
Hey, that sound like fun ! i give it a try
Puree dedicate too Montrovant :p and all those music games that i create :badgrin: ;)

There are several people that post here on the forum worthy of sending a dedication out to; Dalia, a kindred spirit, though she seems well covered by dedications here; Lucy Hamilton, love her politics, however, same notation... a few others that I have yet to think of a song appropriate for them.
One poster, however, whom I make a habit of reading her posts regularly, though I am not always sure where they are going or if I totally understand them when I am through with the usually lengthy text, but is tremendously dedicated to her ideals and takes a STAND for them in the face of all adversity...
This one is for emilyngheim:
Not that easy to find a video that represents a member in our eyes


Thank you...




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