Death penalty in Israel.

Israel has never started a war. They just finish them.

Congratulations, you've convinced me that you're just another lying Jew. The only time a war was ever lunched against Israel first was when Egypt undertook to reclaim the Sinai that Israel had captured previously in a war started by Israel. Anyone who knows Jews rightly hates Jews.

Boston is not Jewish, he's Native American. Kondor, Rocco and teddyearp are also not Jewish. Just letting you know who the players are. We have many Gentile friends.
RE: Death penalty in Israel.
※→ theliq, BulletProof, Boston1, et al,

Israel did not "start" the Six-Day War in 1967. There is a difference between firing the first shot (preemptive), and starting the war (Cause-in-Fact).

Israel has never started a war. They just finish them.

Congratulations, you've convinced me that you're just another lying Jew. The only time a war was ever lunched against Israel first was when Egypt undertook to reclaim the Sinai that Israel had captured previously in a war started by Israel. Anyone who knows Jews rightly hates Jews.
Bullet,you are right the Israelis did start the 1967 War and for Boston to say otherwise is just showing his Ignorance,st

The "Cause in Fact" → the conditions set by the Egyptians (as well as the massing of forces on the other Armistice Lines), the Egyptian action of dislodging the UN Emergency Force standing between the Israeli and Egyptians, moving massed force of the Egyptian Army up against the Israeli-Egyptian Armistice Line. IF it had not been for these (and other provocative actions/events) that posed a demonstrable threat for which the Egyptians → with proof of an overt act in furtherance by Egyptians to carry-out that threat, rushing the Egyptian Army up to the frontier → intentionally refusing to refrain from the threat of force against Israeli territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

Most Respectfully,

Exactly. In self-defense law, both personal and national, it is generally accepted that the actual use of force is not required -- a clear, imminent THREAT of use of force is sufficient to trigger legal self-defense.

In other words, in self-defense you are not required to let the aggressor get in the first strike.
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They hate Jews for not fighting ... they hate Jews for fighting and winning ... they just hate Jews.

They hate Jews who pretend to be Europeans. They hate European Jews who pretend to be Jews. They hate Jews being in their countries -- leave or die. And they hate Jews when Jews have their own country -- leave or die. They just hate Jews.
Boston is not Jewish, he's Native American. Kondor, Rocco and teddyearp are also not Jewish. Just letting you know who the players are. We have many Gentile friends.

Jews aren't a race. They're the children of the devil. Anyone who takes up their cause is counted as one of them. I know Jews hate having their canine supporters equated with them, but so what.
RE: Death penalty in Israel.
※→ theliq, et al,

I think you are losing your little gray cells.

Criminals who receive the death penalty fail to repeat their offence 99% of the time.

Whether or not Israel adopts capital punishment is a domestic matter. The Regional Consensus (alla Arab League Charter Articles 5-8) puts limits on the use of capital punishment; but does not rule it out. In fact, Islamic states are very famous for their use of inhuman means of punishment; including stoning and burning people alive.

Most Respectfully,
Hold on Rocco Zionists do the same,I have a lot of time for you but surely Rocco,you know the horrendous things Stern and the other Zionist Terrorist Groups did to the Palestinians inparticular.....especially between 1943 to 1952...fncceo and others are just light weights and really not worth bothering with.....BUT YOU Rocco,should be a little more objective...with respect..steve
Let us notice how once again this and other Jew haters derail the conversation to what happened before the establishment of Israel.

And....never mind what the Arabs did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel is a sovereign country and if necessary it will implement the death penalty on those murderers of Israelis (Jews and non Jews) as would any other country.

Stay on the subject.
Show me where I have ever said I HATE REAL JEWS...You cannot.....Zionist Terrorists are a different matter,,,,,it is they that is killing Real Jews and Judaism slowly but surely....This Cult Despise Non-Zionist Real Jews

“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.” -- Martin Luther King, Jr,

Guy, today is MLK day. Go do penance.
RE: Death penalty in Israel.
※→ theliq, et al,

I think you are losing your little gray cells.


Whether or not Israel adopts capital punishment is a domestic matter. The Regional Consensus (alla Arab League Charter Articles 5-8) puts limits on the use of capital punishment; but does not rule it out. In fact, Islamic states are very famous for their use of inhuman means of punishment; including stoning and burning people alive.

Most Respectfully,
Hold on Rocco Zionists do the same,I have a lot of time for you but surely Rocco,you know the horrendous things Stern and the other Zionist Terrorist Groups did to the Palestinians inparticular.....especially between 1943 to 1952...fncceo and others are just light weights and really not worth bothering with.....BUT YOU Rocco,should be a little more objective...with respect..steve
Let us notice how once again this and other Jew haters derail the conversation to what happened before the establishment of Israel.

And....never mind what the Arabs did between 1920 and 1948.

Israel is a sovereign country and if necessary it will implement the death penalty on those murderers of Israelis (Jews and non Jews) as would any other country.

Stay on the subject.
Show me where I have ever said I HATE REAL JEWS...You cannot.....Zionist Terrorists are a different matter,,,,,it is they that is killing Real Jews and Judaism slowly but surely....This Cult Despise Non-Zionist Real Jews

“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.” -- Martin Luther King, Jr,

Guy, today is MLK day. Go do penance.
NO,Zionists are NOT SEMITIC only Shepardic Jews and Palestinians are,Moron......But Zionists are Anti-Semitic
Moreover the Greatest Jew, Einstein said in 1946 that he DID NOT BELIEVE IN NATIONALISM OR IN THE JEWISH your point was..........????? like you Nothing...Zilch
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“When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.” -- Martin Luther King, Jr,

Guy, today is MLK day. Go do penance.

MLK was a con-artist and a douche. If he didn't have fecal-colored skin and if we weren't desperate for a symbol of civil rights, history would have forgot him.

All Christians are "antisemites", so what? Still, only in the head of an ignorant bigot does anti-zionism = anti-semitism. And, only in the head of an ignorant bigot is MLK an authority on anything.

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