debt has grown 5 trillion under biden

Please explain how Obama is responsible for the big bush crash, that destroyed America?
The reality is you want to blame Obama for the republicans blowing up America and the deficit
Lol. Silly boy. O is responsible for his massive deficits and adding nearly $10 trillion to the national debt.

Now spin it.
Lol. Silly boy. O is responsible for his massive deficits and adding nearly $10 trillion to the national debt.

Now spin it.
Obama started with $1.4 T/yr deficits inherited form the Bush blow up
He finished with only $600B/yr deficits
Trump then exploded those deficits before covid, and exploded them more after covid, up to $3T/yr

Republicans only increase the deficit
Democrats only lower the deficit
Obama started with $1.4 T/yr deficits inherited form the Bush blow up
He finished with only $600B/yr deficits
Trump then exploded those deficits before covid, and exploded them more after covid, up to $3T/yr

Republicans only increase the deficit
Democrats only lower the deficit

Spin, spin, lie lie lie. Debt is not deficit. You're not fooling anyone with your obfuscation.
Obama started with $1.4 T/yr deficits inherited form the Bush blow up
He finished with only $600B/yr deficits
Trump then exploded those deficits before covid, and exploded them more after covid, up to $3T/yr

Republicans only increase the deficit
Democrats only lower the deficit
Means nothing.
Lol. How the FUCK can you believe this? Do you not know W came office with a near balanced budget and blew up the deficit. Don blew it even bigger in only four years.

Partisans of the duopoly dupe themselves.
Oh, on war AND under Trump when Pelosi blew out the bank, just like i said. Thank you for proving my point.
Oh, on war AND under Trump when Pelosi blew out the bank, just like i said. Thank you for proving my point.
Yes deficit spending is as bipartisan as it gets. Behind only war and support of Israel.
Idiots will never understand that their fucking thieving capitalism didn't die in the early 90s only thanks to Gorbachev's treachery, robbing the socialist camp and switching to stealing future labor.
Today's descendants are robbed for 3 generations to come, $300 trillion in debt! There is nothing more to rob.
When a dem president explodes the deficit- like Bush and Trump did- then you can talk and criticize.
But Clinton, Obama, and now Biden all lowered the deficit
Bush and Trump both increased the deficit, therefor they own it
Barry Hussein's last three deficits were going up, Simp.
Barry Hussein's last three deficits were going up, Simp.
Barry lowered the deficit substantially from the massive Bush deficit he inherited after Bush crashed the economy.
Trump increased those lowered deficits substantially.

Republicans own this debt and deficit, they caused it Simp.
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Lol. How the FUCK can you believe this? Do you not know W came office with a near balanced budget and blew up the deficit. Don blew it even bigger in only four years.

Partisans of the duopoly dupe themselves.
There was never a balanced budget in real time....It was projected out to 2002 from '98....Even their "success" stories are lies.
Barry lowered the deficit substantially from the massive Bish deficit he inherited after Bush crashed the economy.
Trump increased those lowered deficits substantially.

Republicans own this debt and deficit, they caused it Simp.
Yeah, blow a hole in the deficit your first year, then claim you cut it because it wasn't as big after that....$10 trillion was still added to the debt.

If you shitlibs couldn't lie, you'd have nothing to say.
Yeah, blow a hole in the deficit your first year, then claim you cut it because it wasn't as big after that....$10 trillion was still added to the debt.

If you shitlibs couldn't lie, you'd have nothing to say.
Bush crashed the economy 7 years into his failed presidency
Trump exploded the deficit to insane illogical levels, signing every penny and is most responsible.
Wow $5 trillion, so Social Security and Medicare is saved then right? Wait, what did we get for the $5 trillion Biden spent??
Bush crashed the economy 7 years into his failed presidency
Trump exploded the deficit to insane illogical levels, signing every penny and is most responsible.
$10 trillion, hack asshole.....$10 trillion.
$10 trillion, hack asshole.....$10 trillion.
Bush took a balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits.
Obama lowered those deficits and took the $1.4T/yr Bush deficit down to only $600B/yr

What did Trump do to that $600B/yr deficit??

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