Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

Funny thing is...I simply can't find anything you've posted on it when it doesn't involve Muslims :dunno:

Surely you must have if I'm lying...

If you can't "find anything," then you acknowledge that your claim that I "support it when it's no by Muslims" is a slanderous lie.

Hey, fish swim, leftists lie.

It's what you do.
Funny how that works isn't? You can use that same tactic on others, but when it's thrown back at you it's a slanderous lie?
Same abuses were also reported in Germany:

Rape and child abuse 'are rife in German refugee camps': Unsegregated conditions blamed as women are 'seen as fair game' in overcrowded migrant centres
  • Abuses said to be taking place among 5,000 migrants at camp in Giessen
  • Fear the number of unreported rapes and sexual assaults is significant
  • It may be taking place at overcrowded refugee centres across the country

PUBLISHED: 19:23, 24 September 2015 | UPDATED: 05:37, 25 September 2015

A culture of rape and sexual abuse is being allowed to take hold in asylum centres across Germany as Europe struggles to cope with the migrant crisis, it has been alleged,

Women’s rights groups and politicians have highlighted assaults against women and children in at least one camp.

And they suggest such incidents may be widespread, with many going unreported to the police.

Campaigners also claimed some men saw unaccompanied women as ‘fair game’, and also blamed conditions in which occupants were unsegregated by gender or nationality....

A letter addressed to the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in the state of Hesse, where the centre is based, from four women’s organisations described a ‘culture of rape and violence’.

The letter, written on August 18, stated: ‘It is a fact that women and children are unprotected. This situation is opportune to those men who already regard women as their inferior and treat unaccompanied women as “fair game”. As a consequence, there are reports of numerous rapes, sexual assaults and increasingly of forced prostitution. These are not isolated incidents.’

There are fears the number of unreported cases of rape and sexual assault at the Geissen camp

Women were often too afraid to walk around the camp even during the day, volunteers claimed, while some victims are too terrified to report sexual assaults by the men.

A police spokesman said there were ‘probably’ many unreported sexual abuses. Giessen City Councillor Astrid Eibelshaeuser said: ‘We know there is rape happening.’

Johannes-Wilhelm Roerig, the federal commissioner for child sexual abuse issues, said: ‘I am most concerned that refugee children in camps, gymnasiums, or former barracks are not sufficiently protected from sexual assault.’...

Rape and child abuse are 'rife in German asylum centres'

This particular article illustrates exactly what is happening. The conditions in these refugee centers are horrible and overcrowded and violence against women and children is endemic. The article I posted also went into this issue, and noted it is endemic in all refugee centers regardless of religion. There was a recent expose on an Australian migrant detention center on an island where abuse, especially against children was uncovered. Women and girls in some of these facilities also become prey to human human traffickers or Arab men looking for cheap sex sanctified by a temporary marriage.

Few seem to really care what goes on in these places.

No one is saying it's all imaginary, but there is no data to support a rape epidemic or rape jihad.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.
Learn to write. Stop supporting rape regardless of who commits it. Stop being a ditz.

Learn to apply critical thinking for a change.
This particular article illustrates exactly what is happening. The conditions in these refugee centers are horrible and overcrowded and violence against women and children is endemic. The article I posted also went into this issue, and noted it is endemic in all refugee centers regardless of religion. There was a recent expose on an Australian migrant detention center on an island where abuse, especially against children was uncovered. Women and girls in some of these facilities also become prey to human human traffickers or Arab men looking for cheap sex sanctified by a temporary marriage.

Few seem to really care what goes on in these places.

No one is saying it's all imaginary, but there is no data to support a rape epidemic or rape jihad.

So to recap, the rape Jihad isn't happening; but if it is happening it isn't the fault of your Muslim allies and everyone else does it too.

No doubt the JOOOZZZZ are the real culprits, amirite?
No doubt the JOOOZZZZ are the real culprits, amirite?

NOW, you've done it, Uncensored. The floodgates are officially open.

I avidly await her to point out yet again how terrorists who kill Jews are heroic, and there is no reason why the mass murder of Jews should disqualify a terrorist from being nominated for the peace prize.

.....and yes -- she is THAT off her rocker, so thoroughly does she identify with Jihadists. Whatever twisted psychological malady Rachel Dolezal when it came to her pretending to be black, this creature has with Islamists. It is the complete rejection of one's own culture and the complete acceptance of a different one.
Even the UNHCR acknowledge migrant rapefugees and paedophile refugees are a problem:

"Refugee and migrant children moving in Europe are at heightened risk of violence and abuse, including sexual violence, especially in overcrowded reception sites, or in many locations where refugees and migrants gather, such as parks, train stations, bus stations and roadsides,” UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming told a news conference in Geneva.

UNHCR concerned at reports of sexual violence against refugee women and children
Lest we forget:

Iraqi asylum seeker pleads guilty to 'sexual emergency' rape of boy at Vienna public pool
A 20-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker who was arrested for raping a 10-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Vienna has plead guilty in an Austrian court on 26 April. During initial interrogations by police he stated the 2 December 2015 attack was due to a "sexual emergency" after not having sex for four months. ...

Iraqi asylum seeker pleads guilty to 'sexual emergency' rape of boy at Vienna public pool
Lest we forget:

Iraqi asylum seeker pleads guilty to 'sexual emergency' rape of boy at Vienna public pool
A 20-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker who was arrested for raping a 10-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Vienna has plead guilty in an Austrian court on 26 April. During initial interrogations by police he stated the 2 December 2015 attack was due to a "sexual emergency" after not having sex for four months. ...

Iraqi asylum seeker pleads guilty to 'sexual emergency' rape of boy at Vienna public pool
It's OK, shagging young boys and sheep is part of their culture. Unaccompanied young women who dress inappropriately are are obviously fair game - that's a given,
Lest we forget:

Iraqi asylum seeker pleads guilty to 'sexual emergency' rape of boy at Vienna public pool
A 20-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker who was arrested for raping a 10-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Vienna has plead guilty in an Austrian court on 26 April. During initial interrogations by police he stated the 2 December 2015 attack was due to a "sexual emergency" after not having sex for four months. ...

Iraqi asylum seeker pleads guilty to 'sexual emergency' rape of boy at Vienna public pool
It's OK, shagging young boys and sheep is part of their culture. Unaccompanied young women who dress inappropriately are are obviously fair game - that's a given,
Looks that way, doesn't it? Utterly disgusting that women in particular would go out of their way to pretend the rape of European women, children, and refugee women and children is a non event. If anything, an effort is made to cover up this stuff. Another story:

Woman 'gang-raped in refugee camp ordered to stay SILENT by no-borders activists'
A HUMAN rights activist was raped a gang of migrants at a refugee camp – but she was pressured to stay silent in case she damaged the cause, it has been claimed.

It is claimed she was trapped in a shower block near the camp but loud music meant her cries for help went unheard during the horror attack.

The woman was told not to report the alleged crime by colleagues working for far-left group No Borders, according to reports.

They are said to have told her speaking out would have damaged their cause – to support freedom of movement and oppose migration controls.

She reportedly remained silent for over a month as a result.

She and her colleagues were stationed at a makeshift camp in Ventimiglia, Italy, on the border with France.

It became a flashpoint at the start of Europe's humanitarian crisis earlier this year after a local crackdown on border controls. ...

Woman 'gang-raped in refugee camp ordered to stay SILENT by no-borders activists'
Utterly disgusting that women in particular would go out of their way to pretend the rape of European women, children, and refugee women and children is a non event.

.....or at least a creature that CLAIMS to be a woman.

Considering the agenda involved and the track record of incredible deceit, I don't know if we really have any solid reasons to believe the claim.

What we see happening in Europe where rape is part of the Islamization process, so, too, do Islamists work the internet. They play something akin to a good cop/bad cop routine where the rapists do the dirty work and the online propagandists provide the rhetorical.

If they can establish that it is the right, proper duty of Western leftists to defend the Jihad, half their work is done.
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.
Learn to apply critical thinking for a change.
Critical thinking is exactly how I recognize convoluted BS to further a political agenda. Education is how I recognize semi-literacy. Common sense is how I recognize that you're a ditz. OK?
Ok. I understand that critical thinking is not a skill you possess. You may sit down now.
The police cannot even go about their business:

Police flee for their lives at Swedish migrant camp after they are surrounded by screaming mob as they try to relocate ten-year-old boy ‘who had been raped multiple times’
  • The attack allegedly happened in the town of Västerås in central Sweden
  • Staff at the refugee centre feared the 10-year-old boy was being abused
  • They failed to remove the child after the refugee would not let the child go
  • Ten police officers failed to safe the child after being attacked by the mob
  • See more news on the migrant crisis at

PUBLISHED: 16:21, 26 January 2016 | UPDATED: 18:27, 26 January 2016

Swedish police were forced to run for their lives after being attacked by a mob of asylum seekers as they tried to relocate amid allegations a 10-year-old boy had been 'raped repeatedly' at a refugee centre.

Officers entered the centre in Västerås to save the young boy who had been reportedly attacked repeatedly by asylum seekers at the centre.

Initially, staff in the centre tried to remove the boy but were stopped by the mob. Instead the staff called police for backup. ...

Police flee for their lives at Swedish migrant camp after mob attack
Learn to apply critical thinking for a change.
Critical thinking is exactly how I recognize convoluted BS to further a political agenda. Education is how I recognize semi-literacy. Common sense is how I recognize that you're a ditz. OK?
Ok. I understand that critical thinking is not a skill you possess. You may sit down now.

Can one be more infantile while apologizing for rape?
So, to sum it up, we have this.

A lot of claims about sexual harassment and rape by migrants.

If we break it down most of it seems to fall into harassment. Countries are offering classes on their culture and how women are to be treated. This certainly makes sense given vast cultural differences among immigrants. What surprises me is it wasn't done before. The US has long do everything that sort of thing going as part of the aculturation process.

We also have a ton of news articles which seem to range from fairly factual to over the top fear mongering.

We have evidence that in a 2014 music festival police might have covered up reports of assault. So in 2015, police took it more seriously, and out of 170000 participants, there were maybe 20 complaints filed.

When you have so much contradictory and emotion driven info, it's more helpful to look at each country individually since laws differ, and to look at actual criminal statics for trends. Thus, far, in Sweden, over the last decade they have remained largely the same for violent crime and no one has offered any actual data to the contrary.

Looking at data and asking these questions rather the simply jumping on the bandwagon, is not supporting rape or so-called rape jihad, it's questioning conclusions that don't appear to be supported by data but by fear and anti-immigrant hysteria. Like the no go zone claims.

This is merely damage control, in conclusion, the tactics are clear:
muddy the waters, then mix the problem, turning a blind eye off the most obvious and clearly presented facts- to make it seem "casual". And A LOT of baiting, word play and or cherry picking to confuse.

Then suggesting that the cause is anything (class, racism, lack of competence by govt) but the rapists themselves.

It's not "cultural difference" but exactly the lack of culture and any traits of basic human empathy. Men rape not because of culture but because they're weak cowards. And those who grow their boys this way must have an agenda or just don't think of women in terms of being human.

Thanks to others who still defend these moral boundaries.

Speaking of moral have yet to present actual data or crime stats showing there is a rape epidemic or rape jihad. I presented clear and obvious facts, which you choose to ignore.

Men rape for many reasons, it's far from being as simplistic as you try to present. Men rape as a weapon of war. We see it in the Syrian civil war and in the decades old conflict in the Congo. Men rape because their culture places little value on women, or women of certain castes, classes, etc. Men rape for power, because they can. The causes are many but only one person is RESPONSIBLE, and it is not excusable. But neither is the concerted attempt to demonize a group of people when the evidence doesn't support it.

You totally discount crime stats, the fact that rape is legally defined quite differently across different countries and insist we look at it as a whole.

Where is this rape epidemic when violent crime rates remain unchanged in Sweden?
Learn to apply critical thinking for a change.
Critical thinking is exactly how I recognize convoluted BS to further a political agenda. Education is how I recognize semi-literacy. Common sense is how I recognize that you're a ditz. OK?
Ok. I understand that critical thinking is not a skill you possess. You may sit down now.

Can one be more infantile while apologizing for rape?
Who's apologizing? Oh, I see, asking for facts becomes "apologizing" when you can't supply the data.

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