Debate 1: What Was the Most Important Point Made ?

About 1 billion people are members of the Islam religion. Most of the people recognize that it is pretty delusional to claim that 1 billion people are not part of a religion, when they are part of a religion.

Of course Islam is not a religion..

According to you.

Not according to the Pope.
Not according to the Supreme Court.
Not according to the dictionary.
Not according to Israel.
Israeli law officially recognizes five religions, all belonging to the Abrahamic family of religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Druzeism and the Bahá'í Faith.

LOL- this is why I enjoy poking you with the Muslim stick- just to show what a loon you are.
see, this is why you aren't credible. you have found a source that tells you what you want to believe and so you believe it without question and despite all evidence to the contrary. it makes you the perfect trump supporter, but a very ignorant person - which i suppose is largely the same thing.

but on topic - can you tell me the lies you believe that clinton told in the debate last night?
I have posts in this forum dating back 2-3 years where each single post has 2 DOZEN SOURCES on Islam not a religion. Here's a partial of it >>e.

Yep- your posts of your crazy anti-Islam theories- its like you are channeling Pam Geller.
see, this is why you aren't credible. you have found a source that tells you what you want to believe and so you believe it without question and despite all evidence to the contrary. it makes you the perfect trump supporter, but a very ignorant person - which i suppose is largely the same thing.

but on topic - can you tell me the lies you believe that clinton told in the debate last night?
I have posts in this forum dating back 2-3 years where each single post has 2 DOZEN SOURCES on Islam not a religion. Here's a partial of it >>e.

Yep- your posts of your crazy anti-Islam theories- its like you are channeling Pam Geller.
because he is. that's where he gets his 'information'
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
The most iportant point was made on trade issues and export of American jobs. But in the final analysis if you were a Hillary supporter going into it you came out of it a Hillary supporter. If you were a Trump supporter going into it, you were a Trump supporter coming out of it. But Trump scored with voters in industrial states of the Rust Belt. That will put him over the top.
Hillary is qualified.
Trump is not.

Hillary takes the job seriously.
Trump does not.

Hillary is ready.
Trump is not.
Hillary looked like a typical weaselworm politician. Nothing presidential about her.
Given enough rest and around the clock medical attention, Hellary can keep her self standing for 90 minutes. Donald is, and will likely always be, somewhat of an Orange Clown, and is certainly no politician.
We don't care what color his face is (actually he looked fine last night), and not being a politician is one of the things we like about him the most. Did you read the OP, by any chance ?

Lighten up commrade. I understand the draw of Trump not being a politician, but he will at some point have to seem more presidential. And yes I agree, he seems to have lost much of the orange hue, but in my book, he still too much of a clown. That said, between the two, I'll take the clown over the bitchy bulldyke.
Lighten up commrade. I understand the draw of Trump not being a politician, but he will at some point have to seem more presidential. And yes I agree, he seems to have lost much of the orange hue, but in my book, he still too much of a clown. That said, between the two, I'll take the clown over the bitchy bulldyke.
I see nothing "clown" about Trump. Far from it, I see him as the first president candidate since Eisenhower to be treating the enormous problem of illegal immigration seriously. The first to really address Islam as the real problem that it is to this country. The first to talk about gun-free zones as the great danger that they are, and to throw political correctness in the trash can, rather than insider politicians who allow it to get in the way of fixing problems (even national security).

I think because Trump has not been a politician, he doesn't move and talk in the style that politicians do, and to some people they think that makes him look clownish (because they think the politician style is how candidates ought to look). Frankly, I don't care much how they look. CONTENT is more important than form, and Trump has the content that this country has been needing for a long time, while worthless do-nothing politicians walk around worried about their style.
because he is. that's where he gets his 'information'

HA HA. Your ignorance reminds me of the people who mention the movie Deliverance when the subject of banjo music is mentioned. Or the Devil something or other when fiddle music is mentioned. Actually, I know hundreds of Bluegrass songs and fiddle tunes that I play, and those people don't even know they exist.

You are so information-deprived that you are oblivious to the dozens of excellent protectionists out there who have authored books on Islamization and Muslim terrorism. Pamela Geller is only one among many. I've gotten my information from many good protectionists. Here's some of the 30 books I've read over the past 15 years, that I recommend you read too. Even just one of them would lift you to great heights above your information-deprived state, induced by liberal OMISSION media >> (don't forget the footnotes - I've read thousands of them)

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
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see, this is why you aren't credible. you have found a source that tells you what you want to believe and so you believe it without question and despite all evidence to the contrary. it makes you the perfect trump supporter, but a very ignorant person - which i suppose is largely the same thing.

but on topic - can you tell me the lies you believe that clinton told in the debate last night?
I have posts in this forum dating back 2-3 years where each single post has 2 DOZEN SOURCES on Islam not a religion. Here's a partial of it >>e.

Yep- your posts of your crazy anti-Islam theories- its like you are channeling Pam Geller.
because he is. that's where he gets his 'information'
You are so information deprived that you are oblivious to the dozens of excellent protectionists out there who have authored books on Islamization and Muslim terrorism. Pamela Geller is only one among many. I've gotten my information from many good protectionists. Here's some of the 30 books I've read over the past 15 years, that i recommend you read too. Even just one of them would lift you to great height above your information-deprived state induced by liberal OMISSION media >> (don't forget the footnotes - I've read thousands of them)

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
wonderful... you've found an echo chamber.
According to you.
Not according to the Pope.
Not according to the Supreme Court.
Not according to the dictionary.
Not according to Israel.
Israeli law officially recognizes five religions, all belonging to the Abrahamic family of religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Druzeism and the Bahá'í Faith.

LOL- this is why I enjoy poking you with the Muslim stick- just to show what a loon you are.
According to me and most people around the world. You are the loon as well as all those entities you listed. Of course Islam is not a religion. It was only contrive to be that to shield criticism, and the only reason it has lasted so long is because it was forced on people. It has NO ETHICS.

It is the farthest thing from a religion there ever has been. It is just the opposite of a religion. Wife-beating, pedophilia, genocidal murder, slavery, massive misogyny, animal cruelty, etc. and you call this a religion ? Are you nuts ? You are just another sucker, duped into the big lie. They set up a scam, and you fall for it.
According to you.
Not according to the Pope.
Not according to the Supreme Court.
Not according to the dictionary.
Not according to Israel.
Israeli law officially recognizes five religions, all belonging to the Abrahamic family of religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Druzeism and the Bahá'í Faith.

LOL- this is why I enjoy poking you with the Muslim stick- just to show what a loon you are.
According to me and most people around the world. You are the loon as well as all those entities you listed. Of course Islam is not a religion. It was only contrive to be that to shield criticism, and the only reason it has lasted so long is because it was forced on people. It has NO ETHICS.
well that's patently false.
It is the farthest thing from a religion there ever has been. It is just the opposite of a religion. Wife-beating, pedophilia, genocidal murder, slavery, massive misogyny, animal cruelty, etc. and you call this a religion ? Are you nuts ? You are just another sucker, duped into the big lie. They set up a scam, and you fall for it.
wow. you are very ignorant.
The reason I bring up this crap is to show what a loon Protectionist is- he just creates his own reality. He has made these hilarious claims over and over.

Since Italy doesn't offiicially recognize Islam as a religion- and therefore give it tax money as it does the Catholic Church- Protectionist thinks that means that Islam is not a religion.

But of course other countries do recognize Islam as a religion- including the United States.
Protectionist relies on other countries laws when it is convenient.

And every Catholic and major Protestant Bible- starting with the King James Bible- includes both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Some people have to be told twice.

1. Islam is not a religion. This is because it has no code of ethics. It is more like a code of UNethics. And it was never meant to be a religion., It was a smokescreen scam in 622 AD, and that's still what it is now, with suckers like you falling for it.

2. The NEW Testament is the CHRISTIAN Bible, the Old Testament is not. Got it now ? :rolleyes:
wow. you are very ignorant.
FALSE!! HA HA HA. This is becoming funny now. It's "false" that it was forced on people ?

EARTH TO OG: 270 million people in the world have been killed having Islam forced on them. 120 Million Africans. 80 Million Hindus. 60 Million Christians, 10 Million Buddhists. God, you're ignorant

As for having no ethics, it doesn't because anything good in the Koran is cancelld out by the cover to cover genocide, wife-beating, misogyny, etc

And I don't know how you get from the things I mentioned about Islam to say I'm ignorant,The thing I said are in the Koran. I've been reading it (18 translations) since 1959, most recent Arberry, Shakir, Pickthall, Dawood, and the sanitized for western readers Ali translation. have you ever read the Koran ? Do have the foggiest idea what you're talking about ?
That's enough about Islam. Islam is not the TOPIC of the thread, last night's presidential debate is. Everybody please post to the TOPIC, or go elsewhere. If anyone wants to talk about Islam, I have a slew of OPs on it in this forum,. You can look them up.
That's enough about Islam. Islam is not the TOPIC of the thread, last night's presidential debate is. Everybody please post to the TOPIC, or go elsewhere. If anyone wants to talk about Islam, I have a slew of OPs on it in this forum,. You can look them up.
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.
That's enough about Islam. Islam is not the TOPIC of the thread, last night's presidential debate is. Everybody please post to the TOPIC, or go elsewhere. If anyone wants to talk about Islam, I have a slew of OPs on it in this forum,. You can look them up.
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.

The problem with Hillary is that she stated TWICE that No Nuclear War means she's been a success.
There ARE issues other than all out Nuclear War.
That's enough about Islam. Islam is not the TOPIC of the thread, last night's presidential debate is. Everybody please post to the TOPIC, or go elsewhere. If anyone wants to talk about Islam, I have a slew of OPs on it in this forum,. You can look them up.
are you ever going to present us with the lies you claim hillary told last night? I mean you did claim that she lied more than donald.

The problem with Hillary is that she stated TWICE that No Nuclear War means she's been a success.
There ARE issues other than all out Nuclear War.
do you have those quotes?

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