Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

Same abuses were also reported in Germany:

Rape and child abuse 'are rife in German refugee camps': Unsegregated conditions blamed as women are 'seen as fair game' in overcrowded migrant centres
  • Abuses said to be taking place among 5,000 migrants at camp in Giessen
  • Fear the number of unreported rapes and sexual assaults is significant
  • It may be taking place at overcrowded refugee centres across the country

PUBLISHED: 19:23, 24 September 2015 | UPDATED: 05:37, 25 September 2015

A culture of rape and sexual abuse is being allowed to take hold in asylum centres across Germany as Europe struggles to cope with the migrant crisis, it has been alleged,

Women’s rights groups and politicians have highlighted assaults against women and children in at least one camp.

And they suggest such incidents may be widespread, with many going unreported to the police.

Campaigners also claimed some men saw unaccompanied women as ‘fair game’, and also blamed conditions in which occupants were unsegregated by gender or nationality....

A letter addressed to the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in the state of Hesse, where the centre is based, from four women’s organisations described a ‘culture of rape and violence’.

The letter, written on August 18, stated: ‘It is a fact that women and children are unprotected. This situation is opportune to those men who already regard women as their inferior and treat unaccompanied women as “fair game”. As a consequence, there are reports of numerous rapes, sexual assaults and increasingly of forced prostitution. These are not isolated incidents.’

There are fears the number of unreported cases of rape and sexual assault at the Geissen camp

Women were often too afraid to walk around the camp even during the day, volunteers claimed, while some victims are too terrified to report sexual assaults by the men.

A police spokesman said there were ‘probably’ many unreported sexual abuses. Giessen City Councillor Astrid Eibelshaeuser said: ‘We know there is rape happening.’

Johannes-Wilhelm Roerig, the federal commissioner for child sexual abuse issues, said: ‘I am most concerned that refugee children in camps, gymnasiums, or former barracks are not sufficiently protected from sexual assault.’...

Rape and child abuse are 'rife in German asylum centres'

This particular article illustrates exactly what is happening. The conditions in these refugee centers are horrible and overcrowded and violence against women and children is endemic. The article I posted also went into this issue, and noted it is endemic in all refugee centers regardless of religion. There was a recent expose on an Australian migrant detention center on an island where abuse, especially against children was uncovered. Women and girls in some of these facilities also become prey to human human traffickers or Arab men looking for cheap sex sanctified by a temporary marriage.

Few seem to really care what goes on in these places.

No one is saying it's all imaginary, but there is no data to support a rape epidemic or rape jihad.

So it's happening in migrant centre's but it's not a big deal? Or it's not Muslims ..... But it's happening in migrant centre's .... And European women are still being raped by Muslims ....

I'll repeat what I wrote to Tilly. No one is saying it's not a big deal. This is the first time however, I've heard you express an opinion on what is going on in migrant centers. When you google "rape jihad" and "rape epidemic" what is happening in migrant centers is amazingly scarce. It's all about a supposed rape epidemic on white European women.

If European women are being raped at such high rates in Sweden....why has there been NO corresponding increase in Sweden's crime rate reports over the past decade? You can argue a cover-up, but a cover-up for an entire nation, for the past decade stretches even the most feverish imagination.

Hard for the stats to be accurate when the Swedish police has doctored the books. Too bad it's at a boiling point with victims piling up.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
it's not just Sweden that does this, and coyote knows this, which is why she keeps demanding 'stats' lol.

She me one post where I have supported, promoted or made excuses for rape.

Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

That was easy.

Show me one post where I have supported terrorists killing Jews. Show me one post where I have supported the barbaric excesses of certain Muslims - their treatment of women, ISIS, any of that.

Don't like it when you're "misrepresented"? Well why do you keep doing it?

You honestly think your apologetics for rapists don't amount to support? :eek:

Tell you what, show me one post of yours where you have EVER criticized Islam, for anything?
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Same abuses were also reported in Germany:

Rape and child abuse 'are rife in German refugee camps': Unsegregated conditions blamed as women are 'seen as fair game' in overcrowded migrant centres
  • Abuses said to be taking place among 5,000 migrants at camp in Giessen
  • Fear the number of unreported rapes and sexual assaults is significant
  • It may be taking place at overcrowded refugee centres across the country

PUBLISHED: 19:23, 24 September 2015 | UPDATED: 05:37, 25 September 2015

A culture of rape and sexual abuse is being allowed to take hold in asylum centres across Germany as Europe struggles to cope with the migrant crisis, it has been alleged,

Women’s rights groups and politicians have highlighted assaults against women and children in at least one camp.

And they suggest such incidents may be widespread, with many going unreported to the police.

Campaigners also claimed some men saw unaccompanied women as ‘fair game’, and also blamed conditions in which occupants were unsegregated by gender or nationality....

A letter addressed to the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in the state of Hesse, where the centre is based, from four women’s organisations described a ‘culture of rape and violence’.

The letter, written on August 18, stated: ‘It is a fact that women and children are unprotected. This situation is opportune to those men who already regard women as their inferior and treat unaccompanied women as “fair game”. As a consequence, there are reports of numerous rapes, sexual assaults and increasingly of forced prostitution. These are not isolated incidents.’

There are fears the number of unreported cases of rape and sexual assault at the Geissen camp

Women were often too afraid to walk around the camp even during the day, volunteers claimed, while some victims are too terrified to report sexual assaults by the men.

A police spokesman said there were ‘probably’ many unreported sexual abuses. Giessen City Councillor Astrid Eibelshaeuser said: ‘We know there is rape happening.’

Johannes-Wilhelm Roerig, the federal commissioner for child sexual abuse issues, said: ‘I am most concerned that refugee children in camps, gymnasiums, or former barracks are not sufficiently protected from sexual assault.’...

Rape and child abuse are 'rife in German asylum centres'

This particular article illustrates exactly what is happening. The conditions in these refugee centers are horrible and overcrowded and violence against women and children is endemic. The article I posted also went into this issue, and noted it is endemic in all refugee centers regardless of religion. There was a recent expose on an Australian migrant detention center on an island where abuse, especially against children was uncovered. Women and girls in some of these facilities also become prey to human human traffickers or Arab men looking for cheap sex sanctified by a temporary marriage.

Few seem to really care what goes on in these places.

No one is saying it's all imaginary, but there is no data to support a rape epidemic or rape jihad.

So it's happening in migrant centre's but it's not a big deal? Or it's not Muslims ..... But it's happening in migrant centre's .... And European women are still being raped by Muslims ....

I'll repeat what I wrote to Tilly. No one is saying it's not a big deal. This is the first time however, I've heard you express an opinion on what is going on in migrant centers. When you google "rape jihad" and "rape epidemic" what is happening in migrant centers is amazingly scarce. It's all about a supposed rape epidemic on white European women.

If European women are being raped at such high rates in Sweden....why has there been NO corresponding increase in Sweden's crime rate reports over the past decade? You can argue a cover-up, but a cover-up for an entire nation, for the past decade stretches even the most feverish imagination.

Hard for the stats to be accurate when the Swedish police has doctored the books. Too bad it's at a boiling point with victims piling up.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
it's not just Sweden that does this, and coyote knows this, which is why she keeps demanding 'stats' lol.

Yeah I am well versed in Alinsky tactics, it's the leftists go to moves.
Coyote what is your fascination with Islam and these migrants?

It seems you desperately want to make every known excuse in the book for them.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape and sexually assault women and children??? :wtf:
An excellent argument for not letting any of them in!
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What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape women and children??? :wtf:

It amazes me how I just know not to rape women and children when I travel. No matter where I go I always know to not rape anyone let alone women or children.

Maybe it's Magic?
Have you taken the time to review your boyfriends posts? I ignore him, but he won't leave me alone with his off topic crap, lies about me, and ad hominems. What it seems like, Tilly, is you have quite a double standard. I try very hard to engage people in discussion, politely - even you and Dogma, but get nothing but insults and lies in return, so I try to ignore you, but you can't leave me alone can you? Eventually, enough is enough. Leave me alone, I'll be happy to leave you alone. Spread lies and adhoms - fine, I'm happy to participate in that as well. The ball is in your court you passive aggressive twat.

You are frothing again, Coyote.

You know what your therapist said about your frothing and the deleterious effect it has on your potential for recovery. Entertaining all these intrusive thoughts coursing through your head about imaginary boyfriends and claims that your following people around indicating that you think Muslim rapes are funny is actually a case of YOUR being persecuted is just not going to help you if you ever wish to seek some semblance of normalcy.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape women and children??? :wtf:

It amazes me how I just know not to rape women and children when I travel. No matter where I go I always know to not rape anyone let alone women or children.

Maybe it's Magic?

It's how you were brought up.
It's how you were brought up.

You were brought up to defend rapists as long as that is part of their culture?

That's really weird, Coyote.

Healthy people would criticize such a sick culture rather than making it their very raison d 'etre to defend it.
It's how you were brought up.

You were brought up to defend rapists as long as that is part of their culture?

That's really weird, Coyote.

Healthy people would criticize such a sick culture rather than making it their very raison d 'etre to defend it.
Exactly. And why would anyone want to import men who weren't brought up to at least know they must not sexually assault and rape women and children - and any unwilling person? Why are assaults and rapes by these ignorant animals an acceptable price for anyone to pay?
The poor 10 yr old boy who was raped by that filthy animal who had a 'sexual emergency' has had his life destroyed, for what?
All those who feel 'empathy' with filthy pigs who allegedly 'don't know' they should not rape and sexually assault women and children, PARTICULALRY THE FEMALE RAPE JIHAD APOLOGISTS - should be sent off to these crap holes TO SEE HOW THEY DO EDUATING THEM THERE - rather than bringing the pigs here to rape to their hearts content.
Coyote what is your fascination with Islam and these migrants?

It seems you desperately want to make every known excuse in the book for them.

One. I'm not making excuses. Name one excuse I've given for rape, or any other violent behavior. I want the truth. What is the truth? What are the facts when you strip emotional hype and fear?

Fear drives us to unspeakable things to our fellow people.

My fascination is less with Islam then it is with scapegoating and broadbrushing an entire group of people and right now, it's acceptable to scapegoat Muslims broadly and completely, with out regard to whether it's conspiracy theory, the actions of a few, or hype over fact. Seems to be me any right thinking person should be concerned when a group gets scapegoated. We don't tolerate it when it's Jews or Blacks do we? How do our resident racists/anti-semites get treated? Not with respect. But when it comes to Muslims, it's the broad brush and if you question it, ask for facts, you are labeled.

I'll give an example. Why do I press Dogma on the issue of a poll? Because, in a thread on American Muslims, he wanted to show that American Muslims are just as violent, extremist, intolerant, etc as he views Muslims in other countries. Previously he had used Pew, a well respected non-partisan source for views of Muslims around the world towards Sharia, apostacy, homosexuality and women's rights. So did he use Pew in this thread? No. He chose a poll that who's methodology is roundly criticized and debunked, from a site widely considered way out there by many, and a hate site, who's results purported to show something like over 50% suppported religous violence and Sharia as law of the land, or something. This completely contradicted Pew, which showed American Muslims are largely the same as other demographic groups in America in their opinions towards seperation of religion and state, violence, homosexuality, and women's rights. So, Pew is "good enough" for worldwide opinion but suddenly not "good enough" for American Muslim opinion? When a person deliberately chooses to use something from a disreputable site over something from a reputable site - I think it's reasonable to ask "why" and what are the motivations?

My "fascination" with migrants and refugees is because they are PEOPLE, living, breathing people who have gone through horrendous experiences in an attempt to escape what are often desperate situations. It takes a particular desperation and courage to do that, and the death toll in those sea voyages and at the hands of traffickers is very high. We tend to forget they are human beings.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:

I'm defending rape just as much as you are.

Stating the LEGAL facts of what constitutes rape across countries, so people in those countries can be educated on it is not defending rape.

Are you one of those who thinks it's only rape if a woman actively resists it?
Maybe you're one of those who thinks it's not rape if it's a wife and husband?
Or is it only rape if there is penetration?

What one country or culture considers is not the same as another and I specifically gave as an example Sweden and Germany for widely divergent views so it's important that new immigrants are clear on what it is in their new country.

If you want to know what I consider rape, it's likely the same as what you consider rape.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape women and children??? :wtf:

It amazes me how I just know not to rape women and children when I travel. No matter where I go I always know to not rape anyone let alone women or children.

Maybe it's Magic?

It's how you were brought up.

yes of course

I wasn't raised in Islam.
This particular article illustrates exactly what is happening. The conditions in these refugee centers are horrible and overcrowded and violence against women and children is endemic. The article I posted also went into this issue, and noted it is endemic in all refugee centers regardless of religion. There was a recent expose on an Australian migrant detention center on an island where abuse, especially against children was uncovered. Women and girls in some of these facilities also become prey to human human traffickers or Arab men looking for cheap sex sanctified by a temporary marriage.

Few seem to really care what goes on in these places.

No one is saying it's all imaginary, but there is no data to support a rape epidemic or rape jihad.

So it's happening in migrant centre's but it's not a big deal? Or it's not Muslims ..... But it's happening in migrant centre's .... And European women are still being raped by Muslims ....

I'll repeat what I wrote to Tilly. No one is saying it's not a big deal. This is the first time however, I've heard you express an opinion on what is going on in migrant centers. When you google "rape jihad" and "rape epidemic" what is happening in migrant centers is amazingly scarce. It's all about a supposed rape epidemic on white European women.

If European women are being raped at such high rates in Sweden....why has there been NO corresponding increase in Sweden's crime rate reports over the past decade? You can argue a cover-up, but a cover-up for an entire nation, for the past decade stretches even the most feverish imagination.

Hard for the stats to be accurate when the Swedish police has doctored the books. Too bad it's at a boiling point with victims piling up.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
it's not just Sweden that does this, and coyote knows this, which is why she keeps demanding 'stats' lol.

Yeah I am well versed in Alinsky tactics, it's the leftists go to moves.

Ya, I see it from the right all the time.
Have you taken the time to review your boyfriends posts? I ignore him, but he won't leave me alone with his off topic crap, lies about me, and ad hominems. What it seems like, Tilly, is you have quite a double standard. I try very hard to engage people in discussion, politely - even you and Dogma, but get nothing but insults and lies in return, so I try to ignore you, but you can't leave me alone can you? Eventually, enough is enough. Leave me alone, I'll be happy to leave you alone. Spread lies and adhoms - fine, I'm happy to participate in that as well. The ball is in your court you passive aggressive twat.

You are frothing again, Coyote.

You know what your therapist said about your frothing and the deleterious effect it has on your potential for recovery. Entertaining all these intrusive thoughts coursing through your head about imaginary boyfriends and claims that your following people around indicating that you think Muslim rapes are funny is actually a case of YOUR being persecuted is just not going to help you if you ever wish to seek some semblance of normalcy.

Rape isn't funny. You, however are.

Still deflecting....
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape and sexually assault women and children??? :wtf:
An excellent argument for not letting any of them in!

Or teaching them. Of course, that is assuming you are correct in thinking the majority of them believe it's ok to assault women and children.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape women and children??? :wtf:

It amazes me how I just know not to rape women and children when I travel. No matter where I go I always know to not rape anyone let alone women or children.

Maybe it's Magic?

It's how you were brought up.

yes of course

I wasn't raised in Islam.
Exactly. And If people aren't raised not to rape, we have no business importing them and sacrificing our women and children to them.
Freja is a 50 year old bloke with a cellar full of nazi memorabilia

Like your collection of naked Neville Chamberlain pics?
I just love these threads started by rape apologists.
They could give a damn less about the victims.
Oh please, you know damn well you guys don't give a damn about rape, or other abusive crimes against women and girls such as child marriages UNLESS Muslims are involved :lol:

Feel free to test than theory and post a thread about a story of a pedo rapist and see what happens .

Here is a list of threads involving abusive practices to women, rape, child rape, etc. Feel free to join in. Most didn't get much attention.

Ex-Employee Leaks Details About Refugee Abuse On Nauru
Child Marriages
Worst Places for Women
For India's Widows, A Riot Of Color, An Act Of Liberation
Congolese Doctor Denis Mukwege Receives Sakharov Prize
In Congo, Trapped In Violence And Forgotten

Forum List
