Deep down does it ever piss you off when morons like Ocasio win elections in either party?

Does the election of people as dumb as Ocasio cause you concern?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I dont think she is dumb

Results are only viewable after voting.
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

She is book smart, street smart she has a ways to go but she will eventually get there, she will do fine until she is corrupted by Congress like everyone else that has come along.
Yes, we will see, won't we?
I feel the same way about Democrats electing her as I would republicans electing somebody who insists the world is just 6000 years old and that Satan put dinosaur bones on Earth just to fool us.
I feel the same way about Democrats electing her as I would republicans electing somebody who insists the world is just 6000 years old and that Satan put dinosaur bones on Earth just to fool us.

Or that the bones are chiseled out of rocks by atheist archaeologists...

Or when the GOP picks globalists that are just a little less into communism than Mussolini was.

Yeah, a definite confirmed idiot voter right here.
Sorry Trumpkin, you don't ever get to say this ever again. You cut yourself off at the knees 2 years ago.
Exhibit A. ^^^^^^

Tell me genius how did I do that? Was it my vote for WALKER? Or perhaps all the ANTI TRUMP threads I created pre election?

Thanks for proving my assertion of your sheer ignorance.
She may be dumber than the Guam tip over nut (forget his name). Both parties seem hell bent on electing nuts and it just boggles my mind. How does someone SO VERIFIABLY STUPID win an election? What does that say about us? As a collective we nominated the two most hated people in the country to run our nation. Basically we decided to play Russian Roulette with a damn bullet in every chamber.


She fits the media template for what they want. So they pushed her. She is easy to lead.
Fake news? You can hear and read what she says. There is no spin required. See, being a Democrat forces you defend the indefensible from other democrats. I don’t have to defend the idiot things Trump does because I am a conservative and not a Republican. Being an unaffiliated voter is freedom.

You are self aware, however.

The individual you are talking to is not, and is incapable of understanding politics at any level deeper than a game of Cowboys and Indians.

oops, I'm sorry. Make that evil oppressors and brave indigenes.
Yeah, a definite confirmed idiot voter right here.
Sorry Trumpkin, you don't ever get to say this ever again. You cut yourself off at the knees 2 years ago.
Exhibit A. ^^^^^^

Tell me genius how did I do that? Was it my vote for WALKER? Or perhaps all the ANTI TRUMP threads I created pre election?

Thanks for proving my assertion of your sheer ignorance.

Well. Walker is a moron who’s never had a job outside of politics.
Those we choose to "lead" us are like those we choose to entertain us: A reflection of our society.

From the White House down.

That could scare the shit out of some people.

We chose Trump to lead us because he wasn’t like the previous disaster picks.
And speaking of will notice the entertainment industry hates him?
Worth pondering there. When the rich, the celebrities, the media, the bankers, the career politicians, the powerful oligarchs all hate somebody together ask yourself what they have in common...and note what they don’t have in common with you.
She's not really dumb, she's being attacked by rwnj media.

If you are worried about electing stupid people why don't you start with the *president*?

If you don’t recognize that she is truly stupid, well let’s just say it’s a reflection on your intelligence. Sorry.
You are falling for the fake news.


Any you're worried about how things reflect on my intelligence?


Fake news? You can hear and read what she says. There is no spin required. See, being a Democrat forces you defend the indefensible from other democrats. I don’t have to defend the idiot things Trump does because I am a conservative and not a Republican. Being an unaffiliated voter is freedom.
Wrong. You kids spin every single comment she makes.
Translation~ you're a commie like her and just as stupid.
Of course,she much smarter, more well educated, and more successful than you will ever be. And brown, and female, which REALLY gets under your skin.

Racist much, if you think she is smart what the fuck is your IQ 13?
Yeah , she's pretty smart . And well educated. The reactions to her by the Trump cult could have been predicted by looking at a picture of her.

She is book smart, street smart she has a ways to go but she will eventually get there, she will do fine until she is corrupted by Congress like everyone else that has come along.
Yes, we will see, won't we?

I think she will do fine, she has already pissed off the establishment Democrats and shown them their hypocrisy which makes her a okay in my book.
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.

That’s your baseline, huh?
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 11.08.29 AM.png
I would like to see her in two wide open properly moderated debates. If by popular consensus it was determined that she won either or both of these debates I would relent and admit that she is not an over rated bimbo.

Debate one: Sarah Palin.
Debate two: Candace Owens.

That’s your baseline, huh?

How do you think AOC would do?
Yeah…the OP was schilling for a guy name Todd Akin a few years ago. To refresh the board’s memory, Todd Akin said

View attachment 237883

Goes to show that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle.

The one that takes the cake has to be the black Democrat who whined that 200 million slaves were brought from Africa and so many died on the way that dumping their dead bodies in the Atlantic Ocean changed the migration of sharks feeding on the corpses.

AOC's opinions rate a close second.

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