Debate 1: What Was the Most Important Point Made ?

The most important point? Trump proving he doesn't take the job seriously and doesn't respect the american people enough to actually bother learning anything.
What he rely's on is these poorly educated white hicks who just want to see a white face in the white house again.....who could care less about what the clown stands for.
The people you call poorly educated, are better educated than you and the Hillary supporters, who are the MISeducated, who have gone to college for years, and now know nothing. Wanna see what I mean > Who is Lina Morales ? Who is Peter DiGangi ? Who is Muse Dahir ? See what I mean ?
lol. no. trump is not winning the educated vote. don't stay stupid shit.
The most important point is that it's important to prepare.

Not only for the questions/subjects, but for your opponent's responses to your responses.

He missed some very easy shots last night because of this.

Just as he had to consciously change his tack a couple of months ago and stop acting constantly like an out of control loon, because that's what was necessary, he has to do the same here. He has to realize he has to be ready and not just on a shallow level, but a couple of layers in, because that's what it's going to take to win.

There are two more. If people remember correctly Obama came out for the first debate against Romney and looked like hell, but he was better prepared next time. Whether or not Trump will take that lesson I guess we'll see.....
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
The most important point is that it's important to prepare.

Not only for the questions/subjects, but for your opponent's responses to your responses.

He missed some very easy shots last night because of this.

Just as he had to consciously change his tack a couple of months ago and stop acting constantly like an out of control loon, because that's what was necessary, he has to do the same here. He has to realize he has to be ready and not just on a shallow level, but a couple of layers in, because that's what it's going to take to win.

There are two more. If people remember correctly Obama came out for the first debate against Romney and looked like hell, but he was better prepared next time. Whether or not Trump will take that lesson I guess we'll see.....
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
yes, content is important. most of trump's 'content' was lies.
The most important point is that it's important to prepare.

Not only for the questions/subjects, but for your opponent's responses to your responses.

He missed some very easy shots last night because of this.

Just as he had to consciously change his tack a couple of months ago and stop acting constantly like an out of control loon, because that's what was necessary, he has to do the same here. He has to realize he has to be ready and not just on a shallow level, but a couple of layers in, because that's what it's going to take to win.

There are two more. If people remember correctly Obama came out for the first debate against Romney and looked like hell, but he was better prepared next time. Whether or not Trump will take that lesson I guess we'll see.....
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
I never said she won the debate, to be honest with you, no minds were changed and it was just the status a matter of fact, Trump the egotistical moron is the only person I'm seeing sayin he won....bottom line, both are losers and who cares?
yes, content is important. most of trump's 'content' was lies.
You've got that backwards. Most of HILLARY'S content was lies. Just like her lying TV ads.
holy shit. really? you actually watched the debate and came to the conclusion that clinton lied more than trump?
(sigh) for the last time, you can't talk with these people, ration with these people come to any type of truth with these people, that's why I have half of these loons on ignore, its too exhausting trying to talk with these idiots!!
The most important point is that it's important to prepare.

Not only for the questions/subjects, but for your opponent's responses to your responses.

He missed some very easy shots last night because of this.

Just as he had to consciously change his tack a couple of months ago and stop acting constantly like an out of control loon, because that's what was necessary, he has to do the same here. He has to realize he has to be ready and not just on a shallow level, but a couple of layers in, because that's what it's going to take to win.

There are two more. If people remember correctly Obama came out for the first debate against Romney and looked like hell, but he was better prepared next time. Whether or not Trump will take that lesson I guess we'll see.....
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.
I never said she won the debate, to be honest with you, no minds were changed and it was just the status a matter of fact, Trump the egotistical moron is the only person I'm seeing sayin he won....bottom line, both are losers and who cares?
i think some minds were likely decided if not changed. people who might have been leaning trump but open to clinton certainly weren't pushed more towards trump.

undecided women voters were likely repelled by trump, and any small inroads trump had made with minorities were certainly destroyed.
Hillary delivered 2 speeches during the debate on how America is on the right path.
On the other hand, she's got lots of what it takes to get
The most important point? Trump proving he doesn't take the job seriously and doesn't respect the american people enough to actually bother learning anything.
You've got that backwards. Hillary is the one who doesn't respect the American people. If she did, she would not have damaged our national security immensely, by using an unencrypted server for her emails, and exposing our top secret information to the whole world.
And she would be taking jobs away from Americans by supporting illegal immigration. And she would be endangering us immensely by allowing ISIS to come into the country with hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. I could list 100 things like this about her.
The most important point is that it's important to prepare.

Not only for the questions/subjects, but for your opponent's responses to your responses.

He missed some very easy shots last night because of this.

Just as he had to consciously change his tack a couple of months ago and stop acting constantly like an out of control loon, because that's what was necessary, he has to do the same here. He has to realize he has to be ready and not just on a shallow level, but a couple of layers in, because that's what it's going to take to win.

There are two more. If people remember correctly Obama came out for the first debate against Romney and looked like hell, but he was better prepared next time. Whether or not Trump will take that lesson I guess we'll see.....
Everybody seems to be acting like Hillary did so much better than Trump. I don't think so. She smiled and laughed a lot, but that is just form, and content is more important than form. She said that she made 119 visits to foreign countries and had a lot of experience, and her supporters in the audience cheered. But Trump countered by saying "BAD experience", which is a good point. With someone as corrupt and selfish as the Clintons, the more experience they have, the WORSE it is for the American people. With crooks, it's better if they did NOT have all that experierience.

Well, that's subjective and my post was about opportunities missed as much as who did better than who.

Two I can think of off the top of my head:

he missed on cyber warfare. Seriously. Hillary "Bathroom Server" Clinton is a cyber expert or suddenly concerned about hackers? He should have been dancing on her head on that one.

he missed on tpp. She claimed before TPP was even released that she'd changed her mind after seeing it and has been saying that ever since. Even the white house press secretary at the time was like "WTF" on that statement from her. Pointing that out to people would have stuck a permanent pin in that balloon.

He's got to be ready. IMO he wasn't.

I wasn't impressed by her last night either. She came off as scripted and canned. I do think she had the better night, but she is far from unassailable. To the contrary she has so many openings to take shots at that if he is actually prepared I think he can beat her, but he has to take this more seriously, IMO.
This question should bring quite variety of responses. Lots of issues are out there, and quite a few were covered (although I would say insufficiently).

My choice for the Most Important Point Made is that Hillary Clinton has been part of the federal government for 20 years, and look at the mess that we have. Back in the early 90s as First Lady, she helped author NAFTA, the worst destruction of US jobs in our history. Simultaneously, and all through her 20 years, she supported DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA immigration), and still does, taking millions of jobs away from Americans, reducing wages, robbing US businesses of (currently) $133 Billion in sales (due to remittances), massive tax revenue losses to welfare, bringing additional crime and foreign diseases into the country, and a long list of other harms.

As Sect of State in 2009-2013, , with a Muslim Brotherhood close aide, (Huma Abedin), the US govt went through a period of amazing friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization sworn to destroy America, and all of Western civilization. Those resulted in a long list of policies that were pro- Muslim Brotherhood, and anti USA.

Also during this time, in 2011, US troops were removed from Iraq, opening up the vacuum that allowed ISIS to move in. Not taking the Iraqi oil, allowed ISIS to quickly grow and strengthen, into what is now the worst threat (nuclear and EMP) that America has ever faced. Making matters worse, she now wants to allow in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, which is sure to have the ISIS "Trojan Horse" among them (a point that Trump badly needed to make and strangely didn't).
4.5 unemployment
wages higher
stock market doing fantastic
5.8 million jobs available
Millions more covered with health care

The only real problem I see comes from GOP obstructionism.
The most important point? Trump proving he doesn't take the job seriously and doesn't respect the american people enough to actually bother learning anything.
You've got that backwards. Hillary is the one who doesn't respect the American people. If she did, she would not have damaged our national security immensely, by using an unencrypted server for her emails, and exposing our top secret information to the whole world.
And she would be taking jobs away from Americans by supporting illegal immigration. And she would be endangering us immensely by allowing ISIS to come into the country with hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. I could list 100 things like this about her.
only one of the two candidates showed up prepared. only one of the two candidates looked like they had command of the issues. only one of the two candidates was ready with policy specifics. only one of the two candidates was ready with facts and figures to support their position.
Trump could study for 100 years and he would still not be as knowledgeable as Hillary

He might as well rely on his Trumpish charm
The more knowledge Hillary has, the WORSE it is for us. Also, Hillary does not have the economic and business knowledge that Trump has.
I tried to watch the entire debate, but I just couldn't. Bottom line is this....if you like Trump, nothing is gonna change your mind, Hillary on the other hand has to get her side exited...she's not gonna bring in anybody new, she just has to get her base exited about her old white ass and honestly, its not happening.

If Trump wins, it will be because nobody is exited about a old retread white woman who's boring as hell.
How come no matter what you talk about , RACE is always in it ? You are obsessed with it.
If I cared, I would google the shit....listen, you white fuck nuts are ignorant and I didn't call you the poorly educated....TRUMP DID, YOU MORON!!
No, YOU just did, but you're too much of a gutless coward to stand up straight and tall, and stick up for your own words. The names I mentioned, you have no clue who they are, but they are all important people in the subject of Islamization in America. You never got the education about them, your poorly educated hick, you. And I'm not all white. I'm 50% Hispanic-Central American.

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