Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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The polls show differently.

Her path to victory is seeing some pretty big obstacles.

CO is now in Trumps favor......whoda thunk ?

Not that I care.....just sayin'.

The polls don't say differently. The post debate polls haven't come in yet. So I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Colorado? One poll. And Donald only has one path to victory so there ya go

Colorado is not one's an average.

Try to keep up.

you know, it's so funny when people who are lying or don't know something pretend they know more than I do....

the only poll in Colorado that has dumb Donald ahead is Gravis ... by 4 points. CNN and CBS have her up by plus 2 and plus 1, respectively. Quinnipiac has them at a tie. the outlier gravis poll is pulling down the number .

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Colorado: Trump vs. Clinton

nice try, though. keep trying. maybe you'll be correct (or tell the truth) one day.

Well, no they don't.

When I looked I saw:

View attachment 91294

Which shows CNN/ORC having him by one.

So you have four polls and 2 show Trump in the lead.

While I don't like Trump, this thread has been worth it to out you as a total moron.

So what was I pretending to do...know more than you ? Thanks for the laugh.

not what it said this morning, idiota. thanks for playing.

are you really that stupid?

You've got that captured somewhere ?

Still laughing at you...fool.
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?

Why are all your friends losers? Hmm. Did you really mean to ask that?
Im in Michigan and I live in a good zip code there are lots of people around here think trumps going to bring back their high paying union job with benefits. But you and I know better. These people aren't saving shit for retirement. And they won't be getting pensions. They don't realize retiring at 65 won't be an option.
Well, Clinton's debate performance is being rated as honest for the most part and with Trump were just lucky his pants didn't light his podium on fire.

I hate false equivalency arguments for the sake of keeping things even.

I don't hate both candidates, I dislike both. I don't care about keeping things even. The lies of Clinton are well documented, her words are meaningless, she is untrustworthy because she is. I don't give a damn how she is rated for one night, I am rating her on her lifetime performance, blame her, not me.

I didn't claim you hate either one. I'm saying there are clear differences between the two of them and they are not equal.
I don't trust either to be the President. Pretty clear. I didn't know they were running for anything else. The only reason I'd vote for one of them is the Supreme Court selection.

Who said they are running for anything else? I don't ever trust politicians, not even 3rd party candidates. That being said one can think on her feet and the other one brought a whoopie cushion to a gun fight.

That is your opinion and I am glad you have one and I respect it. I won't vote for either, neither have convinced me I should vote for them. That is all that mattered to me out of the debate. The rest is BS.
. Gonna give it to the libs eh ? Ok then... Good luck with all the hell that will continue right on in this nation afterwards. She is vulnerable to way worse than what a Trump can dish out on her in these debates. She has some evil handlers awaiting her in the wings, and they are just waiting for her to gain access to that office so they can gain access to that office. She blanketly accuses the rich as if they are ALL crooks who don't pay their so called fair share right ? So what then maybe, she is all of a sudden gonna be the bad ace who will fix them good finally ? She don't like people blanketing people or labeling people, but she loves to do it when she isn't accusing someone else of allegingly doing it for the purpose of playing politics.
microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

Of course they do, whatever let's you sleep at night. In reality it's Trump making excuses for his know-nothing performance.

he won the debate. still wanna talk mics??

It's loser Trump that brought up the microphone.

I'm telling you trump got some come cut with shit that makes your nose run. If it was good shit he would have made it thru but the high started coming down 45 minutes in and he got real annoyed. Fucking hilarious. Bigly. Lol. He said bigly

No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?

Why are all your friends losers? Hmm. Did you really mean to ask that?
Im in Michigan and I live in a good zip code there are lots of people around here think trumps going to bring back their high paying union job with benefits. But you and I know better. These people aren't saving shit for retirement. And they won't be getting pensions. They don't realize retiring at 65 won't be an option.

Good thing people are living longer...they are going to have to work longer.
I don't hate both candidates, I dislike both. I don't care about keeping things even. The lies of Clinton are well documented, her words are meaningless, she is untrustworthy because she is. I don't give a damn how she is rated for one night, I am rating her on her lifetime performance, blame her, not me.

I didn't claim you hate either one. I'm saying there are clear differences between the two of them and they are not equal.
I don't trust either to be the President. Pretty clear. I didn't know they were running for anything else. The only reason I'd vote for one of them is the Supreme Court selection.

Who said they are running for anything else? I don't ever trust politicians, not even 3rd party candidates. That being said one can think on her feet and the other one brought a whoopie cushion to a gun fight.

That is your opinion and I am glad you have one and I respect it. I won't vote for either, neither have convinced me I should vote for them. That is all that mattered to me out of the debate. The rest is BS.
. Gonna give it to the libs eh ? Ok then... Good luck with all the hell that will continue right on in this nation afterwards. She is vulnerable to way worse than what a Trump can dish out on her in these debates. She has some evil handlers awaiting her in the wings, and they are just waiting for her to gain access to that office so they can gain access to that office. She blankety accuses the rich as if they are ALL crooks who don't pay their so called fair share right ? So what then maybe, she is all of a sudden gonna be the bad ace who will fix them good finally ? She don't like people blanketing people or labeling people, but she loves to do it when she isn't accusing someone else of allegingly doing it for the purpose of playing politics.
Ha ha! They called fdr a traitor to his class
Yeah, you guys brought me around. This woman sure won that debate!

Seriously, what medication causes that? This is a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?
Maybe you're the loser.
, I pretty much got my shit together. I may be a liberal but I'm a successful liberal. Unlike you I'm not a house nigga
Im in Michigan and I live in a good zip code there are lots of people around here think trumps going to bring back their high paying union job with benefits. But you and I know better. These people aren't saving shit for retirement. And they won't be getting pensions. They don't realize retiring at 65 won't be an option.

...........the ball bearing plant in Dearborn is NOT coming back. Your not going from HS to "the line" to pension. LOL! (idea stolen from other posters, but cracks me up).
Under Obama the best jobs for the middle class went to Mexico. But you dumb asses keep voting for democrats. Yeah! That's the fuckin ticket so now you want fifteen bucks an hour for burger flipping. Jesus.
People say Trump isn't gonna bring back this or bring back that, but isn't a dream worth having in this nation again, and isn't it good that someone is standing up for the traditions, culture, and religions of the American people again ? Otherwise instead of all the negativity this nation has experienced since these Demon-crats have been running things.
People say Trump isn't gonna bring back this or bring back that, but isn't a dream worth having in this nation again, and isn't it good that someone is standing up for the traditions, culture, and religions of the American people again, instead of all the negativity this nation has experienced since these Demon-crats have been running things.

I hope he brings back the "New" Coke.

I heard some SAVAGE and I heard some LEVIN. Genius analysis. They have ALL the answers Trump should have dumped back onto her. Ripped Candy Holt for stupid content. They are freaking brilliant. I drooled while listening, mouth agape.

I officially give up. I watched same debate. I am NOT SMART in any way. I missed everything each one of them discussed. I am a complete idiot. I should not be allowed to post. I should be hung till death and eliminated from the voting pool.

The only thing I can hang my hat on is I predicted a "hatchet job" by media going in. She may have worked with Candy Holt to set the agenda.

Trump has too much ADD....millions of ideas running through his head. He can't stop it. He is right but he can't get it out in this sort of setting. Better luck next time.

I don't hate both candidates, I dislike both. I don't care about keeping things even. The lies of Clinton are well documented, her words are meaningless, she is untrustworthy because she is. I don't give a damn how she is rated for one night, I am rating her on her lifetime performance, blame her, not me.

I didn't claim you hate either one. I'm saying there are clear differences between the two of them and they are not equal.
I don't trust either to be the President. Pretty clear. I didn't know they were running for anything else. The only reason I'd vote for one of them is the Supreme Court selection.

Who said they are running for anything else? I don't ever trust politicians, not even 3rd party candidates. That being said one can think on her feet and the other one brought a whoopie cushion to a gun fight.

That is your opinion and I am glad you have one and I respect it. I won't vote for either, neither have convinced me I should vote for them. That is all that mattered to me out of the debate. The rest is BS.
. Gonna give it to the libs eh ? Ok then... Good luck with all the hell that will continue right on in this nation afterwards. She is vulnerable to way worse than what a Trump can dish out on her in these debates. She has some evil handlers awaiting her in the wings, and they are just waiting for her to gain access to that office so they can gain access to that office. She blanketly accuses the rich as if they are ALL crooks who don't pay their so called fair share right ? So what then maybe, she is all of a sudden gonna be the bad ace who will fix them good finally ? She don't like people blanketing people or labeling people, but she loves to do it when she isn't accusing someone else of allegingly doing it for the purpose of playing politics.

Not giving it to anyone, I am not going to vote for someone I can't trust is going to do a good job. If you don't like it, then maybe the Republicans could have come up with a better candidate. She won't touch the rich, those are her buddies.
I didn't claim you hate either one. I'm saying there are clear differences between the two of them and they are not equal.
I don't trust either to be the President. Pretty clear. I didn't know they were running for anything else. The only reason I'd vote for one of them is the Supreme Court selection.

Who said they are running for anything else? I don't ever trust politicians, not even 3rd party candidates. That being said one can think on her feet and the other one brought a whoopie cushion to a gun fight.

That is your opinion and I am glad you have one and I respect it. I won't vote for either, neither have convinced me I should vote for them. That is all that mattered to me out of the debate. The rest is BS.
. Gonna give it to the libs eh ? Ok then... Good luck with all the hell that will continue right on in this nation afterwards. She is vulnerable to way worse than what a Trump can dish out on her in these debates. She has some evil handlers awaiting her in the wings, and they are just waiting for her to gain access to that office so they can gain access to that office. She blankety accuses the rich as if they are ALL crooks who don't pay their so called fair share right ? So what then maybe, she is all of a sudden gonna be the bad ace who will fix them good finally ? She don't like people blanketing people or labeling people, but she loves to do it when she isn't accusing someone else of allegingly doing it for the purpose of playing politics.
Ha ha! They called fdr a traitor to his class

A vote for Clinton or Trump is being a traitor.
People say Trump isn't gonna bring back this or bring back that, but isn't a dream worth having in this nation again, and isn't it good that someone is standing up for the traditions, culture, and religions of the American people again ? Otherwise instead of all the negativity this nation has experienced since these Demon-crats have been running things.
The business tax plan alone will keep AMERICAN jobs in AMERICA.
Dems have spent decades killing the golden goose.

What's left flew south for the long Democrat winter.

A Conservative Spring will bring the golden goose back home.
My view is Trump treated the first debate as a mock debate.

hiLIARy was prepared, but she telegraphed her every move and now has nothing left in the tank for the next debates. Hillary has shown Trump her entire game. This will be a serious advantage for Trump in debate 2

Trump took Hillary's punches and threw very few counter-punches. .He didn't have any prepared comebacks for her attacks. That won't be the case in Debate #2. He'll be prepared with lots of counter-punches and they could be DEADLY to hiLIARy.. She's on the ropes......

Advantage Trump.

Hillary will let Trump hang himself the next debate. Like a good offensive coordinator, she has shown Comrade Trump what he thinks he game plan will be in the next debate. But she will change her approach. Hillary left a lot on the table for the next debate

-Trump University
-Trump Foundation and his payments to settle legal fees
-The six foot portrait of himself paid for by Trump foundation money
-Just the beginning

Comrade Trump has not donated to his foundation since 2008, so he was using money earmaked for charity to created the ego inspired portrait. Reminds me of Saddam Hussein's giant statues all around Baghdad But I doubt Saddam had an Foundation to pay for them.

did your check come yet?? check the mailbox useful idiot

Just the facts. Sorry they bother you....:eusa_whistle:
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