Death Penalty for Child Rape

It's like the dots are almost touching and people still can't connect them...


I think more people than will admit it, can clearly see what is going on, but are afraid to say so, for fear of being judged to be “homophobic” or “transphobic” or whatever.

It's the “Emperor's New Clothes” effect.
Florida House bill passed.
Nite, this may not apply to trans or homo rapists

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If you rape a kid, have sex with a kid,, molest a kid, try and solicit a kid or try to sexualize a kid then you should be sentenced to execution within 72 hours.

No death row, no appeals, no nuthouse, no insanity plea.

Execute them, cremate the corpse, and destroy their public records. It should be as if they never existed.
I know we don’t always agree on everything, but I would 100% support your right to personally exact revenge as you see fit on the scum who hurt your wife. That’s your right as a man and a husband.

With that said, the state needs to adhere to no torture policy, as much as that MF’er may deserve it….

Probably best, if it is to be left to the state, that every pedophile get a tattoo on his face identifying him as such, before he is put in with the general population, under minimal supervision. His fellow criminals will gladly do the justice that civilized government has become to pussified to do.
If you rape a kid, have sex with a kid,, molest a kid, try and solicit a kid or try to sexualize a kid then you should be sentenced to execution within 72 hours.

No death row, no appeals, no nuthouse, no insanity plea.

Execute them, cremate the corpse, and destroy their public records. It should be as if they never existed.
And false accusations?
Whores who think they can accuse men as a form of revenge should get what’s coming to them as well
That's not the point. You gonna kill a man based on the "WORD" of a woman?

GARBAGE. Anyone advocating this should have to do time based on a false accusation.

Fucking idiots
Death penalty for all rape.
That's a lot of hetero males going bye bye.

If they are sufficiently proven to be guilty of rape or sexual abuse, then I say good riddance; and I hope they suffer greatly on the way out.

Do you somehow delusionally imagine that because I am a conservative heterosexual male, that I have any sympathy at all for subhuman criminal shit that commit serious acts of rape or other sexual abuse, just because they may happen to be heterosexual and male?

Just because your kind are sympathetic to the very worst of rapists and sexual abusers, as long as they come from your side, doer snot meant that we sane, decent human being are as morally and ethically fucked up as you and your kind are.
There is NO WAY TO TELL so fuck that nonsense
Of course there is. It's called a trial. And laws need to be changed so when a girl gets drunk and does it, later regrets it, then cries rape. That's not legitimate rape.

What happened to Channon Gail Christian, was legitimate rape -- and murder. But her killers still live
Of course there is. It's called a trial. And laws need to be changed so when a girl gets drunk and does it, later regrets it, then cries rape. That's not legitimate rape.

What happened to Channon Gail Christian, was legitimate rape -- and murder. But her killers still live
I had a buddy in college convicted of rape. He didn't rape anyone. I was with them all night.

Morons think innocent people are never convicted.

Rape is almost always a he said she said affair so no way a death penalty is appropriate
Trump had a jury and was still indicted. Innocent people are charged and tried and sometimes convicted yet some of you want them put to death "just because.

Absolutely asinine and indefensible position

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