Death Penalty- No Doubt

I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...
I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...

"...they won't last as long as death row appeals..."

And that irks me too!

What....20 years of appeals?????

When I become Queen, Personification of the Constitution...I'll have the accused standing on the gibbet, and when the jury returns a guilty verdict....the bottom drops out.

Case closed.
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I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...

"...they won't last as long as death row appeals..."

And that irks me too!

What....20 years of appeals?????

When I become Queen, Personification of the Constitution...I'll have the accused standing on the gibbet, and when the jury returns a guilty verdict....the bottom drops out.

Case closed.
Just put a cap in dat azz.....
I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...

"...they won't last as long as death row appeals..."

And that irks me too!

What....20 years of appeals?????

When I become Queen, Personification of the Constitution...I'll have the accused standing on the gibbet, and when the jury returns a guilty verdict....the bottom drops out.

Case closed.
Just put a cap in dat azz.....

Yer a pretty vicious guy.....we could be BFFs/
I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...

"...they won't last as long as death row appeals..."

And that irks me too!

What....20 years of appeals?????

When I become Queen, Personification of the Constitution...I'll have the accused standing on the gibbet, and when the jury returns a guilty verdict....the bottom drops out.

Case closed.
Just put a cap in dat azz.....

Yer a pretty vicious guy.....we could be BFFs/
Life is to eliminate those dangers that are worthless to Earth...
I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...

"...they won't last as long as death row appeals..."

And that irks me too!

What....20 years of appeals?????

When I become Queen, Personification of the Constitution...I'll have the accused standing on the gibbet, and when the jury returns a guilty verdict....the bottom drops out.

Case closed.
Just put a cap in dat azz.....

Yer a pretty vicious guy.....we could be BFFs/
Life is to eliminate those dangers that are worthless to Earth...

I'm witcha' long as I'm the one who determines 'worthless.'
I would not let them die at the hands of the executioner, just put them in with the general population, they won't last as long as death row appeals...

"...they won't last as long as death row appeals..."

And that irks me too!

What....20 years of appeals?????

When I become Queen, Personification of the Constitution...I'll have the accused standing on the gibbet, and when the jury returns a guilty verdict....the bottom drops out.

Case closed.
Just put a cap in dat azz.....

Yer a pretty vicious guy.....we could be BFFs/
Life is to eliminate those dangers that are worthless to Earth...

I'm witcha' long as I'm the one who determines 'worthless.'
Ohh no, that's not a womans job....
The liberal left which allegedly does not support the death penalty probably supported the execution of OKC bomber Timothy McVeigh which the federal government managed to accomplish in half the time (7 years) of the state executions which usually take up to 20 years of appeals.
You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.
that's why it's called the justice system and not the revenge system

"...the justice system..."
What a misnomer.

Fact is, it's not called the justice's called the judicial system, referring to courts and judges.

'Justice is incidental to law and order.' J. Edgar Hoover

Richard Ramirez, 'The Night Stalker' ... from June 1984 until August 1985.
June 27th He entered the apartment 2, 79 year-old Jenny Vincow, and as she slept, he took a razor sharp six-inch hunting knife, and plunged the full length into the elderly woman’s chest. He raised her chin, he stabbed, then slashed her throat from ear to ear. The last image her dying eyes registered was of him- killing her.

March 26th He entered the home of Maxine and Vincent Zazzara, stood over the sleeping Vincent, and shot him in the left side of his head, just above the ear. Maxine awoke, he beat her and tied her hands behind her with a necktie. He found a ten-inch carving knife in the kitchen, and tried to cut her heart out: the rib cage stopped him. He cut away her eyelids, and removed both of her eyes, put them in a little jewelry box he had found, laughing as he did so.

April 14th He decided on the home of sixty-six year old William Doi and his fifty-six year old invalid wife, Lillian. He quickly found the bedroom. He shot Bill above the upper lip, right through the tongue. He used his gloved fists to beat him, kicking him. He went to Lillian and raped her.

May 29th Mabel Bell was eighty-three, and her invalid sister, Florence ‘Nettie’ Lang, eighty-one. He couldn’t find a sharp knife in the kitchen, but he did find a wood-handled hammer. He walked up to the frail, sleeping form of Nettie, and without hesitation, struck her in the head, sinking the hammer into her brain repeatedly. In Mabel’s room he struck her…returned to Nettie, ripped her nightgown off and raped her. Ate a banana, and left.

May 30th He moved straight to the bedroom of forty-two year old Carol Kyle. He ascertained that she was alone except for her seven-year old son. He locked the boy in the closet. He ripped off her nightgown, then her panties, unzipped and forced her to orally copulate him. He turned her over and roughly sodomized her. After ransacking the house, he sodomized her again, as she pleaded with him.

June 27th Twenty-eight year old schoolteacher, Patty Elaine Higgins, blond and attractive, was beaten brutally, her head nearly cut off, after having been sodomized.

July 2nd He stopped in front of the home of seventy-five year old Mary Louise Cannon. A widow, she lived alone. He spotted a heavy, milk-white vase-lamp with a gloved hand, and brought it down with all his might on Mary’s head. He walked to the kitchen, found a sharp ten-inch butcher knife, and plunged it into the left side of Mary’s throat. He twisted it, and plunged it in again.

July 7th On this night he selected the home of sixty-one year old Joyce Lucille Nelson. She lived alone. When she awoke, he knocked her to the ground with his fist, bent over her, and beat her with rapid, piston-like blows. He kicked her so hard that he left a clear imprint of his shoe embedded in her face.

July 20th Next, the home of Maxon and Lela Kneiding, sixty-eight and sixty-six. He switched on the light, and swung the machete into Max’s neck. The put his gun to Max’s head and pulled the trigger. Then to Lela’s face, and shot her three times.

July 20th Not satisfied, he found his way to the home of Chainarong and Somkid Khovananth, and their two children, an eight-year old boy and two-year old girl. He put the barrel of the gun one inch from Chainarong’s left ear and pulled the trigger. He ripped off Somkid’s nightgown, laid her next to her dead husband and raped her. After ransacking the house, and tying up the eight-year old, he made Somkid sit in a chair and fellate him. Then he sodomized her. After beating her, he raped her again.

August 8th Elyas Abowath was thirty-one. His wife, Sakina, twenty-seven. They has two boys, three-years old and ten-weeks old. He went to the bed, and without hesitation put a bullet into Elyas’s brain just above the left ear. He quickly broke Sakina’s nose, and handcuffed her. He told her he would kill her children, ripped off her nursing bra, and forced her to fellate him, then he raped and sodomized her- ripping and tearing. After searching the house, he returned to rape and sodomize her again, even drinking milk from her swollen breasts.

August 18th The Pans, Peter and Barbara, were sixty-six and sixty-two. He entered the home at 2 a.m., quickly walked up to Peter and shot him in the right temple. He attacked Barbara, sexually assaulting her, but she resisted…so he shot her in the head.

The above is from the painstakingly researched book by Philip Carlo, “The Night Stalker.”

In 1989, he was convicted on 43 counts, including 13 murders, and the authorities have good reason to believe that he had committed several others.

October 3, 1996, in California's San Quentin Prison he married Doreen Lioy, age 41, was a freelance magazine editor with a bachelor's degree in English.

He died a 'nature death' in 2013.

Where is the justice?
With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life

That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.

A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that
Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life

That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.

A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that

Barbarism....extreme cruelty or brutality.
You know, like electing Barack Hussein Obama.

The death penalty for killers is the respect that society pays to innocent victims.
Innocent know, the folks under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama.
Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life

That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.

A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that

Barbarism....extreme cruelty or brutality.
You know, like electing Barack Hussein Obama.

The death penalty for killers is the respect that society pays to innocent victims.
Innocent know, the folks under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama.

But....but.....What about Obaaaama? <sob> <sob>
What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life

That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.

A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that

Barbarism....extreme cruelty or brutality.
You know, like electing Barack Hussein Obama.

The death penalty for killers is the respect that society pays to innocent victims.
Innocent know, the folks under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama.

But....but.....What about Obaaaama? <sob> <sob>

You've stumped for the petit mal President since his coronation.
His reputation will be yours.....neither of you will ever live it down.
I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life

That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.

A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that

Barbarism....extreme cruelty or brutality.
You know, like electing Barack Hussein Obama.

The death penalty for killers is the respect that society pays to innocent victims.
Innocent know, the folks under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama.

But....but.....What about Obaaaama? <sob> <sob>

You've stumped for the petit mal President since his coronation.
His reputation will be yours.....neither of you will ever live it down.

Diverting your own thread once again I see
That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.

A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that

Barbarism....extreme cruelty or brutality.
You know, like electing Barack Hussein Obama.

The death penalty for killers is the respect that society pays to innocent victims.
Innocent know, the folks under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama.

But....but.....What about Obaaaama? <sob> <sob>

You've stumped for the petit mal President since his coronation.
His reputation will be yours.....neither of you will ever live it down.

Diverting your own thread once again I see

How transparent an attempt to prevent me from post what I wish to.
You hate when I put you in your place, don't you?

. Welcome to the karma cafe....there are no menus but you will get what you deserve.
A society does not discourage barbarism by engaging in barbarism

Most of the civilized world has realized that

Barbarism....extreme cruelty or brutality.
You know, like electing Barack Hussein Obama.

The death penalty for killers is the respect that society pays to innocent victims.
Innocent know, the folks under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama.

But....but.....What about Obaaaama? <sob> <sob>

You've stumped for the petit mal President since his coronation.
His reputation will be yours.....neither of you will ever live it down.

Diverting your own thread once again I see

How transparent an attempt to prevent me from post what I wish to.
You hate when I put you in your place, don't you?

. Welcome to the karma cafe....there are no menus but you will get what you deserve.

They have stuff like Ritalin available that would help you stay focused on the topic at hand

Forgot your pill this morning?
You know the Tsarnaev brothers were kicked out of Russia right?
Boston bomber Tsarnaev s lawyers kicked out of Russia for impersonating FBI World Malay Mail Online
Were they real spies or just impersonating them?
Were they Patsies, Moles or Technicians?
Boston Marathon bombing defendant Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyers were kicked out of Russia for pretending to be tourists and impersonating Federal Bureau of Investigation agents during interviews, US prosecutors said.

The Russian government notified the US that three visiting lawyers, who weren’t named, also refused to confirm their legal status while conducting their investigation, the prosecutors said in a filing today in Boston federal court. The US government’s claim comes as defense lawyers seek to delay the trial, set for this year, until September 2015.

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