Debate 1: What Was the Most Important Point Made ?

That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
So you think that it was okay for Trump to refuse to rent to blacks because 'it was the times'?

I can hardly wait for Trump to use that line.
he didnin the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
yes, it was.
no charges ever filed. it wasn't illegal.
a thing can be illegal.without every perpetrator having charges filed.

racial discrimination in housing was illegal while trump was practicing it
it wasn't proven. hence not illegal.
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.

In the weed garden cultivated between your ears by propaganda; your statement has no basis in reality as can be seen by videos of HRC's comments over her adult lifetime.
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.
The most important single point?

That Trump is proud of not preparing for the debate or the presidency.

That's the kind of thing that people look at, not specific policy points. Clinton looked presidential, Trump looked scary.

Trump could study for 100 years and he would still not be as knowledgeable as Hillary

He might as well rely on his Trumpish charm
The most important point made was that Trump's minions, after that performance, if they still support him, have to be tards.
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).

My take away reinforced my opinion that Donald Trump does not have the right stuff to be POTUS. He proved to be a bully, rude, antagonistic, uninformed, ill tempered and after the event, a whiner.
don't you want a leader?
The most important single point?

That Trump is proud of not preparing for the debate or the presidency.

That's the kind of thing that people look at, not specific policy points. Clinton looked presidential, Trump looked scary.

Trump could study for 100 years and he would still not be as knowledgeable as Hillary

He might as well rely on his Trumpish charm
The most important point made was that Trump's minions, after that performance, if they still support him, have to be tards.
now that's inspiring. LOL dude, you are one jealous little libturd. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.

In the weed garden cultivated between your ears by propaganda; your statement has no basis in reality as can be seen by videos of HRC's comments over her adult lifetime.
she's the establishment, the vote this year is anti establishment. she can't get away from that. her experience, bad as it is, is her anchor.
he didnin the debate. he defended the illegal practice bybsaying that lots of other companies were also sued
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
yes, it was.
no charges ever filed. it wasn't illegal.
a thing can be illegal.without every perpetrator having charges filed.

racial discrimination in housing was illegal while trump was practicing it
it wasn't proven. hence not illegal.
By that logic, Nicole Simpson was not murdered. It's never been proven that her death was murder
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.
You're right. I'll never understand the preference for ignorance that seems to pervade the right wing.
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.

LOL, "establishment responses", which AM radio jock did you get this little piece of crap form?
But maybe I'm selling you short, define what you (or they) mean by this phrase and some examples of an "establishment response".

[in my opinion you have no idea what the phrase means, and are so biased you believe a nominee who repeats the same non sequitur, i.e. phrases ad nausea, to every question enlightens the public?]


HRC is a crook
Trade deals are terrible
it's a disaster
she's terrible
You're right. I'll never understand the preference for ignorance that seems to pervade the right wing.
Ignorance pervades the LEFT wing. You chickened out from my Islamization Quiz, because you know you're too ignorant to take it. even just six questions of it, you couldn't answer a single one. And it was simple things that conservativess have known for years.

I have an Immigration Quiz too. Wanna take that ? Or are you too chickenshit for that too,? (because you know you lack the knowledge we conservatives have)
it wasn't illegal at the time. wow you aren't very bright.
yes, it was.
no charges ever filed. it wasn't illegal.
a thing can be illegal.without every perpetrator having charges filed.

racial discrimination in housing was illegal while trump was practicing it
it wasn't proven. hence not illegal.
By that logic, Nicole Simpson was not murdered. It's never been proven that her death was murder
not sure i follow.
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.
You're right. I'll never understand the preference for ignorance that seems to pervade the right wing.
you mean like Bernie Supporters? those right wingers? you should just stop trying. you fail miserably.
That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.

LOL, "establishment responses", which AM radio jock did you get this little piece of crap form?
But maybe I'm selling you short, define what you (or they) mean by this phrase and some examples of an "establishment response".

[in my opinion you have no idea what the phrase means, and are so biased you believe a nominee who repeats the same non sequitur, i.e. phrases ad nausea, to every question enlightens the public?]


HRC is a crook
Trade deals are terrible
it's a disaster
she's terrible
well the TPP deal for one, she couldn't just say she said it was a gold standard. When she knew she did in Australia Nov 5, 2012. more blah, blah, blah responses on how to fix the middle class. nothing but rhetoric, no ideas mentioned. The fact that she is just someone who's been there and done nothing to help the middle class. The gun laws, when she know it is the gangs that have illegal ones and cause the majority of the gun violence. I hate, i hate when i'm talked down to like I don't see the news daily and here about all the deaths. The black deaths, by blacks and absolutely nothing mentioned by her. not once. Donald points it out and she digs at him as being racist. yeah that canned stuff. oh and taxing the rich and fair share. I'll ask, most likely till I die, but what is meant by fair share.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.
You're right. I'll never understand the preference for ignorance that seems to pervade the right wing.
you mean like Bernie Supporters? those right wingers? you should just stop trying. you fail miserably.
sanders was one that the claim of ineffectiveness in government could be logically leveled against. clinton is not
She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.
You're right. I'll never understand the preference for ignorance that seems to pervade the right wing.
you mean like Bernie Supporters? those right wingers? you should just stop trying. you fail miserably.
sanders was one that the claim of ineffectiveness in government could be logically leveled against. clinton is not
huh? doesn't make sense.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
Could be she wasn't trying. She might have been konked out on the couch after booze binging all night. Then Huma took over, and all the pro-Muslim Brotherhood stuff went down >>

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he was part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum, in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government (Mubarek) to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi) then just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

10.. Who could ever forget the Benghazi fiasco ?
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That Hillary Clinton has been in Government for 20 years and is just now thinking about these issues.
an ignorant statement if ever there was one

She's complaining about the very government she's been a part of. My statement is dead on accurate. You're the one who is ignorant.
claiming that the first lady, a junior senator, or even a secretary of state had the power and influence to correct all the ills in the world is flat out retarded.

claimimg she wasn't trying is even worse.
sure it is, it is much more the establishment and her canned answers are still just establishment responses. You'll never understand, stop trying.

LOL, "establishment responses", which AM radio jock did you get this little piece of crap form?
But maybe I'm selling you short, define what you (or they) mean by this phrase and some examples of an "establishment response".

[in my opinion you have no idea what the phrase means, and are so biased you believe a nominee who repeats the same non sequitur, i.e. phrases ad nausea, to every question enlightens the public?]


HRC is a crook
Trade deals are terrible
it's a disaster
she's terrible
huh? why do you make that statement? I've been hearing the same thing my entire voting life. since the 70s from the libturds. Even Republicans have canned answers. Trump is no republican however, he is his own man. it's refreshing. you'd never understand since you're locked into the rhetoric.

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