Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

This particular article illustrates exactly what is happening. The conditions in these refugee centers are horrible and overcrowded and violence against women and children is endemic. The article I posted also went into this issue, and noted it is endemic in all refugee centers regardless of religion. There was a recent expose on an Australian migrant detention center on an island where abuse, especially against children was uncovered. Women and girls in some of these facilities also become prey to human human traffickers or Arab men looking for cheap sex sanctified by a temporary marriage.

Few seem to really care what goes on in these places.

No one is saying it's all imaginary, but there is no data to support a rape epidemic or rape jihad.

So to recap, the rape Jihad isn't happening; but if it is happening it isn't the fault of your Muslim allies and everyone else does it too.

No doubt the JOOOZZZZ are the real culprits, amirite?
What do Jews have to do with anything? Are you an antisemite then?
Learn to apply critical thinking for a change.
Critical thinking is exactly how I recognize convoluted BS to further a political agenda. Education is how I recognize semi-literacy. Common sense is how I recognize that you're a ditz.
Funny how that works isn't? You can use that same tactic on others, but when it's thrown back at you it's a slanderous lie?

Of course, always accuse your opponent of doing what you yourself do, it's the Alinsky way, and you Bolsheviks follow it closely.

In other words, you can't take what you dish out. What a whiner.
Utterly disgusting that women in particular would go out of their way to pretend the rape of European women, children, and refugee women and children is a non event.

.....or at least a creature that CLAIMS to be a woman.

Considering the agenda involved and the track record of incredible deceit, I don't know if we really have any solid reasons to believe the claim.

What we see happening in Europe where rape is part of the Islamization process, so, too, do Islamists work the internet. They play something akin to a good cop/bad cop routine where the rapists do the dirty work and the online propagandists provide the rhetorical.

If they can establish that it is the right, proper duty of Western leftists to defend the Jihad, half their work is done.

So we get that you have a rabid and psychotic hatred of Muslims and heroize a man who went across the country electrocuting live animals on stage...

Is this why you chose to use a discredited poll from a hate site instead of Pew, in order to slander American Muslims?

You keep ducking, dodging and deflecting.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?

merry go round....

I have presented actual data, you didn't like it.
It showed us what I've told you early in the conversation: that stats can, and definitely being tailored. But you keep on asking for the same thing over and over because it's the only data that suits you - but again TAILORED.

Just look at the German law, in those cases ethnicities are not mentioned.

However being reasonable, it's easy to find common basic denominator in all European laws to look at the picture wholly...but you keep repeating "Sweden changed the laws..." again and again.
That exactly why we HAVE to look at Europe at whole.

C'mon those rules are not from Mars and Saturn, they were formulated on one single continent by people of common history and they all deal with 1 common thing- rape and sexual assaults.

But even so, if we look and take in account each countries' specifics morals as transformed into those laws (which we should because that's the beauty of being a free independent state) we will see the DISRESPECT and actual RAPE as SEEN BY THEM..why should migrants be held to different standards if they come to live in peace (rather than dictate their own rules)?

It's not for you or the migrant rapists to claim what's rape and what's not- it's the right of the people and that's how you should look at it to be objective.

In conclusion- if x numbers of European countries claim together to "be raped" it's not your filthy business digging their laws- it's THEIR laws, and the foreigners must change their ways immediately.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?

All the "reasons" you've mentioned to make it look more "cultural" are exactly the examples of - WEAKNESS (lack of self control) and COWARDICE (low self-esteem).

Those are not men, those are low lifes.

Look I'll give it to you, maybe you have a point we ALL fail to see...maybe.

But you can clearly see that it's the wrong audience, and that you've overstepped many boundaries. It's not that you're 'bad''s our 'cultural difference'.

I just don't see a point for you to continue bothering, or even insulting people further, and us being disgusted.

No one benefits, especially since you've gained some really bad reputation in many views...

However if you're going to take advantage of being a mod and keep on communicating carelessly, I think you'll reach a point where people will never forgive you and it will show each time you're here.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it's too much tension, more than in Israel/Palestine.
Utterly disgusting that women in particular would go out of their way to pretend the rape of European women, children, and refugee women and children is a non event.

.....or at least a creature that CLAIMS to be a woman.

Considering the agenda involved and the track record of incredible deceit, I don't know if we really have any solid reasons to believe the claim.

What we see happening in Europe where rape is part of the Islamization process, so, too, do Islamists work the internet. They play something akin to a good cop/bad cop routine where the rapists do the dirty work and the online propagandists provide the rhetorical.

If they can establish that it is the right, proper duty of Western leftists to defend the Jihad, half their work is done.

So we get that you have a rabid and psychotic hatred of Muslims and heroize a man who went across the country electrocuting live animals on stage...

Is this why you chose to use a discredited poll from a hate site instead of Pew, in order to slander American Muslims?

You keep ducking, dodging and deflecting.

You need help -- serious help.

You are delusional.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?

All the "reasons" you've mentioned to make it look more "cultural" are exactly the examples of - WEAKNESS (lack of self control) and COWARDICE (low self-esteem).

Those are not men, those are low lifes.

Of course they are low lives. You really don't think culture has anything to do with how women are treated?

Look I'll give it to you, maybe you have a point we ALL fail to see...maybe.

But you can clearly see that it's the wrong audience, and that you've overstepped many boundaries. It's not that you're 'bad''s our 'cultural difference'.

I just don't see a point for you to continue bothering, or even insulting people further, and us being disgusted.

No one benefits, especially since you've gained some really bad reputation in many views...

However if you're going to take advantage of being a mod and keep on communicating carelessly, I think you'll reach a point where people will never forgive you and it will show each time you're here.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it's too much tension, more than in Israel/Palestine.

What boundaries have I overstepped Rylah?

Who is "we ALL"?

I put up with a lot of insulting, slander, accusations that can't be backed by links to things I've said. Are you suggesting I should not defend myself? Or, give back what I get? Because, Rylah - after it reaches a certain point with certain people, I no longer care to just ignore it and yes - boundaries have indeed been overstepped.

I am a mod, but I am also a member and everyone of us mods are allowed to post as members here. I'm willing to bet if I was gung-ho anti-Muslim (or Pro-Israel) - the participants in this thread wouldn't be complaining one iota regardless of how many "boundaries" I overstep.

I put forth my argument with a decent OP and article and and tried to stick to presenting factual arguments. I stand behind it. I'm willing to discuss it. I'm always willing to discuss the issues rather than the people.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?

All the "reasons" you've mentioned to make it look more "cultural" are exactly the examples of - WEAKNESS (lack of self control) and COWARDICE (low self-esteem).

Those are not men, those are low lifes.

Of course they are low lives. You really don't think culture has anything to do with how women are treated?

Of course it has, but in my world "culture" is too high a word for this.
There're patterns in society, those patterns engraved by example figures (hero) for centuries of accepted fashionable activity.

It's like someone can call sacrificing children to Moloch a "culture" me it's the lack of it, the lack of basic humanity- savagery.

Rape is only slightly different, they still kill a person, even though maybe not totally physically.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?

merry go round....

I have presented actual data, you didn't like it.
It showed us what I've told you early in the conversation: that stats can, and definitely being tailored. But you keep on asking for the same thing over and over because it's the only data that suits you - but again TAILORED.

Just look at the German law, in those cases ethnicities are not mentioned.

However being reasonable, it's easy to find common basic denominator in all European laws to look at the picture wholly...but you keep repeating "Sweden changed the laws..." again and again.
That exactly why we HAVE to look at Europe at whole.

I disagree. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you but I don't see how you can. I have not actually repeated "Sweden changed the laws" at all, but it was in the OP. You can't look at European laws as a whole because they aren't necessarily comparable. If Sweden has the broadest interpretation of what constitutes rape or sexual assault - for example, brushing suggestively past someone, could be considered sexual assault, and if Sweden counts every instance by the same perpetrator as a separate instance then you are going have very different statistics then you will in a country where that is not considered sexual assault, and multiple instances perpetrated by the same person on the same victim is only counted once. Sweden will have a much higher incidence of rape, but it might only be because it tallies it and classifies it differently. The other aspect of rape laws is how comfortable and willing are women to report this? Egypt has a low incidence of rape, but does anyone really believe it's that rare?

Sweden has always had the most sweeping laws regarding sexual assault and harrassment, of any European country and Germany some of the worst.

Germany, just recently, passed a new law, giving a stricter interpretation of what sexual assault is: Germany rape law: 'No means No' law passed - BBC News
The article starts out by stating: Critics believe Germany has long lagged behind other developed nations when it comes to its rape laws.

Under the previous law, defined in Section 177 of the criminal code (in German), victims should have defended themselves for an act to constitute rape. Simply saying "No" was not sufficient to find the defendant guilty, and there was no attempt to define what constituted consent.

The inadequacy of the law meant many perpetrators got away with rape, according to a 2014 study of 107 cases by the German association of women's counselling centres and rape crisis centres (BFF).

The authors said that in every case, sexual assaults had been committed against the victim's unambiguous will, which had been communicated verbally to the perpetrator. However, they said, either charges were not filed or there was no court conviction.

The study went on to note that the law placed too much focus on whether the victim resisted and did not reflect real-life scenarios in which people were raped.

Only one in 10 rapes is reported in Germany currently, according to Germany's n-tv news website. And of those, the conviction rate is only 10%.

Compare that to Sweden, where for one - women are comfortable being able to report it, there is no requirement that the woman has to resist for it to be considered rape, and "no means no".

Sweden and Germany represent two ends of the European spectrum, probably have similar rates of rape if the laws were the same but - Sweden comes off looking like the "rape capital" of Europe and Germany probably looks pretty damn good for women. How can you make meaningful comparisons?

C'mon those rules are not from Mars and Saturn, they were formulated on one single continent by people of common history and they all deal with 1 common thing- rape and sexual assaults.

Except ... while they deal with one common thing, as you say - they deal with it completely differently. They also are not exactly a common culture - Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden - very different.

But even so, if we look and take in account each countries' specifics morals as transformed into those laws (which we should because that's the beauty of being a free independent state) we will see the DISRESPECT and actual RAPE as SEEN BY THEM..why should migrants be held to different standards if they come to live in peace (rather than dictate their own rules)?

Migrants SHOULDN'T be held to a different standard. They should be held to what ever the standards and laws are of the country they migrated to. No one is saying they should be held to different standards.

It's not for you or the migrant rapists to claim what's rape and what's not- it's the right of the people and that's how you should look at it to be objective.

Of course it's not, and I'm not claiming what is and is not rape - that's up to the laws of the individual countries and they differ.

In conclusion- if x numbers of European countries claim together to "be raped" it's not your filthy business digging their laws- it's THEIR laws, and the foreigners must change their ways immediately.

And this has what to do with what? I'm not "digging their laws" - I'm pointing out that because laws are different you can't make menainful comparisons across countries. I am not saying foreigners should not comply with their host countries laws - of course they should.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?

All the "reasons" you've mentioned to make it look more "cultural" are exactly the examples of - WEAKNESS (lack of self control) and COWARDICE (low self-esteem).

Those are not men, those are low lifes.

Of course they are low lives. You really don't think culture has anything to do with how women are treated?

Of course it has, but in my world "culture" is too high a word for this.
There're patterns in society, those patterns engraved by example figures (hero) for centuries of accepted fashionable activity.

It's like someone can call sacrificing children to Moloch a "culture" me it's the lack of it, the lack of basic humanity- savagery.

Rape is only slightly different, they still kill a person, even though maybe not totally physically.

I can agree with that.
Utterly disgusting that women in particular would go out of their way to pretend the rape of European women, children, and refugee women and children is a non event.

.....or at least a creature that CLAIMS to be a woman.

Considering the agenda involved and the track record of incredible deceit, I don't know if we really have any solid reasons to believe the claim.

What we see happening in Europe where rape is part of the Islamization process, so, too, do Islamists work the internet. They play something akin to a good cop/bad cop routine where the rapists do the dirty work and the online propagandists provide the rhetorical.

If they can establish that it is the right, proper duty of Western leftists to defend the Jihad, half their work is done.

So we get that you have a rabid and psychotic hatred of Muslims and heroize a man who went across the country electrocuting live animals on stage...

Is this why you chose to use a discredited poll from a hate site instead of Pew, in order to slander American Muslims?

You keep ducking, dodging and deflecting.

You need help -- serious help.

You are delusional.

Still deflecting - you just can't bring yourself to answer a direct question can you?
‘ NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.

So thin skinned... you just think everyone should take your every highly educated "opinion" as fact eh?[/QUOTE I just point out what you are up to, filth.

It seems to be working, too, if your little spate of doubling down on your use of the funny button to show your solidarity with rape jihad is any indication.

I am not the only one here who sees right through you, and it shows. You are in a veritable froth of desperation and others find you just as pathetic and evil as do I.

So, tell us then, Mr. Embodiment of All that is Liberal, he who is the judge of all us poor inferior unwashed illiberal masses...

Why did you choose to use a discredited poll, from a disreputable site, about the views of American Muslims when you could have used the polling source you typically used, that is quite reputable - PEW ? Could it be that the Pew poll completely contradicted the claims you were making about American Muslims? You know...when you deliberately CHOOSE to pick a poll from a hate site rather than a reputable site, the taint sticks to you.

You may be poor, inferior and unwashed, but I would NEVER call you liberal.

Liberals do not think raping children is as funny as you do, especially when it is motivated by ethnic and cultural hatred.

And again, you dodge and deflect. Can you not answer a simple question?
As we can see from this thread it is quite easy for the right to inflame hatred. Their targets are not too bright and they tend to only believe sources that confirm their low information prejudices.

Look at the cheerleaders on here for Islamophobia. One is a big supporter of Israel and would like to see all muslim children slaughtered. One is a rabid nazi who would like to see ALL people of colour chemically castrated.

You arent going to see a reasoned debate from this type of individual.

Anybody who has a different view is denounced as a rape apologist or a muslim savage or a woman hater.

Its a classic Hilterian tactic for stifling debate. If you can scream loud enough you can win the debate.

Are there issues with migrants in Europe ? Of course there are.

Is the next apocalypse about to happen ? Is it fuck.

Maybe a bit more time spent understanding why these people are in Europe might enlighten the ignorant a little bit.

Fighting aged men who ran away from the fight because they are scared. I guess they feel it's easier to rape European women and children than stand up like a man and fight for their lands.
Freja is a 50 year old bloke with a cellar full of nazi memorabilia

Like your collection of naked Neville Chamberlain pics?
I just love these threads started by rape apologists.
They could give a damn less about the victims.
Oh please, you know damn well you guys don't give a damn about rape, or other abusive crimes against women and girls such as child marriages UNLESS Muslims are involved :lol:

Feel free to test than theory and post a thread about a story of a pedo rapist and see what happens .
Tattoos to counter the 'growing issue of sex attacks' that isn't really happening. Lol.

'NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks
YOUNG girls are being given temporary tattoos in swimming pools spelling out word “NO” after a spate of sex attacks at public baths.
PUBLISHED: 11:31, Mon, Aug 22, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:46, Mon, Aug 22, 2016


Temporary tattoos are being handed to young German girls over sex assaults
The small press-on designs also sport angel-like wings and are part of a new prevention campaign launched in the Bodensee district in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg.

Veronika Wascher-Goggerle, the Women's and Family representative of the district, is behind the launch and said the press-on tattoos would also help raise awareness over the growing issue of sex attacks in swimming pools.

The Bodenseekreis is famous for its bathing and boasts numerous indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

Alleged sex attacks by migrants have caused heated debate in the area over the last few months and some pools are hiring extra security - or even banning asylum seekers altogether. ....

‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks


Glad to see you think so little of women and children that you constantly make any excuses for these sexual predators.

I bet you were here posting the salon articles by the Pedo's trying to normalize that behavior.
We have a justice system for a reason, we are a people of laws, not mob justice. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Is this such a problem for you that you now have to resort to accusing people of supporting pedos?

the same excuses the salon articles used to defend pedos is the same ones being used to defend the Muslims
Actually my summation of you has nothing to do with your claim that you hate rape. We all do. Its that that excuse is nothing more then a thin veneer. You gave you self away.

You "hate" rape? :dunno:

Is it that spreading Islam is so important to you that you're willing to excuse a little rape for the glory of Allah?

I mean, your flaccid attempt to excuse rape Jihad shows hatred, but not hatred of rape.

Your concern a out the abuse of women ends once Muslims are out of the picture .

Feel free to show one post where uncensored has promoted abuse towards women when a Muslim wasn't involved.

Or was that just another bs dodge ....
Ahh, so we link to an image that says "Only Jesus can build a bridge to heaven using only two pieces of wood."

But forget the other side of that deal. Not everyone gets into heaven, not everyone is allowed into heaven, not even on that bridge Jesus built with two pieces of wood. Hence the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 7:23.

Meaning, that just like immigration laws which set the standard for those who want to get into our country, there are also standards set by God for those who wish to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
how come you rightwing christer always leave this out of your jebus talks

Matthew 25:35-46

'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?

3 John 1:5

Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers;

the Bible also reminds us that we are all strangers, temporary sojourners. God says, “. . . [F]or the land is mine, and you are but strangers, resident with Me” (Leviticus 25:23). Muhammad makes the same point. When we forget that in a sense we too are strangers, we push God out of our world. An 18th century Hassidic teaching put it this way: “If we act as gerim [strangers, sojourners] in the world . . . then God will be a permanent resident among us . . . But if we act as permanent residents . . . then God will at best be a ger [stranger, sojourner] among us.”*

Ah the old bible verse defense..... Liberal trick #205

Sorry but even Jesus wouldn't allow needy people to rape away in the name of Allah.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

If you need a class to know you can't rape women and children then you shouldn't be going anywhere.

There is zero reason to take any of these animals into any western country.

They shouldn't even leave their continent. There are plenty of Asian countries they can go.

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