Debate 1: What Was the Most Important Point Made ?

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have.

Agreed and to add that she'll do nothing but continue to diminish America domestically and on the world stage.
The silent admission of Donald Trump that he does not pay any federal tax was a crushing accusation and that he calls this being clever is disgusting. The man is a leach. One has to wonder how many Republicans are just like him as freeloaders in the home of the brave.

nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.
The silent admission of Donald Trump that he does not pay any federal tax was a crushing accusation and that he calls this being clever is disgusting. The man is a leach. One has to wonder how many Republicans are just like him as freeloaders in the home of the brave.

nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.

sure you can, and we're back into fairy tale land that this is stealing or that it's just the very rich doing it.

it isn't. I've already stated I disagree with the laws that allow this to be so, but it isn't stealing, it isn't illegal, it isn't only the very rich that take deductions and it sure as hell isn't just republicans.

millions of homeowners every year take a deduction on the interest paid on their mortgages. they take deductions for dependents. they take deductions for medical expenses and so on and so and so on.

bottom line, people take whatever deductions they can, regardless of their income level. nothing illegal about it.

I'd like to see some of those laws changed, but excoriating some guy that has done nothing but what is allowed by the laws makes no sense whatsoever.
The silent admission of Donald Trump that he does not pay any federal tax was a crushing accusation and that he calls this being clever is disgusting. The man is a leach. One has to wonder how many Republicans are just like him as freeloaders in the home of the brave.

nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?
about what? that he uses the laws? Are you serious? dude, that makes no sense. now you're just being a douche.
I have nothing more to say to you.
I didn't think so. When one can't win, one leaves. bye.
The silent admission of Donald Trump that he does not pay any federal tax was a crushing accusation and that he calls this being clever is disgusting. The man is a leach. One has to wonder how many Republicans are just like him as freeloaders in the home of the brave.

nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.
You mean like obummer is with the VA right now? LOL, he'd rather give money to immigrants than military Vets. And that is a democrat position that hitlery holds dear to her. Funny how you are.
The silent admission of Donald Trump that he does not pay any federal tax was a crushing accusation and that he calls this being clever is disgusting. The man is a leach. One has to wonder how many Republicans are just like him as freeloaders in the home of the brave.

nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.

sure you can, and we're back into fairy tale land that this is stealing or that it's just the very rich doing it.

it isn't. I've already stated I disagree with the laws that allow this to be so, but it isn't stealing, it isn't illegal, it isn't only the very rich that take deductions and it sure as hell isn't just republicans.

millions of homeowners every year take a deduction on the interest paid on their mortgages. they take deductions for dependents. they take deductions for medical expenses and so on and so and so on.

bottom line, people take whatever deductions they can, regardless of their income level. nothing illegal about it.

I'd like to see some of those laws changed, but excoriating some guy that has done nothing but what is allowed by the laws makes no sense whatsoever.
I suppose many Americans admire tax dodgers, this they are smart and like to see them in political office.
Most important point

Trump is part of the 47% who pay no taxes
so he pays for sales tax right? General Tax, right, county tax right, he has to, he owns property. so you are just a liar. LOL. nice foreplay.
The most important single point?

That Trump is proud of not preparing for the debate or the presidency.

That's the kind of thing that people look at, not specific policy points. Clinton looked presidential, Trump looked scary.
so why hasn't she made an impact in 26 years? I don't know, but to say things are bad and one has been doing it for 26 years, then that person has not been effective and needs another gig.
nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.

sure you can, and we're back into fairy tale land that this is stealing or that it's just the very rich doing it.

it isn't. I've already stated I disagree with the laws that allow this to be so, but it isn't stealing, it isn't illegal, it isn't only the very rich that take deductions and it sure as hell isn't just republicans.

millions of homeowners every year take a deduction on the interest paid on their mortgages. they take deductions for dependents. they take deductions for medical expenses and so on and so and so on.

bottom line, people take whatever deductions they can, regardless of their income level. nothing illegal about it.

I'd like to see some of those laws changed, but excoriating some guy that has done nothing but what is allowed by the laws makes no sense whatsoever.
I suppose many Americans admire tax dodgers, this they are smart and like to see them in political office.

you suppose an awful lot and seemingly more so when your arguments are shown to be baseless claims rooted in emotion rather than fact.
Employed, Foreign Born
Annual average 2006: 22,225,000
August 2016: 26,134,000
Change of +3,909,000

Employed, Native Born
Annual average 2006: 122,202,000
August 2016: 125,670,000
Change of +3,468,000

Median income is that level of total income (not just wages, not just take home pay) where as many households make more as make fewer. According to Table A-4 (excel file) of Census' Income and Poverty in 1995, median income was $52,664 and in 2015 it was $56,516

Wage growth is slow, but it is there.

Labor Force Participation is Employed plus Unemployed as a percent of the population. That's at 62.9%
The Employment-Population ration is the % working: 59.8%
What you fail to mention is that the Participation rate went steadily up from 1948 (the earliest available data) until 2000, and has been going down since then. While the lowest since 1978, it's higher than anytime before then.


True, but considering the height was 6.8 million in 2010 and it had never ever been higher than 3 million, you can't really compare current to "normal.
In June 1983 long term unemployed hit a then-record high of 2.9 million, which then dropped to 624,000 by February 1990
All these figures are thrown OFF by the inclusion of foreign workers. Illegal aliens wirking in the US are not American workers. they are workers of their resprctive countries (Mexico, China, India, etc)
How is the number of native born workers thrown off by including foreign workers, when it doesn't include foreign workers? Note that many of the foreign born are naturalized U.S. citizens and so ARE American workers. And foreign born workers are not workers of their native country as the production takes place in the U.S. and therefore contributes to the U.S. economy.

But in any case population, labor force, employment, unemployment, not in the labor force, education, age of native vs foreign born are all available.
Duration of unemployment is not.
huh? could you rewrite in english?
I'll try. Protectionist was claiming that ALL the figures I was using were thrown off by the inclusion of foreign workers. But some of the figures I was using were specifically about native born workers. Which means his claim was that the number of employed native born workers was thrown off by its inclusion of foreign born workers. Which is obviously nonsense.
Since his concern is Americans, I pointed out that a lot of data, such as labor force status, race, age, and education are available for native and foreign born separately.
he stated illegal workers, not foreign workers born in the US.
He started off with "The only people getting jobs over th epast 10 years are FOREIGNERS (mnay of them illegal aliens"
There are no reliable data on illegal immigrants vs legal etc. The government doesn't ask about legal status in any of its statistical surveys.
The most important single point?

That Trump is proud of not preparing for the debate or the presidency.

That's the kind of thing that people look at, not specific policy points. Clinton looked presidential, Trump looked scary.

Trump could study for 100 years and he would still not be as knowledgeable as Hillary

He might as well rely on his Trumpish charm
What he rely's on is these poorly educated white hicks who just want to see a white face in the white house again.....who could care less about what the clown stands for.
not true at all.
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.

sure you can, and we're back into fairy tale land that this is stealing or that it's just the very rich doing it.

it isn't. I've already stated I disagree with the laws that allow this to be so, but it isn't stealing, it isn't illegal, it isn't only the very rich that take deductions and it sure as hell isn't just republicans.

millions of homeowners every year take a deduction on the interest paid on their mortgages. they take deductions for dependents. they take deductions for medical expenses and so on and so and so on.

bottom line, people take whatever deductions they can, regardless of their income level. nothing illegal about it.

I'd like to see some of those laws changed, but excoriating some guy that has done nothing but what is allowed by the laws makes no sense whatsoever.
I suppose many Americans admire tax dodgers, this they are smart and like to see them in political office.

you suppose an awful lot and seemingly more so when your arguments are shown to be baseless claims rooted in emotion rather than fact.
Yeah, sure.
The most important point is that it's important to prepare.

Not only for the questions/subjects, but for your opponent's responses to your responses.

He missed some very easy shots last night because of this.

Just as he had to consciously change his tack a couple of months ago and stop acting constantly like an out of control loon, because that's what was necessary, he has to do the same here. He has to realize he has to be ready and not just on a shallow level, but a couple of layers in, because that's what it's going to take to win.

There are two more. If people remember correctly Obama came out for the first debate against Romney and looked like hell, but he was better prepared next time. Whether or not Trump will take that lesson I guess we'll see.....
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
yes, content is important. most of trump's 'content' was lies.
gold standard. outright lie by hitlery, derp
The silent admission of Donald Trump that he does not pay any federal tax was a crushing accusation and that he calls this being clever is disgusting. The man is a leach. One has to wonder how many Republicans are just like him as freeloaders in the home of the brave.

nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.
You mean like obummer is with the VA right now? LOL, he'd rather give money to immigrants than military Vets. And that is a democrat position that hitlery holds dear to her. Funny how you are.
back that up
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
4.5 unemployment
wages higher
stock market doing fantastic
5.8 million jobs available
Millions more covered with health care

The only real problem I see comes from GOP obstructionism.
dude that's hilarious, thanks for the laugh.
nonsense. he uses the laws. If my accountant didn't use the legal methods at his disposal to minimize my taxes I'd find another one. It's what he's supposed to do. ...
Why am I not surprised?

because, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have a firm grasp on reality?
Because I can very easily believe that many very rich Americans steal from the armed forces, schools, hospitals and institutions which receive federal funding by avoiding to pay federal income tax.
You mean like obummer is with the VA right now? LOL, he'd rather give money to immigrants than military Vets. And that is a democrat position that hitlery holds dear to her. Funny how you are.
back that up
what do you want me to back up?

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