Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Trump won the debate....according to the snap polls.....



my bad - ass lickin' mod

Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other
. I remember going to a festival or battle of the band's once, and guess what ??? Part of the strategy to make another band sound weak against another one if the sound man was biased, is to have different sound settings for each band. One band will come on sounding weak and small, but the other band will come out like a mega band, rock the house, and send the other band packing, and looking weak as water. It's an old soundman tactic, done seen it in action before. Not good. Trump could be on to something.. The man is extremely smart.

What was wrong with his microphone?
Like I've said takes a couple of days after the debate for people to decide how they feel about the candidates.

I'm gonna wait until Friday to see what the polls have to say.

Exactly! If the lunatics on here keep shouting that Comrade Trump won the debate, let's see what happens with the polls in the next couple days. If he gets a major bump, I will agree. If she does, they will make another lame excuse for the Comrade.

Posting lame polls from Alt Right sites is as immature as their 70 year old leader.
Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other
. I remember going to a festival or battle of the band's once, and guess what ??? Part of the strategy to make another band sound weak against another one if the sound man was biased, is to have different sound settings for each band. One band will come on sounding weak and small, but the other band will come out like a mega band, rock the house, and send the other band packing, and looking weak as water. It's an old soundman tactic, done seen it in action before. Not good. Trump could be on to something.. The man is extremely smart.

What was wrong with his microphone?

Nothing was wrong with his microphone, I heard every word and sniffle.
my bad - ass lickin' mod

Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

I didn't think there was anything wrong with his microphone. I heard everything he said, as well as heard him sniffling like he'd just done an 8 ball of coke.
. They had his mic to hot, and zero effects on it, then you had Hillary over there with probably perfect mic settings, a little bit of effects, and making her look like she was over powering Trump with the tactic. Trump won't be able to look at the sound board now, but he best have a soundman present at the next debate.
Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

I didn't think there was anything wrong with his microphone. I heard everything he said, as well as heard him sniffling like he'd just done an 8 ball of coke.
. The had his mic to hot, and zero effects on it, then you had Hillary over there with probably perfect mic settings, a little bit of effects, and making her look like she was over powering Trump with the tactic. Trump won't be able to look at the sound board now, but he best have a soundman present at the next debate.

The only thing wrong with his microphone was the nut behind it.
Trump won the debate....according to the snap polls.....




Your graphics are all over the place, even some showing Clinton in the lead or just downright wrong. This poll isn't worth shit but it is actually Clinton who won it and not Trump.

Pat Caddell: Breitbart/Gravis Post-Debate Flash Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Won Slightly; Trump Gains 'Plausibility' - Breitbart

That being said, the established scientific polls so far are showing a Clinton win and the shitty "while you're on our website here is a poll for you to take, ignore the results as they don't count" show a Trump win. Nevermind that it's possible to take these polls over and over again and Free Republic is known to go out and 'freep' them. Those polls aren't made up of a representative sample of citizens and people outside the United States can also vote.

I'd chill out and see what the real polls say.
Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

I didn't think there was anything wrong with his microphone. I heard everything he said, as well as heard him sniffling like he'd just done an 8 ball of coke.
. They had his mic to hot, and zero effects on it, then you had Hillary over there with probably perfect mic settings, a little bit of effects, and making her look like she was over powering Trump with the tactic. Trump won't be able to look at the sound board now, but he best have a soundman present at the next debate.

Oh, there was plenty of effect coming from his microphone.

Anyway, are you making this up or is this already in the far right echo chamber?
Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

I didn't think there was anything wrong with his microphone. I heard everything he said, as well as heard him sniffling like he'd just done an 8 ball of coke.
. They had his mic to hot, and zero effects on it, then you had Hillary over there with probably perfect mic settings, a little bit of effects, and making her look like she was over powering Trump with the tactic. Trump won't be able to look at the sound board now, but he best have a soundman present at the next debate.

Poooor Comrade Trump. He is the Charlie Brown of Presidential debates. Lucy "Hillary" kept pulling the football out before he kicked. Actually, he was so low energy by the end of the debate, he barely could speak. He lacks stamina to be President...:biggrin:
microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other

I didn't think there was anything wrong with his microphone. I heard everything he said, as well as heard him sniffling like he'd just done an 8 ball of coke.
. They had his mic to hot, and zero effects on it, then you had Hillary over there with probably perfect mic settings, a little bit of effects, and making her look like she was over powering Trump with the tactic. Trump won't be able to look at the sound board now, but he best have a soundman present at the next debate.

Poooor Comrade Trump. He is the Charlie Brown of Presidential debates. Lucy "Hillary" kept pulling the football out before he kicked. Actually, he was so low energy by the end of the debate, he barely could speak. He lacks stamina to be President...:biggrin:

He was pooped afterward. His RBF didn't help either.
I do know the difference.

When you claim we can have a budget surplus while the national debt goes up, you just proved that you don't know the difference.

Deficit is one year, debt is running tally. When you have a "surplus" one year, that means by definition the national debt went down
No silly. It means that Clinton was given a budget and stayed under it. And if we would have continued to do that, it was projected we would be paying down the debt. Provided nothing crazy happens like Bush lies us into a quagmire in Iraq while simultaniously invading Afganistan and giving the rich tax breaks.

GW Bush even said it. If we have a surplus, we need to return it to the rich people who pay all the taxes. And you fucking Republicans cheered him on. Rather than paying down the fucking debt. Then Chaney said debt doesn't matter. Remember?


No, that isn't what surplus means. You're full of shit. A surplus does not mean you stayed in "budget," it means you brought in more revenue than you spend. You people are unreal, it's sad
So a president has to pay down the national debt in order for them to claim a budget surplus? Lets face it. We wouldn't be having this conversation had Trump won the debate last night. Run along skippy.

I'd lay off sniffing the glue, you turn into an idiot.

Hmm ... maybe too late for that ....
Why is it that all my facebook friends who turned out to be losers are all supporting Trump?
Maybe you're the loser.
Have any words about the microphone he used? Trump seems to want to blame that as well. Sure sign of a winner.

microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other
. I remember going to a festival or battle of the band's once, and guess what ??? Part of the strategy to make another band sound weak against another one if the sound man was biased, is to have different sound settings for each band. One band will come on sounding weak and small, but the other band will come out like a mega band, rock the house, and send the other band packing, and looking weak as water. It's an old soundman tactic, done seen it in action before. Not good. Trump could be on to something.. The man is extremely smart.

What was wrong with his microphone?
. As a former soundman/studio operator for around 5 years once upon a time, it could be that Trump's mic was hot, but with no reverb or no effects, therefore enhancing a pin drop possibly, but it wasn't set in a way to cause a squeal or feedback. Hillary's mic may have been set differently, therefore giving her the edge in the sound war.
microphone?? how else are you heard. go home child till ya learn something

You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other
. I remember going to a festival or battle of the band's once, and guess what ??? Part of the strategy to make another band sound weak against another one if the sound man was biased, is to have different sound settings for each band. One band will come on sounding weak and small, but the other band will come out like a mega band, rock the house, and send the other band packing, and looking weak as water. It's an old soundman tactic, done seen it in action before. Not good. Trump could be on to something.. The man is extremely smart.

What was wrong with his microphone?
. As a former soundman/studio operator for around 5 years once upon a time, it could be that Trump's mic was hot, but with no reverb therefore enhancing a pin drop possibly, and but it wasn't set in a way to cause a squeal or feedback. Hillary's mic may have been set differently, therefore giving her the edge in the sound war.

Find a source to back you up, you're an anonymous person on the internet and we need something with a little more gravity to prove yet another ridiculous conspiracy.
My view is Trump treated the first debate as a mock debate.

hiLIARy was prepared, but she telegraphed her every move and now has nothing left in the tank for the next debates. Hillary has shown Trump her entire game. This will be a serious advantage for Trump in debate 2

Trump took Hillary's punches and threw very few counter-punches. .He didn't have any prepared comebacks for her attacks. That won't be the case in Debate #2. He'll be prepared with lots of counter-punches and they could be DEADLY to hiLIARy.. She's on the ropes......

Advantage Trump.
You think him blaming someone for messing with his microphone is something a serious adult does?

we're talking liberal trash here. they fuck with everything. including each other
. I remember going to a festival or battle of the band's once, and guess what ??? Part of the strategy to make another band sound weak against another one if the sound man was biased, is to have different sound settings for each band. One band will come on sounding weak and small, but the other band will come out like a mega band, rock the house, and send the other band packing, and looking weak as water. It's an old soundman tactic, done seen it in action before. Not good. Trump could be on to something.. The man is extremely smart.

What was wrong with his microphone?
. As a former soundman/studio operator for around 5 years once upon a time, it could be that Trump's mic was hot, but with no reverb therefore enhancing a pin drop possibly, and but it wasn't set in a way to cause a squeal or feedback. Hillary's mic may have been set differently, therefore giving her the edge in the sound war.

Find a source to back you up, you're an anonymous person on the internet and we need something with a little more gravity to prove yet another ridiculous conspiracy.
. Just lending credit to what Trump might have experienced in the sound war. Any studio engineer knows exactly what I'm saying, and how it can be done.
I don't believe either in what they say. They both lie and don't bat an eye. They are both untrustworthy and they have both proved it. Their words are empty and meaningless.

Well, Clinton's debate performance is being rated as honest for the most part and with Trump were just lucky his pants didn't light his podium on fire.

I hate false equivalency arguments for the sake of keeping things even.

I don't hate both candidates, I dislike both. I don't care about keeping things even. The lies of Clinton are well documented, her words are meaningless, she is untrustworthy because she is. I don't give a damn how she is rated for one night, I am rating her on her lifetime performance, blame her, not me.

I didn't claim you hate either one. I'm saying there are clear differences between the two of them and they are not equal.
I don't trust either to be the President. Pretty clear. I didn't know they were running for anything else. The only reason I'd vote for one of them is the Supreme Court selection.

Who said they are running for anything else? I don't ever trust politicians, not even 3rd party candidates. That being said one can think on her feet and the other one brought a whoopie cushion to a gun fight.

That is your opinion and I am glad you have one and I respect it. I won't vote for either, neither have convinced me I should vote for them. That is all that mattered to me out of the debate. The rest is BS.
he won
poll do they really matter??? well

Online polls from a variety of news sites show Donald Trump won last night's debate with Hillary Clinton -- despite Lester Holt asking Trump multiple negative questions while asking Clinton zero.


newsmax and so on.............Daily Mail: Trump Won Debate in Majority of Polls

her attempt to act like an American backfired. she's a turd in a swimming pool.
check the polls sore loser

They are unscientific polls meant to amuse. There is no reasonable measure to state that Trump won. Focus groups show he lost and the limited number of real polls released so far also show a loss. Donald Trump is forced to debate his microphone.
poll do they really matter??? well

Online polls from a variety of news sites show Donald Trump won last night's debate with Hillary Clinton -- despite Lester Holt asking Trump multiple negative questions while asking Clinton zero.


newsmax and so on.............Daily Mail: Trump Won Debate in Majority of Polls

her attempt to act like an American backfired. she's a turd in a swimming pool.
check the polls sore loser

They are unscientific polls meant to amuse. There is no reasonable measure to state that Trump won. Focus groups show he lost and the limited number of real polls released so far also show a loss. Donald Trump is forced to debate his microphone.

whatever mr mic

poll do they really matter??? well

Online polls from a variety of news sites show Donald Trump won last night's debate with Hillary Clinton -- despite Lester Holt asking Trump multiple negative questions while asking Clinton zero.


newsmax and so on.............Daily Mail: Trump Won Debate in Majority of Polls

her attempt to act like an American backfired. she's a turd in a swimming pool.
check the polls sore loser

They are unscientific polls meant to amuse. There is no reasonable measure to state that Trump won. Focus groups show he lost and the limited number of real polls released so far also show a loss. Donald Trump is forced to debate his microphone.

whatever mr mic

Online Polls Show Donald Trump Won First Presidential Debate

Site a real pole. I could care less about your incoherent half sentences.

sure. its obvious you can't

Site a real poll? Sure, for what we have so far.

Voters Nationally Say Clinton Won Debate 51/40

Post-debate poll: Hillary Clinton takes round one -

Here is your source:

Donald Trump won the debate … according to useless website polls that mean nothing

EDIT: And I keep saying 'site' when I mean 'cite'. grr.

CNN Gracie??

My view is Trump treated the first debate as a mock debate.

hiLIARy was prepared, but she telegraphed her every move and now has nothing left in the tank for the next debates. Hillary has shown Trump her entire game. This will be a serious advantage for Trump in debate 2

Trump took Hillary's punches and threw very few counter-punches. .He didn't have any prepared comebacks for her attacks. That won't be the case in Debate #2. He'll be prepared with lots of counter-punches and they could be DEADLY to hiLIARy.. She's on the ropes......

Advantage Trump.

Hillary will let Trump hang himself the next debate. Like a good offensive coordinator, she has shown Comrade Trump what he thinks he game plan will be in the next debate. But she will change her approach. Hillary left a lot on the table for the next debate

-Trump University
-Trump Foundation and his payments to settle legal fees
-The six foot portrait of himself paid for by Trump foundation money
-Just the beginning

Comrade Trump has not donated to his foundation since 2008, so he was using money earmaked for charity to created the ego inspired portrait. Reminds me of Saddam Hussein's giant statues all around Baghdad But I doubt Saddam had an Foundation to pay for them.
My view is Trump treated the first debate as a mock debate.

hiLIARy was prepared, but she telegraphed her every move and now has nothing left in the tank for the next debates. Hillary has shown Trump her entire game. This will be a serious advantage for Trump in debate 2

Trump took Hillary's punches and threw very few counter-punches. .He didn't have any prepared comebacks for her attacks. That won't be the case in Debate #2. He'll be prepared with lots of counter-punches and they could be DEADLY to hiLIARy.. She's on the ropes......

Advantage Trump.

Hillary will let Trump hang himself the next debate. Like a good offensive coordinator, she has shown Comrade Trump what he thinks he game plan will be in the next debate. But she will change her approach. Hillary left a lot on the table for the next debate

-Trump University
-Trump Foundation and his payments to settle legal fees
-The six foot portrait of himself paid for by Trump foundation money
-Just the beginning

Comrade Trump has not donated to his foundation since 2008, so he was using money earmaked for charity to created the ego inspired portrait. Reminds me of Saddam Hussein's giant statues all around Baghdad But I doubt Saddam had an Foundation to pay for them.

did your check come yet?? check the mailbox useful idiot
“First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is,” Clinton said. “Maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be. Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes.”

As the debate moved to foreign policy, Trump failed to hit Clinton’s main vulnerability, her hawkishness, by repeatedly lying about his own position on the Iraq war. “I did not support the war in Iraq,” he said. Tape of him saying he did support it in 2002, he said, shouldn’t be believed, because he hadn’t thought about the issue much.

And that, more than anything, was the impression the debate left: Trump hasn’t thought about this stuff much. He’s not ready to be president. His odd campaign set awfully low expectations, but, paradoxically, high ones as well. He had to show he was ready to be president. He didn’t.

Trump has been gaining on Clinton in recent weeks, and has brought the race close to a tie. If it were held tomorrow, however, Clinton would win, and Trump did nothing to change that dynamic Monday night.

I think Trump would still win, but I agree that he did nothing to change the dynamic.

There is also the fraud question. The Clinton gang is a criminal organization.Hillary is far less honest or law abiding than Al Copone was. The democratic - socialist party is corrupt to the core and always engages in election fraud. Put these two things together and the issue of MASSIVE election fraud is one that very much concerns me.
Well when that's how you feel no wonder you'll vote for Donald duck
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