Death Penalty for Child Rape

She’s sworn her family members to secrecy over the man’s name. She knows I would track him down and take him apart a piece at a time if I were to ever find out.

Alas, I've been denied any such opportunity. My piece of shit father-in-law died of a self-inflicted .357-calibre brain hemorrhage more than a dozen years before I met and married his daughter.

At least he's in Hell, now, receiving justice in a form far greater than I could ever have any capacity to carry out.
Alas, I've been denied any such opportunity. My piece of shit father-in-law died of a self-inflicted .357-calibre brain hemorrhage more than a dozen years before I met and married his daughter.
We’ve both been denied the opportunity to avenge the assaults on the women we care for. My wife is not fully disabled due to her PTSD. I remember the day she told me. She was so certain I would run away screaming. I didn’t.

That SOB took so many opportunities away from her and will have to wait for Hell to face his punishment for it. He should be happy about that… the Devil doesn’t have as sadistic an imagination as I do.
We’ve both been denied the opportunity to avenge the assaults on the women we care for. My wife is not fully disabled due to her PTSD. I remember the day she told me. She was so certain I would run away screaming. I didn’t.

That SOB took so many opportunities away from her and will have to wait for Hell to face his punishment for it. He should be happy about that… the Devil doesn’t have as sadistic an imagination as I do.

When the piece of subhuman shit that abused your wife finally gets there, I'm sure there'll be a place for it, next to my father-in-law, in the very worst part of Hell.
I believe victims of crime- not just rape, theft too- should be given a blank check to do whatever they want to the criminal who attacked/stole from them.

The punks will think twice if what they know what they do could result in them dying badly. Bet crime would decrease.
When the piece of subhuman shit that abused your wife finally gets there, I'm sure there'll be a place for it, next to my father-in-law, in the very worst part of Hell
I agree. I just want to be the one who arranges the meeting and makes the trip as horrible as the destination.
It's like the dots are almost touching and people still can't connect them...

No need for cruel and unusual punishment. Pedohiles causghtnred handed should be shot in the back of the head execution-style
I agree but they need to SUFFER first. They need to endure the same amount (if not more) terror than their victims did.

That SOB drastically changed the arc of my wife’s life, for the worse. He deserves to endure the same pain she did and the nightmares she still does.
I agree but they need to SUFFER first. They need to endure the same amount (if not more) terror than their victims did.

That SOB drastically changed the arc of my wife’s life, for the worse. He deserves to endure the same pain she did and the nightmares she still does.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... abused children suffer a lifetime
I agree but they need to SUFFER first. They need to endure the same amount (if not more) terror than their victims did.

That SOB drastically changed the arc of my wife’s life, for the worse. He deserves to endure the same pain she did and the nightmares she still does.
I know we don’t always agree on everything, but I would 100% support your right to personally exact revenge as you see fit on the scum who hurt your wife. That’s your right as a man and a husband.

With that said, the state needs to adhere to no torture policy, as much as that MF’er may deserve it….
That SOB drastically changed the arc of my wife’s life, for the worse. He deserves to endure the same pain she did and the nightmares she still does.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... abused children suffer a lifetime

I think my wife got off easy. In spite of what was done to her, she's managed to live a mostly happy, fulfilling life. She has some amazing strength in her.

But still, the damage has been done, and I can see how the harm that was done to her when she was eight to ten years old still haunts her, now, in her fifties.

My piece-of-shit father-in-law got off way too easy. A .357 in the head, and it was over for him. At least he's now in Hell, where he hopefully is suffering more than any Earthly force could have inflicted on him, and will continue to suffer forever and ever.
I know we don’t always agree on everything, but I would 100% support your right to personally exact revenge as you see fit on the scum who hurt your wife. That’s your right as a man and a husband.
Thank you. From your mouth to Karma’s ears.
With that said, the state needs to adhere to no torture policy, as much as that MF’er may deserve it….
I understand your position. This is why I saw we have a Legal system, not a Justice system. I’d prefer it if we had a Justice system

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