Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

I make a distinction here.

There have not been problems with the Turkish Muslims in Germany.

I observed deep cultural differences recently between them and Arab Muslims

Agreed Mindful... I maintained a room in a Barracks for the sake of Military foolishness. 3 story building with the U.S. Army having the first floor and German labor Force living on the remaining 2 floors. I estimate 75 to 80% were Turkish Muslims. This was in the late 70's. While these folks were definitely different than back home in Indiana, they were very cordial and enjoyed sneaking beer into their rooms.
What I am gathering now is these refugee knuckleheads coming in from the African Continent and the Middle East. Completely different mindset of the Muslims from Turkey...
There is a widespread assumption that all Muslim cultures are the same for some reason.
Your concern a out the abuse of women ends once Muslims are out of the picture .

That lie didn't work the first time, why do you think it will work now? :dunno:
Funny thing is...I simply can't find anything you've posted on it when it doesn't involve Muslims :dunno:

Surely you must have if I'm lying...
Oh dear. Must have hit a nerve.

Just stay away from dogs.

I have three dogs in my household, and they are pampered totally.

This hysteria and mania of yours is not healthy. I have never particularly noticed your absence for any length of time, but I wouldn't rule out bi-polar disorder. The depressive episodes may just be quite limited in yours. Your obsessiveness, infatigable attention to just one subject, wild flights of fantasy and utter disregard for the victims of rape all point in a similar direction by way of diagnosis. Those with bipolar disorder are also prone to sexual excess and risk-taking behavior -- factors that are not apparent over the internet, but if you find yourself as little able to contain your impulses in real life as you do here, perhaps you should seek some help.

Now, I am taking you at face value when you describe yourself as an Appalachian woman who gets a few odd jobs trimming dogs toenails, as you can just as easily be pretending to be such as an application of taqiyya. Assuming you are what you say you are, however, this obsession of yours is simply not the product of a healthy psyche.
Oh please, you know damn well you guys don't give a damn about rape, or other abusive crimes against women and girls such as child marriages UNLESS Muslims are involved :lol:

Your projection here reveals much about your twisted psychology.

Just because your own attitude about rape and child abuse is entirely situational and based upon some truly evil double standards, that does not mean others suffer from the same sickness as you.

Since you do not oppose rape and child abuse as long as Muslims are doing it, that does not mean others have similarly warped world views. This may be an alien concept to you, but some people oppose rape and child abuse because it is wrong.

I looked for all your posts condemning rape, forced child marriages, violence against st women...well, there just doesn't seem to be much there outside of a Muslim context does there? Cat you say "a truly enjoyed I'll double standard" is at play in regards. To yourself?

While we're discussing your standards, I notice you keep ducking this. Why did you choose a discredited poll from a hate site over Pew, a source you normally use, which is reputable? Was it because you hate Muslims, even american muslims, so much you will use any means so possible to demonize them?

When you make a conscious choice to do so...what does that say about you, your honesty and your integrity. Strange Fruit indeed.
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Oh dear. Must have hit a nerve.

Just stay away from dogs.

I have three dogs in my household, and they are pampered totally.

This hysteria and mania of yours is not healthy. I have never particularly noticed your absence for any length of time, but I wouldn't rule out bi-polar disorder. The depressive episodes may just be quite limited in yours. Your obsessiveness, infatigable attention to just one subject, wild flights of fantasy and utter disregard for the victims of rape all point in a similar direction by way of diagnosis. Those with bipolar disorder are also prone to sexual excess and risk-taking behavior -- factors that are not apparent over the internet, but if you find yourself as little able to contain your impulses in real life as you do here, perhaps you should seek some help.

Now, I am taking you at face value when you describe yourself as an Appalachian woman who gets a few odd jobs trimming dogs toenails, as you can just as easily be pretending to be such as an application of taqiyya. Assuming you are what you say you are, however, this obsession of yours is simply not the product of a healthy psyche.

Do tell.
Ahh, so we link to an image that says "Only Jesus can build a bridge to heaven using only two pieces of wood."

But forget the other side of that deal. Not everyone gets into heaven, not everyone is allowed into heaven, not even on that bridge Jesus built with two pieces of wood. Hence the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 7:23.

Meaning, that just like immigration laws which set the standard for those who want to get into our country, there are also standards set by God for those who wish to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
how come you rightwing christer always leave this out of your jebus talks

Matthew 25:35-46

'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?

3 John 1:5

Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers;

the Bible also reminds us that we are all strangers, temporary sojourners. God says, “. . . [F]or the land is mine, and you are but strangers, resident with Me” (Leviticus 25:23). Muhammad makes the same point. When we forget that in a sense we too are strangers, we push God out of our world. An 18th century Hassidic teaching put it this way: “If we act as gerim [strangers, sojourners] in the world . . . then God will be a permanent resident among us . . . But if we act as permanent residents . . . then God will at best be a ger [stranger, sojourner] among us.”*
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.
...with a little science over hype

How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics

The Internet has brought an enormous mass of knowledge to the fingertips of everyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet. Never before have so many individuals been so close to true scientific facts about the world, from fun facts about animals to the latest crime statistics. Large communities with blogs, forums and social media groups have grown up around a wide variety of special interests and it has become a powerful tool for communication, cooperation and the advancement of human knowledge.

However, this has also led to the creation of ideologically isolated Internet communities, where faulty claims and misunderstandings of statistics and empirical evidence gets repeated in an endless echo chamber and all refutations are either ignored, misrepresented or subjected to ideologically driven rejection, often with stale references to supposed “political correctness”, as if that was a statistically mature rebuttal.

This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.


The moral of the story is that you should not get your information about crime statistics from shady blogs who make trivial statistical errors (like confusing reported and actual crimes) or Youtube videos. Instead, go to the original scientific papers or crime victim surveys, read them and understand the methodology, results, limitations and conclusions. There are no shortcuts to substantial knowledge.

The increasing rates of reported rape in Sweden is primarily caused by a repeated expansion of the rape definition, the fact that police is consciously reported all rapes as individual reports and an observed increase in the tendency to report rape. The differences between rates of reported rape between e. g. Sweden and Denmark is caused by differences in rape definition, differences in registration methods and efforts to rape all sex crimes that might be rape as rape.

In the end, it is doubly ironic that anti-immigration activists say that they refuse to read mainstream media because of its bias, yet (1) are strongly influenced by the increase in sensationalist coverage of violent crime by mainstream media and (2) are so willing to believe claims made by “alternative” media that are unsupported and often contradicted by actual crime victim survey results.

Edited to correct link.
Tell this the victims.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.
Learn to write. Stop supporting rape regardless of who commits it. Stop being a ditz.
...with a little science over hype

How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics

The Internet has brought an enormous mass of knowledge to the fingertips of everyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet. Never before have so many individuals been so close to true scientific facts about the world, from fun facts about animals to the latest crime statistics. Large communities with blogs, forums and social media groups have grown up around a wide variety of special interests and it has become a powerful tool for communication, cooperation and the advancement of human knowledge.

However, this has also led to the creation of ideologically isolated Internet communities, where faulty claims and misunderstandings of statistics and empirical evidence gets repeated in an endless echo chamber and all refutations are either ignored, misrepresented or subjected to ideologically driven rejection, often with stale references to supposed “political correctness”, as if that was a statistically mature rebuttal.

This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.


The moral of the story is that you should not get your information about crime statistics from shady blogs who make trivial statistical errors (like confusing reported and actual crimes) or Youtube videos. Instead, go to the original scientific papers or crime victim surveys, read them and understand the methodology, results, limitations and conclusions. There are no shortcuts to substantial knowledge.

The increasing rates of reported rape in Sweden is primarily caused by a repeated expansion of the rape definition, the fact that police is consciously reported all rapes as individual reports and an observed increase in the tendency to report rape. The differences between rates of reported rape between e. g. Sweden and Denmark is caused by differences in rape definition, differences in registration methods and efforts to rape all sex crimes that might be rape as rape.

In the end, it is doubly ironic that anti-immigration activists say that they refuse to read mainstream media because of its bias, yet (1) are strongly influenced by the increase in sensationalist coverage of violent crime by mainstream media and (2) are so willing to believe claims made by “alternative” media that are unsupported and often contradicted by actual crime victim survey results.

Edited to correct link.
Tell this the victims.

Better yet -- any defender of rape jihad should tell the brothers, fathers and uncles of the victims.

I'm hoping that they have the good sense to share their revolting opinions in a dark alley, too.
...with a little science over hype

How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics

The Internet has brought an enormous mass of knowledge to the fingertips of everyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet. Never before have so many individuals been so close to true scientific facts about the world, from fun facts about animals to the latest crime statistics. Large communities with blogs, forums and social media groups have grown up around a wide variety of special interests and it has become a powerful tool for communication, cooperation and the advancement of human knowledge.

However, this has also led to the creation of ideologically isolated Internet communities, where faulty claims and misunderstandings of statistics and empirical evidence gets repeated in an endless echo chamber and all refutations are either ignored, misrepresented or subjected to ideologically driven rejection, often with stale references to supposed “political correctness”, as if that was a statistically mature rebuttal.

This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.


The moral of the story is that you should not get your information about crime statistics from shady blogs who make trivial statistical errors (like confusing reported and actual crimes) or Youtube videos. Instead, go to the original scientific papers or crime victim surveys, read them and understand the methodology, results, limitations and conclusions. There are no shortcuts to substantial knowledge.

The increasing rates of reported rape in Sweden is primarily caused by a repeated expansion of the rape definition, the fact that police is consciously reported all rapes as individual reports and an observed increase in the tendency to report rape. The differences between rates of reported rape between e. g. Sweden and Denmark is caused by differences in rape definition, differences in registration methods and efforts to rape all sex crimes that might be rape as rape.

In the end, it is doubly ironic that anti-immigration activists say that they refuse to read mainstream media because of its bias, yet (1) are strongly influenced by the increase in sensationalist coverage of violent crime by mainstream media and (2) are so willing to believe claims made by “alternative” media that are unsupported and often contradicted by actual crime victim survey results.

Edited to correct link.
Tell this the victims.

Better yet -- any defender of rape jihad should tell the brothers, fathers and uncles of the victims.

I'm hoping that they have the good sense to share their revolting opinions in a dark alley, too.
We don´t have a defender here but a denier.
As we can see from this thread it is quite easy for the right to inflame hatred. Their targets are not too bright and they tend to only believe sources that confirm their low information prejudices.

Look at the cheerleaders on here for Islamophobia. One is a big supporter of Israel and would like to see all muslim children slaughtered. One is a rabid nazi who would like to see ALL people of colour chemically castrated.

You arent going to see a reasoned debate from this type of individual.

Anybody who has a different view is denounced as a rape apologist or a muslim savage or a woman hater.

Its a classic Hilterian tactic for stifling debate. If you can scream loud enough you can win the debate.

Are there issues with migrants in Europe ? Of course there are.

Is the next apocalypse about to happen ? Is it fuck.

Maybe a bit more time spent understanding why these people are in Europe might enlighten the ignorant a little bit.

Some of that stuff is slanderous. Even libellous.

Typical neo marxist tactics when they cant produce an argument, that is why tainted is wrong 100% of the time and has to round up his friends to back him up. They still believe that they are in charge and can do what they want, isnt it grand when they are shown they cant.

Here is a man who knows all about libel. He is saying that Gordon Brown is a paedo on another thread.
Such is the mentality of the haters.

The allegations of the VIP paedophile plot further shred respect for key institutions | Andrew Rawnsley

I am so glad that a communist like yourself is so trusting of your Political leaders. I wouldn't be vouching for any of them until AFTER the inquiry.

Funny thing is...I simply can't find anything you've posted on it when it doesn't involve Muslims :dunno:

Surely you must have if I'm lying...

If you can't "find anything," then you acknowledge that your claim that I "support it when it's no by Muslims" is a slanderous lie.

Hey, fish swim, leftists lie.

It's what you do.
Ahh, so we link to an image that says "Only Jesus can build a bridge to heaven using only two pieces of wood."

But forget the other side of that deal. Not everyone gets into heaven, not everyone is allowed into heaven, not even on that bridge Jesus built with two pieces of wood. Hence the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 7:23.

Meaning, that just like immigration laws which set the standard for those who want to get into our country, there are also standards set by God for those who wish to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
how come you rightwing christer always leave this out of your jebus talks

Matthew 25:35-46

'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?

3 John 1:5

Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers;

the Bible also reminds us that we are all strangers, temporary sojourners. God says, “. . . [F]or the land is mine, and you are but strangers, resident with Me” (Leviticus 25:23). Muhammad makes the same point. When we forget that in a sense we too are strangers, we push God out of our world. An 18th century Hassidic teaching put it this way: “If we act as gerim [strangers, sojourners] in the world . . . then God will be a permanent resident among us . . . But if we act as permanent residents . . . then God will at best be a ger [stranger, sojourner] among us.”*

Fuck off batshit.

Go pull the wings off of flies for Allah, or something.
Greece having imaginary sexual assault problems also:

‘Sexual assaults on children’ at Greek refugee camps
Charities claim youngsters and women are too afraid to leave tents after dark at government-run camps

Children inside a camp for refugees and migrants in an abandoned factory in Thessaloniki. Photograph: Sakis Mitrolidis/AFP/Getty Images

Mark Townsend

Saturday 13 August 2016 15.11 BSTLast modified on Monday 22 August 2016 14.54 BST

Children as young as seven have been sexually assaulted in official European refugee camps, the Observer has been told. The claims come as testimony emerges suggesting that some camps are so unsafe that youngsters are too terrified to leave their tents at night.

Charities and human rights groups allege that children stranded in supposedly safe camps in Greece that were built to deal with Europe’s migration crisis – many of whom are likely to be eligible to claim asylum in the UK – have been sexually abused.

In one government-run camp, in a former Softex toilet roll factory on the outskirts of Thessaloniki, aid organisations claim that the level of risk of sexual attack is so acute that women are too afraid to visit the camp toilets alone at night...

‘Sexual assaults on children’ at Greek refugee camps
Same abuses were also reported in Germany:

Rape and child abuse 'are rife in German refugee camps': Unsegregated conditions blamed as women are 'seen as fair game' in overcrowded migrant centres
  • Abuses said to be taking place among 5,000 migrants at camp in Giessen
  • Fear the number of unreported rapes and sexual assaults is significant
  • It may be taking place at overcrowded refugee centres across the country

PUBLISHED: 19:23, 24 September 2015 | UPDATED: 05:37, 25 September 2015

A culture of rape and sexual abuse is being allowed to take hold in asylum centres across Germany as Europe struggles to cope with the migrant crisis, it has been alleged,

Women’s rights groups and politicians have highlighted assaults against women and children in at least one camp.

And they suggest such incidents may be widespread, with many going unreported to the police.

Campaigners also claimed some men saw unaccompanied women as ‘fair game’, and also blamed conditions in which occupants were unsegregated by gender or nationality....

A letter addressed to the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in the state of Hesse, where the centre is based, from four women’s organisations described a ‘culture of rape and violence’.

The letter, written on August 18, stated: ‘It is a fact that women and children are unprotected. This situation is opportune to those men who already regard women as their inferior and treat unaccompanied women as “fair game”. As a consequence, there are reports of numerous rapes, sexual assaults and increasingly of forced prostitution. These are not isolated incidents.’

There are fears the number of unreported cases of rape and sexual assault at the Geissen camp

Women were often too afraid to walk around the camp even during the day, volunteers claimed, while some victims are too terrified to report sexual assaults by the men.

A police spokesman said there were ‘probably’ many unreported sexual abuses. Giessen City Councillor Astrid Eibelshaeuser said: ‘We know there is rape happening.’

Johannes-Wilhelm Roerig, the federal commissioner for child sexual abuse issues, said: ‘I am most concerned that refugee children in camps, gymnasiums, or former barracks are not sufficiently protected from sexual assault.’...

Rape and child abuse are 'rife in German asylum centres'

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