DECEMBER 21, 2011 4:00 A.M. The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax

Today the House voted to reject a Senate plan for temporarily extending the payroll-tax cut and subsequently moved to recess, and they deserve credit for doing so.

This move does not eliminate the possibility of extending the tax cut, which expires at the end of December: The House previously passed a bill extending the cut for a full year, and that bill is good policy. It doesn’t increase the deficit. It forces a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. And it’s President Obama’s major year-end priority. So why is the Democratic Senate blocking the bill’s path between Capitol Hill and the White House signing desk, and pushing the bill the House rejected instead?

Because Harry Reid doesn’t like how the House version is paid for. Having failed — not once, but multiple times — to offset the payroll-rate cut with a new surtax on job creators, Senate Democrats were forced to huddle with Republicans to find common ground. What they came up with were enough offsets to fund a 60-day extension, mostly via increased fees on Fannie and Freddie. (This makes a certain amount of sense: Republicans abhor the government-sponsored enterprises, Democrats adore fees.)

The Senate plan, then, was to pass the temporary extension, send it back to the House, and enjoy a lengthy Christmas holiday. The New Year, they seem to believe, will bring with it fresh opportunities to kick the can down the road. But the 60-day extension is both irresponsible and unworkable, and House Republicans were right to hold the line against it, even if it keeps Congress in Washington through these holy nigh

The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax - The Editors - National Review Online

so the demoncrats were gonna soak the poor old middle class homeowners? :lol:
Of coarse, and they are trying to make the house look like the bad guys. Good thing people with common sense know better. Good for the house.
Of course a year is better, but a year extension with no attachments. Thats not too much to ask, is it?

so how is creating well over a 100,000 jobs not going to help the middle class........?

i'd say that is a good bargain....

Again, why must that be attached to middle class tax cuts? Answer, it doesn't unless you know you can't get the votes for it and are willing to hold tax cuts hostage to get it passed. I'm glad you think bargaining with the tax cuts of middle class americans is acceptable. It shows what really matters to you....and its not the middle class.

you are one damn fool....

the only reason there aren't enough votes for the pipeline is because the DIMWITS are against's the DIMWITS who are holding up OVER 100,000 JOBS for the middle class....

that's why it was attached....

but i guess you'd rather it was shipped off to Red China....:mad:
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so how is creating well over a 100,000 jobs not going to help the middle class........?

i'd say that is a good bargain....

Again, why must that be attached to middle class tax cuts? Answer, it doesn't unless you know you can't get the votes for it and are willing to hold tax cuts hostage to get it passed. I'm glad you think bargaining with the tax cuts of middle class americans is acceptable. It shows what really matters to you....and its not the middle class.

you are one damn fool....

the only reason there aren't enough votes for the pipeline is because the DIMWITS are against's the DIMWITS who are holding up OVER 100,000 JOBS for the middle class....

that's why it was attached....

but i guess you'd rather it was shipped off to Red China....:mad:

So its either we get both the tax cuts for middle class Americans AND the pipeline or nothing? Is that where you stand?
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

well that would be lie of course.. but that's what demoncrats dew. they look ewe right in the eye and they lie.. the only difference in the Republicans and the demoncrats is the time frame.. the demoncrats want tax cuts for two months and the Republicans want tax cuts for a full year. so go suck a lemon with yer lies old rocks.

They only wanted the year deal after the senate hashed everything out. We don't care what Boehner wants. Let him suffer the voter's wrath.
Again, why must that be attached to middle class tax cuts? Answer, it doesn't unless you know you can't get the votes for it and are willing to hold tax cuts hostage to get it passed. I'm glad you think bargaining with the tax cuts of middle class americans is acceptable. It shows what really matters to you....and its not the middle class.

you are one damn fool....

the only reason there aren't enough votes for the pipeline is because the DIMWITS are against's the DIMWITS who are holding up OVER 100,000 JOBS for the middle class....

that's why it was attached....

but i guess you'd rather it was shipped off to Red China....:mad:

So its either we get both the tax cuts for middle class Americans AND the pipeline or nothing? Is that where you stand?

like i said's a sweet deal......Christmas for the middle class......

the GOP is all for it.......WHY aren't the Dimwits....?
you are one damn fool....

the only reason there aren't enough votes for the pipeline is because the DIMWITS are against's the DIMWITS who are holding up OVER 100,000 JOBS for the middle class....

that's why it was attached....

but i guess you'd rather it was shipped off to Red China....:mad:

So its either we get both the tax cuts for middle class Americans AND the pipeline or nothing? Is that where you stand?

like i said's a sweet deal......Christmas for the middle class......

the GOP is all for it.......WHY aren't the Dimwits....?

That doesn't answer my question. Funny how you avoid answering.
Unless your looking for a job on that pipeline. Jobs are more important than the like or dislike of an attachment IMO.

So a few thousand jobs are more important than giving a much needed tax break to over 100 millions americans? Cmon now.

"a few".......?

i wouldn't call well OVER 100,000 JOBS a "few".......

....and when you think of all the family and friends......there will be at least HALF A MILLION people directly affected by these jobs.....not to mention the many more indirectly affected....

what is Obama's problem with helping out the middle class.....?

It's not over 100,000 jobs.

...They all appear to be getting their numbers from the same source: TransCanada Corporation, the company behind the project.

Alex Pourbaix, an executive at TransCanada, told a House subcommittee earlier this month that the project would create 13,000 construction jobs.

"On top of that there are 7,000 manufacturing jobs associated with this project," said Pourbaix. "Twenty thousand jobs in all."

What he fails to mention is that the jobs numbers are based on "person years," meaning the number of people employed could be much lower.

"That may be in some cases one person working six months and another person working six months," says Ray Perryman, president of an economic research firm based in Texas. "Or it could be if one person works two years, that's two job years."

Perryman was hired by TransCanada to look at the broader economic impact of the project. And if you're wondering where Huntsman and Hutchison got the 100,000 jobs-created figure, look no further than Perryman. He adds up all the jobs at all the contractors and manufacturers and suppliers and restaurants and hotels along the way.

"That money gets spent and circulated through the economy so ... the 118,000 jobs is the cumulative total of all that during the construction phase," says Perryman.

And that's also measured in person years.
you are one damn fool....

the only reason there aren't enough votes for the pipeline is because the DIMWITS are against's the DIMWITS who are holding up OVER 100,000 JOBS for the middle class....

that's why it was attached....

but i guess you'd rather it was shipped off to Red China....:mad:

So its either we get both the tax cuts for middle class Americans AND the pipeline or nothing? Is that where you stand?

like i said's a sweet deal......Christmas for the middle class......

the GOP is all for it.......WHY aren't the Dimwits....?

Maybe cause they're not as dimwitted as you think.

Why are you guys afraid to pass a clean bill?
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

well that would be lie of course.. but that's what demoncrats dew. they look ewe right in the eye and they lie.. the only difference in the Republicans and the demoncrats is the time frame.. the demoncrats want tax cuts for two months and the Republicans want tax cuts for a full year. so go suck a lemon with yer lies old rocks.

They only wanted the year deal after the senate hashed everything out. We don't care what Boehner wants. Let him suffer the voter's wrath.

the only liberal voters with wrath about this sweet deal are STUPID liberal voters.....

or else they are weenie greenies....
So its either we get both the tax cuts for middle class Americans AND the pipeline or nothing? Is that where you stand?

like i said's a sweet deal......Christmas for the middle class......

the GOP is all for it.......WHY aren't the Dimwits....?

That doesn't answer my question. Funny how you avoid answering.

i have reservations about socking it to social security.....obvious BO doesn't.....

but i am FOR this bill despite its imperfections if it gets the jobs rolling....
like i said's a sweet deal......Christmas for the middle class......

the GOP is all for it.......WHY aren't the Dimwits....?

That doesn't answer my question. Funny how you avoid answering.

i have reservations about socking it to social security.....obvious BO doesn't.....

but i am FOR this bill despite its imperfections if it gets the jobs rolling....

Anytime you're ready to answer what I actually asked you......
So a few thousand jobs are more important than giving a much needed tax break to over 100 millions americans? Cmon now.

"a few".......?

i wouldn't call well OVER 100,000 JOBS a "few".......

....and when you think of all the family and friends......there will be at least HALF A MILLION people directly affected by these jobs.....not to mention the many more indirectly affected....

what is Obama's problem with helping out the middle class.....?

It's not over 100,000 jobs.

...They all appear to be getting their numbers from the same source: TransCanada Corporation, the company behind the project.

Alex Pourbaix, an executive at TransCanada, told a House subcommittee earlier this month that the project would create 13,000 construction jobs.

"On top of that there are 7,000 manufacturing jobs associated with this project," said Pourbaix. "Twenty thousand jobs in all."

What he fails to mention is that the jobs numbers are based on "person years," meaning the number of people employed could be much lower.

"That may be in some cases one person working six months and another person working six months," says Ray Perryman, president of an economic research firm based in Texas. "Or it could be if one person works two years, that's two job years."

Perryman was hired by TransCanada to look at the broader economic impact of the project. And if you're wondering where Huntsman and Hutchison got the 100,000 jobs-created figure, look no further than Perryman. He adds up all the jobs at all the contractors and manufacturers and suppliers and restaurants and hotels along the way.

"That money gets spent and circulated through the economy so ... the 118,000 jobs is the cumulative total of all that during the construction phase," says Perryman.

And that's also measured in person years.

a job is a job is a job is a job....and your man still admits it's 118,000 jobs....

it's amazing how much crap the Left
"a few".......?

i wouldn't call well OVER 100,000 JOBS a "few".......

....and when you think of all the family and friends......there will be at least HALF A MILLION people directly affected by these jobs.....not to mention the many more indirectly affected....

what is Obama's problem with helping out the middle class.....?

It's not over 100,000 jobs.

...They all appear to be getting their numbers from the same source: TransCanada Corporation, the company behind the project.

Alex Pourbaix, an executive at TransCanada, told a House subcommittee earlier this month that the project would create 13,000 construction jobs.

"On top of that there are 7,000 manufacturing jobs associated with this project," said Pourbaix. "Twenty thousand jobs in all."

What he fails to mention is that the jobs numbers are based on "person years," meaning the number of people employed could be much lower.

"That may be in some cases one person working six months and another person working six months," says Ray Perryman, president of an economic research firm based in Texas. "Or it could be if one person works two years, that's two job years."

Perryman was hired by TransCanada to look at the broader economic impact of the project. And if you're wondering where Huntsman and Hutchison got the 100,000 jobs-created figure, look no further than Perryman. He adds up all the jobs at all the contractors and manufacturers and suppliers and restaurants and hotels along the way.

"That money gets spent and circulated through the economy so ... the 118,000 jobs is the cumulative total of all that during the construction phase," says Perryman.

And that's also measured in person years.

a job is a job is a job is a job....and your man still admits it's 118,000 jobs....

it's amazing how much crap the Left

"Who cares about the truth. If this creates one job, I'm willing to sell out the middle class"
"a few".......?

i wouldn't call well OVER 100,000 JOBS a "few".......

....and when you think of all the family and friends......there will be at least HALF A MILLION people directly affected by these jobs.....not to mention the many more indirectly affected....

what is Obama's problem with helping out the middle class.....?

It's not over 100,000 jobs.

...They all appear to be getting their numbers from the same source: TransCanada Corporation, the company behind the project.

Alex Pourbaix, an executive at TransCanada, told a House subcommittee earlier this month that the project would create 13,000 construction jobs.

"On top of that there are 7,000 manufacturing jobs associated with this project," said Pourbaix. "Twenty thousand jobs in all."

What he fails to mention is that the jobs numbers are based on "person years," meaning the number of people employed could be much lower.

"That may be in some cases one person working six months and another person working six months," says Ray Perryman, president of an economic research firm based in Texas. "Or it could be if one person works two years, that's two job years."

Perryman was hired by TransCanada to look at the broader economic impact of the project. And if you're wondering where Huntsman and Hutchison got the 100,000 jobs-created figure, look no further than Perryman. He adds up all the jobs at all the contractors and manufacturers and suppliers and restaurants and hotels along the way.

"That money gets spent and circulated through the economy so ... the 118,000 jobs is the cumulative total of all that during the construction phase," says Perryman.

And that's also measured in person years.

a job is a job is a job is a job....and your man still admits it's 118,000 jobs....

it's amazing how much crap the Left

It's not "my man" - it's Perry, of TransCanada making that claim - however, that is 118,000 person years, not "jobs".
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

well that would be lie of course.. but that's what demoncrats dew. they look ewe right in the eye and they lie.. the only difference in the Republicans and the demoncrats is the time frame.. the demoncrats want tax cuts for two months and the Republicans want tax cuts for a full year. so go suck a lemon with yer lies old rocks.

They only wanted the year deal after the senate hashed everything out. We don't care what Boehner wants. Let him suffer the voter's wrath.

so you're only for two months? just to hurt Boehner? That's really good thinking.

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