Death threats against Sarah Palin reach "unprecedented levels"

So I guess someone posting a picture of Alaska with a crosshairs on it would be perceived as a legitimate threat to Palin???


lolol too much!
:eusa_hand: Please...she'd pee her pants at the chance to increase her martyred state.
A message for Sarah from the left

Eh tu, peaceniks.

The left is not really interested in a civil tone, except to impose it on their detractors.

With plain Palin running her ignorant mouth, it is wonder she still has any supporters. I think the Jewish community would like to bang her head against the wailing wall. Anyone making a death threat needs to have an airhead valve inserted in the skull.

I am part of the Jewish community! Many generations ago in Czarist Russia my relatives were persecuted because of the Blood Libel. It was so bad they immigrated to America. I thank them everyday for making me a proud American!

HOWEVER, I have nothing but respect for Palin! I admire her courage in the face of blind hatred and bigotry. I admire her strength where many would fold. I admire her classiness in the face of extreme arrogance. I ADMIRE HER PERIOD!!!

The attacks on her amount to the same Blood Libel my relatives faced in Russia! Her comment was more then justified. You can tell she is a highly moral person, great mother, GREAT ROLE MODEL and great American all the way around! She is a friend to the Jews and a friend to America!

God Bless Sarah Palin!

Blood libels against Jews in Russia in Modern Times 1799 to after 1948
Dumbest post of the year.

Where is your 'outrage' or even a modicum of concern about people who threaten public figures?

I am outraged that nutcases can buy guns and extended ammo clips at Walmart and KILL public officials.

Are you?

The left is sort of interested in the gun issue but they have their priorities.Let's see if anyone
agrees with the following list the Dems have.

# 1.....the evil right talk radio
# 2.....the evil right tv shows
# 3.....the evil right print media
# 4.....Sarah Palin.
# 5.....Sarah Palin
# 6 ....the former governor of Alaska
# 7 ....Bristol's Mom
# 8 ....the lady who is married to the former first Dude.
# 9 ....Sarah Palin....
# 10 .....Oh yeh the guy who did the shooting but that's not the important issue..
and something about guns in this country.We will deal with that later...We need to get after this Sarah video thing....:evil:
You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.

I hate the left and obama but not enough to want to kill them.

maybe you don't lie....


but I have no doubt that LOTS of conservatives would GLADLY kill;

lonestar would
pale rider would
willow would
divecon would
diamonddave would
rush limbaugh would
ann coulter would
michelle malkin would
glenn beck would

Ah ... dude .... Willow, Divecon, and Diamond Dave would never do such a thing and frankly, I'm disgusted to read that you think that way.

The other two are really just pussies who wouldn't back up their tough guy talk.
Eh tu, peaceniks.

The left is not really interested in a civil tone, except to impose it on their detractors.

Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Death threats to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin have increased to unprecedented levels in the wake of Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, an aide tells ABC News.

Following the attack that seriously wounded Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others, Palin has found herself embroiled in a firestorm of controversy. Numerous left-wing commentators have accused Palin’s hard-hitting partisan rhetoric of influencing accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner.

The Daily Caller reported that dozens of Twitter users called for Sarah Palin’s death in the hours following the shooting, with some going so far as to wish for her assassination.

Read more: Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The Left has created such hate and now they try to exploit the death of a child

Here is some more of the hate the left has created

So I guess someone posting a picture of Alaska with a crosshairs on it would be perceived as a legitimate threat to Palin???


lolol too much!

What's all this 'Plain using cross hairs' shit? (and connecting it to Loughner is nothing short of nonsensical). She was just following in the Dems footsteps. Right?

Circa 2006

There is wrong and then there is wrong. Political ads are as negative as ever; however, this one crosses the line beyond words. Democrat Harry Mitchell’s latest ad against Arizona US Rep. J.D. Hayworth depicts Hayworth in the cross-hairs of a rifles scope. WTF is Harry Mitchell thinking? This is not a political paid for ad by some independent action group. This is a paid ad by Mitchell’s campaign. Could you imagine the hue & cry throughout the land if a Republican ever did and ad like this against a Democrat?

The DC sniper gripped the Washington, DC area for months. Charles Carl Roberts just gunned down 5 Amish school girls. Somehow “Dirty” Harry Mitchell thinks it OK to show a picture of his opponent through the scope of a rifle in a political ad. Seems to me that it would be this type of poor judgment that would discredit Mitchell from being elected.

Political Ad with AZ Rep JD Hayworth in a Guns Cross Hairs … Think this crosses the line? | Scared Monkeys
The Left/Democrats have handled this tragedy very badly. They've been incredibly irresponsible. They're using Political Vitriol to supposedly criticize Political Vitriol. They've used this thing for political gain. I think the People see that though. The Left/Democrats have only hurt themselves more in trying to exploit this tragedy. They have also made things worse for other politicians in America who are now seeing death threats against them increasing. They really should be ashamed of themselves.

They're getting more and more bizarre, aren't they? The more people wise up to their bullshit the more red faced they get.:eek:
The Left/Democrats have handled this tragedy very badly. They've been incredibly irresponsible. They're using Political Vitriol to supposedly criticize Political Vitriol. They've used this thing for political gain. I think the People see that though. The Left/Democrats have only hurt themselves more in trying to exploit this tragedy. They have also made things worse for other politicians in America who are now seeing death threats against them increasing. They really should be ashamed of themselves.

They're getting more and more bizarre, aren't they? The more people wise up to their bullshit the more red faced they get.:eek:

It is my intent to force them to get so red faced they will blow ever blood vessel in their head hopefully causing a blood clot.

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