work to attend her funeral and pay my respects.

Hell, my mother died and I tried to not let it inconvenience my co workers. And I felt really bad when my aunt died a month later. Now I'm asking for MORE berevement days?

Damn, I truly do pity you. If your spouse or child passes away will you feel the same way?
That's really too bad, sorry to hear that. I remember as a clueless 18 year old landing in Hawaii and one of the old timer sergeants, a Vietnam veteran, was telling me why he was a "lifer" and that he had a special needs child and all of his medical needs were cared for by the V.A., something he thought he could not get as a civilian. Up to that point I never gave a thought to medical care, and that opened my eyes for the first time. Imagine having to work while sick because your medical coverage depends on it.

It is a shitty system that is for sure.

My BIL was diagnosed with a fatal heart condition when he was 62, he was dead less than 9 months later and had to keep working the whole time to keep from burdening my sister with huge medical bills.
It is a shitty system that is for sure.

My BIL was diagnosed with a fatal heart condition when he was 62, he was dead less than 9 months later and had to keep working the whole time to keep from burdening my sister with huge medical bills.
People literally skip chemo treatments that might keep them alive for a few more years because the cost of them would vacuum up whatever savings and life insurance the family would have after they pass.

Capitalism, gotta love it.
Covid or the vaccine?

She got sick before the vaccine, we all thought it was COVID but then they took out 1/2 of her intestines which is not normally related to COVID. She would never talk about it very much.
I am sorry to hear that.

It is exactly what I expect from an employer, they do not give a fuck, we are all just a warm body to them. We should in turn feel the same way about them, they are merely a means to an end, nothing more.

I did not cry at all, not really a crier. I did not cry when my father died, but I did when my cat died. But I was far closer to my cat than my father. I will take off work to attend her funeral and pay my respects.

Damn, I truly do pity you. If your spouse or child passes away will you feel the same way?
Are you kidding? I look at my 401K, my pontoon boat, my new lease F150, the money building up in my bank account despite me maxing out my 401K.

So maybe because I'm paid a fair share, I appreciate the job more than someone who's underpaid.

And I work for a small business. I treat it like I own it. If someone sucks, they're costing MY company money. I want this company to be around the next 9 plus years so I can retire from this fucking great job. Are you kidding me?

Or maybe it's because I only have to go into the office 2 days a week. 3 days I work from home. So fucking great. My boss even said I can go work from Florida in February. I can't wait. I will take Friday Feb 2 off. On Thursday at 4pm after work I will take off from MI and make it as far as I can. Probably 10 pm I will get a hotel. Wake up early Friday and drive all day. Get a hotel Friday night and probably make it to Fort Lauderdale mid Saturday.

My brother is 54 and makes $1 million a year. He's going to retire. Or, take a year off and see how he feels after that. I say in 3 months he'll be looking for a new job.

It's a lot different working because you have to compared to working because you want to. I still have to work but I suspect if I could quit today, I probably wouldn't. How much are you going to fish, golf, go camping, go to the gym, etc?

Now, I also don't think I will have a problem retiring. I really hate working. Thank God I have a job that I like. It's the only job I've ever had that I like. I'm going on 10 years. It's also the longest stint I've ever had. That's another problem with corporations today. Gone are the days you can work at one place for 30 years.

The median employee tenure in the US is 4.3 years for men and 3.8 years for women.
Sorry to read about the loss of your co-worker and friend. As for the insurance I thought O'Bidencare fixed the issue of having to work in order to be insured?
Are you kidding? I look at my 401K, my pontoon boat, my new lease F150, the money building up in my bank account despite me maxing out my 401K.

So maybe because I'm paid a fair share, I appreciate the job more than someone who's underpaid.

And I work for a small business. I treat it like I own it. If someone sucks, they're costing MY company money. I want this company to be around the next 9 plus years so I can retire from this fucking great job. Are you kidding me?

I believe we are sort of saying the same thing.

As far as jobs go, the one I have is far and away the best I have ever had, the life work balance is weighted on the life side and not the work side.

As long as I feel I need a job, this is the place I want to be.

But at the same time I am only here because I do not feel yet ready to retire finically due to getting a very late start saving for such and because my wife still wants to work and it would be dumb for me to retire before she does.

If someone gave me a couple million dollars tomorrow I would walk away from the job in a heartbeat without a seconds thought. I work this job because of what it gives me financially, no other reason.

It's a lot different working because you have to compared to working because you want to. I still have to work but I suspect if I could quit today, I probably wouldn't. How much are you going to fish, golf, go camping, go to the gym, etc?

I would not. I can fish, travel, golf and etc more than enough to fill my days. I am also very content being home doing much of nothing at times.

Now, I also don't think I will have a problem retiring. I really hate working. Thank God I have a job that I like. It's the only job I've ever had that I like. I'm going on 10 years. It's also the longest stint I've ever had. That's another problem with corporations today. Gone are the days you can work at one place for 30 years.

Yep, there is no loyalty either direction these days. I also read a study a while back, I think I posted it on here, that someone that changes jobs often will end up making something like 20% more than the person that stays at the same job. Which sort of makes sense as few people will take a new job for less money.
Sorry to read about the loss of your co-worker and friend. As for the insurance I thought O'Bidencare fixed the issue of having to work in order to be insured?

I guess you should not do things you are not good at, thinking being one of them.

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