Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

Results are only viewable after voting.
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.

That’s your baseline, huh?

How do you think AOC would do?

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?
Not really dumb, just uneducated and a lot slow.

Does she have a lot to learn? Heck yeah.

Does that mean she's stupid? Hell no.

And as for being "slow" she's been quite enough to come out on top of all the Twitter exchanges and what-not that I've seen.

When is she going to finally learn the stuff she should’ve learned in high school?
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.

That’s your baseline, huh?

How do you think AOC would do?

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.

I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.

That’s your baseline, huh?

How do you think AOC would do?

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.

I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.

Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.

That’s your baseline, huh?

How do you think AOC would do?

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.

I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.

Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.

I suggested to visualize two debates between Cortez and two opponents with identical or at least similar capabilities in order to determine a winner, precisely because there is no link to such now.

Check with me in two years whose memory will be more faded, Cortez or Candace Evans.

For expanding your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots there is a marvelous implement known as mirror.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

I have met many semi-retarded Republican representatives.
That’s your baseline, huh?

How do you think AOC would do?

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.

I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.

Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.

I suggested to visualize two debates between Cortez and two opponents with identical or at least similar capabilities in order to determine a winner, precisely because there is no link to such now.

Check with me in two years whose memory will be more faded, Cortez or Candace Evans.

For expanding your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots there is a marvelous implement known as mirror.


You’ve already forgotten her.

Too perfect.

Oh....and Cortez will likely be the a US Representative for many, many years. She’s in a safe district. Her performance may be good. It may not be. But like Louie Gohmert or Matt Gaetz. You can be a total idiot and still keep a job in Congress if you live in a safe district.
Last edited:
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


The one thing I have learned about Ms. Cortez is that she is anything but stupid. I do find it interesting that once again, the right wing is attacking a strong, intelligent woman with accusations of stupidity, or mental incapacity. "Low IQ Maxine Waters", "Crazy Eyes Cortez", "Pochahantas".

You've been laughing at the women ever since millions of women marched against Donald Trump the day after his inauguration, and you're still mocking powerful women as stupid or crazy. Women are the majority of voters in this country and more and more women are coming to the conclusion that the Republican Party, top to bottom, is unfit to govern the lives of women. Women voted Republicans out of the House. And you know who's doing it? The BLACK WOMEN. The Black women have not and will not vote for Donald J. Trump because the black women, the Hispanic women and the Asian women are all smart enough to know a liar and a conman when they see one. The white women went along with this husbands on Trump in 2016, but they sure as hell said "No fucking way" to him in 2018.

Right wingers like to denigrate women by calling them "stupid" or "crazy". This is the mistake the right makes over and over. It's why you're losing white women voters at every turn. We see what you're doing here, and what you've always done as soon as women start achieving power.

You figure if you make it hard enough for women to run for and hold public office, they'll drop out. They won't want to be shamed, humiliated, lied about and bullied, and they won't continue to strip the white males who currently have a stranglehold on the leadership and direction of the current itteration of the Republican Party, which elected a self-admitted serial sexual predator to the Office of President, and installed a drunked frat boy with a long history of misogynistic behaviour towards women, on the Supreme Court, while cancelling the birth control mandate in the Affordable Care Act, and attempting to defund and shut down Planned Parenthood, thereby seriously limiting women's access to safe abortions.

Republicans, having learned nothing by installing a serial sexual harasser on the SC a generation earlier, prove their insanity by doing the same thing all over again and expecting a different result. Brett Kavenaugh's confirmation to the SC guaranteed that the Republican Party is finished as a political movement. It was their last chance to put politics aside and do the right thing for the good of the nation and they failed miserably, and as always, put party ahead of country.

Just as tax cuts followed by a massively ballooning deficit result in stock market crashes and unemployment, Republicans got on that bus as soon as Trump took office, and with his first budget. Then he started a tariff war. It ended Obama's Bull Market, and stocks have been on shaking footing ever since.

Republicans have held the House and the Senate for all but 4 years since 2001, and have controlled the country's purse strings through 17 years of economic upheaval at home, and war abroad, and they are desperately clinging to power, while the country is in a state of severe economic decline which Republicans ignore in favour of distraction and voter superpression.

This party has become so venal and corrupt that it's continuation have become a danger to the Republic. Americans are leaving the party in record numbers and the 2018 mid-terms were the worst President rebuke in American history.

Keep up the good work Grampa. Keep telling us that the bright, capable women voters elect are "stupid" or "crazy". Keep mocking the women for wearing pussy hats, and vilifying them for voting for their privacy rights under the Constitution, and then stripping them of their health care. Every post likes yours tells women the Republican Party doesn't respect women. Keep it up and no woman will vote for Republicans, ever.
How do you think AOC would do?

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.

I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.

Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.

I suggested to visualize two debates between Cortez and two opponents with identical or at least similar capabilities in order to determine a winner, precisely because there is no link to such now.

Check with me in two years whose memory will be more faded, Cortez or Candace Evans.

For expanding your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots there is a marvelous implement known as mirror.


You’ve already forgotten her.

Too perfect.

Oh....and Cortez will likely be the a US Representative for many, many years. She’s in a safe district. Her performance may be good. It may not be. But like Louie Gohmert or Matt Gaetz. You can be a total idiot and still keep a job in Congress if you live in a safe district.

You may learn to regret that prediction.

I base that opinion on similar narrow minded predictions of the presidency in 2016.

Seems to me that you never bothered to remedy your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

Aren't you a Trump supporter?
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

She's cute so I like her. But more importantly, it is better to be lucky than good.
I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea. I haven’t seen her speak to an audience or debate anyone. I know very little about her. I can’t imagine she’d be any less impressive than those two, though.

Palin knows nothing and doesn’t care to know.

Owens is a social media parrot who’s walking in the footsteps of many. You love her because every word out of her mouth is something you’ve heard other black conservative heroes say. But you’d never admit that.

You might have suggested someone like Condi Rice or Nikki Haley if you were looking to see if Cortez had any chops.

I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.

Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.

I suggested to visualize two debates between Cortez and two opponents with identical or at least similar capabilities in order to determine a winner, precisely because there is no link to such now.

Check with me in two years whose memory will be more faded, Cortez or Candace Evans.

For expanding your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots there is a marvelous implement known as mirror.


You’ve already forgotten her.

Too perfect.

Oh....and Cortez will likely be the a US Representative for many, many years. She’s in a safe district. Her performance may be good. It may not be. But like Louie Gohmert or Matt Gaetz. You can be a total idiot and still keep a job in Congress if you live in a safe district.

You may learn to regret that prediction.

I base that opinion on similar narrow minded predictions of the presidency in 2016.

Seems to me that you never bothered to remedy your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots.

Hmm. If I thought you had integrity, I’d bet you good money that “AOC” serves at least two terms in Congress.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


The one thing I have learned about Ms. Cortez is that she is anything but stupid. I do find it interesting that once again, the right wing is attacking a strong, intelligent woman with accusations of stupidity, or mental incapacity. "Low IQ Maxine Waters", "Crazy Eyes Cortez", "Pochahantas".

You've been laughing at the women ever since millions of women marched against Donald Trump the day after his inauguration, and you're still mocking powerful women as stupid or crazy. Women are the majority of voters in this country and more and more women are coming to the conclusion that the Republican Party, top to bottom, is unfit to govern the lives of women. Women voted Republicans out of the House. And you know who's doing it? The BLACK WOMEN. The Black women have not and will not vote for Donald J. Trump because the black women, the Hispanic women and the Asian women are all smart enough to know a liar and a conman when they see one. The white women went along with this husbands on Trump in 2016, but they sure as hell said "No fucking way" to him in 2018.

Right wingers like to denigrate women by calling them "stupid" or "crazy". This is the mistake the right makes over and over. It's why you're losing white women voters at every turn. We see what you're doing here, and what you've always done as soon as women start achieving power.

You figure if you make it hard enough for women to run for and hold public office, they'll drop out. They won't want to be shamed, humiliated, lied about and bullied, and they won't continue to strip the white males who currently have a stranglehold on the leadership and direction of the current itteration of the Republican Party, which elected a self-admitted serial sexual predator to the Office of President, and installed a drunked frat boy with a long history of misogynistic behaviour towards women, on the Supreme Court, while cancelling the birth control mandate in the Affordable Care Act, and attempting to defund and shut down Planned Parenthood, thereby seriously limiting women's access to safe abortions.

Republicans, having learned nothing by installing a serial sexual harasser on the SC a generation earlier, prove their insanity by doing the same thing all over again and expecting a different result. Brett Kavenaugh's confirmation to the SC guaranteed that the Republican Party is finished as a political movement. It was their last chance to put politics aside and do the right thing for the good of the nation and they failed miserably, and as always, put party ahead of country.

Just as tax cuts followed by a massively ballooning deficit result in stock market crashes and unemployment, Republicans got on that bus as soon as Trump took office, and with his first budget. Then he started a tariff war. It ended Obama's Bull Market, and stocks have been on shaking footing ever since.

Republicans have held the House and the Senate for all but 4 years since 2001, and have controlled the country's purse strings through 17 years of economic upheaval at home, and war abroad, and they are desperately clinging to power, while the country is in a state of severe economic decline which Republicans ignore in favour of distraction and voter superpression.

This party has become so venal and corrupt that it's continuation have become a danger to the Republic. Americans are leaving the party in record numbers and the 2018 mid-terms were the worst President rebuke in American history.

Keep up the good work Grampa. Keep telling us that the bright, capable women voters elect are "stupid" or "crazy". Keep mocking the women for wearing pussy hats, and vilifying them for voting for their privacy rights under the Constitution, and then stripping them of their health care. Every post likes yours tells women the Republican Party doesn't respect women. Keep it up and no woman will vote for Republicans, ever.

Get your physician prescribe you some Imodium.
Ocasio has went from complete obscurity to a household name in less than four months. Now, conservatives are turning her into a superstar. See how well demonizing Pelosi worked for the Pubs in the mid-terms. Demonizing worked out poorly for the Dems with Trump as well. Demonizing often backfires.

So, continue making threads about her, Trumpers. You are making her famous beyond her wildest dreams and magnifying her voice.
Last edited:
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


Not at all. It is reflection of the electorate. It is out system ostensibly working as planned. I say ostensibly because our Gov is selected not elected.
I hold AOC in the same high regard as you show for Sarah Palin.

To pit AOC in a debate vs Condi Rice or Nikki Haley would be like a wrestling match between Hulk Hogan and a six year old.

Learn about parrots.

Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.

I suggested to visualize two debates between Cortez and two opponents with identical or at least similar capabilities in order to determine a winner, precisely because there is no link to such now.

Check with me in two years whose memory will be more faded, Cortez or Candace Evans.

For expanding your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots there is a marvelous implement known as mirror.


You’ve already forgotten her.

Too perfect.

Oh....and Cortez will likely be the a US Representative for many, many years. She’s in a safe district. Her performance may be good. It may not be. But like Louie Gohmert or Matt Gaetz. You can be a total idiot and still keep a job in Congress if you live in a safe district.

You may learn to regret that prediction.

I base that opinion on similar narrow minded predictions of the presidency in 2016.

Seems to me that you never bothered to remedy your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots.

Hmm. If I thought you had integrity, I’d bet you good money that “AOC” serves at least two terms in Congress.

Hmm. If I thought that her constituents had any brains I would disagree with you.
Well, pal, I’ve got lots of experience hearing and watching Palin. As do you. My opinion of her is based on that experience. Apparently, you think she’s capable and should be used as a benchmark for determining the capability of others. That’s a mark on you.

Please link to “AOC” on a debate stage or some other forum where her intelligence and competence can be evaluated.

I suppose you think Owens has developed her own world view. That’s funny. She’ll be a distant memory as soon as the next awesome black conservative voice grabs a few headlines.

I suggested to visualize two debates between Cortez and two opponents with identical or at least similar capabilities in order to determine a winner, precisely because there is no link to such now.

Check with me in two years whose memory will be more faded, Cortez or Candace Evans.

For expanding your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots there is a marvelous implement known as mirror.


You’ve already forgotten her.

Too perfect.

Oh....and Cortez will likely be the a US Representative for many, many years. She’s in a safe district. Her performance may be good. It may not be. But like Louie Gohmert or Matt Gaetz. You can be a total idiot and still keep a job in Congress if you live in a safe district.

You may learn to regret that prediction.

I base that opinion on similar narrow minded predictions of the presidency in 2016.

Seems to me that you never bothered to remedy your woeful lack of knowledge of parrots.

Hmm. If I thought you had integrity, I’d bet you good money that “AOC” serves at least two terms in Congress.

Hmm. If I thought that her constituents had any brains I would disagree with you.

Ahhh. The sweet smell of capitulation.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.

What pissed me off is tRump getting lawlessly hacked and rigged in there in violation of U.S. Constitutional law with the objective to kill Democracy, the well being of society, humanity and the soul of civilization. This also caused a curse as a result of two hellish years dealing with this maniac. tRump, a fool's so-called president.

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