Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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well well what have we here hmmm??



im certain our liberal adversary's know??
Where are trumps taxes?

where are the Clinton emails??
. Her wire reveals her strange smiling at times. Her husband Bill was probably behind the curtain pulling the levers & ropes just like the wizard of oz. LOL
So here I am in the middle of this thread, and I'm not about to read all the posts before this one.

But I did see the debate last night.

According to my calculations.....

27% of you probably have deluded yourself into thinking Trump won.

Another 21% of you think it was a tie, a waste of time, not conclusive...etc...or some control freaky variation of not wanting to commit.

The rest of you think Hillary won.

And you?
Lil' old me?

I could never give a short answer. But I think:

Lester Holt was clearly biased in an unfair way.

Trump had trouble answering questions directly, and the coaching he was given resulted in only 10 minutes of him behaving himself. But we did get more "real talk" from Trump.

Hillary said mostly the right things with very little excitement.

Trump, is Trump's worst enemy

Sounds about right to me Darrin. :lol:
Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.

The only reason it's not worthy of discussion anymore is probably because you saw the video again and know that you're wrong.

You would be wrong. I did not go see it. And actually I am not sure I saw it anywhere but TV. I may have seen it on the Internet....not sure.

Do us both a favor and STFU. Have another drink....go to bed..whatever. And most of all stop harassing me. you only saw it once on television, and think that your version of events was correct, even though it was filtered through your own bias.

Good to know.

As far as telling me to stop harassing you? I'm only replying to your reply to my post, so bite my ass bitch. Go pound sand and kick yourself to sleep.

You don't want me to reply? Don't reply to me and we'll be just fine.

But...............I know you're gonna reply to this. Why are you hassling me?
Not so much hassling you as you just generally being a hassle. Hardly her fault you can't tell what happened.

It's okay. We made amends. ;)
So we are arguing about whether Trump was for the war on Iraq? Though we KNOW Hillary was... Was Trump in favor of NAFTA?

Was Hillary in favor of NAFTA? :badgrin:
Both Trump and Hillary has said the same thing, they want changes in NAFTA. However, in politics there is no rational discussion going on concerning NAFTA or world trade. The fact is these trade agreements have created millions of jobs in the US and are also responsible for the loss of millions of jobs. These agreements have pushed down the cost of clothing so most American can dress well without spending much money. High tech devices such smart phones, flat screen TVs, and thousands of other products fill our homes and businesses thanks to these trade agreements. However, those agreements have cost us the textile industry and have destroyed a lot of US manufacturing. A lot of the jobs created in US due to these agreements require skills that our educational system has not been able to delivery. Also, much of the worked that has been created in foreign countries is at the expense of high levels of pollution which brings up the question, do we want those jobs if they significantly pollute our air and water. Trade agreements are complex issue which deserve real discussions, not the nonsense we hear today.
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I didn't think that there was anything wrong with his microphone. Between words, it picked up his sniffles quite well.

The only thing that was wrong with that microphone was the nut behind the podium.
Drumpf must have done a couple of lines of coke before he got on stage. He kept on sniffing all during the debate.
Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

I didn't think there was anything wrong with his microphone. I heard everything he said, as well as heard him sniffling like he'd just done an 8 ball of coke.
. They had his mic to hot, and zero effects on it, then you had Hillary over there with probably perfect mic settings, a little bit of effects, and making her look like she was over powering Trump with the tactic. Trump won't be able to look at the sound board now, but he best have a soundman present at the next debate.

The silliest part of that nonsense is that you actually believe it.
I didn't think that there was anything wrong with his microphone. Between words, it picked up his sniffles quite well.

The only thing that was wrong with that microphone was the nut behind the podium.
Drumpf must have done a couple of lines of coke before he got on stage. He kept on sniffing all during the debate.

And I truly had thought you were smart and different. Just goes to show.....
Apparently Trump told 32 lies during the debate. All confirmed. A lie every 2.8 minutes. That's pretty hard to do.

Hillary she is so sorry about a e-mails what a shame..:boohoo:.i hope that where are the Clinton emails?? they will comes out at the next débat and then she will stutter with crazy eyes.vil-gaga.gif
I still find it hard to believe HILLARY
supporters will talk about "lies". Remember the old saying about, "when you point a finger at someone you have 3 pointing back"? Sure is true in this case!

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I still find it hard to believe HILLARY
supporters will talk about "lies". Remember the old saying about, "when you point a finger at someone you have 3 pointing back"? Sure is true in this case!

They know it, and the only way to make their candidate reasonable is to paint Trump somehow as liar. Which of course, has to involve a bunch of liberal false equivalencies.

Trump will never come close to Hillary's lying, it's simply impossible. She has had a job basically lying for years, she has a guru status in the ways of lies.

No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?

Why are all your friends losers? Hmm. Did you really mean to ask that?
Im in Michigan and I live in a good zip code there are lots of people around here think trumps going to bring back their high paying union job with benefits. But you and I know better. These people aren't saving shit for retirement. And they won't be getting pensions. They don't realize retiring at 65 won't be an option.

I find it difficult to believe they believe that. BTW, "Kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo, Michigan
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