Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

What is clear is that people are not prepared to discuss the subject as adults.

The hysterical mindset does not allow for that.
You're a liar. I haven't. And that is because I recognize the campus rape issue is very lopsided and frankly, unjust to the boys in the way it's applied by some institutions not to mention the scandals like Tawana Brawley where it was outright faked and their lives were basically ruined because of it.

Yes. Please stop your sleaze.
Stop your histrionics and tell me what I've lied about. Stop with the run-on sentences and the sleaze too. Thank you.

This maniac that calls itself Coyote literally cannot stop.

It's defense of any and all things Islamic is so obsessive and so compulsive that it's very psyche would shatter if it ever stopped -- and I say "it" because this double-talking piece of excrement surely cannot be a woman. I mean, really now -- how many actual women show this degree of solidarity with rapists who target ethnicities different than their own?
There is a lot of gibberish talked about the role of women in Islam. It really isnt as straightforward as the frothers would make out.

First female minister of Afghanistan. The third Afghan Constitution (in 1964 under King Zahir Shah) gave women the right to vote and enter parliament as elected candidates for the first time. As a result, in elections the following year three women were elected as members of the parliament and two appointed as members of the senate. Kubra Nurzai was appointed Minister of Public Health in 1965 and re-appointed in 1967.[12]

After graduating medical school in Kabul in 1988, she practiced as a physician until 1999 when the rule of the Taliban made this impossible. She began working for the women-led UN World Food Progamme (WFP) in 1999. After the Taliban was removed from power in 2002 she was one of 200 women who participated in the loya jirga. She ran for president in 2002, becoming the first woman to run for this position in Afghanistan. She won 171 votes (the second most ballots received) in the 2002 presidential election against Karzai.[13] She lost the election to Hamid Karzai but served within his cabinet as the Women's Affairs Minister from 2004-2006. Jalal was later nominated to study in Washington, DC at the Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), which teaches women how to advance their leadership roles.[13]

One of 200 women who participated in the loya jirga after the fall of the Taliban in 2002. She is the first female mayor in Afghanistan. She is the current mayor of Nili, a town inDaykundi Province of Afghanistan.

In 2014 she became a candidate for President of Afghanistan after being elected as the Vice President of the National Assembly of Afghanistan in 2005. As Vice President she became the first female Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament.

She served as the Afghanistan Ministry of Women's Affairs from 2001-2003.

Ran in the Afghan Presidential Election of 2009.

Ran in the Afghan Presidential Election of 2009.

She is a Professor and Doctor of medicine. She became the first female ambassador in Azerbaijan in 1993. She served as the Secretary of State in Azerbaijan from 1993-1994. She chose to resign from this position because of her dissatisfaction with corruption within the government. She founded the Azerbaijan Liberal Party in 1995 and has conducted Presidential runs as the head of this party.[14]

First female elected to the Council of Representatives of Bahrain in 2006 and is the only female to ever have been a council member.

  • Nada Haffadh
  • First ever female cabinet minister when she was appointed as the Minister of Health in 2004. She also served within the upper house of parliament in the Consultative Council in 2007.

    As the third most populous Muslim-majority country, Bangladesh has been ruled, as of 2016, for the last 25 years by female Prime Ministers[15] by electing Khaleda Zia[16] andSheikh Hasina as prime ministers.Prime Minister of Bangladesh from 1996-2001 and 2009–Present. She is a member of the Council of Women World Leaders.Prime Minister of Bangladesh from 1991-1996 and 2001-2006. When elected in 1991 she became the first female Prime Minister of Bangladesh and the second female leader in the Muslim world to be a leader of a democratic government.[17] She is also the chairperson and leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and has been ranked by Forbes three times as the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World. [17][18][19]

    Nearly one-third of the Parliament of Egypt- the fifth most populous Muslim majority nation- also consists of women.[20]In 1956 she became the first woman to be commissioned as an officer in the Liberation Army of Egypt. She is considered to be a pioneer for female leaders in Muslim-majority countries. She was the first female Parliamentarian in the Arab world when in 1957 she served in the Parliament of Egypt.[21][22]

    The most populous Muslim-majority country.She served as president of Indonesia from 2001-2004, becoming the first female president of Indonesia and the fourth female to lead a Muslim-majority nation.[23]

    Jordan[edit]She became Jordan's first female member of Parliament when elected in 1993. She faced lots of backlash as a female in this position, including arrests and mistreatment while imprisoned, causing a global outcry and the assistance of Amnesty International.

    Kosovo[edit]In the Muslim majority territory of Kosovo, President Atifete Jahjaga was unanimously elected by the Assembly of Kosovo on April 7, 2011.[24]

    Kyrgyzstan[edit]As an atheist,[25] she was sworn in as President of the Muslim-majority Kyrgyzstan on 3 July 2010, after acting as interim leader following the Tulip Revolution.

    The second most populous Muslim-majority country.

  • In 1982 she became the first female in Pakistan to lead a political party, the Pakistan People's Party. Her father, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, founded thePakistan People's Party in 1968.[26] She was elected twice as the Prime Minister [27] of Pakistan. Her first election to Prime Minister in 1988 made her the first woman to lead a Muslim-majority country. She served in this position from 1988-1990 and from 1992-1996. She was assassinated as a candidate in the 2008 election for Prime Minister.

    Senegal[edit]She was elected as the Minister of Justice in 2000 and was Prime Minister from 2001 to 2002. She is the first female in Senegal to hold this position.

    Turkey[edit]Became Prime Minister of Turkey in 1993. Four Muslim countries have been or are currently led by women because of successions after deceased fathers, husbands, etc. Ciller, however, won her position as Prime Minister entirely on her own.[28] Ciller attended Robert College and later received her Master’s and Ph.D. Ciller returned to Turkey and taught economics at Bosphorus University after her husband was offered a good job. She entered politics in 1990 by joining the True Path Party (which she is now the president of) under Suleyman Demirel. Ciller quickly became assistant of the party, and then entered the 1991 election where she won and received the responsibility for ministry of economy in the government. President Turgu Ozal died in 1993, so Demirel took his position as president. Ciller saw her chance and took it, for she won the position as prime minister in June 1993. Tansu Ciller is one of Turkey’s most powerful politicians and is said to be the key to forming the next government. Ciller’s supporters favor her modernization/westernization ideas. Despite her followers, Ciller also had many people against her reforms. Ciller was forced to leave the government after she made some unpopular actions as prime minister. Her questionable decisions led to three different parliamentary investigations on her, so Ciller decided to leave office in 1995. Despite her mistakes, Ciller still remains very powerful today.[29]
All of these oppressed women have managed to make it to the top in savage third world shitholes. It doesnt really tally with a narrative of downtrodden submissive housewives who cant go out of the house without permission.

I do recognise that it isnt the full story but neither is the broad brush approach to 1.6bn people.

Meanwhile in the Land of the Free a woman who is standing for President is described as all sorts of disgusting things. Her daughter is castigated for the crime of being "fucking ugly" as well.

Another candidates wife is used as some sort of trophy to beat up a rivals wife who isnt a supermodel.

A tv reporter who has the cheek to do her job is thought to be having a period.

Women earn less than men and have the pleasure of men deciding what is best for their bodies.

Male rapists in this country are set free if a conviction will damage their career prospects and all in all its a lot more nuanced than the idiocracy would have you believe.

It's good to know that Afghanistan is such a forward thinking nation with absolute rights for Women, Ahmed,

You're such an honest chap that I believe every word from your Pakistani ass...

You're a liar. I haven't. And that is because I recognize the campus rape issue is very lopsided and frankly, unjust to the boys in the way it's applied by some institutions not to mention the scandals like Tawana Brawley where it was outright faked and their lives were basically ruined because of it.

Yes. Please stop your sleaze.
Stop your histrionics and tell me what I've lied about. Stop with the run-on sentences and the sleaze too. Thank you.

This maniac that calls itself Coyote literally cannot stop.

It's defense of any and all things Islamic is so obsessive and so compulsive that it's very psyche would shatter if it ever stopped -- and I say "it" because this double-talking piece of excrement surely cannot be a woman. I mean, really now -- how many actual women show this degree of solidarity with rapists who target ethnicities different than their own?

Thank you for you're valuable contribution to this discussion. Perhaps, some day you can tell us why you chose to use a discredited poll from a hate site over a reputable source in your rabid efforts to demonize Muslims. Think you can answer that sweetie or will it make it obvious to all what a bigot you are under that thin veneer of "liberal values"?
Meathead seems to think that campus rape claims are exaggerated but Muslim rape claims are not.

Interesting double standards.

All claims of rape, sexual assault or harrassment should be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. And the names of all involved should be kept confidential until it's completed and any court cases resolved. That way women will get taken seriously and, if the claims are falsified - no one's reputations will be ruined.
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
No false claims, excrement. It has been a patten of Muslim behavior as they move into new territory for well over a millenium. Mohammad, himself, ordered it.
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
No false claims, excrement. It has been a patten of Muslim behavior as they move into new territory for well over a millenium. Mohammad, himself, ordered it.

You'd be funny, if you weren't so pathetically bigoted.

Why did you choose that poll, eh?
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
No false claims, excrement. It has been a patten of Muslim behavior as they move into new territory for well over a millenium. Mohammad, himself, ordered it.

You'd be funny, if you weren't so pathetically bigoted.

Why did you choose that poll, eh?


Dear god, you are the most boring tedious pedant on this board. It's excruciating not to be able to put you on ignore.
I wonder if a special case could be made where you are concerned?
It's not even easy to scroll past your crap because you insist on posting a yard and a half of it in every other post. God save us from the unbelievably boring troll that is Coyote Ugly. Lol.
Rape has been a weapon of war since time immemorial. Some fools seem to think it started with Islam. They call it "rape jihad", a recently coined term that did not exist a few decades ago. Perhaps these fools should check out the Old Testement, and see what it has to say about rape and war. Is that "rape jihad" too?
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
No false claims, excrement. It has been a patten of Muslim behavior as they move into new territory for well over a millenium. Mohammad, himself, ordered it.

You'd be funny, if you weren't so pathetically bigoted.

Why did you choose that poll, eh?

View attachment 86831

Dear god, you are the most boring tedious pedant on this board. It's excruciating not to be able to put you on ignore.
I wonder if a special case could be made where you are concerned?
It's not even easy to scroll past your crap because you insist on posting a yard and a half of it in every other post. God save us from the unbelievably boring troll that is Coyote Ugly. Lol.

Some one is holding a gun to your head and keeping you in this thread you ridiculous cow?

You have free will. Use it.

In the meantime, I'll work on simple bumper-sticker slogans and soundbytes so as not to tax your reading skills. :)
Only a piece of true excrement would call the rejection of rape an act of bigotry.

Your "concern" for rape comes to a stuttering halt when it doesn't involve Muslims. Your obsession with excrement is duly noted, Dogcrap.

By the way, why did you chose a poll from a hate site, instead of a reputable one like Pew, when you attempted to demonize American Muslims? Was it because Pew didn't portray them as the evil intolerant thugs you wish them to be?
Only a piece of true excrement would call the rejection of rape an act of bigotry.

Your "concern" for rape comes to a stuttering halt when it doesn't involve Muslims. Your obsession with excrement is duly noted, Dogcrap.

By the way, why did you chose a poll from a hate site, instead of a reputable one like Pew, when you attempted to demonize American Muslims? Was it because Pew didn't portray them as the evil intolerant thugs you wish them to be?
Now you are SPAMMING and TROLLING. Lol.
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
No false claims, excrement. It has been a patten of Muslim behavior as they move into new territory for well over a millenium. Mohammad, himself, ordered it.

You'd be funny, if you weren't so pathetically bigoted.

Why did you choose that poll, eh?

View attachment 86831

Dear god, you are the most boring tedious pedant on this board. It's excruciating not to be able to put you on ignore.
I wonder if a special case could be made where you are concerned?
It's not even easy to scroll past your crap because you insist on posting a yard and a half of it in every other post. God save us from the unbelievably boring troll that is Coyote Ugly. Lol.

Some one is holding a gun to your head and keeping you in this thread you ridiculous cow?

You have free will. Use it.

In the meantime, I'll work on simple bumper-sticker slogans and soundbytes so as not to tax your reading skills. :)
Ooooooooh, bitchy. Keep your mangy hair on :) you silly obsessive old bore.
Only a piece of true excrement would call the rejection of rape an act of bigotry.

Your "concern" for rape comes to a stuttering halt when it doesn't involve Muslims. Your obsession with excrement is duly noted, Dogcrap.

By the way, why did you chose a poll from a hate site, instead of a reputable one like Pew, when you attempted to demonize American Muslims? Was it because Pew didn't portray them as the evil intolerant thugs you wish them to be?
The Myth of Rape Jihad

A new term coined by modern day bigots attempting to instill the fear of MOOOOOOSSSSLIIIIIMMMMMS in us white women. I'm sure some are daily wetting their panties over this. Rape has long been a tool of war, if you have any doubts, look at what has been occurring and is still occuring in the Congo civil war. Of course, it's not of interest to some of the denizens in this thread because it doesn't involve Muslims as either victims or perpetrators of atrocities, and participants are all Africans, which probably even makes it less interesting to some but it is an example of exactly how horrifically "rape jihad" is being used as a weapon of war, even to brutalizing infants.

For some reason, people now seem to think that every act of rape, sexual assault, or harrassment by someone who is foreign looking and possibly Muslim is a clear act of "rape jihad". Not rape. Not sexual assault. Not sexual harrassment. But this brand new made up term: rape jihad because the prevailing hysteria is all Muslims want to do is destroy us, and if they can't do it by propoganda (which is tough to comprehend how 1.6 billion Muslims, including groups that don't even get along with each other, can come up with an agreed-upon propoganda) then by gum, it's going to be rape jihad. Sweden's crime statistics don't even come close to supporting this claim.

Perhaps it's largely fabricated out of fear and xenophobic hatred? Or maybe it grew from a false claim from Pamela Gellar about a supposed fatwa calling for "sexual jihad". This fatwa does not appear to exist outside of Gellar's imagination.
No false claims, excrement. It has been a patten of Muslim behavior as they move into new territory for well over a millenium. Mohammad, himself, ordered it.

You'd be funny, if you weren't so pathetically bigoted.

Why did you choose that poll, eh?

View attachment 86831

Dear god, you are the most boring tedious pedant on this board. It's excruciating not to be able to put you on ignore.
I wonder if a special case could be made where you are concerned?
It's not even easy to scroll past your crap because you insist on posting a yard and a half of it in every other post. God save us from the unbelievably boring troll that is Coyote Ugly. Lol.

Some one is holding a gun to your head and keeping you in this thread you ridiculous cow?

You have free will. Use it.

In the meantime, I'll work on simple bumper-sticker slogans and soundbytes so as not to tax your reading skills. :)
Ooooooooh, bitchy. Keep your mangy hair on :) you silly obsessive old bore.


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