debt has grown 5 trillion under biden


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
nsn isn't exactly the john birch society
This "is" the biggiest threat to national security.

The federal debt has now increased more than $5 trillion during President Joe Biden’s administration, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury.

When Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury. By Aug. 22, 2023, it had climbed to $32,759,307,280,146.99—an increase of $5,007,411,043,732.22.

nsn isn't exactly the john birch society
This "is" the biggiest threat to national security.

The federal debt has now increased more than $5 trillion during President Joe Biden’s administration, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury.

When Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury. By Aug. 22, 2023, it had climbed to $32,759,307,280,146.99—an increase of $5,007,411,043,732.22.

damn, he is catching up to Trump, I guess he just has to beat Trump at everything.
The Debt is an existential threat.
The US just had its rating downgraded, with another one looming if we don't get the deficit under control.

We need to slash the Budget now. Going back to the $4T 2021 budget would be a good start. The $7T Biden Budget cannot stand.
nsn isn't exactly the john birch society
This "is" the biggiest threat to national security.

The federal debt has now increased more than $5 trillion during President Joe Biden’s administration, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury.

When Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury. By Aug. 22, 2023, it had climbed to $32,759,307,280,146.99—an increase of $5,007,411,043,732.22.

It will probably be another two trillion or more next year before the sonofabitch is kicked out of the White House.

The sad thing is that we have got nothing for our debt. All we have to show for his stupid debt is decreased family income, massive inflation, high cost of energy, millions of Illegals and a piss poor post Pandemic recovery.

Of course while the American people are getting screwed his Union buddies, Environmental Wacko friends, Queers and Transsexuals, Big City Democrat bosses, Chinese, Iranian Mullahs, Taliban arms dealers and every welfare queen in the world are doing great with his administration.
It will probably be another two trillion or more next year before the sonofabitch is kicked out of the White House.

The sad thing is that we have got nothing for our debt. All we have to show for his stupid debt is decreased family income, massive inflation, high cost of energy, millions of Illegals and a piss poor post Pandemic recovery.

Of course while the American people are getting screwed his Union buddies, Environmental Wacko friends, Queers and Transsexuals, Big City Democrat bosses, Chinese, Iranian Mullahs, Taliban arms dealers and every welfare queen in the world are doing great with his administration.
Just like your beloved dumb Don.
Just like your beloved dumb Don.
Trump was the best President of modern times. However, he wasn't perfect. Like all Presidents before him he increased the size of government and he increased debt. He was poor at draining the Swamp.

The difference between him and Potatohead is that we got a little something for the debt before the Pandemic hit. With Potatohead we got nothing.

If it was up to me I would never let the government spend more money than it took in and I would keep taxes low. I would greatly reduce the size of the Federal government. That is not the goal of either Democrats or Republicans. At the end of the day there is really only one Party. The Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the little more moderate branch but they are both a disaster for this country.
nsn isn't exactly the john birch society
This "is" the biggiest threat to national security.

The federal debt has now increased more than $5 trillion during President Joe Biden’s administration, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury.

When Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury. By Aug. 22, 2023, it had climbed to $32,759,307,280,146.99—an increase of $5,007,411,043,732.22.

It will probably be another two trillion or more next year before the sonofabitch is kicked out of the White House.

The sad thing is that we have got nothing for our debt. All we have to show for his stupid debt is decreased family income, massive inflation, high cost of energy, millions of Illegals and a piss poor post Pandemic recovery.

Of course while the American people are getting screwed his Union buddies, Environmental Wacko friends, Queers and Transsexuals, Big City Democrat bosses, Chinese, Iranian Mullahs, Taliban arms dealers and every welfare queen in the world are doing great with his administration.
The voters will not learn until it is real bad. And they may not learn anyway. All of those people from other nations coming her for doing what we are now is proof enough.
damn, he is catching up to Trump, I guess he just has to beat Trump at everything.

Well he certainly blew Trump's Covid death toll numbers out of the water in the first year and Joe had a vaccine.

Anyway, I am not too worried about the debt yet. A lot of what is going on has to do with servicing old debt. When an old bond yielding 2% has to be replaced with a new bond yielding 5%, the debt is gonna grow without any new spending. This has been coming ever since Obama's extended QE debt shell game inside a room filled with smoke and mirrors.
The voters will not learn until it is real bad. And they may not learn anyway. All of those people from other nations coming her for doing what we are now is proof enough.

I am always flabbergasted at how the elected officials of both Parties let this government get so bloated and so much in debt.

I think the basic reason is simply that there is no penalty for an elected official to be fiscally irresponsible and there are rewards to spend money.

No elected official has ever been held accountable for the damage done by this big bloated out of control debt ridden monstrosity of a Federal government.

The welfare queens love it. The politicians that get rewarded love it. However, the American people that have to pay for it seems impervious to what is going on. They are more concerned with who Tay Tay is dating than the massive debt their children are burdened with.

We need to be electing Libertarians and hard core Conservatives to represent us instead of bat shit crazy Democrats and weak RINOs.
nsn isn't exactly the john birch society
This "is" the biggiest threat to national security.

The federal debt has now increased more than $5 trillion during President Joe Biden’s administration, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury.

When Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury. By Aug. 22, 2023, it had climbed to $32,759,307,280,146.99—an increase of $5,007,411,043,732.22.

Puppy shit compare to Donald Trump's 1/4 of the national debt, that Trump owns, isn't it????
nsn isn't exactly the john birch society
This "is" the biggiest threat to national security.

The federal debt has now increased more than $5 trillion during President Joe Biden’s administration, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury.

When Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, the total federal debt was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to the Treasury. By Aug. 22, 2023, it had climbed to $32,759,307,280,146.99—an increase of $5,007,411,043,732.22.

Benedict Donald's final budget didn't end on Jan 20, 2021 did it?

"At the end of fiscal year 2020, the debt was $26.9 trillion. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020"


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