Death of the Coffee Shop!


This is almost the saddest day of my life.

The saddest day happened when I was about 5 years old. I had a little dog named "Fluffy". My Mother backed over him with the car and killed him. I pitched such a crying fit that my Mother took Fluffy's remains to the taxidermist and had him stuffed and put wheels on his feet and a little chain around his neck. I used him for a pull toy until I was about 7.

The closure of the Coffee Shop ranks right up there with the untimely death of Fluffy.

Please save us from ourselves, Foxy. Open up the new coffee shop soon.

Also, please don't allow cats inside of the new coffee shop. You can see what they did to the old one.
If someone knows how to put the entire Coffee Shop thread on a thumb drive and we can get it to you, it will almost be like stuffing Fluffy and installing wheels! You can plug in the old Shop through a USB port and remember all the fun we had there.
I was poking around in the cyber rubble of the old Coffee Shop and this is all I found.

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I have had some problems with the forum for a few weeks. I couldn't really decide if there was a problem with my computer or the forum. I did everything to my computer to fix the problem and it still happened. I wondered if maybe these very long threads weren't causing some problems. They have on every forum I've ever been on. So this is nothing out of the ordinary. The coffee shop will be back. While you wait, kick your heels back in the Tavern [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION] opened.

You should be good to go now, what you were experiencing was from all the activity on two huge threads. Without getting too technical this is what happens. Whenever somebody (guest included) views that thread the server scans the ENTIRE thread to know what page the person is viewing (loads the server) then if they post it rescans again to put it in the proper place and update the ENTIRE thread yet again (more load) then the system scans for everyone who subscribed to the thread, finds the new post and pushes it out to all the subscribers (even more load)

almost 3 million views and over a thousand pages. Surprised it made it this far, but it did :) :cuckoo:


I may be more effective to just take the OP, split it off and start a new thread.
Thought about that, but we decided to leave the thread intact for posterity. (thus the sticky as well)
I have had some problems with the forum for a few weeks. I couldn't really decide if there was a problem with my computer or the forum. I did everything to my computer to fix the problem and it still happened. I wondered if maybe these very long threads weren't causing some problems. They have on every forum I've ever been on. So this is nothing out of the ordinary. The coffee shop will be back. While you wait, kick your heels back in the Tavern [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION] opened.

You should be good to go now, what you were experiencing was from all the activity on two huge threads. Without getting too technical this is what happens. Whenever somebody (guest included) views that thread the server scans the ENTIRE thread to know what page the person is viewing (loads the server) then if they post it rescans again to put it in the proper place and update the ENTIRE thread yet again (more load) then the system scans for everyone who subscribed to the thread, finds the new post and pushes it out to all the subscribers (even more load)

almost 3 million views and over a thousand pages. Surprised it made it this far, but it did :) :cuckoo:
Disregard the question I sent ya c_k, you just answered it.

And as Nosmo and Ollie have pointed out, we will all wait patiently for Foxfyre to show up and officially open the new Coffee Shop. It's her baby, old or new.
That all sounds delicious, I'm going to be making Vodka sauce today.

Vodka sauce? Recipe?
My buddy made a nice, refreshing summer beverage by peeling and slicing some grapefruit and steeping it in vodka. Serve chilled or over ice...

Easy Vodka Sauce Recipe -

This is what I use but I add mushrooms and sausage to it.

Simple and I'll bet it tastes great! I wonder whether adding shrimp would taste good, too.

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