Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.



actually, i'm just finishing Freakonomics. It's their position that the drop in crime in the 80's was the result of legalized abortion.

just an aside.
They're wrong.

except that they're not. follow along.... women forced to have children they don't want are usually too young and uneducated. (otherwise they'd have been able to afford to travel to get an abortion). unwanted children born to poor mothers have a high rate of criminality.

they were able to measure whether the drop was causal or correlative and found that states where abortion was legalized before roe v wade had their crime rates drop the same number of years subsequent to legalization.... which was exactly when those unwanted children would have reached the age at which criminal behavior is at its highest.
As I said earlier, the rate of abortion did not change much after Roe v. Wade.

There are way, way too many other criminal justice changes in policy which occurred in the same period to attribute the drop in crime to a single factor like abortion. It is wishful thinking.
Hillary says justice system is racist because justice system is has disprorptionate number of blacks in prison.

Newsflash: 90% of those in prison are male. I have no hint I as a male am being biased against.
I think future moderators should have control the the microphones. These fucking children of candidates can't behave and ought to be spanked.

On other points, Trump continues to claim he forced Obama to "produce" his birth certificate. Which is patently false. Obama's birth certificate had been released long before Trump ever jumped in on the nonsense. Trump, in fact, insisted it was a forgery.

true but who cares

he is right that clinton operatives

started the birther issue

So his defense for lying is "you started it!"?
My guess you really don't know what a lie is.

If you don't know the fucking answer, how is a question a lie???
We are not going to sit idly by and let them steal information? Like from personal servers with government info on them?
Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.



actually, i'm just finishing Freakonomics. It's their position that the drop in crime in the 80's was the result of legalized abortion.

just an aside.
What does freakonics say about the recent rise in violent crime?

That chart ends in the first quarter of 2014.
Hillary is a disgrace. She is offering nothing but attacks on Trump. Trump is the only one offering solutions.
Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.



actually, i'm just finishing Freakonomics. It's their position that the drop in crime in the 80's was the result of legalized abortion.

just an aside.

Yeah, I read that book a loooong time ago. I find their case VERY convincing. It is one of the reasons I am completely convinced that no matter what the right and conservatives do, the elite conservative judiciary WILL NEVER overturn Roe v. Wade b/c they are all aware of the social science implications.
He's missing the best part on cyber warfare: Hillary made it easy for hackers to get government secrets with her private server.
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