??? "Death to Arabs" ???

Don't be stupid. those who paint graffiti are those who are probably to coward, or lack the meaning of doing anything else.

those who bomb and kill and throw stones don't protest with graffiti. duh.

so, death threats and breaking into people's apartments are nothing to worry about...

gotcha. hey, neither are buring crosses on lawns...right?

sticks and stones will break your bones but death threats and wearing white sheets will never hurt anyone....cool.

i,m learning a lot about jews here.

what are you learning? you are learning that after 1400
years of ITBACH AL YAHUD-----some jews have returned
the compliment------your people in the white sheets----were
not "returning" anything ------they were murdering and
abusing from the outset

what i am learning is that jews will raise a stink to the high heavens about things like an australian ad about children's boots, claiming it is anti-semitic, but are unbelievably tolerant when when death threats are directed towards gentiles and their apartment is broken into.

they are not my people in white sheets. they hate catholics as well...or more specifically the irish...kinda like a lot of you guys. i said you acted like them.

what the hell is wrong with you people anyway. you are actually defending people wjo threaten other peoples lives lives because of their race.

i thought it was a racist act but not all that big of a deal really but mafter reading the posts on this thread, well, i have changedd my mind.

you (pl) ACTUALLY are defending this. i cannot believe it.
Don't be stupid. those who paint graffiti are those who are probably to coward, or lack the meaning of doing anything else.

those who bomb and kill and throw stones don't protest with graffiti. duh.

so, death threats and breaking into people's apartments are nothing to worry about...

gotcha. hey, neither are buring crosses on lawns...right?

sticks and stones will break your bones but death threats and wearing white sheets will never hurt anyone....cool.

i,m learning a lot about jews here.

Jews have a deep unshakeable layer of institutional paranoia deep in our tribal psyche caused by centuries of persecution everywhere

This fear is abused by AIPAC and all Israeli Govcernments to justify theft and sadistic atrocity while posing as the one and only prima donna victim of victims


Me..I'm from the Jewish aristocracy not the rabble from trhe fiddler on the roof stetls so I don't have this disease and never have bhad.

But I have compassion for those who do, nonetheless

it is arabs who were threatened by jews and other jews are defending it. i have no compassion for those who promote or excuse bigotry such as this.
darling momma (hindi for breast!!)

thanx for your jewish encouragement to un shut up

yes of course you are right

in Pune here the terrible local hospital is called Sassoon Hospital and the locals call it the die soon hospital

the Sassoons, who I am related to by marriage were the no 1 opium dealers to the British Royal family and shipped Opium by the thousands of tons from Bengal to China who was forced at gunboat point to accept it instaed of silver for the British tea addiction.

the first human being I ever saw die was in 1983 my darlling sister in law's 2 year old boy who was given a blood transfusion of the wrong blood group in the die soon hospital. He had the most wonderful smile as he passed.

i started loving his widowed mum when I saw the grace and dignity she showed in this, the ultimate tradegy for an indian woman and have loved her ever since. she is working hard in the room under this one as I write.

even when jews aint persecuted they can be involved in the worst kinds of business and i curse the fookin sassoons every time i think of them

like the jewish russian mafia, the jewish blood diamond moguls and all the hired liars bearing false witness to our thefts and lies and wrong doings

not you of course darling momma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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so, death threats and breaking into people's apartments are nothing to worry about...

gotcha. hey, neither are buring crosses on lawns...right?

sticks and stones will break your bones but death threats and wearing white sheets will never hurt anyone....cool.

i,m learning a lot about jews here.

Jews have a deep unshakeable layer of institutional paranoia deep in our tribal psyche caused by centuries of persecution everywhere

This fear is abused by AIPAC and all Israeli Govcernments to justify theft and sadistic atrocity while posing as the one and only prima donna victim of victims


Me..I'm from the Jewish aristocracy not the rabble from trhe fiddler on the roof stetls so I don't have this disease and never have bhad.

But I have compassion for those who do, nonetheless

it is arabs who were threatened by jews and other jews are defending it. i have no compassion for those who promote or excuse bigotry such as this.
well seal there we part company

the worst thing ever said by a british politician was by that ghastly lousy prime monster John Circus Major when he said that we should condemn more and understand less

the exact opposite of the truth

are you here just to get your irish rocks off or to learn something, at least??

a life without understanding or compassion is a hollow shell, indeed...........

but i detest those vile so called loyalists in that other stolen land of northern ireland.... ulcer .....as much as i detest the israeli government

both are abusing my own people, british and jewish respectively
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Probably a bunch of bored kids.

Grafitti is so prevalent in my city that no one reports it to the
cops -----there are swaztikas everywhere----including on the
side of my house-----too high up for me to approach----the kids
are very agile

some of it is actually very artistic----there have been competitions--
people donate a wall for the purpose.

Why anyone would justify more than 1000 years of rock flinging
by citing grafitti MYSTIFIES me

i did not justify rock throwing. i merely tried to differentiate it from from death threats.
so, ok...the next time someone slaps some racist graffiti saying something like "kill all jews" i should not regard it as a racist act but instead a work of art.

are you all actually serious.

are YOU actually serious------you are INSISTING that when a million
muslims marched around their rock in mecca chanting "death to Israel"--
YOU considered that bit of sing song pious entertainment
a DECLARATION OF WAR and Israel would have been justfied
in bombing the place with -----exploding pig feces bombs?
ok ok ok now that we have decided that saying or writing "death
to" is a serious issue-----the fact is that whenever there is a public
"ISRAEL" thing in my town-----a gaggle of arabs do show up with
their MAWT AL YAHUD and ITBACH AL YAHUD giggles---
are we supposed to shoot them or just throw rocks at their
childrens' heads?
Jews have a deep unshakeable layer of institutional paranoia deep in our tribal psyche caused by centuries of persecution everywhere

This fear is abused by AIPAC and all Israeli Govcernments to justify theft and sadistic atrocity while posing as the one and only prima donna victim of victims


Me..I'm from the Jewish aristocracy not the rabble from trhe fiddler on the roof stetls so I don't have this disease and never have bhad.

But I have compassion for those who do, nonetheless

it is arabs who were threatened by jews and other jews are defending it. i have no compassion for those who promote or excuse bigotry such as this.
well seal there we part company

the worst thing ever said by a british politician was by that ghastly lousy prime monster John Circus Major when he said that we should condemn more and understand less

the exact opposite of the truth

are you here just to get your irish rocks off or to learn something, at least??

a life without understanding or compassion is a hollow shell, indeed...........

but i detest those vile so called loyalists in that other stolen land of northern ireland.... ulcer .....as much as i detest the israeli government

both are abusing my own people, british and jewish respectively

what is it you would have me understand? what am i failing to understand? for whom am i supposed to have a wellspring of compassion.

a threat was graffitied on an israeli arab's door saying "death to arabs" and the jewish posters on this board are defending that death threat.

excuse me for condemning, and not condoning, racism.

as for who is abusing your people, i would attribute a large part of that to american jews who sit comfortably at home sipping on kosher wine and beaming with pride about their "jewish homeland" and not ever having to feel the burdens felt by the average israeli. the israeli government sees the monetary value in such support.
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Grafitti is so prevalent in my city that no one reports it to the
cops -----there are swaztikas everywhere----including on the
side of my house-----too high up for me to approach----the kids
are very agile

some of it is actually very artistic----there have been competitions--
people donate a wall for the purpose.

Why anyone would justify more than 1000 years of rock flinging
by citing grafitti MYSTIFIES me

i did not justify rock throwing. i merely tried to differentiate it from from death threats.
so, ok...the next time someone slaps some racist graffiti saying something like "kill all jews" i should not regard it as a racist act but instead a work of art.

are you all actually serious.

are YOU actually serious------you are INSISTING that when a million
muslims marched around their rock in mecca chanting "death to Israel"--
YOU considered that bit of sing song pious entertainment
a DECLARATION OF WAR and Israel would have been justfied
in bombing the place with -----exploding pig feces bombs?
ok ok ok now that we have decided that saying or writing "death
to" is a serious issue-----the fact is that whenever there is a public
"ISRAEL" thing in my town-----a gaggle of arabs do show up with
their MAWT AL YAHUD and ITBACH AL YAHUD giggles---
are we supposed to shoot them or just throw rocks at their
childrens' heads?

LOL...i said no such thing. there are seven billion gentiles in the world and, while we may all look alike to you, we don't all think alike.

are exploding pig feces bombs more lethal than baby brain smashing nail bombs? you do have quite a familiarity with improvised weapons. are you one of them thar terrorists?
Seems to me that acts of hatred and intimidation should be condemned regardless of who they are directed against. Is that really such a hard thing to do?
Oh here we go the Hindu Jew trying to get an Oscar. LOL
Racism in Tel Aviv: 'Death to Arabs' on apartment door

Unknown assailants break into apartment inhabited by Arab youngsters, spray-paint 'death Arabs' and 'go away'. Police launch an investigation

Arab youngsters residing in south Tel Aviv were shocked to discover hate graffiti sprayed on the door of their apartment earlier this week. The graffiti read, "death to Arabs" "go away" and "price tag."

According to a complaint they filed with the police, unknown assailants broke into their apartment Saturday night and spray-painted hate slogans on the front door. Police launched an investigation.

Racism in Tel Aviv: 'Death to Arabs' on apartment door - Israel News, Ynetnews

i used to try to think of these as isolated incidents and rather limited to settlers, but i was in error. it seems to be a serious problem, well, if you are opposed to racism it is a serious problem.

if people wonder why the palestinians throw rocks and protest, the above sentiments spray painted on these youth's door oughta clue you in.

will it be long before the worshippers at the western wall wear white sheets and hoods.

now, i have said i don't use the word "terrorism" or "terrorist" very much (there is an excellent thread about that subject on the CDZ by the way) but i think this definitely fits the bill. threats lie this are designed to achieve a political end by terrorising these arab israeli kids.
Reab, the action of those thugs who wrote those words is despicable, but no one's nose bled as the result of it, and I am curious, were you as upset when Major Hassan gunned down a bunch of people or when Arabs/Muslims terrorize the civilians or your rage is only reserved for Israelis/Jews?
Since seal has already decided for me that I was going to post to 'defend' this unlawful and evil behavior - I suppose I don't really need to actually post condemning it.........
Racism in Tel Aviv: 'Death to Arabs' on apartment door

Unknown assailants break into apartment inhabited by Arab youngsters, spray-paint 'death Arabs' and 'go away'. Police launch an investigation

Arab youngsters residing in south Tel Aviv were shocked to discover hate graffiti sprayed on the door of their apartment earlier this week. The graffiti read, "death to Arabs" "go away" and "price tag."

According to a complaint they filed with the police, unknown assailants broke into their apartment Saturday night and spray-painted hate slogans on the front door. Police launched an investigation.

Racism in Tel Aviv: 'Death to Arabs' on apartment door - Israel News, Ynetnews

i used to try to think of these as isolated incidents and rather limited to settlers, but i was in error. it seems to be a serious problem, well, if you are opposed to racism it is a serious problem.

if people wonder why the palestinians throw rocks and protest, the above sentiments spray painted on these youth's door oughta clue you in.

will it be long before the worshippers at the western wall wear white sheets and hoods.

now, i have said i don't use the word "terrorism" or "terrorist" very much (there is an excellent thread about that subject on the CDZ by the way) but i think this definitely fits the bill. threats lie this are designed to achieve a political end by terrorising these arab israeli kids.
Reab, the action of those thugs who wrote those words is despicable, but no one's nose bled as the result of it, and I am curious, were you as upset when Major Hassan gunned down a bunch of people or when Arabs/Muslims terrorize the civilians or your rage is only reserved for Israelis/Jews?

nidal hassan is a different matter entirely.

i am not so particularly upset about this as i am upset about the excuses offered defending or minimising it.

the best and most effective terror doesn't draw blood from the person being terrorised.

i have condemned acts by palestinians many times.

i have a very narrow definition of what constitutes terrorism.

why do you assume i am in a rage. i am, instead, more astounded at this defense of a blatant act of racism by a people who should know better.
so, death threats and breaking into people's apartments are nothing to worry about...

gotcha. hey, neither are buring crosses on lawns...right?

sticks and stones will break your bones but death threats and wearing white sheets will never hurt anyone....cool.

i,m learning a lot about jews here.

Jews have a deep unshakeable layer of institutional paranoia deep in our tribal psyche caused by centuries of persecution everywhere

This fear is abused by AIPAC and all Israeli Govcernments to justify theft and sadistic
atrocity while posing as the one and only prima donna victim of victims


Me..I'm from the Jewish aristocracy not the rabble from trhe fiddler on the roof stetls so I don't have this disease and never have bhad.

But I have compassion for those who do, nonetheless

Jews were not persecuted "EVERYWHERE" ---only in isa-respecting places--
jews living in HINDU parts of india were fine-----and also ----the jews and
zoroastrians of bombay (mumbai) did great until-------you know who showed up.

same is true of afghanistan-----and even ----LAHORE----until----
you know who showed up-----

now----shut up mamzerji
Careful, Irosie, Kvetcher is from the aristocracy.(People who hire others to wipe their butt) Better start saying Your Grace or Yes Mum.
topic for a REASONABLE AND FAIR discussion

I propose a fixed penalty for "death to......" ""threats"" and for
"anti" grafitti in general. It will be hard to demonstrate all of it and
to PROVE it ----but this is my idea.
-----A STANDARD FINE for anyone who calls out "death to arabs" or
"death to jews" in any language. The respective communities
can be charged with payment---to the agrieved community

Also a standard fine for grafitti reflecting hatred ---again from the
perpetrators' community to the community of the agrieved '
The same for vandalism ---PLUS the cost of repair &/or
replacement of damaged property

This program can be expanded and refined to accomodate
a level of justice for all civil and criminal insults from one
community to the other.

I am sure that all on this board will support my BRILLIANT
darling momma (hindi for breast!!)

thanx for your jewish encouragement to un shut up

yes of course you are right

in Pune here the terrible local hospital is called Sassoon Hospital and the locals call it the die soon hospital

the Sassoons, who I am related to by marriage were the no 1 opium dealers to the British Royal family and shipped Opium by the thousands of tons from Bengal to China who was forced at gunboat point to accept it instaed of silver for the British tea addiction.

the first human being I ever saw die was in 1983 my darlling sister in law's 2 year old boy who was given a blood transfusion of the wrong blood group in the die soon hospital. He had the most wonderful smile as he passed.

i started loving his widowed mum when I saw the grace and dignity she showed in this, the ultimate tradegy for an indian woman and have loved her ever since. she is working hard in the room under this one as I write.

even when jews aint persecuted they can be involved in the worst kinds of business and i curse the fookin sassoons every time i think of them

like the jewish russian mafia, the jewish blood diamond moguls and all the hired liars bearing false witness to our thefts and lies and wrong doings

not you of course darling momma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
All the blabbering from the Meshugenah Kvetching Yenta is the result of her getting a bad haircut at the Vidal Sassoon Salon in London. Meanwhile, there are Arabs who think they have it pretty good in Israel. (By the way, wasn't Sir Victor Sassoon the one who is responsible for bringing electricity to China?)

Standard of living for Arabs in Israel in a 'different league' - Israel Today | Israel News
Seems to me that acts of hatred and intimidation should be condemned regardless of who they are directed against. Is that really such a hard thing to do?
Agreed, Coyote, and people in all locations on this planet should respect those whose beliefs are different from theirs by not harassing and/or murdering them and burning down their places of worship. I think people should also be allowed to switch their religions without being condemned, thrown into prisons, or killed because of it.

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