Deep State is so desperate to get Trump out, they've resorted to Nazi-like tactics.

Why is that ?

Doesn't anyone else wonder ?

Because Michael Flynn speakum truth???

Flynn is a fucking traitor. And should be treated as such. Let's see what other dirt bags DJT pardons on the way out of the WH.
" Process Of Election Being Decided Is Still In Progress As The Left Throws Histrionic Fits "

* National Socialist Anti-Racist Racist Fascists *

Which tactics are nazi like?
That does not matter , as anyone who disagrees with the left are called nazis , russian collaborators and white supremacists , so applying the same god win standards is fair game .
The fact that Trump was voted out of office has nothing to do with ‘right’ or ‘left’ – it’s just a fact.
" Fomenting Discontent By Denying Transparency And Legitimate Validation Methods *

* Voting Fraud Is Of Concern For All *

The fact that Trump was voted out of office has nothing to do with ‘right’ or ‘left’ – it’s just a fact.
The outcome is not over till it is over and the left fears an independent audit of voting machine software and its event logs , because if they can stalwart that they feel no evidence can be produced .

The left further facilitates fraud by blocking in person voter identification , whether a vote is cast by voting machine or hand held ballot , to ensure there is not a one for one correlation between eligible voter and vote .

* PBS And Pew On Voting Machine Vulnerabilities *

Why is that ?

Doesn't anyone else wonder ?

Its called self preservation. They damn well know that they are a part of the swamp that Trump promised us to rid this nation of. If the swamp is drained, they know they're gone and out of a job with no more taxpayer tit to suck.
He lost an election. He won't be President come January 20th. Get over it, you fucking losers.
Don't bet your life on it- on second thought- maybe you'd feel better if you did.

This election is going to the guys (and gals) who wear black dresses in public, in DC

Election Bombshell! the US Constitution Goes to Court...

In one ruling, a bombshell.

Issued in the late evening this past Friday by Pennsylvania Commonwealth judge, Patricia McCollough, her bold – and absolutely correct– ruling is about to make Nov 27, 2020 the day that the highly questionable 2020 election blew to pieces.

To make matters worse for the Dems, the same day, just down the street from Judge McCollough’s chambers, civil war broken out on the floor of the PA State House. Outraged Republicans announced they would proceed, post haste, to pass a resolution that,

“Declares that the selection of presidential electors and other statewide electoral contest results in this commonwealth is in dispute” and “urges the secretary of the commonwealth and the governor to withdraw or vacate the certification of presidential electors and to delay certification of results in other statewide electoral contests voted on at the 2020 general election.”

When both McCullough’s decision and the PA’s awakening are considered in detail The Keystone State has, after more than two centuries, once again become the epicenter of the war for American democracy.

Over the past three weeks, this ongoing report has documented the intricacies of: the US Electoral College, Media’s complicity as partisan censorship, the initial allegations of mail-in ballot fraud, and the inner workings of American voting machines. All are players in this high stakes drama unfolding before the eyes of all Americans.

If they look.

Outrage is increasing; slowly becoming bi-partisan contempt. Except in the media that has buried this news.

As the author, next in the series, began to examine the illegal, if not unconstitutional, self-serving mandates imposed on the voters by many States’ Legislatures, their Governors and their Secretaries of State, this past Wednesday a story leaked out that lite the fuse of Friday’s bombshell.

In power politics there are few checkmates, but political irony is coming in the form of two previous court decisions, and judge McCollough’s, and are about to force feed these decisions to the DNC’s masters of the universe… for a second time in thirteen days.

This, is the stuff of history!

Three Weeks in November.

As has been suggested previously that all the salacious allegations across the battleground states are legally, for the moment, nothing more than circumstantial evidence. Yes, these allegations are important and together may have much weight eventually in court. This was evidenced by Trump’s handlers losing their case repeatedly in a multitude of jurisdictions.

What has been missing has been a constitutional challenge born of its own merits. Strangely, as the reader will see, those merits became obvious- in writing- first on Nov 3 and again on Nov 6.

When a new law suit was filed on Monday, Nov 23 in PA using purely constitutional reasoning bolstered by the allegation directly germane to the argument, this author snapped to attention. It’s been a very busy week.

On Wed Nov. 25, 2020, PA Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough ordered the state, “to not take any further steps to complete the certification of the presidential race”, which the state already announced on Tuesday. In calling for a Friday hearing, McCullough added, Respondents are preliminarily enjoined from certifying the remaining results of the election, pending the evidentiary hearing .” [Emph. added]

McCullough was presiding over a lawsuit brought by Republican affiliates against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf (D), Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, and the Pennsylvania General Assembly. All four were instrumental, it is alleged, in the unconstitutional passage of Pennsylvania’s absentee ballot and vote-by-mail statute: Act 77. A copy of that action is provided here.

It seems, somebody in Pa- did some hanky panky that ain't quite legal per the Pa constitution- imagine that


At the public hearing, Trump consiglieri Rudy Giuliani appeared as point man with his usual layout of many allegations and presentation of witnesses. Certainly, this hearing was a very partisan showing of self-serving facts by a legion of GOP sponsored camera moths, but their testimony was indeed pause for further investigation; not a cover-up.

The more important charges were:

  • 47 memory cards containing over 50,000 votes are missing.
  • PA’s registry shows 1.8 million absentee ballots were mailed out, yet 2.5 million mail-in ballots were counted.

Of course, not one MSM source covered the hearing and, as punishment for his efforts, Twitter disabled the Mastriano’s account as it did to the author last week. It should be noted now by all that being banned by Twitter, Facebook- and even Parler- is quickly becoming, in the minds of Americans, not censorship, but certification of the allegations themselves.

As goes PA, the voters in both GA and MI will soon watch special sessions of their state congresspersons begin to factually examine very similar claims as those in PA. Other states are sure to follow, if not, their own politicians with stand guilty by the same association to a silent and corrupt media.

Little of this, however, had a purely constitutional foundation.


On election eve Monday, Nov 3 a California judge ruled that Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) overstepped his authority when he issued an executive order amending state election law and thus required mail-in ballots to be sent to every registered voter amid the COVID-19 pan-panic.

In her ruling, Sutter County Superior Court Judge, Sarah Heckman, said that Newsom’s order was “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power.”

In March, Newsom, like many officials in other states, declared a state of emergency in CA due to the alleged spreading of COVID-19. Three months later, in June, Newsom issued a blanket executive order to send mail-in ballots to all registered California voters. Overall, Newsom issued more than fifty orders that changed a number of state laws under the auspices of the California Emergency Services Act (CESA). That law gives the governor the authority to issue orders and rules while suspending certain laws during a declared state of emergency.

But California GOP Assemblymen James Gallagher and Kevin Kiley filed suit against Newsom, claiming his mail-in vote order was a gross abuse of power and an overreach. In May, former GOP Rep. Darrell Issa also filed suit against Newsom, along with Judicial Watch, in which they, too, claimed the order was “unconstitutional.”

Heckman did not overturn Newsom’s state of emergency but ruled the CESA,

“does not authorize or empower the governor of the state of California to amend statutory law or make new statutory law, which is exclusively a legislative function not delegated to the governor under the CESA.”

In an interstate summation of Newsom’s violations, and those in PA and other states, Heckman wrote in finality:

“…the Constitution gives the legislative branch the exclusive authority to make law and the executive branch the power to see that the law is faithfully executed.”

Heckman’s words may very soon be re-written even more powerfully by SCOTUS, a court, that on Nov 6 already agreed with Heckman. Both have embodied in their words a singular constitutional prerogative:

The link provides more details- don't hurt yourself reading though-
Why is that ?

Doesn't anyone else wonder ?

Those who refuse to learn from History are condemned to repeat it. Biden is as illegitimate in 2020 as Hitler was in 1933.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden



"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

21 Reasons why the DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis

1.) Genocide 60 Million Babies murdered- Check
2.) Oppression of Natural Freedoms - Check
3.) They want to ban guns - Check
4.) Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship - Check
5.) Cheat in elections - Check
6.) Above the law - Check
7.) Demand uniformity of the populace in thought and action - Check
8.) Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced - Check
9.) Resorts to crime or violence to as leverage to force change - Check
10.) AntiSemetic - Check
11.) AntiChristian - Check
12.) Anti-Israel - Check
13.) Anti-American - Check
14.) Rules by oppressive decree than legislative action - Check
15.) Implements their own agendas rather than do the will of the people - Check
16.) Blood Thirsty and war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs - Check
17.) Creates Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live - Check
18.) Gains power through Fraud & Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means - Check
19.) Promotes social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation - Check
20.) Believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth - Check
21.) They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in unity by those things they have in common - Check
Funny how the left spent 4 years trying to undermine our democratic process and now suddenly Trump is undermining our democratic process.

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