Death Penalty- No Doubt

In the news....
."Prosecutors, defense close as Tsarnaev case goes to jury"
With case set to head to jury different portaits of Tsarnaev - Metro - The Boston Globe

Sensational and shut case....some 17 charges that make this savage eligible for the death penalty......

"Three people were killed in the Marathon explosions, and more than 260 people were injured, including 17 people who lost limbs."

....and trial experts are out there saying the won't get the ultimate reward.


1. "...federal prosecutor on Monday described Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as a cold-blooded killer determined to attack the Boston Marathon – a terrorist who not only read militant propaganda on the Internet, but who embraced it.

2. ..... Tsarnaev’s defense attorney acknowledged to jurors that Tsarnaev participated in the bombings of the Boston Marathon, the killing of a police officer several days later, and in a firefight with police in Watertown, where he threw bombs at police....

3. [His defense attorney,] asked jurors to see her client, who was then 19, as an “adolescent” who was misguided...

4. “We don’t deny that Dzhokhar fully participated in the events, but if not for Tamerlan, it would not have happened,” she said, making an argument that will probably be a focus in the next stage of the trial, when jurors would decide what Tsarnaev’s punishment should be.

5. ...he hid in the boat, Tsarnaev wrote a justification for the Marathon bombings on an inside wall of the boat, explaining that the attack was committed as retribution for US military involvement in Muslim lands.

“He wanted to tell the world why he did it and he wanted to take credit, he wanted to justify it,”

6. ...“Chakravarty recounted the testimony of bombing survivors including William Richard, who described his frantic efforts to help his daughter, while his wife tended to their dying son, 8-year-old Martin.

He recalled the testimony of Danling Zhou, who saw a hole blown through her friend Lingzi Lu’s leg. Lu died of her injuries.
“The defendant killed her, too,” Chakravarty said.
Clarke said she would not deny what Tsarnaev did, but said prosecutors were overstating his role. For instance, prosecutors said he purposely placed the bomb behind a group of children,..."

Death Penalty.......

......or a job at Rolling Stone?
This administration won't execute him even if he gets it.

Hassan Akbar ( Hasan Akbar Murderpedia the encyclopedia of murderers) still leads the good life in a federal prison, no Muslim will be executed here on Obama's watch.

He'll simply have to find a couple more Bergdahl's......
Even if he gets a Death Sentence, he will never get a Death Penalty
100% i do support the death penalty.

This has got to stop.

In two day you have authored two posts with which I have no way to disagree.

If this is your evil plan to drive me from the board......well.......

Its just my systemic approach to each issue. Use my brain and not partisan blinders. Its a cool technique i can teach for $.
Yeah, life in prison where you can kill with impunity is so much more humane.

More people are murdered in prison than are executed.

Great system.
our prisons have issues, true.

That doesn't make the death penalty any more palatable
Tell that to the parents of a dead non-violent offender raped or murdered or both, by a lifer that should have been executed, but instead got three hots and a cot and all the sex and violence he cared to engage in without penalty.
we should hear from people like that to motivate the changes our prisons need. Rape and assault should not be acceptable in prison, ever.

Still doesn't make execution the right thing to do

In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
The death penalty has likely saved more lives than you could ever imagine, ogi.

If a side effect is that innocent persons have been put to death, you address the surgical reasons for those mishaps and dont throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Everyone wants to survive. Ill never buy that bullshit that life in prison is less desirable than death. Our species adapts, naturally, and suicide is quite fucking easy.

On occasion, lifers off themselves. But its rare. Why?

Cuz they want to live, not die.
Interesting,so the only thing preventing you from killing is the threat of the death penalty?
our prisons have issues, true.

That doesn't make the death penalty any more palatable
Tell that to the parents of a dead non-violent offender raped or murdered or both, by a lifer that should have been executed, but instead got three hots and a cot and all the sex and violence he cared to engage in without penalty.
we should hear from people like that to motivate the changes our prisons need. Rape and assault should not be acceptable in prison, ever.

Still doesn't make execution the right thing to do

In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent
Tell that to the parents of a dead non-violent offender raped or murdered or both, by a lifer that should have been executed, but instead got three hots and a cot and all the sex and violence he cared to engage in without penalty.
we should hear from people like that to motivate the changes our prisons need. Rape and assault should not be acceptable in prison, ever.

Still doesn't make execution the right thing to do

In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India
Tell that to the parents of a dead non-violent offender raped or murdered or both, by a lifer that should have been executed, but instead got three hots and a cot and all the sex and violence he cared to engage in without penalty.
we should hear from people like that to motivate the changes our prisons need. Rape and assault should not be acceptable in prison, ever.

Still doesn't make execution the right thing to do

In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I wish I could save you from sounding like a total idiot....but, too late.

1."Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death"

a. "Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year."
Capital Punishment Works - WSJ

74 fewer innocents slaughtered.

b. "President Obama has declared that auto companies' fleets must average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, almost double the current 27.5. Standing at his side when he made the announcement were executives from the Big Three automakers. "
A Government That Kills Human Events
"Back in 2002, the National Academy of Sciences did a study on the effects of CAFE. They found that over the three decades CAFE has been in effect, downsizing of cars and trucks for fuel economy has cost us about 2,000 lives per year.

Less steel framing and smaller size equals more miles per gallon. It also means you’re rolling down the road in a vehicle with much less crashworthiness, making you more vulnerable to every stationary object, to that semi behind you … and to the guy in the normal-sized car.

This death toll figure was arrived at long before President Obama recently upped the CAFE standards by 30% and more. The death toll going forward will be even higher."
"Pajamas Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards
The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards PJ Media

One argument shot down.


2. "the religious beliefs that killing is wrong,"
There no such Judeo-Christian belief.
'Else war would be outlawed in the two faiths.
Sure like to see you make that argument about Islam.

Two down.
we should hear from people like that to motivate the changes our prisons need. Rape and assault should not be acceptable in prison, ever.

Still doesn't make execution the right thing to do

In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.
In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty

All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.
we should hear from people like that to motivate the changes our prisons need. Rape and assault should not be acceptable in prison, ever.

Still doesn't make execution the right thing to do

In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I wish I could save you from sounding like a total idiot....but, too late.

1."Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death"

a. "Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year."
Capital Punishment Works - WSJ

74 fewer innocents slaughtered.

b. "President Obama has declared that auto companies' fleets must average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, almost double the current 27.5. Standing at his side when he made the announcement were executives from the Big Three automakers. "
A Government That Kills Human Events
"Back in 2002, the National Academy of Sciences did a study on the effects of CAFE. They found that over the three decades CAFE has been in effect, downsizing of cars and trucks for fuel economy has cost us about 2,000 lives per year.

Less steel framing and smaller size equals more miles per gallon. It also means you’re rolling down the road in a vehicle with much less crashworthiness, making you more vulnerable to every stationary object, to that semi behind you … and to the guy in the normal-sized car.

This death toll figure was arrived at long before President Obama recently upped the CAFE standards by 30% and more. The death toll going forward will be even higher."
"Pajamas Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards
The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards PJ Media

One argument shot down.


2. "the religious beliefs that killing is wrong,"
There no such Judeo-Christian belief.
'Else war would be outlawed in the two faiths.
Sure like to see you make that argument about Islam.

Two down.
Correlation is not causation.
CAFE standards have nothing to do with this
"Thou shalt not kill."
I live in Massachusetts and have been following the trial on a daily basis through our media coverage. He will be convicted. Unfortunately, since these Mofos chose a target in Massachusetts, I see ZERO CHANCE that he ends up on death row. The people of the Communistwealth to not have the guts or balls to actually make this guy pay for his crimes. Instead he'll end up in prison, getting three hots and a cot, along with a state-paid for sex change operation and a paid-for law degree. Total BS, but that's what you get when you allow Judges and Juries to pick the punishment rather than putting it in writing, pure and simple.
In some cases it is the only thing to do.

If you don't like it, and get picked for a jury on a murder trial, whine about it and shirk your civic duty, and pass the buck.
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I wish I could save you from sounding like a total idiot....but, too late.

1."Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death"

a. "Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year."
Capital Punishment Works - WSJ

74 fewer innocents slaughtered.

b. "President Obama has declared that auto companies' fleets must average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, almost double the current 27.5. Standing at his side when he made the announcement were executives from the Big Three automakers. "
A Government That Kills Human Events
"Back in 2002, the National Academy of Sciences did a study on the effects of CAFE. They found that over the three decades CAFE has been in effect, downsizing of cars and trucks for fuel economy has cost us about 2,000 lives per year.

Less steel framing and smaller size equals more miles per gallon. It also means you’re rolling down the road in a vehicle with much less crashworthiness, making you more vulnerable to every stationary object, to that semi behind you … and to the guy in the normal-sized car.

This death toll figure was arrived at long before President Obama recently upped the CAFE standards by 30% and more. The death toll going forward will be even higher."
"Pajamas Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards
The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards PJ Media

One argument shot down.


2. "the religious beliefs that killing is wrong,"
There no such Judeo-Christian belief.
'Else war would be outlawed in the two faiths.
Sure like to see you make that argument about Islam.

Two down.
Correlation is not causation.
CAFE standards have nothing to do with this
"Thou shalt not kill."

"CAFE standards have nothing to do with this."
Of course it hid behind not taking one innocent life....but you shrug at the thousands who die as a result of the Liberal-in-Chief's CAFE regulation.

""Thou shalt not kill." is the Liberal bastardization of the actual proscription:
"You shall not murder" (Hebrewלֹא תִּרְצָחlo tirṣaḥ)
The imperative is against unlawful killing resulting in bloodguilt
Thou shalt not kill - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Don't make that mistake again.
I live in Massachusetts and have been following the trial on a daily basis through our media coverage. He will be convicted. Unfortunately, since these Mofos chose a target in Massachusetts, I see ZERO CHANCE that he ends up on death row. The people of the Communistwealth to not have the guts or balls to actually make this guy pay for his crimes. Instead he'll end up in prison, getting three hots and a cot, along with a state-paid for sex change operation and a paid-for law degree. Total BS, but that's what you get when you allow Judges and Juries to pick the punishment rather than putting it in writing, pure and simple.

Let's hope you and I are wrong about this.
But the interview I heard with a court observer predicted no death penalty.
It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty

All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

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