Debate 1: What Was the Most Important Point Made ?

If the guy isn’t willing to study for a 90 minute debate is the “new blood” candidate (who is 72 y/o) going to really study a much more complex issue such as the Middle East or ISIS?
Why do you have a Muslim Brotherhood mole and enemy of the United States in your avatar ? I'll venture a guess. Your liberal OMISSION media has you so information-deprived that you have no idea who (and what) Huma Abedin is.







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that obummer and hitlery couldn't change the exit date out of iraq of December 31 2011 cause Dubya said so.
Exactly right. No piece of paper or tinhorn 3rd world dictator trumps US National Security. Obama's biggest fuck-up was pulling the troops out of Iraq, and if that wasn't dumb enough, the idiot left all the oil just sitting there, so ISIS could come in and scoop it up
I honestly lost it when she said that about dubya. truly. lmao.
an inconvenient fact, was it?
Nope, that three years after bush was in the pasture that she and bummer had to follow bushes plan? Was she afraid bush would come back and be mad? Shows she can't think for herself. And invoked dub ya like he was still in charge. Dude, spectacular
she invoked the binding status of forces agreement. the concern wasn't about him but with what was legal.
so is an indication of following rather than leading. yeppers. again...:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
1. Unemployment ? The only people getting jobs over th epast 10 years are FOREIGNERS (mnay of them illegal aliens, with Democrat assistance)
Employed, Foreign Born
Annual average 2006: 22,225,000
August 2016: 26,134,000
Change of +3,909,000

Employed, Native Born
Annual average 2006: 122,202,000
August 2016: 125,670,000
Change of +3,468,000

2. Sorry. wages don't go higher when you flood the country with low wage foreigners. Don't make us laugh.
The typical take home pay (often called "median income" by the Census Bureau) is about the same today as it was 20 years ago, once you adjust for inflation.
Median income is that level of total income (not just wages, not just take home pay) where as many households make more as make fewer. According to Table A-4 (excel file) of Census' Income and Poverty in 1995, median income was $52,664 and in 2015 it was $56,516

The reality is wage growth is only 2.5% a year. As Sharon Stark of D.A. Davidson notes, normally when unemployment is this low, wage growth should be humming along at about 4% a year.
Wage growth is slow, but it is there.

4. Only 62.7% of adult Americans are working. The so-called Labor Force Participation rate hasn't been this low since the late 1970s.
Labor Force Participation is Employed plus Unemployed as a percent of the population. That's at 62.9%
The Employment-Population ration is the % working: 59.8%
What you fail to mention is that the Participation rate went steadily up from 1948 (the earliest available data) until 2000, and has been going down since then. While the lowest since 1978, it's higher than anytime before then.


About 2.1 million Americans have been unable to get a job for over half a year. These Long-term unemployed are roughly double the number of long-term unemployed than in normal times.
True, but considering the height was 6.8 million in 2010 and it had never ever been higher than 3 million, you can't really compare current to "normal.
In June 1983 long term unemployed hit a then-record high of 2.9 million, which then dropped to 624,000 by February 1990
Exactly right. No piece of paper or tinhorn 3rd world dictator trumps US National Security. Obama's biggest fuck-up was pulling the troops out of Iraq, and if that wasn't dumb enough, the idiot left all the oil just sitting there, so ISIS could come in and scoop it up
I honestly lost it when she said that about dubya. truly. lmao.
an inconvenient fact, was it?
Nope, that three years after bush was in the pasture that she and bummer had to follow bushes plan? Was she afraid bush would come back and be mad? Shows she can't think for herself. And invoked dub ya like he was still in charge. Dude, spectacular
she invoked the binding status of forces agreement. the concern wasn't about him but with what was legal.
The US is powerful enough to change an agreement.
unless it's dubya, then you have to invoke his name and blame him cause you have no plans and aren't a leader.
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This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
and he gave no plan to change that
That's enough about Islam. Islam is not the TOPIC of the thread, last night's presidential debate is. Everybody please post to the TOPIC, or go elsewhere. If anyone wants to talk about Islam, I have a slew of OPs on it in this forum,. You can look them up.
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.

The problem with Hillary is that she stated TWICE that No Nuclear War means she's been a success.
There ARE issues other than all out Nuclear War.
look, there is a transcript out and you can go look through it. she never said that. I just searched the transcript. I believe if you're going to argue, argue with facts. You don't do good for our side to make up stuff. so, please apologize and show some dignity for our side. Please. She never said that. give me another key word to search off of, but she only said nuclear war once all night.

and here is that statement.

"CLINTON: ... of what we heard Donald say has been about nuclear weapons. He has said repeatedly that he didn't care if other nations got nuclear weapons, Japan, South Korea, even Saudi Arabia. It has been the policy of the United States, Democrats and Republicans, to do everything we could to reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons. He even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, well, you know, that's fine..."
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.
Present Hillary lies ? HA HA. What could be easier ?.

1 Let's start with her opening statement. She asserted that the nation needs to “finally guarantee equal pay for equal work” for women". Give us a break. The notion that women on average do not receive the same pay as men — the 77-cents-to-a-dollar myth — has been proven false repeatedly. This is yet another example of information-deprived liberals running around half-cocked, thinking they know something. They simply don't know how ignorant they are. They need to expand their media exposure from only their liberal OMISSION media.

2. Since the campaign has begun, Hillary has changed her long-standing support for TPP. She now claims to be against it. HA HA/ So all of a sudden (now that we're in an election year) she dislikes it, huh ? In the debate, she said she “hoped it would be good deal.” CBS News wacked her on it, by showing a 2012 clip of her (looking weird in a long, black dress and a tight pony tail) calling TPP the "gold standard of trade deals."

3. She claimed ""slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn't worked." thus presenting the general idea that Republicans are for slashing taxes on the wealthy, when in fct Obama's taxes on the wealthy are far lower (39%) than 3 previous Republican presidents (Nixon & Ford - 70%, Eisenhower - 91%)

4. When they talked about repatriation of US businesses back to the US, Trump mentioned that he proposed to lower the corporate tax rate ( a major factor in business relocations) Hillary popped off with this >> ""We've looked at your tax proposals. I don't see changes in the corporate tax rates … you're referring to what would cause the repatriation." The FACT is (long posted in Trump's website) the position is a reduction of the corporate tax from 35% to 15% (10% less than China) She lied.

5. She asserted that "my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s." Clinton, like all Democrats, loves to take credit for the financial stability of her husband's presidency. Of course, it was the Republican-controlled Congress led by Newt Gingrich that blocked Clinton's desired spending measures, and balanced the budget.

6. She claimed that in being party to the Iran deal, she helped "put the lid on Iran's nuclear program." Wow. What a whopper that was. The "deal" guarantees no such thing. It rests entirely on Iran's acting in good faith and upholding its end of the bargain. (which is about as likely as the Tampa Bay Rays winning the World Series.) :rolleyes:

7. When Trump defended the use of stop-and-frisk policies in New York City, Clinton attacked those policies as unconstitutional and asserted, "It was uneffective. It did not do what it needed to do" This is simply false.

8. Clinton's most egregious lies were two concerned with emails. "I made a mistake using a private email," she said. Of course, she didn't use a "private email." She used multiple private email servers. The word "mistake" implies that Clinton didn't know she was doing anything wrong, a claim belied entirely by the fact that so many of her aides and associates pleaded the Fifth or were granted immunity by the FBI (a fact pointed out by Trump)— not to mention that many of them engaged in the destruction of evidence and that she herself made false exculpatory statements.

9. She claimed that "Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans." FALSE! The truth, as is obvious from the context of his words, is that Trump was calling on the Russians to release Clinton's missing emails in the event that they already had them.

10. She said >> " He started his business with $14 million, borrowed from his father" FALSE! That would have been 14 times as much as what he was loaned by his father which was ONE million, (which he could have gotten from a bank), and he paid the loan back entirely and long before it was due.

Hillary, once again, has repeatedly proved her complete disregard for the truth, and willingness to lie to the American people, even in a forum as important as a presidential debate. This woman is as pathological liar as anyone who has ever lived.

Next, we could talk about her long HISTORY of lies (and those are just the ones she was caught on).
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This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.
Present Hillary lies ? HA HA. What could be easier ?.

1 Let's start with her opening statement. She asserted that the nation needs to “finally guarantee equal pay for equal work” for women". Give us a break. The notion that women on average do not receive the same pay as men — the 77-cents-to-a-dollar myth — has been proven false repeatedly. This is yet another example of information-deprived liberals running around half-cocked, thinking they know something. They simply don't know how ignorant they are. They need to expand their media exposure from only their liberal OMISSION media.

2. Since the campaign has begun, Hillary has changed her long-standing support for TPP. She now claims to be against it. HA HA/ So all of a sudden (now that we're in an election year) she dislikes it, huh ? In the debate, she said she “hoped it would be good deal.” CBS News wacked her on it, by showing a 2012 clip of her (looking weird in a long, black dress and a tight pony tail) calling TPP the "gold standard of trade deals."

3. She claimed ""slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn't worked." thus presenting the general idea that Republicans are for slashing taxes on the wealthy, when in fct Obama's taxes on the wealthy are far lower (39%) than 3 previous Republican presidents (Nixon & Ford - 70%, Eisenhower - 91%)

4. When they talked about repatriation of US businesses back to the US, Trump mentioned that he proposed to lower the corporate tax rate ( a major factor in business relocations) Hillary popped off with this >> ""We've looked at your tax proposals. I don't see changes in the corporate tax rates … you're referring to what would cause the repatriation." The FACT is (long posted in Trump's website) the position is a reduction of the corporate tax from 35% to 15% (10% less than China) She lied.

5. She asserted that "my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s." Clinton, like all Democrats, loves to take credit for the financial stability of her husband's presidency. Of course, it was the Republican-controlled Congress led by Newt Gingrich that blocked Clinton's desired spending measures, and balanced the budget.

6. She claimed that in being party to the Iran deal, she helped "put the lid on Iran's nuclear program." Wow. What a whopper that was. The "deal" guarantees no such thing. It rests entirely on Iran's acting in good faith and upholding its end of the bargain. (which is about as likely as the Tampa Bay Rays winning the World Series.) :rolleyes:

7. When Trump defended the use of stop-and-frisk policies in New York City, Clinton attacked those policies as unconstitutional and asserted, "It was uneffective. It did not do what it needed to do" This is simply false.

8. Clinton's most egregious lies were two concerned with emails. "I made a mistake using a private email," she said. Of course, she didn't use a "private email." She used multiple private email servers. The word "mistake" implies that Clinton didn't know she was doing anything wrong, a claim belied entirely by the fact that so many of her aides and associates pleaded the Fifth or were granted immunity by the FBI (a fact pointed out by Trump)— not to mention that many of them engaged in the destruction of evidence and that she herself made false exculpatory statements.

9. She claimed that "Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans." FALSE! The truth, as is obvious from the context of his words, is that Trump was calling on the Russians to release Clinton's missing emails in the event that they already had them.

Hillary, once again, has repeatedly proved her complete disregard for the truth, and willingness to lie to the American people, even in a forum as important as a presidential debate. his woman is as pathological liar as anyone who has ever lived.

Next, we could talk about her long HISTORY of lies (and those are just the ones she was caught on).
how about the 'gold standard' lie on the TPP

"TRUMP: You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said it's the finest deal you've ever seen.


TRUMP: And then you heard what I said about it, and all of a sudden you were against it.

CLINTON: Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. The facts are -- I did say I hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated..."

the speech was November 5, 2012.

"This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."

Remarks at Techport Australia
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This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
and he gave no plan to change that
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
and he gave no plan to change that
True, it was a relevant point nonetheless. Of course I don't expect him or anyone else aside from a real outsider like Jill Stein to address it.
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
and he gave no plan to change that
what do you mean. he spoke about that all night, he wants those nations to pay for our services. are you deaf, can't you read transcripts? wtf is wrong with you. liar.
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.
Present Hillary lies ? HA HA. What could be easier ?.

1 Let's start with her opening statement. She asserted that the nation needs to “finally guarantee equal pay for equal work” for women". Give us a break. The notion that women on average do not receive the same pay as men — the 77-cents-to-a-dollar myth — has been proven false repeatedly. This is yet another example of information-deprived liberals running around half-cocked, thinking they know something. They simply don't know how ignorant they are. They need to expand their media exposure from only their liberal OMISSION media.

2. Since the campaign has begun, Hillary has changed her long-standing support for TPP. She now claims to be against it. HA HA/ So all of a sudden (now that we're in an election year) she dislikes it, huh ? In the debate, she said she “hoped it would be good deal.” CBS News wacked her on it, by showing a 2012 clip of her (looking weird in a long, black dress and a tight pony tail) calling TPP the "gold standard of trade deals."

3. She claimed ""slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn't worked." thus presenting the general idea that Republicans are for slashing taxes on the wealthy, when in fct Obama's taxes on the wealthy are far lower (39%) than 3 previous Republican presidents (Nixon & Ford - 70%, Eisenhower - 91%)

4. When they talked about repatriation of US businesses back to the US, Trump mentioned that he proposed to lower the corporate tax rate ( a major factor in business relocations) Hillary popped off with this >> ""We've looked at your tax proposals. I don't see changes in the corporate tax rates … you're referring to what would cause the repatriation." The FACT is (long posted in Trump's website) the position is a reduction of the corporate tax from 35% to 15% (10% less than China) She lied.

5. She asserted that "my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s." Clinton, like all Democrats, loves to take credit for the financial stability of her husband's presidency. Of course, it was the Republican-controlled Congress led by Newt Gingrich that blocked Clinton's desired spending measures, and balanced the budget.

6. She claimed that in being party to the Iran deal, she helped "put the lid on Iran's nuclear program." Wow. What a whopper that was. The "deal" guarantees no such thing. It rests entirely on Iran's acting in good faith and upholding its end of the bargain. (which is about as likely as the Tampa Bay Rays winning the World Series.) :rolleyes:

7. When Trump defended the use of stop-and-frisk policies in New York City, Clinton attacked those policies as unconstitutional and asserted, "It was uneffective. It did not do what it needed to do" This is simply false.

8. Clinton's most egregious lies were two concerned with emails. "I made a mistake using a private email," she said. Of course, she didn't use a "private email." She used multiple private email servers. The word "mistake" implies that Clinton didn't know she was doing anything wrong, a claim belied entirely by the fact that so many of her aides and associates pleaded the Fifth or were granted immunity by the FBI (a fact pointed out by Trump)— not to mention that many of them engaged in the destruction of evidence and that she herself made false exculpatory statements.

9. She claimed that "Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans." FALSE! The truth, as is obvious from the context of his words, is that Trump was calling on the Russians to release Clinton's missing emails in the event that they already had them.

Hillary, once again, has repeatedly proved her complete disregard for the truth, and willingness to lie to the American people, even in a forum as important as a presidential debate. his woman is as pathological liar as anyone who has ever lived.

Next, we could talk about her long HISTORY of lies (and those are just the ones she was caught on).
how about the 'gold standard' lie on the TPP

"TRUMP: You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said it's the finest deal you've ever seen.


TRUMP: And then you heard what I said about it, and all of a sudden you were against it.

CLINTON: Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. The facts are -- I did say I hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated..."

the speech was November 5, 2012.

"This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."

Remarks at Techport Australia
you are right. she absolutely tried to add a caveat to her previously full-throated support of tpp.

was there anything else? @protectionists post does not seem to understand that his differing opinion does not make clinton's opinions lies
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The best point I heard came from Trump and the point was that we as a nation have pissed away 6 trillion dollars on reshaping the Middle East.

We are not even close to being done.
and he gave no plan to change that
what do you mean. he spoke about that all night, he wants those nations to pay for our services. are you deaf, can't you read transcripts? wtf is wrong with you. liar.
but he gave no plan or framework for how that would work. saying he wants to turn our military into a mercenary force is one thing - but he never explained how it would work
1. Unemployment ? The only people getting jobs over th epast 10 years are FOREIGNERS (mnay of them illegal aliens, with Democrat assistance)
Employed, Foreign Born
Annual average 2006: 22,225,000
August 2016: 26,134,000
Change of +3,909,000

Employed, Native Born
Annual average 2006: 122,202,000
August 2016: 125,670,000
Change of +3,468,000

2. Sorry. wages don't go higher when you flood the country with low wage foreigners. Don't make us laugh.
The typical take home pay (often called "median income" by the Census Bureau) is about the same today as it was 20 years ago, once you adjust for inflation.
Median income is that level of total income (not just wages, not just take home pay) where as many households make more as make fewer. According to Table A-4 (excel file) of Census' Income and Poverty in 1995, median income was $52,664 and in 2015 it was $56,516

The reality is wage growth is only 2.5% a year. As Sharon Stark of D.A. Davidson notes, normally when unemployment is this low, wage growth should be humming along at about 4% a year.
Wage growth is slow, but it is there.

4. Only 62.7% of adult Americans are working. The so-called Labor Force Participation rate hasn't been this low since the late 1970s.
Labor Force Participation is Employed plus Unemployed as a percent of the population. That's at 62.9%
The Employment-Population ration is the % working: 59.8%
What you fail to mention is that the Participation rate went steadily up from 1948 (the earliest available data) until 2000, and has been going down since then. While the lowest since 1978, it's higher than anytime before then.


About 2.1 million Americans have been unable to get a job for over half a year. These Long-term unemployed are roughly double the number of long-term unemployed than in normal times.
True, but considering the height was 6.8 million in 2010 and it had never ever been higher than 3 million, you can't really compare current to "normal.
In June 1983 long term unemployed hit a then-record high of 2.9 million, which then dropped to 624,000 by February 1990
All these figures are thrown OFF by the inclusion of foreign workers. Illegal aliens wirking in the US are not American workers. they are workers of their resprctive countries (Mexico, China, India, etc)
how about the 'gold standard' lie on the TPP

"TRUMP: You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said it's the finest deal you've ever seen.


TRUMP: And then you heard what I said about it, and all of a sudden you were against it.

CLINTON: Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. The facts are -- I did say I hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated..."

the speech was November 5, 2012.

"This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."

Remarks at Techport Australia
Hillary's "gold standard" lie was mentioned in # 2 of my list.

Notice that in Hillary's statement she uses the word "workers" (NOT AMERICAN WORKERS) - this is the essence of globalist outsourcers like Hillary who dishonestly criticize trump as being what SHE IS (an outsourcer). Her phony TV ads talk about "Trump products" being made overseas, but thy're NOT "trump products". Trump only sells the foreign companies HIS NAME, which they put on THEIR PRODUCTS. The products are foreign owned, and have always been in the foreign countries (not outsourced to there from the US) and no American workers have lost a job from them.

Hillary is the pure outsourcer, having authored NAFTA, is a member of the Trialteral Commission ( a strong outsourcing org), the Council on Foreign Relations (another strong outsourcing org), has long suppoted TPP, and STILL DOES NOW, despite her election year lies to the contrary - Trump called her out on this and smacked her down on it. I can't see how anybody could claim she won this debate. With what ? Phony laughs and big smiles ?
how about the 'gold standard' lie on the TPP

"TRUMP: You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said it's the finest deal you've ever seen.


TRUMP: And then you heard what I said about it, and all of a sudden you were against it.

CLINTON: Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. The facts are -- I did say I hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated..."

the speech was November 5, 2012.

"This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."

Remarks at Techport Australia
Hillary's "gold standard" lie was mentioned in # 2 of my list.
and it was the only valid complaint
True, it was a relevant point nonetheless. Of course I don't expect him or anyone else aside from a real outsider like Jill Stein to address it.
Adding more to the point of the OP. That Hillary (and he fellow insiders) have been at the controls of US policy fro 20 years, and all we have is a Middle East mish-mash, a $20 Trillion debt,abysmal race relations, $133 Billion/year being stolen from our economy by remittance sending immigrants, and a continuing awful record of Muslim terrorists attacks inside our borders.

And we are being asked to vote for (Hillary) more of this ? If we do, we will be the laughingstock of the world.
Hillary is qualified.
Trump is not.

Hillary takes the job seriously.
Trump does not.

Hillary is ready.
Trump is not.
Neither is qualified.

You can't be serious.

Neither are even close to ready.

My apologies for not sharing in your enthusiasm.

No need to apologize for not sharing my enthusiasm. You should apologize for not sharing intellect. You have a 2 time Senator, former SoS who was appointed by a split Senate 94-2 and someone who obviously is engaged in the campaign for President in 2016. To say that she isn’t qualified is simply a stupid thing to say. Sorry for the bluntness but what you said is stupid.
I wouldn't consider rejecting legacy candidates as stupid or a lack of intellect.
My observation is that many running for office are living in the past.
I just think we need new blood and fresh ideas.
Its not about me, but our next generations.

If the guy isn’t willing to study for a 90 minute debate is the “new blood” candidate (who is 72 y/o) going to really study a much more complex issue such as the Middle East or ISIS?
I'm not voting for him. Period.

I'm to think he is not going to be President.
Hillary is qualified.
Trump is not.

Hillary takes the job seriously.
Trump does not.

Hillary is ready.
Trump is not.
Neither is qualified.

You can't be serious.

Neither are even close to ready.

My apologies for not sharing in your enthusiasm.

No need to apologize for not sharing my enthusiasm. You should apologize for not sharing intellect. You have a 2 time Senator, former SoS who was appointed by a split Senate 94-2 and someone who obviously is engaged in the campaign for President in 2016. To say that she isn’t qualified is simply a stupid thing to say. Sorry for the bluntness but what you said is stupid.
I wouldn't consider rejecting legacy candidates as stupid or a lack of intellect.
My observation is that many running for office are living in the past.
I just think we need new blood and fresh ideas.
Its not about me, but our next generations.

If the guy isn’t willing to study for a 90 minute debate is the “new blood” candidate (who is 72 y/o) going to really study a much more complex issue such as the Middle East or ISIS?
I'm not voting for him. Period.

I'm to think he is not going to be President.

Wise choice.

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