Debate nuggets...

Obungles is big on the apology angle

Just ignore those 10K strikes against ISIS in favor of carpet bombing innocents. Its the RWNJ traitor way.

And The Huckster - he needs to go back to shilling his phony diabetes and cancer cures.

You people are just plain stupid. You will fall for any crap you're spoon fed.
In 18 months. Bottom line. Obama wants Assad gone first even if we have to hit small for a long while and use ISIS to do it. Not taking out their means of making money and command structure and home bases makes Obama an ignorant bitch.

Not to mention the gun running out of Libya that ended up in ISIS hands. How's that recruitment to training working out for him. Maybe 5 more will show up?

Libya is a mess.

Yemen is being overtaken by the Houti's and are being funded by Iran. We were kicked out after Obama said everything was fine. Yeah right, as now Saudi Arabia is in a War there. And they are allying to many Sunni countries like Egypt, Pakistan, and etc. Obama was wrong with Egypt on allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the process................

Obama has the OPPOSITE of the Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to shit.

To Obama.
Obungles is big on the apology angle
Who is "Obungles?"

Obama = Obungles he bungles everything he touches
The nation is doing quite well.

You're an Obama supporter, no?
Obungles is big on the apology angle

Just ignore those 10K strikes against ISIS in favor of carpet bombing innocents. Its the RWNJ traitor way.

And The Huckster - he needs to go back to shilling his phony diabetes and cancer cures.

You people are just plain stupid. You will fall for any crap you're spoon fed.
In 18 months. Bottom line. Obama wants Assad gone first even if we have to hit small for a long while and use ISIS to do it. Not taking out their means of making money and command structure and home bases makes Obama an ignorant bitch.

Not to mention the gun running out of Libya that ended up in ISIS hands. How's that recruitment to training working out for him. Maybe 5 more will show up?

Libya is a mess.

Yemen is being overtaken by the Houti's and are being funded by Iran. We were kicked out after Obama said everything was fine. Yeah right, as now Saudi Arabia is in a War there. And they are allying to many Sunni countries like Egypt, Pakistan, and etc. Obama was wrong with Egypt on allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the process................

Obama has the OPPOSITE of the Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to shit.

To Obama.

How did Oblama allow the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the election process....He has no control which party puts in candidates, and who runs...
Glad you like the symbol....

I find it to be quite appropriate!!!!
View attachment 59907
I'm talking about "Feq Islam"- starting a crusade against an entire religion is a great idea. Booosh did it when there were less than a hundred AlQaeda...worked great, jackass.
Glad you like the symbol....

I find it to be quite appropriate!!!!
View attachment 59907
I'm talking about "Feq Islam"- starting a crusade against an entire religion is a great idea. Booosh did it when there were less than a hundred AlQaeda...worked great, jackass.

So just forget over 3,000 dead on the day the Twin Towers fell????

Exactly how much is ISIS paying you to post your bullshit?????
Christie Cream pretending to support gun rights...

I haven't seen someone blow this much smoke up someone's ass since I saw video's of Ted Kennedy insisting he did everything he could to save Mary Jo.

Obungles is big on the apology angle

Just ignore those 10K strikes against ISIS in favor of carpet bombing innocents. Its the RWNJ traitor way.

And The Huckster - he needs to go back to shilling his phony diabetes and cancer cures.

You people are just plain stupid. You will fall for any crap you're spoon fed.
In 18 months. Bottom line. Obama wants Assad gone first even if we have to hit small for a long while and use ISIS to do it. Not taking out their means of making money and command structure and home bases makes Obama an ignorant bitch.

Not to mention the gun running out of Libya that ended up in ISIS hands. How's that recruitment to training working out for him. Maybe 5 more will show up?

Libya is a mess.

Yemen is being overtaken by the Houti's and are being funded by Iran. We were kicked out after Obama said everything was fine. Yeah right, as now Saudi Arabia is in a War there. And they are allying to many Sunni countries like Egypt, Pakistan, and etc. Obama was wrong with Egypt on allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the process................

Obama has the OPPOSITE of the Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to shit.

To Obama.

How did Oblama allow the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the election process....He has no control which party puts in candidates, and who runs...

He was demanding that they should be part of the process and was basically told to fuck off by Egypt. On this very board the left wing hacks were saying how this was a blow to Democracy because they weren't allowed to be part of the process. Which is exactly why I put the video up on YOU AIN'T NEVER BEEN RIGHT........................

Egypt outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood. Rounded them up and executed them. Seized their money. Moved their people out near the border with the Sinai..........created a buffer zone.............and destroyed over a thousand resupply tunnels to the region. They did it right with Obama whining like the little bitch on foreign policy he is...............
Huckabee asserted that the role of the military is to kill our enemies. Denis McDonough is preparing a memo for the president to ensure he understands...but is it too late?

More to follow

Fox business channel....check your local listings.

Who's Reverend Huckabee debating,

I'm sticking with Carson. He's calm cool and collect on the questions and is spot on with his answers.

Trump got slammed early on the Birther issue. Cruz made him look dumb on that one.

Cruz did well but pissed me off on the Tax plan and exchange with Rubio. What he proposes is a 16% VAT tax, and he's sugar coating it to say it's a business tax. Which is BS. End product is taxed at that rate, with companies paying a portion on the way to sale. In the end, it is passed on to the END USER..............aka the Customer...........Just like it done in the rest of the world in most cases. It is a CONSUMPTION TAX plain and simple, and he SKEWED HIS RESPONSE in an ATTEMPT TO HIDE IT. To the public who don't research it, they will think he won that argument..........and he wouldn't stick it to them on every thing they buy. AKA..........IN MY OPINION........HE LIED.........

Carson is who I'm going to vote for in the primaries................
Obungles is big on the apology angle

Just ignore those 10K strikes against ISIS in favor of carpet bombing innocents. Its the RWNJ traitor way.

And The Huckster - he needs to go back to shilling his phony diabetes and cancer cures.

You people are just plain stupid. You will fall for any crap you're spoon fed.

These people press for more and more war in the Middle East as if their trying to fulfill some crackpot religious prophecy..., now that I think about it...
1. More convinced than ever that a Repub is going to win the general after seeing this debate.

2. Trump appeared much more electable and Presidential this time around.

3. Bush was still a disaster, he could not complete a sentence without stumbling, probably because he wanted to fill his time and rambled.

4. Rubio is an exceptional orator. He is the Republican Bill Clinton as far as the ability to convince with soft tones. Still, he is not trustworthy in most conservatives books, and yet, a far better choice than the "Beast" or "Bernie."

5. Disappointed that Cruz was not more impressive.

6. Carson still steady. Where will his supporters go if/when he drops?

Experts say that after the 1st round of primaries the Republican field will probably be down to 5 or less. At that time, reshuffling of the deck will occur, because former supporters of so-and-so will migrate to their next best choice possibly changing the balance of power on the board. The only 2 people who could survive a bad showing is Trump/Bush if they so chose to. Reason--------->the money for the also rans will dry up, and they will be forced to close up tent. Trump has the "deep pockets" as does Bush because of early donations.

As/if/when the field shrinks, the medias questions for the remaining candidates will become more pointed and in depth at the debates, as the media will then be able to push follow up questions more consistently, due to the fact they will have each candidate for more time.

This is where the media will hold their feet to the fire and vet them, and the voters will choose their candidate. I know, I know, they never did it to Obama! We must accept this will happen, and it is a good thing! The last thing we should want is a Republican Obama in there. Imagine, against what used to appear to be loooooooong odds, handing the Presidency to a GOPer and expecting the ship of state to be righted, only to discover we elected our version of Obungles!!!

Know that the Democrats are in T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Oh, I know all of them come on her and claim they are not to dishearten you, but they are. It is just like them coming on her telling you how rosy everything is too, when most of the metrics point against this notion, and the American people aren't feeling their propaganda either. Don't believe them. If what they said were true, the people who are going to "throw Obama's ass out of the White House with their vote," and his ideas through the "Beast," might be to busy working to show up at the polls, lololol!

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