debate last night between tinydancer & reabhloideach

The original Title was "Islam and WWII" Seal chose it. I can reinstate the thread and clear everything except seals first post and you guys can start over. Does that work?

Or I can title a new thread "Islam and WWII" and you go from there. Let me know

Either is fine by me. Thanks CK.

choose something new that won't prejudice it either way.

i expect her to prove that islam supported hitler as she initially claimed.

you can just transfer everything if you want.

cerial_killer can monitor, judge, and referee.

I'm cocked, locked and ready to rock. Say the word.:eusa_angel: But bear in mind I never claimed Islam supported Hitler.

Let me refresh your memory.

The topic I challenge you on is Islam's historical direct ties to Hitler and Nazis.

There's a world of difference.


I reinstated the thread and closed it. Let me know when you want it reopened. I'm not going to have time to judge this one but we can open up a discussion after or you can find a volunteer

you can open it when you want. i have no intention of discussing anything other than proof of TDs claim that islam supported hitler and i really expect it to be a very short debate.

i have no intention of prolonging it. i cannot devote or commit big portions of my time at this point so it will be catch as catch can.

i am not going to put up with inconsequential trash talk.

i like intense or noomi.
Either is fine by me. Thanks CK.

choose something new that won't prejudice it either way.

i expect her to prove that islam supported hitler as she initially claimed.

you can just transfer everything if you want.

cerial_killer can monitor, judge, and referee.

I'm cocked, locked and ready to rock. Say the word.:eusa_angel: But bear in mind I never claimed Islam supported Hitler.

Let me refresh your memory.

The topic I challenge you on is Islam's historical direct ties to Hitler and Nazis.

There's a world of difference.


i have already acknowledged that some muslim leaders have had ties with hitler, as have some jewish leaders and some christian leaders.

already this is going nowhere.

let's end this quick. islam has no central authority. the end...unless you can prove that a majority of muslims or muslim states supported hitler.
Tell you what. Why don't you tell Seal he can call the thread Islam and Ostriches in WWII for all I care at this point.

The topic will still be dealing with Islam, Nazis, WWII and the Grand Mufti. No matter what, Nazis are still part of the equation.


Is Seal a principled Nazi?:eek:
and we all know many of the Irish supported Nazis for a while and the IRA Provos and offshoots were a bunch of murdering thugs and pinko socialist pigs who killed many innocent men, women, and children
If Islam has enough hatred for Jews and Israel to strap bombs on their own children, it is not difficult to think they would not only cheer Nazi Germany but also support them
Tell you what. Why don't you tell Seal he can call the thread Islam and Ostriches in WWII for all I care at this point.

The topic will still be dealing with Islam, Nazis, WWII and the Grand Mufti. No matter what, Nazis are still part of the equation.


Is Seal a principled Nazi?:eek:

well, i just asked C_K to open and then i read this, you motherfucking asshole. my father died early from the cumulative long term effects of wounds inflicted by the NAZIs. fuck you, you smarmy, smug mouth bastard.
Tell you what. Why don't you tell Seal he can call the thread Islam and Ostriches in WWII for all I care at this point.

The topic will still be dealing with Islam, Nazis, WWII and the Grand Mufti. No matter what, Nazis are still part of the equation.


Is Seal a principled Nazi?:eek:

well, i just asked C_K to open and then i read this, you motherfucking asshole. my father died early from the cumulative long term effects of wounds inflicted by the NAZIs. fuck you, you smarmy, smug mouth bastard.

oh please, we all had family that sacrificed in WWII

cut the drama. what are we back in Junior High School?
Is Seal a principled Nazi?:eek:

well, i just asked C_K to open and then i read this, you motherfucking asshole. my father died early from the cumulative long term effects of wounds inflicted by the NAZIs. fuck you, you smarmy, smug mouth bastard.

oh please, we all had family that sacrificed in WWII

cut the drama. what are we back in Junior High School?

dif is, fuckface, i didn't call you a nazi. i ain't hidin' behind nothin'.
and we all know many of the Irish supported Nazis for a while and the IRA Provos and offshoots were a bunch of murdering thugs and pinko socialist pigs who killed many innocent men, women, and children

Showing a little bigotry here aren't we Dante ??? Why don't you also talk about the 180,000 Irish who crossed the water to fight in the Brirish Army against Hitler and the Millions of Irish Americans. By the way also if you will check the number of catholics murdered by the prodestants fm the north was far greater than those killed by the IRA.
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Ya know, it can be real messy here but you gotta admire the passion that drives many of these posters.
Boxing gloves or pistols at 10 paces?
Ya know, it can be real messy here but you gotta admire the passion that drives many of these posters.
Boxing gloves or pistols at 10 paces?

TD and seal are really tearing it up. Whether we agree with them or not I admire the tenacity and passion that the both of them are exhibiting in there. Very cool to see this.

:clap2: :clap2:
Ya know, it can be real messy here but you gotta admire the passion that drives many of these posters.
Boxing gloves or pistols at 10 paces?

TD and seal are really tearing it up. Whether we agree with them or not I admire the tenacity and passion that the both of them are exhibiting in there. Very cool to see this.

:clap2: :clap2:

I'm having a blast. Can't wait to continue tomorrow.

well, i just asked C_K to open and then i read this, you motherfucking asshole. my father died early from the cumulative long term effects of wounds inflicted by the NAZIs. fuck you, you smarmy, smug mouth bastard.

oh please, we all had family that sacrificed in WWII

cut the drama. what are we back in Junior High School?

dif is, fuckface, i didn't call you a nazi. i ain't hidin' behind nothin'.

well, i just read this, you motherfucking asshole. my father died a few years ago from the cumulative long term effects of being a fuck face. fuck you, you smarmy, smug mouth bastard.:evil:
seriously terrible argument:
i think i would be horribly unjust were i to try to claim judaism's historical link with the NAZIs based upon the jewish kapo guards. were i to do so, you could fairly call me a bigot.
Jewish Gestapo guards were not strictly volunteers nor fans of Nazis.

any more of this and the kook who wrote it is an antisemite
But I'm laying the groundwork to show how Islam was used by the Nazis and by the Grand Mufti and other Arab exiles in their massive propaganda machine.
the muslim world at the time was between 300,000,000 and 500,000,000 people. the palestinian arabs at the time numbered 1,000,000.

i am on a slow modem. i cannot download vids very well.

speaking of the british, i won't insult you by discussing britains historic connection to the NAZIs based upon lord haw haw's pro-nazi broadcasts.
so what. it didn't work. he raised an army of what, 10,000 troops in bosnia, maybe. tell, me, how many troops did he raise in senegal? mali, turkey. he did not represent islam.
look, give me numbers. how many muslims served in hitler's armies. when you get to 150,000, the number of jews serving in hitler's armies.

Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.

As Rigg fully documents for the first time, a great many of these men did not even consider themselves Jewish and had embraced the military as a way of life and as devoted patriots eager to serve a revived German nation. In turn, they had been embraced by the Wehrmacht, which prior to Hitler had given little thought to the "race" of these men but which Hitler's Jewish Soldiers


too sick. Jews in Hitler's army? Jesus Christ what a douchebagh argument

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