Debate 1: What Was the Most Important Point Made ?

i think some minds were likely decided if not changed. people who might have been leaning trump but open to clinton certainly weren't pushed more towards trump.

undecided women voters were likely repelled by trump, and any small inroads trump had made with minorities were certainly destroyed.
I'm a minority (Hispanic) Explain why my preference for Trump would be destroyed. And why would undecided women voters likely be repelled by Trump ? In the 1970's, long before it became popular, Trump gave high-level executive jobs to women.
in the 70's he also refused to rent to people of color.

starting a discussion on race relations by pushing 'law and order' and the unConstitutional stop and frisk will not win over minorities.
as did many companies, it was the times. wow.

So you think that it was okay for Trump to refuse to rent to blacks because 'it was the times'?

I can hardly wait for Trump to use that line.
he did in the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
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. Not taking the Iraqi oil, .

So we should have just taken the Iraqi oil from the Iraqi's?
yep, it would have been payment for ridding them of terrorists.

Are you really that stupid?

Wait- you must be a Trump supporter.

There were no active terrorists in Iraq- there was no real terrorism in Iraq- until the United States invaded.

Saddam Hussein- the asshole dictator- stamped out any possible threat to his regime- in the power vacuum after our invasion, terrorist swarmed from all over the Middle East to Iraq- because they suddenly had a lawless place with lots of American targets.

We didn't create terrorists in Iraq- but by invading Iraq, we created the environment for terrorists to exist in Iraq.
and hitlery voted for it. I agree.
i think some minds were likely decided if not changed. people who might have been leaning trump but open to clinton certainly weren't pushed more towards trump.

undecided women voters were likely repelled by trump, and any small inroads trump had made with minorities were certainly destroyed.
I'm a minority (Hispanic) Explain why my preference for Trump would be destroyed. And why would undecided women voters likely be repelled by Trump ? In the 1970's, long before it became popular, Trump gave high-level executive jobs to women.
in the 70's he also refused to rent to people of color.

starting a discussion on race relations by pushing 'law and order' and the unConstitutional stop and frisk will not win over minorities.
as did many companies, it was the times. wow.

So you think that it was okay for Trump to refuse to rent to blacks because 'it was the times'?

I can hardly wait for Trump to use that line.
he didnin the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
yes, content is important. most of trump's 'content' was lies.
gold standard. outright lie by hitlery, derp
yep. that one lie.

trump claimed he did not support the iraq war, that he did not say global warming was a chinese hoax, that he caused nato to focus on terrorism, that he was endorsed by ice, that clinton started the birther rumors, that the millions in loans and guarantees he got from his father to start his business was a 'small loan,' that he has released the mozt extensive financial records, that he was not in favor of intervention in Libya, that stop and frisk was effective, that it hasn't been ruled unconstitutional....
his support of the war had no bearing on anything, it is a red herring that means nothing. The lady did vote for it. She also created ISIS.

LOL- Hillary Clinton 'created' ISIS?

Wow- that is some accomplishment.

Why are all Trumpsters so gullible and ignorant?
LOL- Hillary Clinton 'created' ISIS?

yep exactly , and I call for an 'exactly' button to be able to just hit it.
1. "rent to people of color" - Trump responded to that attack and answered it eloquently.
you cannot actually believe that. claiming that 'everyone was doing it' is not a defense or an answer
2. "stop and frisk will not win over minorities" That's where you're WRONG AGAIN. When I was a student at CCNY (located in the largest black ghetto in America-Harlem), while walking my long walks to and from the campus, I met many black storeowners and residents. They like stop & frisk. They say its helps protect them from the criminals who mug them, and hold up their stores. Only the criminals (and BLM idiots) don't like it. Those LAW-ABIDING blacks are the #1 victims of crime in America. I think Trump will do quite well advocating stop & frisk to them. Once again, liberals clueless about life in the REAL WORLD. Trump proving them wrong again. Ho hum. Yawn****

You're getting a EDUCATION. :biggrin:
so trump supports an unconstitutional tactic that infringes on the rights of minorities and you believe that minorities will support that? why?

and stop with the ccny lies.
how is it unconstitutional? Can you prove that?
That's the court ruling
wasn't it overturned? or is that unimportant to you?
it was not.
ok, blocked it. not sure the difference.

Court blocks ruling against NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy -

"Court blocks ruling that altered NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy"
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
yes, content is important. most of trump's 'content' was lies.
gold standard. outright lie by hitlery, derp
yep. that one lie.

trump claimed he did not support the iraq war, that he did not say global warming was a chinese hoax, that he caused nato to focus on terrorism, that he was endorsed by ice, that clinton started the birther rumors, that the millions in loans and guarantees he got from his father to start his business was a 'small loan,' that he has released the mozt extensive financial records, that he was not in favor of intervention in Libya, that stop and frisk was effective, that it hasn't been ruled unconstitutional....
his support of the war had no bearing on anything, it is a red herring that means nothing. The lady did vote for it. She also created ISIS. And she blamed dubya. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
he touts his opposition as a sign of his superior judgment.

reality is he did not oppose the war.

and it's important because in the face of reality and written record he chooses to lie.
he didn't have a vote. He was never a factor in it. got a question and answered it sort of. hitlery voted for it. That you can't see the difference is amazing.
you cannot actually believe that. claiming that 'everyone was doing it' is not a defense or an answer
so trump supports an unconstitutional tactic that infringes on the rights of minorities and you believe that minorities will support that? why?

and stop with the ccny lies.
how is it unconstitutional? Can you prove that?
That's the court ruling
wasn't it overturned? or is that unimportant to you?
it was not.
ok, blocked it. not sure the difference.

Court blocks ruling against NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy -

"Court blocks ruling that altered NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy"
That was November 3rd, 2013.
2 weeks later: Federal appeals court upholds rulings that stop-and-frisk is unconstitutional
That wasn't quite the end of it as the Police Unions got involved...but then October 31 2014 we have: Federal Court Greenlights New York Stop-and-Frisk Overhaul
I'm a minority (Hispanic) Explain why my preference for Trump would be destroyed. And why would undecided women voters likely be repelled by Trump ? In the 1970's, long before it became popular, Trump gave high-level executive jobs to women.
in the 70's he also refused to rent to people of color.

starting a discussion on race relations by pushing 'law and order' and the unConstitutional stop and frisk will not win over minorities.
as did many companies, it was the times. wow.

So you think that it was okay for Trump to refuse to rent to blacks because 'it was the times'?

I can hardly wait for Trump to use that line.
he didnin the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
yes, it was.
yes, content is important. most of trump's 'content' was lies.
gold standard. outright lie by hitlery, derp
yep. that one lie.

trump claimed he did not support the iraq war, that he did not say global warming was a chinese hoax, that he caused nato to focus on terrorism, that he was endorsed by ice, that clinton started the birther rumors, that the millions in loans and guarantees he got from his father to start his business was a 'small loan,' that he has released the mozt extensive financial records, that he was not in favor of intervention in Libya, that stop and frisk was effective, that it hasn't been ruled unconstitutional....
his support of the war had no bearing on anything, it is a red herring that means nothing. The lady did vote for it. She also created ISIS. And she blamed dubya. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
he touts his opposition as a sign of his superior judgment.

reality is he did not oppose the war.

and it's important because in the face of reality and written record he chooses to lie.
he didn't have a vote. He was never a factor in it. got a question and answered it sort of. hitlery voted for it. That you can't see the difference is amazing.
oh i see the difference. clinton acknowledges her mistake and doesn't pretend it didn't happen. claiming that his opposition shows he has better judgment than clinton. the problem is he wasn't opposed to the war and he doesn't acknowledge his mistake.
how is it unconstitutional? Can you prove that?
That's the court ruling
wasn't it overturned? or is that unimportant to you?
it was not.
ok, blocked it. not sure the difference.

Court blocks ruling against NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy -

"Court blocks ruling that altered NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy"
That was November 3rd, 2013.
2 weeks later: Federal appeals court upholds rulings that stop-and-frisk is unconstitutional
That wasn't quite the end of it as the Police Unions got involved...but then October 31 2014 we have: Federal Court Greenlights New York Stop-and-Frisk Overhaul
in the 70's he also refused to rent to people of color.

starting a discussion on race relations by pushing 'law and order' and the unConstitutional stop and frisk will not win over minorities.
as did many companies, it was the times. wow.

So you think that it was okay for Trump to refuse to rent to blacks because 'it was the times'?

I can hardly wait for Trump to use that line.
he didnin the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
yes, it was.
no charges ever filed. it wasn't illegal.
as did many companies, it was the times. wow.

So you think that it was okay for Trump to refuse to rent to blacks because 'it was the times'?

I can hardly wait for Trump to use that line.
he didnin the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
yes, it was.
no charges ever filed. it wasn't illegal.
a thing can be illegal.without every perpetrator having charges filed.

racial discrimination in housing was illegal while trump was practicing it
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues. The election is truly about the ultimate Washington, big money, special interest backed candidate vs an outsider. Does America want more of the same or do they want to try a successful businessman?
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).

My take away reinforced my opinion that Donald Trump does not have the right stuff to be POTUS. He proved to be a bully, rude, antagonistic, uninformed, ill tempered and after the event, a whiner.

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