Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.



actually, i'm just finishing Freakonomics. It's their position that the drop in crime in the 80's was the result of legalized abortion.

just an aside.
They're wrong.

except that they're not. follow along.... women forced to have children they don't want are usually too young and uneducated. (otherwise they'd have been able to afford to travel to get an abortion). unwanted children born to poor mothers have a high rate of criminality.

they were able to measure whether the drop was causal or correlative and found that states where abortion was legalized before roe v wade had their crime rates drop the same number of years subsequent to legalization.... which was exactly when those unwanted children would have reached the age at which criminal behavior is at its highest.
I think future moderators should have control the the microphones. These fucking children of candidates can't behave and ought to be spanked.

On other points, Trump continues to claim he forced Obama to "produce" his birth certificate. Which is patently false. Obama's birth certificate had been released long before Trump ever jumped in on the nonsense. Trump, in fact, insisted it was a forgery.

true but who cares

he is right that clinton operatives

started the birther issue

So his defense for lying is "you started it!"?
Trump can't win on birferism. Hillary is hammering him on it. He has to deflect.
He put the issue to bed. She is hanging onto it.....Thinking she's hit a homer.

It shouldn't have been a debate question in the first place.

When Trump said the debate moderators were biased, there you go, bingo.

Do you think the moderator is going to bring up ANY of Hillary's skeletons?

I doubt it.

he just took great credit for having a club that doesnt act racist

damn....that uh . didnt sound all that fresh
Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.



actually, i'm just finishing Freakonomics. It's their position that the drop in crime in the 80's was the result of legalized abortion.

just an aside.
What does freakonics say about the recent rise in violent crime?

anything to avoid recent
He did a really nice job of admitting he was sued and just being a man about it and then explaining how he truly feels. NOTHING so far she has tried is going to stick. Talk about throwing all her ammo at him in the first debate! BAD tactical move!
hillary wants to brainwash the police. that's in her budget. brainwashing police about skin color. that's what it all boils down to. for some reason she thinks propaganda is the universal cure-all for everything. these people are insane.
Clinton will say and do whatever it takes to satisfy her undying need for political power. She thinks she deserves it...
Trump can't win on birferism. Hillary is hammering him on it. He has to deflect.
He put the issue to bed. She is hanging onto it.....Thinking she's hit a homer.

It shouldn't have been a debate question in the first place.

When Trump said the debate moderators were biased, there you go, bingo.

Do you think the moderator is going to bring up ANY of Hillary's skeletons?

I doubt it.

of course it should people see it as akin to apartheid south aftica "papers please".
Birth certificate. Trump ought to say that Obama said he was born in Kenya in his Harvard pamphlet until it was inconvenient to have been born in Kenya. So was Obama lying then or now?
I think future moderators should have control the the microphones. These fucking children of candidates can't behave and ought to be spanked.

On other points, Trump continues to claim he forced Obama to "produce" his birth certificate. Which is patently false. Obama's birth certificate had been released long before Trump ever jumped in on the nonsense. Trump, in fact, insisted it was a forgery.

true but who cares

he is right that clinton operatives

started the birther issue

So his defense for lying is "you started it!"?

What did he lie about?
Dude, you have to look at plans and approve them before they are built. Now especially with real expensive jobs they build models to make sure... so if Trump didn't like it AFTER the fact, that's on him for approving the plans in the first place.
A plan is one thing. Execution is another. I can plan to paint the Mona Lisa. Whether I can actually paint it is another.

You don't get it...the architect just designs the building...they don't BUILD it.
They hire also on to direct all the building as it goes along for big project. Hell many artist sell their artworks through these firms. Get an education before you talk about shit you apparently know nothing about.

They have to get things approved at EVERY stage of the building... is that a lie?

I'm making the point, how do you let a building get to being completely done to decide that the architect did a bad job? EVERY decision along the way has to get approved by the person having the building built. So how does Trump wait until the job is completely done to say the guy did a bad job and doesn't deserve to get paid? Trump approved all the decisions, including the plans, the amount, the materials, any changes...EVERYTHING until it was done. Then said, screw you I'm not paying you. If he wasn't happy, why didn't he get a different guy along the way?
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