Death Penalty for Human Traffickers?

I agree with you. It is even more awful that they even have to go to jail. We must end jail for crimes. There is no reason for penalties for crimes.
Don't put words into my mouth, especially not when you are in the grip of your blood lust.
Human traffickers.


Drug dealers.

People who go out and intentionally, willingly, and knowingly kill other people.

Are all people who should be executed within 48 hours of being found guilty. No death row, no appeals, no nuthouse. Then the body cremated, ashes flushed and public records destroyed.

And it should be federally mandated for those specific crimes. None of that it's up to the state shit
You do realize you are talking the complete decimation of the Democrat base here, right?
Don't put words into my mouth, especially not when you are in the grip of your blood lust.
I am just agreeing. It is not civilized to have penalty for crime. Especially rape. Not one of my posts is advocating for tough penalties. Certainly not the death penalty. Are we not in agreement?

The death penalty is not of a civilized world. Have you seen prisons. They are hell holes. Not a place for people at all.

It makes no sense to throw people in jail, not in a civilized world.
Grifty ain't president.

I like to see the death penalty abolished so we can join the rest of the civilized world.
You`re right Joey Xi Bai Dung and is Chinese benefactors flooded the 2020 election with fraudulent mail in votes. 81 million votes my arse.
So you would prefer the world`s civilized methods of Shirai justice meted out by Muslims sugch as beheadings', amputation, slow strangulation by hanging, stoning women to death, or throwing homosexuals from high buildings. Then there`s the standby AK-47 bullet to the head.
Are those the civilized world methods you write about?
Oh! I left out the Chinese method using a bullet to the back of the head in a van and then harvesting the victim`s vital parts for sale.
Are you suggesting that 1.7 billion Muslims and 1.4 billion Chinese should change their Justice systems?

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Don't put words into my mouth, especially not when you are in the grip of your blood lust.
I agree with you. It is even more awful that they even have to go to jail. We must end jail for crimes. There is no reason for penalties for crimes.
I must apologize. I see you have a comprehension problem.

You say I put words in your mouth. I did not. It appears by saying I put words in your mouth when I did not, you put words into my mouth.

Reasoning sometimes is not an attribute of many people. I can see now how you reason. I am so sorry.
I am just agreeing. It is not civilized to have penalty for crime. Especially rape. Not one of my posts is advocating for tough penalties. Certainly not the death penalty. Are we not in agreement?

The death penalty is not of a civilized world. Have you seen prisons. They are hell holes. Not a place for people at all.

It makes no sense to throw people in jail, not in a civilized world.
Maybe we should put them into hibernation and fill their minds with nice thoughts? As in the ``Demolition Man``
Can we pick and choose?
A couple of those punishments seem like a good idea
You get a free eggroll, or a Taco Bell Taco if you choose two. :laughing0301:
This is outrageous, why should any Democrat get the death penalty for raping an 15 year old girl and then chopping off her arms, leaving her on the side of the road to die.

These type of people can pay their debt to society, serving time in jail, they can be rehabilitated by Democrat Psychologists and Psychiatrists.

There is no reason not to rehabilitate them and then release them back into society. Ask any democrat, they will tell you.

William Bonin was pronounced rehabilitated by Atascadero state hospital. He was released and murdered more than 30 boys dumping their bodies along the freeways. They called him the Freeway Killer.
I know that people commit horrific crimes. They always have and always will. But if killing is wrong then it's wrong for everybody, including the state.
Killing isn't wrong. Killing the innocent is wrong. Killing the blameless is wrong. Killing the murderers and rapists is taking out the trash. It's not wrong.
Hollywood is not in support of any of this.
Because a significant portion of human trafficking involves children.

And most of Hollywood has been guilty of pedophilia. From Charlie Chapman to Elvis Presley and Madonna....they all have done it. Even Oprah....except she has been making a profit from it.

Most of the Democrats base is guilty in having sexual relations with the underage. The laws limiting their public marriages and relationships instead of their morality....and LGBTQ? Don't even want to know the percentage of advocates that have been guilty and convicted of sexually abusing minors.

Any of the rich and famous go to Thailand where pedophilia is extremely common. Post or mid pubescent is not even considered wrong....even they are only 9 or 10 years old.
And you wonder why they want to teach fisting to kindergarten children?

There's more to life than sex and money. Unfortunately these two things are primarily driving our society at the moment.
The death penalty is not murder or us killing a single person.

A person must personally and willfully take action in order for the death penalty to be applied. If anything, the death penalty is suicide.

The death penalty is not justice and as used today, it is not a deterrent.

The death penalty must be so horrific that people are afraid to do anything that will result in their quick death by the penalty. Then we can say the death penalty deters crime.

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