Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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give up?? one said so?? what is it?? dems are notorious cheats and liars. its making the rounds. some say an anti cough devise. others say another hearing aid. which I agree with. the bulge on her ass is an R/T unit that connects by wire up the back to the ear. she's cheatin'. again. being told what to say, when to say it and how to say it. she's brain dead.

Photos: What’s That Under Hillary’s Pantsuit During Last Night’s Debate?
So we are arguing about whether Trump was for the war on Iraq? Though we KNOW Hillary was... Was Trump in favor of NAFTA?

Was Hillary in favor of NAFTA? :badgrin:
Both Trump and Hillary has said the same thing, they want changes in NAFTA. However, in politics there is no rational discussion going on concerning NAFTA or world trade. The fact is these trade agreements have created millions of jobs in the US and are also responsible for the loss of millions of jobs. These agreements have pushed down the cost of clothing so most American can dress well without spending much money. High tech devices such smart phones, flat screen TVs, and thousands of other products fill our homes and businesses thanks to these trade agreements. However, those agreements have cost us the textile industry and have destroyed a lot of US manufacturing. A lot of the jobs created in US due to these agreements require skills that our educational system has not been able to delivery. Also, much of the worked that has been created in foreign countries is at the expense of high levels of pollution which brings up the question, do we want those jobs if they significantly pollute our air and water. Trade agreements are complex issue which deserve real discussions, not the nonsense we hear today.
Thank you, and complex agreements are fertile ground for strategists to find turds to fling
That's not what she was referring to.

Yes it was. You're a fucking hack.
Ah. The old " I just lost the argument so let me whip out an insult" trick...
Here is the transcript.....That guy was reported to have been killed back in June.....
The first Trump-Clinton presidential debate transcript, annotated
Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'DEAD a week after being hit by US airstrike'
Here is the line....
Snip.....and I would also do everything possible to take out their leadership. I was involved in a number of efforts to take out Al Qaida leadership when I was secretary of state, including, of course, taking out bin Laden. And I think we need to go after Baghdadi"
I thought she was making a slip of the tongue....My bad there.
But she's also remiss in that she makes reference to a plan to take out this individual.
He's already been terminated...See link above

give up?? one said so?? what is it?? dems are notorious cheats and liars. its making the rounds. some say an anti cough devise. others say another hearing aid. which I agree with. the bulge on her ass is an R/T unit that connects by wire up the back to the ear. she's cheatin'. again. being told what to say, when to say it and how to say it. she's brain dead.

Photos: What’s That Under Hillary’s Pantsuit During Last Night’s Debate?

There would be no need for a "transmitter" since they had visible MICROPHONE on the podium......

yes they jacked up "sniffles" MIC. But he who SNIFFS last will SNIFF LOUDEST.
Ah. The old " I just lost the argument so let me whip out an insult" trick...

Okay, so let me repeat this, and elaborate: You are a fucking moron. You have a backlog of fecal matter clogging your synapses rendering your thinking processes reminiscent of carving Thanksgiving turkey with a handful of marbles.

Here is the transcript.....That guy was reported to have been killed back in June.....
The first Trump-Clinton presidential debate transcript, annotated
Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'DEAD a week after being hit by US airstrike'
Here is the line....
Snip.....and I would also do everything possible to take out their leadership. I was involved in a number of efforts to take out Al Qaida leadership when I was secretary of state, including, of course, taking out bin Laden. And I think we need to go after Baghdadi"
I thought she was making a slip of the tongue....My bad there.
But she's also remiss in that she makes reference to a plan to take out this individual.
He's already been terminated...See link above

And this is why. You've made a whole big huffapaloo about Clinton allegedly saying "big daddy." I pointed out what she said, you deny it in some futile attempt to hold onto an absurd notion that Clinton is advocating an attack against some obscure "big daddy." And then, you turn right around, and acknowledge in the very post above that in fact I was correct. Yet somehow, by me having been correct, I've "lost the argument" just because Clinton is too dumb to know that the al Baghdadi is already dead.

You're just randomly saying dumb shit.
And it wouldn't be a presidential debate without bringing up George Dubya. I have to laugh my ass off that Hitlery blamed Bush for the 2011 pull out of Iraq. Like Obummer or her couldn't do anything else. Nope George said so, so we must. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well it's the same thing as NAFTA. Isn't it interesting while Trump is blaming Clinton for NAFTA, more Republicans signed NAFTA than Democrats. Did you know that? It was the GOP's baby! HW invented the fucking idea. So republican dummies cheer when Trump says Clinton signed NAFTA, the worst fucking trade deal in the history of the world Trump says. Yet you can't seem to understand that was the Republicans who pushed NAFTA. You righties need to stop denying the truth. So why aren't you going to punish Republicans for voting for NAFTA?

Same thing with global warming. Finally the GOP nominee is willing to admit global warming isn't really a hoax created by the Chinese. Trump was a crazy but he is no longer a crazy global warming denier nut.
global warming is a hoax. not sure he wanted to get into more two on one. But hey, let's let two moderators run the next one and each party provides a person and stop this bias shit that we witnessed Monday night.

Nafta was a republican initiative and sponsored by Billy boy. he signed it. can't rewrite history. She wanted TPP and you can't rewrite history. kapeesh?
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give up?? one said so?? what is it?? dems are notorious cheats and liars. its making the rounds. some say an anti cough devise. others say another hearing aid. which I agree with. the bulge on her ass is an R/T unit that connects by wire up the back to the ear. she's cheatin'. again. being told what to say, when to say it and how to say it. she's brain dead.

Photos: What’s That Under Hillary’s Pantsuit During Last Night’s Debate?

There would be no need for a "transmitter" since they had visible MICROPHONE on the podium......

yes they jacked up "sniffles" MIC. But he who SNIFFS last will SNIFF LOUDEST.
well he wasn't sniffling so it is interesting where it was coming from. the sound happened while he was talking and never once reacted like he was sniffling. I know what i look like sniffling. nothing there. it's libturds, all cards are off the table with a libturd.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Lester did ask her about her emails.
Nope. Trump brought it up.

He also didn't ask her about her insulting Trump supporters or her foundation, so basically, Trump has to bring those issues up.
well I suggest let's open the door and each candidate provides a moderator and each side asks the other side. WTF, we'll take the libturd bias out of debating 101. fk them and their games.

I'm tired of libturds period.

give up?? one said so?? what is it?? dems are notorious cheats and liars. its making the rounds. some say an anti cough devise. others say another hearing aid. which I agree with. the bulge on her ass is an R/T unit that connects by wire up the back to the ear. she's cheatin'. again. being told what to say, when to say it and how to say it. she's brain dead.

Photos: What’s That Under Hillary’s Pantsuit During Last Night’s Debate?

May be she had lost a piece of metal from the material that was hidden ?
I have a poll from France , i am not sure about the source ?
Still need more information from the person who passed.

And it wouldn't be a presidential debate without bringing up George Dubya. I have to laugh my ass off that Hitlery blamed Bush for the 2011 pull out of Iraq. Like Obummer or her couldn't do anything else. Nope George said so, so we must. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well it's the same thing as NAFTA. Isn't it interesting while Trump is blaming Clinton for NAFTA, more Republicans signed NAFTA than Democrats. Did you know that? It was the GOP's baby! HW invented the fucking idea. So republican dummies cheer when Trump says Clinton signed NAFTA, the worst fucking trade deal in the history of the world Trump says. Yet you can't seem to understand that was the Republicans who pushed NAFTA. You righties need to stop denying the truth. So why aren't you going to punish Republicans for voting for NAFTA?

Same thing with global warming. Finally the GOP nominee is willing to admit global warming isn't really a hoax created by the Chinese. Trump was a crazy but he is no longer a crazy global warming denier nut.
global warming is a hoax. not sure he wanted to get into more two on one. But hey, let's let two moderators run the next one and each party provides a person and stop this bias shit that we witnessed Monday night.

Nafta was a republican initiative and sponsored by Billy boy. he signed it. can't rewrite history. She wanted TPP and you can't rewrite history. kapeesh?
Are you trying to ignore HW bush ceremoniously signed NAFTA with the Mexican and Canadian president just before he lost re election?

So then it's a fact NAFTA would have happened if bush was re elected. And more Republicans in the Senate and house signed NAFTA than did Democrats.

And in retrospect, free trade with the rest of the world was inevitable. You Republicans are ridiculous. You are pandering to the millions of white trash that can't do college or start their own business. Trumps not bringing back union wages.

give up?? one said so?? what is it?? dems are notorious cheats and liars. its making the rounds. some say an anti cough devise. others say another hearing aid. which I agree with. the bulge on her ass is an R/T unit that connects by wire up the back to the ear. she's cheatin'. again. being told what to say, when to say it and how to say it. she's brain dead.

Photos: What’s That Under Hillary’s Pantsuit During Last Night’s Debate?

There would be no need for a "transmitter" since they had visible MICROPHONE on the podium......

yes they jacked up "sniffles" MIC. But he who SNIFFS last will SNIFF LOUDEST.
well he wasn't sniffling so it is interesting where it was coming from. the sound happened while he was talking and never once reacted like he was sniffling. I know what i look like sniffling. nothing there. it's libturds, all cards are off the table with a libturd.
He got some coke that was cut with some shit that makes your nose run
A private investigation should be conducted to look into the activities in all Lester Holts financials and accounts once named to the debate process. Chances are he got a handsome payout from the Clinton Foundation and coordinated signals with HRC ever time she touched her face with her index finger to signal to Holt to hold the topic and destroy Trump.
A private investigation should be conducted to look into the activities in all Lester Holts financials and accounts once named to the debate process. Chances are he got a handsome payout from the Clinton Foundation and coordinated signals with HRC ever time she touched her face with her index finger to signal to Holt to hold the topic and destroy Trump.

This is why we need the STFU button in here.
A private investigation should be conducted to look into the activities in all Lester Holts financials and accounts once named to the debate process. Chances are he got a handsome payout from the Clinton Foundation and coordinated signals with HRC ever time she touched her face with her index finger to signal to Holt to hold the topic and destroy Trump.

This is why we need the STFU button in here.
What we need is a "Nonsense!" button.
A private investigation should be conducted to look into the activities in all Lester Holts financials and accounts once named to the debate process. Chances are he got a handsome payout from the Clinton Foundation and coordinated signals with HRC ever time she touched her face with her index finger to signal to Holt to hold the topic and destroy Trump.

This is why we need the STFU button in here.
What we need is a "Nonsense!" button.

That is nonsense.
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