DECEMBER 21, 2011 4:00 A.M. The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax

Obama just wants to delay the pipeline until closer to election time so it gives him something positive to talk about.
Today the House voted to reject a Senate plan for temporarily extending the payroll-tax cut and subsequently moved to recess, and they deserve credit for doing so.

This move does not eliminate the possibility of extending the tax cut, which expires at the end of December: The House previously passed a bill extending the cut for a full year, and that bill is good policy. It doesn’t increase the deficit. It forces a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. And it’s President Obama’s major year-end priority. So why is the Democratic Senate blocking the bill’s path between Capitol Hill and the White House signing desk, and pushing the bill the House rejected instead?

Because Harry Reid doesn’t like how the House version is paid for. Having failed — not once, but multiple times — to offset the payroll-rate cut with a new surtax on job creators, Senate Democrats were forced to huddle with Republicans to find common ground. What they came up with were enough offsets to fund a 60-day extension, mostly via increased fees on Fannie and Freddie. (This makes a certain amount of sense: Republicans abhor the government-sponsored enterprises, Democrats adore fees.)

The Senate plan, then, was to pass the temporary extension, send it back to the House, and enjoy a lengthy Christmas holiday. The New Year, they seem to believe, will bring with it fresh opportunities to kick the can down the road. But the 60-day extension is both irresponsible and unworkable, and House Republicans were right to hold the line against it, even if it keeps Congress in Washington through these holy nigh

The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax - The Editors - National Review Online

so the demoncrats were gonna soak the poor old middle class homeowners? :lol:

"On job creators?"

Is this the new talking point that conservatives paid $50k to Frank Luntz for?
I based my question on the fact that someone who pays $500 a month rent today will definitely need Social Security when they decide to quit working.

Then you asked the question on a false basis and incorrect assumptions.

Quote: Originally Posted by Bern80 View Post

A thousand dollars of real money in your pocket at the end of the year is not a gimmick to most Americans. For me that's two months of real rent.

So you pay more than $500 a month rent? Why did you lie?

I dont understand. How is it a lie if he is saying his rent is 500 a month?
I based my question on the fact that someone who pays $500 a month rent today will definitely need Social Security when they decide to quit working.

Then you asked the question on a false basis and incorrect assumptions.

Quote: Originally Posted by Bern80 View Post

A thousand dollars of real money in your pocket at the end of the year is not a gimmick to most Americans. For me that's two months of real rent.

So you pay more than $500 a month rent? Why did you lie?

I didn't lie. That is within a few dollars of what I pay in rent each month including utilities. I repeat; you asked a question based on a false assumption. Put your objective thinking hat on, figure out why said assumption is wrong and thus why you should not have concluded what you concluded.
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They BOTH want a year. It's just that the Republican measure came with strings attached. How do figure that won't backfire on them? They don't have a good record of making those kinds of plays/ploys work.

Oh so you think Keystone and jobs and spending cuts aren't good attachments??

Why should there be any attachments?

Why not. Its a game both sides play. IMHO this is one good attachment.

The Keystone pipeline has been investigated for 3 years. The Gov of the State is on board and it will provide jobs.

Barry was going to hold off until 2013 to decide on it. Of course he's pandering to the enviro crowd. Those lovely folks pretty much told him they wouldn't support him in 2012 if the pipeline went through.

The Unions on the other hand are pushing for it because of the jobs it will privide.

Catch 22 for Barry. Should he pander to the Unions or Enviro crowd??

Jobs are a pretty good attachment in my book.
Obama just wants to delay the pipeline until closer to election time so it gives him something positive to talk about.

i thout he wanted to delay until after the election entirely. Which really shows it's an entirely political decision for him. He knows he'd lose the environmentalist votes if he passes it now. I assume once elected he would pass it since there isn't anything to lose then.
Oh so you think Keystone and jobs and spending cuts aren't good attachments??

Why should there be any attachments?

Why not. Its a game both sides play. IMHO this is one good attachment.

The Keystone pipeline has been investigated for 3 years. The Gov of the State is on board and it will provide jobs.

Barry was going to hold off until 2013 to decide on it. Of course he's pandering to the enviro crowd. Those lovely folks pretty much told him they wouldn't support him in 2012 if the pipeline went through.

The Unions on the other hand are pushing for it because of the jobs it will privide.

Catch 22 for Barry. Should he pander to the Unions or Enviro crowd??

Jobs are a pretty good attachment in my book.

so which is it?

Is it the pipeline?
Is it "paying for it"?
Is it the the tax on millionaires?
Is it the fee for guaranteed mortgages?

Or is it that you just want to preserve tax cuts for the rich, but don't give a shit about the middle class?
They BOTH want a year. It's just that the Republican measure came with strings attached. How do figure that won't backfire on them? They don't have a good record of making those kinds of plays/ploys work.

But the Democrats do have a good record of making those kinds of plays/ploys work? Is that what you're saying?
Oh so you think Keystone and jobs and spending cuts aren't good attachments??

They're attachments. Never did like omnibus bills. That's how you get a lot of the crap everybody complains about. Whether or not they're good, it's still a ploy. If the Reps are going to play games, don't expect the Dems to go along.

Of course, there was never a peep about it coming out of you until the Republicans did it.

So the Dims are going to vote down a middle class tax cut and a huge jobs project?

Yeah, that should go over good with taxpayers and the unemployed.
Oh so you think Keystone and jobs and spending cuts aren't good attachments??

Why should there be any attachments?

Why not. Its a game both sides play. IMHO this is one good attachment.

The Keystone pipeline has been investigated for 3 years. The Gov of the State is on board and it will provide jobs.

Barry was going to hold off until 2013 to decide on it. Of course he's pandering to the enviro crowd. Those lovely folks pretty much told him they wouldn't support him in 2012 if the pipeline went through.

The Unions on the other hand are pushing for it because of the jobs it will privide.

Catch 22 for Barry. Should he pander to the Unions or Enviro crowd??

Jobs are a pretty good attachment in my book.

Its the games that have to stop. If the tax cuts are worth extending, then vote to extend them. Trying to push through other (big) legislation on the back of something that will directly impact middle class Americans is bullshit. If you're honest about it, you know that it's a dirty ploy to try and hijack these middle class tax cuts to pass something that doesn't have bipartisan support. That's why.

Let them decide on the pipeline separately.
If it's such a good idea, why can't it stand on its own? There are all sorts of environmental and cost issues to consider first. If we rush into this and things go wrong, it'll make Solyndra look like the "Deal of the Century".

It isn't going to cost the taxpayers a dime, dipstick.

Are you really this dense?
Why should there be any attachments?

That's called a shit sandwich, or "compromise" when the Democrats do it.

So that makes it right?

Good to know that you're ok with holding middle class tax cuts hostage so you can ram through a piece of legislation that doesn't have bipartisan support yet.

Obama and Harry Reid are the ones holding them hostage. All they have to do is say "yes."
Why should there be any attachments?

Why not. Its a game both sides play. IMHO this is one good attachment.

The Keystone pipeline has been investigated for 3 years. The Gov of the State is on board and it will provide jobs.

Barry was going to hold off until 2013 to decide on it. Of course he's pandering to the enviro crowd. Those lovely folks pretty much told him they wouldn't support him in 2012 if the pipeline went through.

The Unions on the other hand are pushing for it because of the jobs it will privide.

Catch 22 for Barry. Should he pander to the Unions or Enviro crowd??

Jobs are a pretty good attachment in my book.

Its the games that have to stop. If the tax cuts are worth extending, then vote to extend them. Trying to push through other (big) legislation on the back of something that will directly impact middle class Americans is bullshit. If you're honest about it, you know that it's a dirty ploy to try and hijack these middle class tax cuts to pass something that doesn't have bipartisan support. That's why.

Let them decide on the pipeline separately.

games are the name of the game in DC.....ESPECIALLY with this prez....and his kowtowing press....

now that the GOP is throwing this one back in their faces......the Dims are bawling.......:eusa_boohoo:

either BO and Harry cave to what they said they wanted in the FIRST place.......or BO will get to spend his holiday in DC instead of vacationing in Hawaii......that is if he still is holding to his executive demand that everybody stay until this deal is done......oh what a dilemma.....:lol:
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Why should there be any attachments?

Why not. Its a game both sides play. IMHO this is one good attachment.

The Keystone pipeline has been investigated for 3 years. The Gov of the State is on board and it will provide jobs.

Barry was going to hold off until 2013 to decide on it. Of course he's pandering to the enviro crowd. Those lovely folks pretty much told him they wouldn't support him in 2012 if the pipeline went through.

The Unions on the other hand are pushing for it because of the jobs it will privide.

Catch 22 for Barry. Should he pander to the Unions or Enviro crowd??

Jobs are a pretty good attachment in my book.

so which is it?

Is it the pipeline?
Is it "paying for it"?
Is it the the tax on millionaires?
Is it the fee for guaranteed mortgages?

Or is it that you just want to preserve tax cuts for the rich, but don't give a shit about the middle class?

They want to extend the tax cuts from the two months the Dems put forth to a year. Thats not to hard to understand.

Doesn't sound like they are trying to screw the middle class to me. Perhaps you should address that to the Senate that passed the 2 month deal.
A thousand dollars of real money in your pocket at the end of the year is not a gimmick to most Americans. For me that's two months of real rent.

Yes, but when you get ready to retire you may have to wait til your 80 to get social security. Is that a good trade off?

I'm sorry, but if at the age of 30 (my age) SS is your retirement plan, you have a serious problem. Personally I'm not counting on SS at all. Right now I don't think it's realistic for anyone my age to count on it being there and two, I find the concept rather immoral.

well then you need to lobby your congress person to change the law and abolish social security. Live for now.
Why not. Its a game both sides play. IMHO this is one good attachment.

The Keystone pipeline has been investigated for 3 years. The Gov of the State is on board and it will provide jobs.

Barry was going to hold off until 2013 to decide on it. Of course he's pandering to the enviro crowd. Those lovely folks pretty much told him they wouldn't support him in 2012 if the pipeline went through.

The Unions on the other hand are pushing for it because of the jobs it will privide.

Catch 22 for Barry. Should he pander to the Unions or Enviro crowd??

Jobs are a pretty good attachment in my book.

Its the games that have to stop. If the tax cuts are worth extending, then vote to extend them. Trying to push through other (big) legislation on the back of something that will directly impact middle class Americans is bullshit. If you're honest about it, you know that it's a dirty ploy to try and hijack these middle class tax cuts to pass something that doesn't have bipartisan support. That's why.

Let them decide on the pipeline separately.

games are the name of the game in DC.....ESPECIALLY with this prez....and his kowtowing press....

now that the GOP is throwing this one back in their faces......the Dims are bawling.......:eusa_boohoo:

either BO and Harry cave to what they said they wanted in the FIRST place.......or BO will get to spend his holiday in DC instead of vacationing in Hawaii......that is if he still is holding to his executive demand that everybody stay until this deal is done......:lol:

So you're ok with the same old washington politics. Got it.

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