Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

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she's catering to the elutes from Malibu to Manhantan but alienating Middle America from Missouri to Indiana
Pissed? No. But I wonder how those looking to destroy this country managed to devise an education system that produces such idiots so openly and easily, and gets away with it.

Post of the year, what a burn

She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?
We like her because of the ammunition she gives us.
Ya know, sorta like a mst3k movie
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

If you don’t recognize that she is truly stupid, well let’s just say it’s a reflection on your intelligence. Sorry.
You are falling for the fake news.


Any you're worried about how things reflect on my intelligence?


Fake news? You can hear and read what she says. There is no spin required. See, being a Democrat forces you defend the indefensible from other democrats. I don’t have to defend the idiot things Trump does because I am a conservative and not a Republican. Being an unaffiliated voter is freedom.
She is better than establishment Democrats, she will have a tough time finding Democrats that would back her, she has made an enemy in Pelosi and other establishment Democrats. She will consistently call out the hypocritical Democratic Party and provide laughs along the way.

I imagine in a couple years she will change into an establishment, the corruption and money will eventually sway her like it has others.
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

Post something smart that she has said, that illustrates her superior intelligence and education.

Actually, had Trump run as a democrook, and he could have since he has played both sides (and paid those assholes too) he would be adored by moonbats.

He could say the same shit he says, and democrooks would suddenly loathe illegals, demand a 100 foot tall massive wall topped with a 6 lane highway from Brownsville TX to San Diego with sniper turrets every 500 feet, electrified concertina wire, land mines and armed drones in a 30 mile no mans land on mexican soil.

They are that stupid and would be his biggest zealots, if only he had run as a democrook.

He also wasn't hated hardly at all. I didn't care for the guy but I didn't hate him. I figured he was just another elitist pig who posed for picks with the Clintons. Libturds didn't hate him because he voiced support for gun control at one point and told Larry King democrooks manage the economy better.

Now, I love the guy. He beat hitlery and repaired the meat puppet faggot's regressive agenda.

Everything else he does from here is just fluff.

Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

images (8).jpeg
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

She is book smart, street smart she has a ways to go but she will eventually get there, she will do fine until she is corrupted by Congress like everyone else that has come along.
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

images (9).jpeg
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

Post something smart that she has said, that illustrates her superior intelligence and education.

Personally, I like the "green new deal" she is backing and describing. Thanks for asking!
Even stupid idiot left wingers are entitled to a representative in congress, hence Cortez the moron.
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

Post something smart that she has said, that illustrates her superior intelligence and education.

Personally, I like the "green new deal" she is backing and describing. Thanks for asking!

Of course you would commie, I take it you never took an economics course In your life

Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

Post something smart that she has said, that illustrates her superior intelligence and education.

Personally, I like the "green new deal" she is backing and describing. Thanks for asking!
Yeah, a definite confirmed idiot voter right here.

This is how we get these morons elected.

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