Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

thats short sighted

I get pissed everytime a democrat or republican gets elected,,,

whats i say about the voters that repeatedly vote for people that lie cheat and steal from them,,,

a box of rocks come to mind
Not like she will write any legislation that stands a chance of passing.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


The democratic process is designed for finding the least common denominator of the perception, wisdom and intellect of the general citizenry and as recent results will attest, it functions nearly perfectly in that role.

"We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Walt Kelly
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?
Not really dumb, just uneducated and a lot slow.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?
Not really dumb, just uneducated and a lot slow.

Does she have a lot to learn? Heck yeah.

Does that mean she's stupid? Hell no.

And as for being "slow" she's been quite enough to come out on top of all the Twitter exchanges and what-not that I've seen.
Teabagger: " I want someone who is an outsider and not part of the rich elite!"

*Cortez elected

TB: " She's poor and has no knowledge of government!" (Proceeds to worship rich stupid man with no experience)
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


Hank Johnson.

Pisses me off, yes!

But far, far worse when the same morons get re-elected by liked minded fools.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

If you don’t recognize that she is truly stupid, well let’s just say it’s a reflection on your intelligence. Sorry.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

If you don’t recognize that she is truly stupid, well let’s just say it’s a reflection on your intelligence. Sorry.
You are falling for the fake news.


Any you're worried about how things reflect on my intelligence?

Smart. Capable. Great leader. Integrity. Honest. Altruistic.

People with all those qualities do not typically go into politics, and when they do, they either don’t go far in politics or they change.

Consider three things that every politician must do to get elected, and the higher the elected position, the more they have to do them.

Compromise your values
Ask people for money
Ocasio-Cortez is no threat to me or any other conservative, and I'm happy that she got elected.

She makes a great poster child to exemplify the looney liberal mindset.

Basically, a one woman comedy show of leftist absurdity. ... :thup:
Pissed? No. But I wonder how those looking to destroy this country managed to devise an education system that produces such idiots so openly and easily, and gets away with it.
Teabagger: " I want someone who is an outsider and not part of the rich elite!"

*Cortez elected

TB: " She's poor and has no knowledge of government!" (Proceeds to worship rich stupid man with no experience)

Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.


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