Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

I'm defending rape just as much as you are.


I am not defending rape, where you are.

Stating the LEGAL facts of what constitutes rape across countries, so people in those countries can be educated on it is not defending rape.

You are excusing the acts of Muslim barbarians based on your parsing of various laws. It impresses no one.

Are you one of those who thinks it's only rape if a woman actively resists it?

My understanding is that the European rape victims, who you deny even exist, resist quite vigorously the rape jihad of your Muslim allies.

Maybe you're one of those who thinks it's not rape if it's a wife and husband?
Or is it only rape if there is penetration?

What one country or culture considers is not the same as another and I specifically gave as an example Sweden and Germany for widely divergent views so it's important that new immigrants are clear on what it is in their new country.

If you want to know what I consider rape, it's likely the same as what you consider rape.

Your desperation to defend rape by your allies is apparent, and disgusting.
Coyote what is your fascination with Islam and these migrants?

It seems you desperately want to make every known excuse in the book for them.

One. I'm not making excuses. Name one excuse I've given for rape, or any other violent behavior. I want the truth. What is the truth? What are the facts when you strip emotional hype and fear?

Fear drives us to unspeakable things to our fellow people.

My fascination is less with Islam then it is with scapegoating and broadbrushing an entire group of people and right now, it's acceptable to scapegoat Muslims broadly and completely, with out regard to whether it's conspiracy theory, the actions of a few, or hype over fact. Seems to be me any right thinking person should be concerned when a group gets scapegoated. We don't tolerate it when it's Jews or Blacks do we? How do our resident racists/anti-semites get treated? Not with respect. But when it comes to Muslims, it's the broad brush and if you question it, ask for facts, you are labeled.

I'll give an example. Why do I press Dogma on the issue of a poll? Because, in a thread on American Muslims, he wanted to show that American Muslims are just as violent, extremist, intolerant, etc as he views Muslims in other countries. Previously he had used Pew, a well respected non-partisan source for views of Muslims around the world towards Sharia, apostacy, homosexuality and women's rights. So did he use Pew in this thread? No. He chose a poll that who's methodology is roundly criticized and debunked, from a site widely considered way out there by many, and a hate site, who's results purported to show something like over 50% suppported religous violence and Sharia as law of the land, or something. This completely contradicted Pew, which showed American Muslims are largely the same as other demographic groups in America in their opinions towards seperation of religion and state, violence, homosexuality, and women's rights. So, Pew is "good enough" for worldwide opinion but suddenly not "good enough" for American Muslim opinion? When a person deliberately chooses to use something from a disreputable site over something from a reputable site - I think it's reasonable to ask "why" and what are the motivations?

My "fascination" with migrants and refugees is because they are PEOPLE, living, breathing people who have gone through horrendous experiences in an attempt to escape what are often desperate situations. It takes a particular desperation and courage to do that, and the death toll in those sea voyages and at the hands of traffickers is very high. We tend to forget they are human beings.

1. This entire thread is about a conspiracy against Muslims. This is an excuse to the media reports of them rapefugees.

2. On broad stroking a group of people.... If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck... It's a duck.

Muslims worldwide share the belief in oppression of women and children. Not all rape away in praise to Allah. But they do support wearing oppressive garmets.

This is my biggest issue with Islam. Their constant oppression, which has no place in western society. Which is why I would shut the borders to them. Until they had a reformation to remove these beliefs and teachings . My wife is Russian orthodox and wears a scarf in church but only wears it in church. She doesn't wear it everywhere .... She still believes in God and isn't any less of an orthodox because of this .... How is this any different than a Muslim?

3. How you treat other posters is of no concern to me in this discussion. That is between you and them. I am more concerned with the topic and not a side argument over past threads.

4. So you would be willing to take on any people as long as they can make it here?

This type of belief is just not feasible in our society. If we didn't have any social benefits then possibly.... But we just can afford adding people from the 3rd world. Not to mention the harm it would do our culture to be flooded with 3rd worlders.

And it's not courageous for fighting aged men to flee the fight to go to the west. Were you also cheering on the guy in titanic who got on the lifeboat ahead of women and children? Was he courageous?

As for being human beings.... If they are brought up to believe In oppression and rape of women and children.... Just how human are they? Sounds more like how animals believe....
So it's happening in migrant centre's but it's not a big deal? Or it's not Muslims ..... But it's happening in migrant centre's .... And European women are still being raped by Muslims ....

I'll repeat what I wrote to Tilly. No one is saying it's not a big deal. This is the first time however, I've heard you express an opinion on what is going on in migrant centers. When you google "rape jihad" and "rape epidemic" what is happening in migrant centers is amazingly scarce. It's all about a supposed rape epidemic on white European women.

If European women are being raped at such high rates in Sweden....why has there been NO corresponding increase in Sweden's crime rate reports over the past decade? You can argue a cover-up, but a cover-up for an entire nation, for the past decade stretches even the most feverish imagination.

Hard for the stats to be accurate when the Swedish police has doctored the books. Too bad it's at a boiling point with victims piling up.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
it's not just Sweden that does this, and coyote knows this, which is why she keeps demanding 'stats' lol.

Yeah I am well versed in Alinsky tactics, it's the leftists go to moves.

Ya, I see it from the right all the time.

Call them out if they are using Alinsky tactics. Call it out for what it is ....
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape and sexually assault women and children??? :wtf:
An excellent argument for not letting any of them in!

Or teaching them. Of course, that is assuming you are correct in thinking the majority of them believe it's ok to assault women and children.

The majority of them believe it's ok to oppress women and children.

They may not all rape away but they all do spread around the oppression.

She me one post where I have supported, promoted or made excuses for rape.

Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

That was easy.

Show me one post where I have supported terrorists killing Jews. Show me one post where I have supported the barbaric excesses of certain Muslims - their treatment of women, ISIS, any of that.

Don't like it when you're "misrepresented"? Well why do you keep doing it?

You honestly think your apologetics for rapists don't amount to support? :eek:

Tell you what, show me one post of yours where you have EVER criticized Islam, for anything?

Talk about Alinski tactics ...

So, debunking false claims of an "epidemic" or "rape jihad" is now "defending rape".

That's quite stretch.

Here is one: Child Marriages Islam as practiced in UAE/Kuwait/SA allows men to have sex by temporarily marrying women, and then dumping them, it's not considered adultry, and allows them to essentially rape these young girls and dump them when they get pregnant. This also fuels the human trafficking problem there.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape and sexually assault women and children??? :wtf:
An excellent argument for not letting any of them in!

Or teaching them. Of course, that is assuming you are correct in thinking the majority of them believe it's ok to assault women and children.

The majority of them believe it's ok to oppress women and children.

They may not all rape away but they all do spread around the oppression.

How do you know the "majority" of the world's 1.6 billion muslims believe it's ok to oppress women and children, or assault them? What do you base this on?
I'm defending rape just as much as you are.


I am not defending rape, where you are.


Link to one post where I DEFEND rape.

Stating the LEGAL facts of what constitutes rape across countries, so people in those countries can be educated on it is not defending rape.

You are excusing the acts of Muslim barbarians based on your parsing of various laws. It impresses no one.

Are you one of those who thinks it's only rape if a woman actively resists it?

Link to one post where I am defending it. You can't so you have to lie about it. Typical.

In addition, you and Tilly are completely ignoring WHY law was brought up in this thread in the first place, in your typically dishonest fashion. It was brought up, not to defend or even argue about what constitutes rape, but because one of the posters here was trying to insist we should should look at as a whole in terms of rape crime statistics - which you can't do if each country defines rape differently. If you had an honest bone in your body you would realize that.

My understanding is that the European rape victims, who you deny even exist, resist quite vigorously the rape jihad of your Muslim allies.

Once again, more lies from you. I do not deny European rape victims exist. What I deny is your claim of "rape jihad" which is NOT reflected in the Swedish crime statistics of the past decade. A "rape epidemic" or "jihad" of such proportions could not be successfully covered up over an entire nation, for the past decade. So why is there no discernable rise in the crime statistics? Who's making excuses here?

Maybe you're one of those who thinks it's not rape if it's a wife and husband?
Or is it only rape if there is penetration?

What one country or culture considers is not the same as another and I specifically gave as an example Sweden and Germany for widely divergent views so it's important that new immigrants are clear on what it is in their new country.

If you want to know what I consider rape, it's likely the same as what you consider rape.

Your desperation to defend rape by your allies is apparent, and disgusting.

Again - show me ONE post where I defend or excuse rape. Hint: asking for facts and data to prove claims is not "defending" the act. You do understand that don't you?
Talk about Alinski tactics ...

So, debunking false claims of an "epidemic" or "rape jihad" is now "defending rape".

That's quite stretch.

Here is one: Child Marriages Islam as practiced in UAE/Kuwait/SA allows men to have sex by temporarily marrying women, and then dumping them, it's not considered adultry, and allows them to essentially rape these young girls and dump them when they get pregnant. This also fuels the human trafficking problem there.

So you claim not to defend rape, then turn around and defend it.

When you deny that women brutalized by your allies are even victims, that is some disgusting "blame the victim" bullshit.

When the violent and evil Warlord Muhammad was charging across the Arabian peninsula, the thugs who were his soldiers wanted to know what was in it for them? Muhammad granted them the right to rape and pillage as reward. "Temporary marriage" is how the evil fuck justified rape by his goons. A 15 minute "marriage" meant that the rapist/Muslim was not committing adultery under Sharia.

Rape is a foundational part of Islam, granted by the filthy "prophet" himself.
I wish Coyote Ugly could be locked in a room (it would have to be an enormous room) with the 10 yr old rape victim who can no longer sleep and who lives with daily panic attacks, and with all the other children and women who have been raped and sexually assaulted across Europe. Somehow, I don't think they'd be comforted with her utterly gross defence of the filthy animal perps, nor with her whitterings about bringing them here to rape - whilst we hope that 'educating' them to ignore the religion and upbringing that tells them women are chattel - works at some point.
Wow. Just wow.
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No. That is what you are saying. I'm saying individuals are brought up and how they treat women is a reflection of that.

Ah, so you are reduced to the Peewee Herman "I know you are but what am I" routine.

This level of meltdown shows that you are utterly defeated.

How women are treated by men is a reflection of how they are brought up. Yes? No?
Culture plays a role in this. Yes? No?
Individual family values plays a role in this. Yes? No?

What you WANT to say is Islam is one culture and as a whole it teaches men to assault and rape women and children. It doesn't.

Are you capable of an honest discussion? Or, are you just going to troll?
Talk about Alinski tactics ...

So, debunking false claims of an "epidemic" or "rape jihad" is now "defending rape".

That's quite stretch.

Here is one: Child Marriages Islam as practiced in UAE/Kuwait/SA allows men to have sex by temporarily marrying women, and then dumping them, it's not considered adultry, and allows them to essentially rape these young girls and dump them when they get pregnant. This also fuels the human trafficking problem there.

So you claim not to defend rape, then turn around and defend it.

When you deny that women brutalized by your allies are even victims, that is some disgusting "blame the victim" bullshit.

When the violent and evil Warlord Muhammad was charging across the Arabian peninsula, the thugs who were his soldiers wanted to know what was in it for them? Muhammad granted them the right to rape and pillage as reward. "Temporary marriage" is how the evil fuck justified rape by his goons. A 15 minute "marriage" meant that the rapist/Muslim was not committing adultery under Sharia.

Rape is a foundational part of Islam, granted by the filthy "prophet" himself.

Strike out rational discussion with you then. Using your rather distorted logic, I can only assume your concern with rape and child abuse starts and ends with Islam.

Thank you for our input.
It's how you were brought up.

So what you're saying is that Muslims were brought up to believe that raping women and children is okay - Allahu Akbar.

Yes, she acknowledges that their culture condones the actions. She then proceeds to defend the culture as she has done in countless thousands of postings.

Despite her admitting that she is doing so knowingly, she is still lying about the nature of her defense.

if she believes her own crap, she is simply too delusional to function in society..
Freja is a 50 year old bloke with a cellar full of nazi memorabilia

Like your collection of naked Neville Chamberlain pics?
I just love these threads started by rape apologists.
They could give a damn less about the victims.
Oh please, you know damn well you guys don't give a damn about rape, or other abusive crimes against women and girls such as child marriages UNLESS Muslims are involved :lol:

Feel free to test than theory and post a thread about a story of a pedo rapist and see what happens .

Here is a list of threads involving abusive practices to women, rape, child rape, etc. Feel free to join in. Most didn't get much attention.

Ex-Employee Leaks Details About Refugee Abuse On Nauru
Child Marriages
Worst Places for Women
For India's Widows, A Riot Of Color, An Act Of Liberation
Congolese Doctor Denis Mukwege Receives Sakharov Prize
In Congo, Trapped In Violence And Forgotten

I will check these as I go. But if you are looking for sympathy for anyone who chooses not to live right then you are barking up the wrong tree.

I would shut borders from any place that oppresses women and/or children. I think we need less of these people and more of the people who know how to live right.

My sister in law lives in Belarus and she would be a much better addition to any western country than anyone from the Middle East outside of Israel. But she refuses to enter any country by hook or crook.

If you want to discuss immigration policy then I would take a page from the US immigration 1924 and limit each country to 3% yearly of the foreign born population of legal citizens. I would block the Middle East and Central America. One being at war with Islamic terrorism and Central America for the purpose to allow us to work through all the current illegals in this country. Given most are from Central America. A 10 year hold on immigration from these parts should allow us to catch up and tackle the current illegals. After we round up any of them who have had a felony and deported them immediately.

Immigration should be a slow and steady drip so they can assimilate to our nation and our cultural beliefs since they are moving to be part of our culture.

I love the Australian point system for immigration. If you are not familiar then I encourage you to familiarize yourself.
What is considered rape varies from country to country - witness the extreme difference between Germany and Sweden's laws. Anyone new to a country needs to learn the laws and culture of that new country. You can't expect it to be universal. In addition, you're assuming that rape is perfectly ok in all those countries and cultures those people are coming from. That isn't necessarily so.

Speaking of posts where you defend rape.... :eusa_whistle:
Exactly! Ha ha ha. You can't expect it to be universal that men know they shouldn't rape and sexually assault women and children??? :wtf:
An excellent argument for not letting any of them in!

Or teaching them. Of course, that is assuming you are correct in thinking the majority of them believe it's ok to assault women and children.

The majority of them believe it's ok to oppress women and children.

They may not all rape away but they all do spread around the oppression.

How do you know the "majority" of the world's 1.6 billion muslims believe it's ok to oppress women and children, or assault them? What do you base this on?

Well we can start just by the amount who force/insist women to wear the hijab/burqa/or any head scarf. They can chalk it up to religious this and that but you can't force anyone to wear certain clothes in the western world.

As for the Muslims who don't require this to be worn that's a good start. These are the types of reformations that need to happen.... This has happened in just about every other religion. They have evolved with western culture.
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Strike out rational discussion with you then. Using your rather distorted logic, I can only assume your concern with rape and child abuse starts and ends with Islam.

Thank you for our input.

Rational? :lmao:

Nothing rational about your posts.


There is an epidemic of rape in Europe.

Your close allies, the Islamic radicals are the major perpetrators of these rapes.

You are so hostile to the victims that you deny that these rapes are even wrong.

Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe, with the UN reporting 69 rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2011, according to author and advocate of power feminism Naomi Wolf on opinion website Project Syndicate.

In 2010, Swedish police recorded the highest number of offences - about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants - of any force in Europe. That was the second highest in the world after Lesotho.

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.

A 2010 Amnesty report said: "In Sweden, according to official crime statistics, the number of reported rapes has quadrupled during the past 20 years. In 2008, there were just over 4,000 rapes of people over 15, the great majority of them girls and women."}

Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

Look, you exist to promote the Khmer Rouge democratic party, which is currently allied with ISIS/Radical Islam. I get it, you cover for the rape of Western women as loyalty to your party and the goals of the party to crush Western culture. STILL by denying a voice to the victims of rape, by denying that the trauma they suffered even exists, you engage in the most despicable act that anyone other than the perpetrator can.
No. That is what you are saying. I'm saying individuals are brought up and how they treat women is a reflection of that.

Ah, so you are reduced to the Peewee Herman "I know you are but what am I" routine.

This level of meltdown shows that you are utterly defeated.

How women are treated by men is a reflection of how they are brought up. Yes? No?
Culture plays a role in this. Yes? No?
Individual family values plays a role in this. Yes? No?

What you WANT to say is Islam is one culture and as a whole it teaches men to assault and rape women and children. It doesn't.

Are you capable of an honest discussion? Or, are you just going to troll?

Yes your upbringing has a lot to do with your behavior. If you are raised in the world where your mother and sisters can't speak unless spoken to, are forced to wear only certain clothing, and can't walk any closer than 6 feet behind their men. You are bound to pick up on that learned behavior and treat women and children like animals.

The Islamic culture teaches these lessons. And we all know religion shapes how we raise our children with a particular set of values. I was raised Catholic and my parents were Catholic and Methodist. My wife is Russian orthodox and I am Catholic we actually go to both church services since they are really similar. and these values shape how we raise our children. I can promise you that if either church started preaching to oppress women or that raping them or children was ok then we would find a new church.

The Muslims don't do this .... The ones who disagree just sit there and stay quiet so they aren't shouted down.

Very similar to the Obama's and how they just sat there in Jeremiah Wright's church and listened to his hatred for 20+ years .... They sat there because they believed the words he was preaching.

I am not here to troll anyone. I am however, here to discuss the facts of the topics and to call things for what they are.... We don't get anywhere by trying to make everything look good when evil is present.

And yes if you are oppressing women and children then you are evil.

Below showing their religion allows them to take captives of women. Jihad is only against non Muslims so treating non Muslim women like slaves is what they are taught. Which explains the migrant rape epidemic in Europe.

I am sure there are countless others who can post multiple Quran links to passages explaining this in greater detail. If no one else posts them I will follow up with some of my own.

Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war” (33:50). 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls: “The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame.” (Qur’an 23:1-6)
Talk about Alinski tactics ...

So, debunking false claims of an "epidemic" or "rape jihad" is now "defending rape".

That's quite stretch.

Here is one: Child Marriages Islam as practiced in UAE/Kuwait/SA allows men to have sex by temporarily marrying women, and then dumping them, it's not considered adultry, and allows them to essentially rape these young girls and dump them when they get pregnant. This also fuels the human trafficking problem there.

So you claim not to defend rape, then turn around and defend it.

When you deny that women brutalized by your allies are even victims, that is some disgusting "blame the victim" bullshit.

When the violent and evil Warlord Muhammad was charging across the Arabian peninsula, the thugs who were his soldiers wanted to know what was in it for them? Muhammad granted them the right to rape and pillage as reward. "Temporary marriage" is how the evil fuck justified rape by his goons. A 15 minute "marriage" meant that the rapist/Muslim was not committing adultery under Sharia.

Rape is a foundational part of Islam, granted by the filthy "prophet" himself.

Strike out rational discussion with you then. Using your rather distorted logic, I can only assume your concern with rape and child abuse starts and ends with Islam.

Thank you for our input.

I will leave you to figure out which rules for radical tactic you just used in that post.

Will give you your due if you can correctly acknowledge which rule you used in that post.

Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals

* RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)

* RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)

* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

* RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)

* RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)

* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)

* RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)

* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)

* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. (Old saw: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Activist organizations have an agenda, and their strategy is to hold a place at the table, to be given a forum to wield their power. So, they have to have a compromise solution.)

* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
I wish Coyote Ugly could be locked in a room (it would have to be an enormous room) with the 10 yr old rape victim who can no longer sleep and who lives with daily panic attacks, and with all the other children and women who have been raped and sexually assaulted across Europe. Somehow, I don't think they'd be comforted with her utterly gross defence of the filthy animal perps, nor with her whitterings about bringing them here to rape - whilst we hope that 'educating' them to ignore the religion and upbringing that tells them women are chattel - works at some point.
Wow. Just wow.

To be fair I don't think she supports rape. I do think she is turning a blind eye in the battle of the leftist mind between skin colour and women's rights. The same justifications that they use to ok Muslim behaviors are the same ones they trash Christians. (Like the bakers).... But that is another dynamic of gays. Which ironically gays are hated and considered animals by Islam. So it's a weird dynamic.... A lot of demons she is fighting right now.

From what I can tell the typical leftist pecking order for causes goes ....

Islam > Gays
Islam > Women's rights

Skin Colour trumps all.

The greatest times for democrats is when they used skin colour over everything else (1960's) so they try and replicate that today.

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