Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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She figured out how to win this debate.

She nor he did anything to convince me to vote for either. Just more Dem/Rep BS. They are so much alike and both are not trustworthy. Nothing tonight changed that.

I thought this debate highlighted quite a few differences between them. One is competent the other is Donald Trump. He rambled incoherently about some pretty important issues and she knew exactly what she was saying.

Of course she did. She is well rehearsed in lying and talking political talk/lies.

Looks like Trump is losing to fact checkers as we speak.

That means nothing to me. Fact checkers..pppfffttt

I know.
He had debate prep people? lol

No shit, right? Actually, his campaign went out of the way to state that he didn't prepare, I guess they were right.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.

Do you know him? Do you follow him around all day to see what he is doing? uh huh..what I thought. Just as I don't.
Tell me where he's wrong.
I don't see any other nation paying for the world's needs.

Don't be naive.

The United States is not paying into other nations for the good of the world. The motivations are intrinsically selfish. The military-industrial complex drives foreign affairs, as well as the interests of independent and exploitative corporations.
And that's what I want to stop.
No shit, right? Actually, his campaign went out of the way to state that he didn't prepare, I guess they were right.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.
A Debate is the most important job in the world?
Only if you're a bullshit artist.

No, preparing to understand the issues of the day so that you can intelligently discuss them just in case you win the election to the most important job in the world.
I have to say there are some things I can go along with from both candidates. Problem is I don't trust either of them.

I like the idea of Hillary taxing the rich more, though like Trump has already said and shown, it won't matter they will snake their way out of paying taxes.

I like Trump's idea of making other countries pay and contribute more to NATO, and that if the US is going to defend some of these other countries, they need to be giving us some money, instead of us giving more aid.

I like Trump's idea of new trade deals.

I like Trumps idea of knocking out ISIS quick and fast and getting it over with instead of dragging it out.

I do think Hillary is right about Trump's temperament. He does remind me of Putin.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.
A Debate is the most important job in the world?
Only if you're a bullshit artist.

No, preparing to understand the issues of the day so that you can intelligently discuss them just in case you win the election to the most important job in the world.
If you parse Hillary, she didn't say anything to defend the mess we're in or how to unravel it.
Use your brain for once.
Trump tomorrow: No more debates, they make me look bad.
No shit, right? Actually, his campaign went out of the way to state that he didn't prepare, I guess they were right.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.
A Debate is the most important job in the world?
Only if you're a bullshit artist.

To be PRESIDENT, slow poke. Jesus, how many beers have you had now?
No shit, right? Actually, his campaign went out of the way to state that he didn't prepare, I guess they were right.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.

Do you know him? Do you follow him around all day to see what he is doing? uh huh..what I thought. Just as I don't.

No, I only saw the outcome of his mental laziness tonight.
Apparently all he had was one lonely marble rattling around. He was horrible, he lost steam at the end, he is going to get a shit ton of fact checking to last the rest of the week. Not a good night for him, have no idea how/if this changes anything but he looked like a complete hack.
. No, I think he is going back to fire his debate prep people, because they restricted Trump in which he should have come out swinging on her, and not because she's a women, but because she's a liberal.

He had debate prep people? lol

No shit, right? Actually, his campaign went out of the way to state that he didn't prepare, I guess they were right.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.
He does know what he's talking about, douche bag. Hillary may have been more smooth and polished, but her answers were total bullshit. What economist actually believes tax increases are good for the economy? None, that aren't shameless government toadies.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.
A Debate is the most important job in the world?
Only if you're a bullshit artist.

To be PRESIDENT, slow poke. Jesus, how many beers have you had now?

They're as slow as the moron they support.
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.
A Debate is the most important job in the world?
Only if you're a bullshit artist.

To be PRESIDENT, slow poke. Jesus, how many beers have you had now?
She's has prominent government positions and/or influence since 1996...
How stupid can YOU be?
Independents don't want a phony.

Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.

Do you know him? Do you follow him around all day to see what he is doing? uh huh..what I thought. Just as I don't.

No, I only saw the outcome of his mental laziness tonight.

Well shoot. You are privy to things I am not. I would like to see some proof that he didn't prepare, and is lazy.
Like when Trump pretends he knows what he's talking about? It's a debate to become the leader of the free world, The lazy fat fuck should work for it.

That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.
A Debate is the most important job in the world?
Only if you're a bullshit artist.

To be PRESIDENT, slow poke. Jesus, how many beers have you had now?
She's has prominent government positions and/or influence since 1996...
How stupid can YOU be?

Is that 5, 6 beers?
Well, Clinton feels confident about the debate, she's already giving a speech.

Must have juiced her up again.

It was Trump who ran out of steam. Clinton more than answered the stamina question.

Really? Has he fallen off a curb, lost a shoe and been tossed into a SUV lately?

Or done a face I said..they really juiced her up good tonight.

Did you notice she never looked to her right without facing in that direction? If she faces forward and looks right, her left eye sticks and won't come back to center. She's got brain damage that she's hiding and I'm wondering why her Secret Service detail isn't leaking that to Fox or Drudge or somebody who will report it.
It's not the truth. All the crony capitalists hate Trump. Real businessmen love him.

That false statement is not backed by much besides conjecture.

Look at the actual facts. Capitalists scatter at his socialist rhetoric. They do not mind the government debt rising, but his idiotic talk of creating new tariffs and taxes on trade have a direct impact on their businesses.
And they don't object to Hillary's massive tax increase, boondoggle spending and massive increases in regulation?

Your spewing bullshit.
Now I agree with the idea of lowering corporate taxes on some things, but so many companies will just take tax breaks, then use them until the expire, and then leave town with nothing but an empty building behind. I also like the idea of more import taxes, especially on items from Asia...BUT from everything I've read, it is unConstitutional with the way the trade agreements are already in place, and even if trump were to become President, he can't just say, "Fuck those trade deals, I want to make new ones."

BO just made a new one TPP? Maybe they come up for renewal? You can always re-negotiate a deal? maybe?
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