Death Penalty

Sane ,insane it doesn't matter. If they commit murder they give up their right to live. Execute everyone that commits murder. No second chances.

great...let's start with big oil, the health insurance industry, and weapons manufacturers....that ought to cover a huge number of mass murderer's.

see his ridiculous you talk? some guy gets into a bar fight, ends up knocking another guy into the corner of the bar and he dies....a man walks in on his wife cheating on him...kills them both in a fit of pain and rage....guy has one too many and drives drunk...gets into an ACCIDENT and kills someone.

there are plenty of other scenarios that one could think're saying kill them all? Not saying they shouldn't be punished...but certainly not death. Even in this one sane shoots up a movie theater....the dude was fucked up and the system failed him and the town of Aurora.

one area I have mixed emotions on are crimes of greed. Contract killers, people bumping off others for insurance money...etc. That's some cold blooded shit...premeditated, scheming and calculated.

Steel the problem with your arguement is we're talking about FIRST DEGREE murder, the wife cheating and bar fights are usually not classified as such, those are usually second degree murder. we're talking about FIRST degree, you know the contract killers, bumping people off for any reason (premeditated), commiting murder during a crime like: rape/murder or robbery/murder, those are first degree and those people are useless. The coming home and your wife's cheating on you, well that shouldnt go unpunished, but I have alot more leniency for that than I do first degree.

sorry dude...the crazies get a pass from me too. You're right about the murderer while committing a crime though.

I'll tell you what...let's compromise....let's allow the States to make that decision.

So he said his first 2 were in 17 years and they were different people at the end...well NO SHIT!!!!

The book is 2 inches kill a murder....what a crock. hang em, watch him squirm and then cheer the death.


Do you still torture small-animals ('cause it's sounding like you'd have quite the history of doing-so)?


You've got some serious-problems.​

Nope, but you still love criminals.
great...let's start with big oil, the health insurance industry, and weapons manufacturers....that ought to cover a huge number of mass murderer's.

see his ridiculous you talk? some guy gets into a bar fight, ends up knocking another guy into the corner of the bar and he dies....a man walks in on his wife cheating on him...kills them both in a fit of pain and rage....guy has one too many and drives drunk...gets into an ACCIDENT and kills someone.

there are plenty of other scenarios that one could think're saying kill them all? Not saying they shouldn't be punished...but certainly not death. Even in this one sane shoots up a movie theater....the dude was fucked up and the system failed him and the town of Aurora.

one area I have mixed emotions on are crimes of greed. Contract killers, people bumping off others for insurance money...etc. That's some cold blooded shit...premeditated, scheming and calculated.

Steel the problem with your arguement is we're talking about FIRST DEGREE murder, the wife cheating and bar fights are usually not classified as such, those are usually second degree murder. we're talking about FIRST degree, you know the contract killers, bumping people off for any reason (premeditated), commiting murder during a crime like: rape/murder or robbery/murder, those are first degree and those people are useless. The coming home and your wife's cheating on you, well that shouldnt go unpunished, but I have alot more leniency for that than I do first degree.

sorry dude...the crazies get a pass from me too. You're right about the murderer while committing a crime though.

I'll tell you what...let's compromise....let's allow the States to make that decision.

Actually I have no problem with states deciding. The one thing I would add, is that if they do pass the death penalty, they need to do it for all first degree murders (not second or third), just first degree and it should have a much faster appeals process (I prefer 1 year, but could work with up to 5 years, but any longer is horrible)

But I agree it's a states rights issue.
Not it this case or any case.

The "State" is the Government.

The Government of the United States is Of the People, By the People and For the People.

I am one of the people.

I would only kill another person in the immediate defense of myself or others.

I would certainly not cede the power to the government to commit by proxy an act that I would not perform personally.

Playing devils advocate, what if the people are for the death penalty?
Not it this case or any case.

The "State" is the Government.

The Government of the United States is Of the People, By the People and For the People.

I am one of the people.

I would only kill another person in the immediate defense of myself or others.

I would certainly not cede the power to the government to commit by proxy an act that I would not perform personally.

Playing devils advocate, what if the people are for the death penalty?

then they should put it on a referendum.....however, no matter how the vote turns out, that doesn't mean Missourian or anyone else has to change their values.
Not it this case or any case.

The "State" is the Government.

The Government of the United States is Of the People, By the People and For the People.

I am one of the people.

I would only kill another person in the immediate defense of myself or others.

I would certainly not cede the power to the government to commit by proxy an act that I would not perform personally.

Playing devils advocate, what if the people are for the death penalty?

then they should put it on a referendum.....however, no matter how the vote turns out, that doesn't mean Missourian or anyone else has to change their values.

Interesting idea, I like it, let's get this started!
I don't agree with the death penalty because I don't believe the State should have the power to legally take a life.

The fact that this man might "deserve" to die doesn't change that.
I don't agree with the death penalty because I don't believe the State should have the power to legally take a life.

The fact that this man might "deserve" to die doesn't change that.

Well it does change it. You're not killing an innocent person. It's a piece of trash, and the government kills in war, which I dont have a problem with. But the main thing is the government may carry out the execution, it's not the government that gives him/her the sentance, it's the jury.
Yes, I'm against the death penalty - in this and all cases. It doesn't solve the problem, it doesn't save resources, it doesn't deter future criminals, it doesn't bring back the victims and - most importantly - it grants the state an ultimate and final power I'd prefer they not have.

And while it doesn't seem to apply in this case, too often the state gets it wrong.

Pretty much sums up my stance.
Yes, I'm against the death penalty - in this and all cases. It doesn't solve the problem, it doesn't save resources, it doesn't deter future criminals, it doesn't bring back the victims and - most importantly - it grants the state an ultimate and final power I'd prefer they not have.

And while it doesn't seem to apply in this case, too often the state gets it wrong.

Pretty much sums up my stance.

Killing someone to punish killing, too much of an "eye for eye" to me. Yet, I felt no sadness when Rolling & McVeigh were executed, no joy either.
So are you against the Death Penalty for the piece of shit "Joker" in Colorado?

I'd like to get your explanation if so...

You are throwing out a lot of logical fallacies in this topic. That is what happens when you let your emotions do your thinking for you.

The biggest mistake you are making is assuming that opponents of the death penalty are liberals. koshergirl has checked in as an opponent of the death penalty, and I can assure you she is not a liberal. Based on her posts on this forum, I would guess she is a hardcore Catholic conservative.

I am agnostic on the death penalty.

I have no doubt that if someone like the Colorado shooter killed a member of my family, I would kill him with my bare hands. I would torture him first so I could hear him scream like a woman.

However, as others have pointed out, the death penalty process in our country is seriously flawed. Both Democratic and Republican governors have come to this realization. The judicial system is broken and broken hard.

We cannot take a clear cut case like the Colorado asshole and write him large upon all murder cases. We have seen too many people released from prison over the years who were wrongly convicted and only saved by the science of DNA testing.

Instead of getting all heated up about one guy, we should be getting heated up over fixing a far more serious problem staring us all in the face.

Justice is the backbone of a civilized society, and ours is breaking down. Killing one maniac won't do a thing to solve that.
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For anyone that is against the death penalty, you don't value the victim's life.

If the state won't remove someone from the planet for shooting up a movie theater and trying to kill 100 people, then the state values the life of that criminal over the lives of his victims.

You can talk out your ass all day about the so-called innocent people killed by the death penalty but if only used in extreme cases that can be proven beyond a shadow of doubt, then there's no reason for the state to keep someone like this scumbag alive until he dies from another inmate or from his own body failing him decades from now.

If you're against the death penalty, then you are against the SEALS killing UBL, soldiers today killing the Taliban, the police killing some criminal tonight after taking hostages, etc.
For anyone that is against the death penalty, you don't value the victim's life.

If the state won't remove someone from the planet for shooting up a movie theater and trying to kill 100 people, then the state values the life of that criminal over the lives of his victims.

You can talk out your ass all day about the so-called innocent people killed by the death penalty but if only used in extreme cases that can be proven beyond a shadow of doubt, then there's no reason for the state to keep someone like this scumbag alive until he dies from another inmate or from his own body failing him decades from now.

If you're against the death penalty, then you are against the SEALS killing UBL, soldiers today killing the Taliban, the police killing some criminal tonight after taking hostages, etc.

I believe bin Laden should have been brought to trial, but accept that it was not feasible. Some object to the death penalty on religious grounds, that is the source of my objection; only God should take a life.
I wonder what those here talking about not letting the state kill a heinous murderer would think about someone that killed them living the rest of their life playing basketball, watching TV, surfing the internet, lifting weights, taking classes, even coming up for parole every 5-10 years....maybe getting out in their 70s.....while you're dead.

Pretty much what the other citizens of your state said to you is "Fuck You, we don't really care that you died."
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Yes, I'm against the death penalty - in this and all cases. It doesn't solve the problem, it doesn't save resources, it doesn't deter future criminals, it doesn't bring back the victims and - most importantly - it grants the state an ultimate and final power I'd prefer they not have.

And while it doesn't seem to apply in this case, too often the state gets it wrong.

Pretty much sums up my stance.

Killing someone to punish killing, too much of an "eye for eye" to me. Yet, I felt no sadness when Rolling & McVeigh were executed, no joy either.

I disagree, I dont really have an issue with an eye for an eye, but seeing someone get justice is awesome. I still remember I was in my car when they said Ted Bundy was dead, yep I cheered and am glad that his victum's familes didnt have to worry about him escaping (and he did that before), or getting off on a technicallity or some lame overcrowded bs and most especially they didnt have to go to a parole board to relive the crimes. All in all he's dead and can never hurt another person and he deserved every volt he got.
Oh, so you'd want him locked up in Federal Prison. Mabye we could build a Federal Prison in NYC so he could mock the dead from 9/11. :eusa_whistle:

Let's not forget the TV interviews he could get from CNN, msnbc, Al Jazerra...Barbara Walters loves killers.

For anyone that is against the death penalty, you don't value the victim's life.

If the state won't remove someone from the planet for shooting up a movie theater and trying to kill 100 people, then the state values the life of that criminal over the lives of his victims.

You can talk out your ass all day about the so-called innocent people killed by the death penalty but if only used in extreme cases that can be proven beyond a shadow of doubt, then there's no reason for the state to keep someone like this scumbag alive until he dies from another inmate or from his own body failing him decades from now.

If you're against the death penalty, then you are against the SEALS killing UBL, soldiers today killing the Taliban, the police killing some criminal tonight after taking hostages, etc.

I believe bin Laden should have been brought to trial, but accept that it was not feasible. Some object to the death penalty on religious grounds, that is the source of my objection; only God should take a life.
Yes, I'm against the death penalty - in this and all cases. It doesn't solve the problem, it doesn't save resources, it doesn't deter future criminals, it doesn't bring back the victims and - most importantly -

There are studies that show both- deter or not
so at this point it is a matter of opinion

it grants the state an ultimate and final power I'd prefer they not have.

And while it doesn't seem to apply in this case, too often the state gets it wrong.

Then you must be against the state in any manner, for example,
the distribution of health care resources where it impacts one's life
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Yes, I'm against the death penalty - in this and all cases. It doesn't solve the problem, it doesn't save resources, it doesn't deter future criminals, it doesn't bring back the victims and - most importantly - it grants the state an ultimate and final power I'd prefer they not have.

And while it doesn't seem to apply in this case, too often the state gets it wrong.

Pretty much sums up my stance.

Killing someone to punish killing, too much of an "eye for eye" to me. Yet, I felt no sadness when Rolling & McVeigh were executed, no joy either.

Again, echoing my stance.

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