debt has grown 5 trillion under biden

Benedict Donald's final budget didn't end on Jan 20, 2021 did it?
"At the end of fiscal year 2020, the debt was $26.9 trillion. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020"
What's wrong with Trump's 2021 Budget? Here it is:

2021 Federal Budget
Outlays $4.88T
Receipts $3.86T
Deficit $1.02T

Discretionary Spending
Defense $753b
Non-defense $733b
Total $1.49T

Mandatory Spending
Social Security $1,115b
Medicare 746b
Medicaid 452b
Other 660b
Interest on Debt 379b
Total $3.39T

Biden's budgets are about $7T. As Fed Chair Powell says, that is "unsustainable". We need to go back to the 2021 Budget.
no it did not. Covid deaths under Trump 400K On Trump's Last Full Day, Nation Records 400,000 Covid Deaths - KFF Health News

A year later Biden marked 900K deaths. Statement by President Joe Biden on 900,000 American Deaths from COVID-19 | The White House

900K (Biden year 1) - 400K(Trump Year 1)= Joe The Reaper wins by a mile

The day Trump left office deaths were at just about 455,000. Trump accomplished this is just 349 days.

365 days later deaths were at a 904382. So, you are correct it did not take 2 years, but still took Biden longer. Trump is the winner in this one.

The day Trump left office deaths were at just about 455,000. Trump accomplished this is just 349 days.

365 days later deaths were at a 904382. So, you are correct it did not take 2 years, but still took Biden longer. Trump is the winner in this one.
What the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Listen, if any people on Earth lost their right to push ideas for fighting COVID, its democrats. You guys were wrong about EVERY god damn thing COVID related. :cuckoo:
What the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Listen, if any people on Earth lost their right to push ideas for fighting COVID, its democrats. You guys were wrong about EVERY god damn thing COVID related. :cuckoo:

I apologize for saying an ill word about your god, I forgot how much that triggers you.

I will attempt to do better in the future!

The day Trump left office deaths were at just about 455,000. Trump accomplished this is just 349 days.

365 days later deaths were at a 904382. So, you are correct it did not take 2 years, but still took Biden longer. Trump is the winner in this one.
HOLY FUCK…this retarded bullshit again.
How many vaccines were available during Trumps 349 days?
How much herd immunity had taken root in Trumps 349 days?

Why do you lefties always seem to leave out context and details to sell your bullshit?
HOLY FUCK…this retarded bullshit again.
How many vaccines were available during Trumps 349 days?
How much herd immunity had taken root in Trumps 349 days?

Why do you lefties always seem to leave out context and details to sell your bullshit?

You mean the vaccine we are told daily does not work and is killing more people that it is saving?

That vaccine?

It should also be noted I am not the one that brought up the topic in this thread, so go whine to your fellow tribe member.
What the fuck does that have to do with Trump? Listen, if any people on Earth lost their right to push ideas for fighting COVID, its democrats. You guys were wrong about EVERY god damn thing COVID related. :cuckoo:

What did Conservatives get wrong about COVID?

It is no worse than the common cold
Masks don’t work
Social Distancing is useless
Herd Immunity
It will go away by itself by the summer
Vaccines don’t work
Trump was the best President of modern times. However, he wasn't perfect. Like all Presidents before him he increased the size of government and he increased debt. He was poor at draining the Swamp.

The difference between him and Potatohead is that we got a little something for the debt before the Pandemic hit. With Potatohead we got nothing.

If it was up to me I would never let the government spend more money than it took in and I would keep taxes low. I would greatly reduce the size of the Federal government. That is not the goal of either Democrats or Republicans. At the end of the day there is really only one Party. The Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the little more moderate branch but they are both a disaster for this country.
You have deluded yourself. Very little difference between the two morons. Though I will say Don didn’t start any big wars, though he did inadvertently and ignorantly try to.
Or Rs. Yet another thing they have in common. War being the biggest.
Nah, any time there was high spending during a conservative presidency was spent on wars OR it was a Democrat led Congress that blew out the budget during the conservative presidents administration. Dems are ALWAYS much worse on spending, consistently.
What did Conservatives get wrong about COVID?

It is no worse than the common cold
Masks don’t work
Social Distancing is useless
Herd Immunity
It will go away by itself by the summer
Vaccines don’t work
Almost none of those werent wrong you fool!!! LOL :laugh:

The ones that were wrong werent widely held beliefs. Also, for most people it wasnt worse than a cold.
Nah, any time there was high spending during a conservative presidency was spent on wars OR it was a Democrat led Congress that blew out the budget during the conservative presidents administration. Dems are ALWAYS much worse on spending, consistently.
Lol. How the FUCK can you believe this? Do you not know W came office with a near balanced budget and blew up the deficit. Don blew it even bigger in only four years.

Partisans of the duopoly dupe themselves.

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