Debate tonight - cast your vote

I didn't know there was a debate tonight. Really? Are you gonna watch?

  • Yes - I can't wait to find out tonight freebies

  • Yes - I'm looking forward to a nap

  • Yes - I'm a devote Dem

  • No - This is boredom to fifth power

  • No - I have to clean my toilets (which I find much more appealing)

  • No - I would prefer to commit Seppuku

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Feel free to select more choices. I'm pondering "Yes - I would like to take a nap" as an additional choice.
My choice was not there. I expect to watch and enjoy---with popcorn....for the same reason I watched and loved "One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest".

Don Trump is playing Jack Nicholson's role in that classic. The Democrats are the Inmates and the Fascist Nurse...all of whom Nicholson is toying with like The Don is now toying with the TDS Pussy Hat wearing Democrats.

But besides the display of psychopathologies which will so amuse us tonight....there is suspense---for me anyway.

I can't make up my mind which one of these Ass-Clowns is the worst Fool. Hope to get a better read tonight.

I expect Don Trump will be watching and enjoying, with popcorn too.
I think I screwed up the title of this post. I can't even gain traction with what I wrote. People were bored before they even finished reading it.


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